real people - j.k.

By pettigrews_puthay

5.3K 207 192

Lynna is comfortable with her simple life, floating by with her bestfriend. Josh is occupied by his up and co... More

twenty one
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203 8 8
By pettigrews_puthay

Lynna's POV

I had been obsessing over the dinner all day. I cleaned my apartment, making sure to remove anything possibly embarrassing. I made the place smell nice, burning a candle and incense. I wasn't sure what they had in mind for the night, so I prepared the movie collection I had, which wasn't much.

I played my George Harrison vinyl as I started cooking. I was pretty sure I had similar music taste to the boys, but not exactly. I loved the idea of relating and being able to show each other new music.

Sergio looped around my feet as I cooked the chicken, his favorite type of bird. I was trying to make everything perfect. The boys said they'd show up around 6, so I started food a little before as to not keep them waiting.

I was in the process of fighting a jar lid when there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I called.

"Josh and Jake!" They called back.

"Come in!" I replied excitedly. I let out a grunt, attempting to get the lid off.

"You alright there, Lynn?" Josh laughed, noticing my struggle.

"I can't get this jar open." I said, already planning on having one of them do it.

"Let me try." Josh said, making his way over to me.

"It smells amazing, Lynn." Jake complimented, looking oddly thrilled.

Josh tugged at the lid for a moment, making his own sounds of effort. I tried not to laugh, as I couldn't do it either.

"Let me try." Jake said, coming over. Josh reluctantly handed it over to him. Jake gave it one twist, and a satisfying pop sounded as it opened. Jake grew a confident smirk.

"Only got it because I wiggled it loose." Josh defended, making me and Jake giggle at him. I went back to my food, pouring the contents of the jar out.

"We brought tequila, you know, just incase." Josh smiled, holding up the bottle.

"I didn't even think about getting liquor." I said, realizing that I did forget an aspect. "I have vodka somewhere in here though."

"The more the merrier." Jake added. I pointed Josh towards the drinking glasses, allowing him to figure it out. I liked how Josh just made himself at home, not in an overbearing since either. I also thought about how odd this predicament was. I was having two men over, who I only formally met yesterday, and now I was cooking them dinner and drinking with them.

"Where's that cat of yours?" Josh asked after digging around for a moment.

"I'm not sure, he'll come out pretty soon. He's loves attention." I said.

"This the same cat you two chased around the hall last night?" Jake asked.

"Yup, you should've seen Josh fall over." I laughed.

"You left that part out, Josh." Jake said, looking to his brother. Josh shot me a look, only causing me to laugh a bit.

"Do explain, Lynn." Jake edged, eager to hear more.

I explained it, much to Josh's displeasure, and Jake loved to hear it. Almost on cue, a meow rang through the room.

"There's the infamous Sergio." Josh said, now trying to act upset to see the cat.

"How do you manage to keep a cat? I thought we weren't supposed to have pets here." Jake asked.

"I don't tell anyone." I shrugged. "This was the only place I could tolerate, and I was not leaving him behind, so I made it work."

The boys loved on Sergio, and I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me swoon. Something about the fact that they enjoyed my cats company made me like them even more.

I soon had the dinner ready, excited to finally eat. I was saving my appetite for the dinner.

The boys loved it, showering me in compliments. I knew it was good, but not that good. I wondered if they were just being nice, but I don't know why they'd do that.

"I've been dying to ask you guys, what's your guys deal with the music? Like how many shows have you done?" I asked.

"We've had a decent amount, we've released a few songs, we're trying to get signed at Lava Records." Josh smiled.

"Have you ever heard of the show 'Shameless?'" Jake asked.

"I love shameless." I said. I did, it had its moments, but I loved the show.

"Well, they reached out to us, they're wanting to feature our song, Highway Tune." Jake proudly said.

"Oh my god, that's so cool, which song is Highway Tune?" I asked. "I promise I pay attention when you play, I suck at song names."

"You know that one that's like..." Josh mimicked the words, trying to jog my memory. He looked funny trying to act it out, but I focused on remembering it.

"Oh, yeah, I really like that one!" I said. "That's amazing guys, truly."

"We're pretty excited about it." Josh said. "We're slowly making our way up."

"So, basically I have two up and coming stars in my apartment?" I asked. "Jeez, I should be kissing the ground you walk on for when you get famous.

"I mean, if you're into that." Josh laughed. "If you continue to cook like this, I'd consider putting you in the band."

"I wouldn't object." I said, that would actually be amazing.

"Alright, who wants some drinks?" Josh asked, getting up. He had already poured himself a 'tequila-soda.' Jake and I both asked for a drink, I attempted to help, but Josh wouldn't let me.

Josh came over with shots, two for each. I could tell these two tended to like alcohol, and for some reason it didn't concern me.

