Always Interrupted | Bradley...

Autorstwa stressednobsessed

11K 210 8

When Anne "Free-Bird" Mitchell is called back to Top Gun she never expected to see some of her oldest friends... WiΔ™cej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 4

854 15 0
Autorstwa stressednobsessed

After wallowing in self-pity, Anne quickly wrapped up her shower. It was only about 1:00 so she planned to go visit Penny at the Hard Deck. She dried her hair and threw on some shorts and a sweatshirt. Then, as Free-Bird was getting her shoes, she heard Hangman's grating voice behind her.

"I can't be the only one that noticed we are dealing with two Capitan Mitchells. Not to mention the resemblance is uncanny," He said as he walked into Free-bird's view.

"Yea. He's my dad. So what?" She responded.

"So what? Well, I don't know if I want to fly this mission now."

"And why is that Hangman?"

"Well, last time a Mitchell flew a big mission we all know it didn't end well for his wingman. I mean 'running out of fuel,'" Hangman made air quotes. Rooster stood up from where he was reading on his bed. "Pretty lame excuse."

"My dad was cleared of any foul play, bagman."

"Is that how you see it?" Hangman turned to Rooster.

"You need to shut your mouth Seresin. You've done enough talking about my father," Rooster spat. He was directly behind Free-bird now.

"You know what, Free-bird, I would be pretty worked up too if my dad was Pete Mitchell. I mean, his flying has to represent his parenting."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"He hits his target fast then leaves," Anne lunged forward but Bradley grabbed her arms before she could do anything. Hangman backed up, a strained smile on his face, he was visibly freaked out, not expecting Free-Bird to lunge at him. Bradley dragged her out of the barracks and into a nearby conference room. Anne walked to the far side of the room and leaned on the large table that sat in the center.

"You know he spews bullshit. Don't take anything he says to heart." Bradley said as Anne took a deep breath. "His insult was shit too." Anne was silent for another moment before speaking.

"Bradley, it's the first day and I already want to leave. How the hell am I going to make it through a month of training?"

"Your Anne fucking Mitchell. That's how." Anne looked at Bradley and a small smile grew on her face.

"I really want to make this mission. But I will not be able to do it if I fly with Hangman." She walked back over to where Bradley was standing and sat down in one of the chairs; he did the same.

"I know, that's why I plan on flying this mission with you." The two smiled at each other.

"You know I had a thing with him when we were in Top Gun?" Bradley's jaw hit the floor.

"You and Jake?"


"No way. Like a relationship?" His volume lowered to a whisper.

Anne chuckled and responded, "God no, more like friends with benefits." Bradley took a moment to think.

"Wow. That explains a lot." Anne laughed at his comment.

"I know right!"

"Wow..." Bradley thought for a moment longer.

"I can't believe you didn't know that. Did I never tell you?"

"No!" The pair laughed again before settling into a comfortable silence.

"I was gonna go to the Hard Deck to visit to my mom, wanna tag along?" Anne said as the two got up and exited the room.

"I would love to but I think I'm gonna stay here. I have a few things I want to do before we really get into training."

"Alight, you know where to find me." Anne waved as she started to walk away.

"Drive safe!" Bradley yelled after her. He watched her walk away, a smile still on his face and a giddy feeling in his stomach.

Anne jumped into her Jeep, turned up the radio and sped to the Hard Deck. She needed to have a good old vent sesh with her mom. When she walked into the bar though, her smile dropped. Already talking to her mom was Pete Mitchell... great.

"I'll come back later," Anne said as she turned around.

"Nooope," Her mom said. "Come back here." Anne walked over to where her parents were standing with her head down. "You two need to figure yourselves out. I don't care how long it takes. I have to take inventory, I will be in the back." Then, Penny walked away. There was an uncomfortable silence.

"You could have killed yourself in training today, ya know?" Maverick said.

"I know. What do you care though?"

"I'm your father, of course I care."

"If you cared you would have come to see me at least once in the past, mmm I don't know, 20 years!"

"You know how hard my schedule is with the Navy. Your dealing with it now!"

"If I had a family though, they would come first!" Maverick was silent.

"Even though that move was stupid and dangerous... I'm very proud." Anne scoffed. "I know an apology would be pointless but I want you to know that I genuinely care about you and I wanted to see you and I wanted to reach out but I couldn't. I sent my letters but never got a response! I am proud of you and proud of how far you've come and I am proud to be your father... even if I haven't been the best at showing it." Anne took a deep breath and closed her eyes as silence fell back over the room.

"Why did it take you so long to say that?" Anne said quietly, her eyes filling with tears. "All I've wanted for years is to hear that my dad is proud of me. Why did it take you so damn long?"

"Honey, I'm sorry," Pete walked forward but Anne took a step back, she had gotten this far without his affection, she didn't need it now.

"I kept all of your letters. I'm sorry I never wrote back."

"Honey you don't need to apologize for anything. I'm the one who messed up. I'm the one who needs to say sorry."

"Does this mean you'll actually give a shit about me now? Maybe call me instead of a damn letter?"

"Yes. Yes I promise."

"You know that if you break that promise it's over. No second chance." Pete nodded and moved forward, this time Anne let him wrap his arms around her. Anne gave a sad attempt at hugging him back. Anne knew she forgave him too easily but all she wanted was a dad. She had gone so long hearing about the amazing Pete "Maverick" Mitchell that was supposed to be her father but she had never met him. She hoped that now, that this time, he would actually be there.

Penny emerged from the back and said, "Are we good now?"

"Yea, we're good," Pete said as they smiled at each other. Penny grabbed a set of keys from behind the bar.

"Anyone want to come fix the boat with me? The engines out, it's a two man job." Penny asked. Pete looked at Anne.