I felt it go down my throat, trying not to make a face. I looked to Josh to see him giggling at the face I made. They were both excited for the next shot, I agreed for some stupid reason.

"Was there anything you guys had in mind for tonight?" I asked as we moved towards the living room.

"Nothing in particular." Josh shrugged.

"Maybe a movie?" I asked. "I'm not sure what you guys are into."

"A movie sounds fine." Jake nodded.

"Do you have any movies?" Josh asked.

"Yeah, I have some, more indie films than anything." I said, showing him. He looked through them, making little comments as he went.

"Now, don't get me wrong, these are good, but would you mind watching one of my movies? I'm kind of a 'geek' when it comes to movies." He asked.

"Of course, I'm down for whatever." I said.

"I'll go get the movie for you, I need to grab something from the apartment." Jake offered. Josh said some movie I hadn't heard before, and Jake left out the door.

"Do you have any board games?" Josh asked after a moment.

"I have a few." I said. "Wanna see?"

He only smiled in response, making me lead the way to my 'laundry closet,' where I had a few board games and puzzles.

He raked his eyes over the games, his eyes lighting up, I assumed finding one he liked.

"Life?" He asked, looking to me.

"I love that game." I smiled. "I used to play it all the time with my friends."

"My family played it regularly." He reached for the game, barely reaching it in the closet.

"Jake doesn't really enjoy this game, so it makes the idea even better." He said mischievously. I laughed at his need to torture his twin.

"So, Sammy is younger than you guys, right?" I asked.

"Yup, he is quite the character, to say the least." Josh said, making a dramatic look, as if Sam tormented him.

"And Daniel, he's your guys' like best friend?" I asked.

"Yeah, Danny's been with us since before the band started. Him and Sammy have always been good friends." Josh smiled warmly as he talked about Danny.

"That's so sweet." I smiled. "And, I have to say, you guys all have very nice features. I like drawing them, if that makes any sense."

"Lynn, just cut to the chase and say we're attractive." He joked, bumping into me.

"You are one presumptuous guy." I laughed, joking with him. He really wasn't in that sense, just more confident.

"Hey, just because you're envious, doesn't mean you can take it out on me." He smirked, loving being snarky.

"Oh, and here I was, trying to compliment you and you get all cocky." I said.

"I apologize, Lynna, my dear, for being my true, authentic self." He said, oh so dramatically, causing me to laugh at him.

"I do not forgive you, Josh." I said. He rolled his eyes at me, playfully, and sat down on the couch beside me. I couldn't help but notice how close he sat to me. There was the whole couch, yet he chose next to me. Not that I was complaining.

We set up the board game while waiting for Jake to come back. Josh rambled on, telling me about little things. I loved to hear him talk. I really liked his accent, the way he said things, though I didn't understand what he said sometimes.

It took a moment, but Jake eventually made it back. I got the movie set up, curious to see their choice. Jake was a bit off put at 'life,' but he suffered through it for the sake of it.

Josh was a passionate board game player. He was super competitive, even got Jake riled up. We were pretty focused on the game, failing to watch the movie. I loved playing with them, they made me forget that I had other responsibilities. Even despite being nervous, it was easy to forget. And the alcohol helped a bit.

Sergio found his way onto my lap, as if to help me win the game. I wasn't even sure how long it lasted, but it took quite a bit. Jake ended up winning, much to Josh's displeasure. Josh barely beat me by a hundred or so dollars, he was proud of that.

"Think we should rewind the movie?" Jake asked as we slowly got settled in for the movie.

"Might as well." Josh shrugged. "Lynna, do you have popcorn by any chance?"

"No, I didn't think of that." I said. "Frankie probably has some, I could go to her apartment."

"No need, I brought some back with me." Jake said, pointing to the packets on the counter.

"Oh, I have m&m's we could add to it." I said, remembering my stock. I began to rise up, only to have Josh lightly hold my arm down.

"I got it." Josh said, rising up.

"Josh, I'm supposed to be the one doing all the stuff, I'm the host." I said, wishing he wasn't stubborn about this, although it was sweet.

"You already cooked a fabulous dinner for us, I don't mind to put some packets in the microwave." He said. I looked at him with a soft, but exasperated look. I felt like I wasn't being a good hostess when I didn't do simple things like that.

"Remember last night? I said you couldn't go a day without arguing against it." I sighed, knowing he was dead right. He smiled, knowing he had won. He left towards the kitchen, followed by the sounds of beeping.

I told him where the bowls and candies were, and he was back to us with a bowl filled to the brim. We were quick to dig in, it being a nice treat after the game.

The boys were pretty funny to begin with, add alcohol, it's even better. Jake liked to pick at Josh's movies, causing Josh to grow very passionate. They went back and fourth the whole time. Josh liked to explain certain parts, wanting me to get the full experience of it.