"I'm going back to the barracks. I'm tired and I need to settle before the mission." Her parents nodded in understanding.

"I'll come!" Pete said, turning to Penny. The three said their goodbyes and Anne made her way back to the barracks. Her eyes hung with exhaustion. The emotional whiplash that this day had given her left her spent. For goodness sake, she had cried today, Anne couldn't remember the last time she cried. All she wanted was to pass out.

By the time she got back to base it was around 3:00. She flopped on her bed and before she knew it she was being shaken awake by Phoenix.

"Hey! A group of us were going to go to the Hard Deck if you wanted to tag along?" Anne blinked the sleep out of her eyes and sat up.

"Sure, who's going?"

"Me, Rooster, Fanboy and Payback. Want to drive with me?"

"Yea that sounds fun!" The women made small talk as they made their way over to the bar. It was way less full than it had been the previous night. Natasha lead her to a table in the back where her friends were already sitting. The boys all shouted their hello's as the two sat down. Anne took her place across from Bradley with Natasha on her left and Reuben on her right. Anne could tell by the volume the boys were speaking at, that they had already had a round... or three.

"Took you guys long enough!" Mickey yelled.

"Mitchell here was fast asleep. I had to shake her awake," Natasha joked.

"Hey, if you sleep through enough jet engines revving right next to your ear you can sleep through anything," Reuben raised his beer bottle in agreement.

The group of pilots caught up on everything that they could think of. They talked well into the night and by Annes 4th beer... she was feeling it.

She didn't drink a lot for one not to mention she was shorter than her father and didn't weigh enough for the alcohol to have little to no effect. In her tipsy state she couldn't help but notice the way the dim lighting of the bar made Bradley's features stand out. His hair looked lighter and the little scar on the side of his face was more apparent in the yellow light. His eyes were bright and his jawline... no comment needed.

She caught herself staring and quickly looked away before anyone else could notice too, but when she looked at Natasha and saw the "I caught you bitch" smile she had plastered across her face, she felt herself flush. Natasha just laughed and looked away. Anne slowly looked back at Bradley, who caught her eye this time. His eyes got wide as he smiled quickly then looked away. Huh... maybe she wasn't the only one having "tipsy thoughts".

Somehow, Maverick came up in conversation. Anne suddenly remembered her and her fathers conversation from earlier and her eyes got wide.

"Oh my god! Bradley! Oh I can't believe I forgot to tell you this!" Bradley had an intrigued, and slightly scared, look on his face.

"What? What happened?" He quickly asked. Anne gave Bradley the run down of what had happened earlier. The others at the table listened too, equally, if not more, intrigued. Once Anne finished her story, Bradley stared at her with shock on his face for a moment.

"So you guys are just... okay now?" Bradley asked.

"I guess? I mean, I'm still gonna be harsh because he has to prove he meant what he said but... I guess we made up." Bradley leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"So should I expect an apology of my own?"

"To be honest, I don't think he would have said anything unless Penny made him." Bradley nodded his head in understanding.

"Of course not." He mumbled as he shifted in his chair. There was a beat of silence before conversation started back up and the group quickly got back to their loud laughter and slurred speech. Anne didn't notice that her mind started to wander again. This time, she noticed the size of Bradley's hand compared to the beer bottle he was holding. And since she was looking at his hand she noticed the veins running from his hand, to his forearms, to his bicep... were his arms always so big?

"Anne!" Reuben yelled, snapping her out of her day dream. "You good?"

"Yea just had one more than I should have."

"Do I need to call you a cab?" Reuben asked.

"Nah, she drove with me. I only had half a beer so I'm good to drive." Natasha said. "You however," she looked at Bradley. "Are not driving." His head turned to look at her. His hair was slightly messy and his cheeks were pink. Yep, definitely a little more than tipsy.

"Damn, Bradshaw, how many did you have?" Anne asked.

"Too many," Mickey responded.

"I'm good guys! I-" He said picking up his keys but Natasha snatched them before he could finish.

"Nope! You're coming with us. We'll get your car tomorrow." She said as she stood up. "Come on. It's getting late and you both need sleep." She said to Anne and Bradley. Anne shrugged and nodded in agreement as Bradley sat with a "what the hell?" expression, aimed at Natasha.

"Come on," Anne said, pulling on Bradley's arm to get him to stand up. "See you guys at the barracks!" She said with a small wave, her other hand still on Bradley's arm, dragging him behind her. The three walked out to Natasha's car.

"Your both sitting in the back, I can't handle tipsy people in the front with me." Natasha said as she pushed them towards the back. Anne was coherent enough to still have her wits about her. Bradley however... he wasn't drunk per se but... he was bad. When they got seated Bradley flopped sideways and put his weight on Anne.

"Ow! Bradley you're crushing me."

"Oh your fine," He said as he slid down so his head was on Anne's shoulder. They stayed like that the entire drive back, not moving until the car was parked. Bradley pushed himself up and looked at Anne, they were so close they could feel each others breath. His eyes examined her face, stopping a moment too long on her lips.

"What?" Anne asked, leaning back a little.

"Nothing, your really pretty." He said. Then he turned around and got out of the car. Anne's face flushed and she stayed where she was for a moment.

"Anne, you coming or are you gonna sleep there?" Natasha asked.

"No, yea, I'm coming," Anne responded. She had a smile on her face as she jumped out of the car.

"What's got you smiling?" Natasha asked.

"Bradley thinks I'm pretty," Anne said quietly. Natasha laughed to herself as they walked into the building.


AN: Another chapter down. An emotional one >:). I hope y'all enjoyeeeed! :)

Czytaj Dalej

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