I really enjoyed having the boys over, which was shocking. I wasn't big on having people over to my place, it just wasn't in my nature. Now, I have two full grown men, drunk and laughing, in my living room.

"So, Lynn." Josh started, pulling my attention from the movie. He looked a bit funny, smiling dumbly. "How long have you been painting and all that?"

"I guess since early middle school." I said. "I just picked it up and decided I liked it."

"What all do you do?" He asked.

"Well, I draw, obviously, paint, and I like to sculpt." I said. "I made that, over there." I motioned to the sculpt of a woman's torso.

"You made that?" He asked, sounding rather amazed

"Yeah." I let out a nervous laugh, feeling odd about how he actually looked impressed. I wasn't used to getting complimented on my work, or even my cooking.

"And, where do you work?" He asked, finally tearing his look away from the sculpture.

"You know that 'Legacy Gardens?' I work there." I smiled.

"Is that where you take care of plants and things like that?" He asked.

"Yeah, I cultivate the plants in this big greenhouse, and the garden of course." I said. "I love it, I couldn't imagine doing anything else."

"That makes sense considering all of the plants around here." He said, pointing out the abundance of plants in my apartment. "Are you going to college?"

"I was, but...I dropped out." I said nervously, worrying the boys might think I was a failure of some sort.

"We did too." Josh smiled, seeming to notice my worry. "We're dedicating our time to the band."

"That's so cool." I said. "What did you study while you were in college?"

"I studied film, theatre, and some arts like painting." He said.

"I wish I would've done those. I would've been so much happier doing that." I said.

"What did you go to college for?" He asked.

"Law. My dad somehow convinced me to do it. By the way, I absolutely hate anything remotely related to law or politics." I explained. "I tried for a bit, but I felt like I was trapped. So, I dropped out, much to my dads displeasure."

"I'm sorry, that sounds terrible." He said. "What did you want to major in?"

"Environmental science, or anything related to biology or horticulture." I said.

"That sounds neat, why didn't you just change your major to that?" He asked. As I talked to Josh, I couldn't help but forget Jake was there. It was something about the way Josh affected me, around him, I only wanted to focus on him. He wasn't helping my case, he showed no sign of not wanting to talk.

"Because, I didn't have the money. My dad would only help with it if I did law. I had plenty of scholarships, but they didn't work for the school I needed." I explained. "And, I really didn't like going to school anymore."

"That's understandable, but that's kind of weird your dad would only do it for law." He said, only validating my position more.

"I know, right? I don't really care though, I'm much happier doing this." I said. "Do you like doing the band more?"

"I miss being able to study film, but it's worth it. Jake's dream, and I've always loved music." He said. "I still get to do things correlating to film and the arts, so I think it's working out."

"There is just something really cool about you guys, your music, it's not the same. I'm only speaking on my few times seeing you, but it's truly special. I think you guys will grow and be so much more." I said, causing him to grow a warm smile. "And, you guys are so kind, it'll take you far."

He looked at me for a moment, not saying anything. He had such love in his eyes, I could feel his gentleness. "Thank you, Lynna."

I couldn't help the stupid smile I was growing, attempting to look away from his eyes. I struggled to maintain the eye contact with him, it was difficult. I was terrible at looking to people who were looking at me with indifference, Josh was actually paying attention to me.

We stopped talking, settling in for the last of the movie. I could've talked to Josh for hours, he had a beautiful mind. The fact that I was aware of this, and this was only my second night hanging out with him. His energy was pure, anyone could tell that.

After the movie ended, the boys helped me to pick up the kitchen. I insisted they didn't have to, they weren't taking no for an answer. They made it go by quickly, not seeming like a chore.

It wasn't hard to learn that Josh liked to play around, in literally any situation, he was for the dramatics.

We made plans for the next show they had, wanting to get drinks before or after. I also now had an open invitation to their apartment, if I needed anything or happened to be bored.

"We had a lovely time, Lynn, truly." Josh said.

"I'm glad, and I should thank you guys too, you made it so much more interesting than I ever could have." I said. They both laughed, Jake reached out to hug me. I gladly accepted, returning the gesture.

Josh was just as quick to wrap his arms around me. His hands were gentle, yet still managing to hold me tight. I was consumed by the smell of him, his cologne was almost to die for.

We pulled away, I'm glad he did because I wouldn't have remembered to.

"Goodnight, Lynna." Josh smiled.

"Goodnight, Josh." I smiled. "Bye, Jake."

"Bye, Lynn." Jake smiled. I let the boys out, sad they were leaving. I felt the same way I did last night when Josh left. My apartment felt much more empty than usual as I stood there.

I couldn't wait for the next time I saw them. And by them, I mostly meant Josh.

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