The Wish of a Broken Heart

By LovelyLotus84

191 9 7

They say, "Be careful what you wish for." They say, "There's truth to every story." They say, "Karma's a B***... More

Broken Now and Then
Karma's a Bitch
Preparation is Key
A Friend in Need
Friendship and Discovery
Careful What You Wish For
Always Waiting
Turn of Events
Slavery No More
Meeting, Murder, Merriment
Mystery Tea
Travel, Trials, Teamwork
Weekend of Friday the 13th
Break From The Chaos
At The Base Of The Gurík Kímare Pass
Into Gurík Kímare
Weird is the New Normal
The Unexpected
Meet The Parents
Dear Journal... ~Lía~
All Will Be Right
A Mother's Mind
Lía's Return
So, That Happened
Before The Waters
Ay, Ay, Ay, Ay...
Party Slime
Emerald Twilight
Chance Meeting
The Little Girl
Party Preparation, The Hard Way
Celebrate Life
Visitors and Fairy Tales
To Cadíagor!
Changes Are Coming
Irish Cream & Puppies
An Alliance's Reckoning
Lady Marlow's Secret
Last Day in Cadíagor
Varied Partings
Split Decision
Meeting Sínsëar
Family Is Love
Ku Kí
Delegate, For Sanity's Sake
Attack: Part I
Rescuing Ana'el
Attack: Part II
Many Hands
The Divide
Truths Revealed
Checks and Changes
A Momma Dragon
Sleepy Dragon


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By LovelyLotus84

Skírlífr’anatí 21st


Cara and Nimuë are so sweet. I’m afraid for Cara. What if she can’t heal? What if we can’t get others to help? What if we come across edlíduin and they think we abdụcted her and they try taking her? What if she can’t make the journey? What if she can’t handle the responsibilities ahead? Many “what if’s” plague my thoughts.

“Tavi, Cara, may I come in?”

“Please Sáry. You need to see this.” Tavi sounds worried. I rush to his side where he’s readying Cara for her bath. She looks asleep.

“What is this?” I ask. He points to every spot her “Goddess gown” touched. She has deep bruising. Her skin is fine where the cape rested. We didn’t chain or bead it at all. It was only material. How is this possible?

“She was crying in her sleep. She said her shoulders and hips hurt when I woke her. I brought her out and saw this. She’s exhausted. She can barely stay awake. What, what do I do?”

“We’ll double her bathing and rest today. Yesterday may have been too much. The sooner we get to Tírè Eniú, the better. We can turn a force tiesh bed into a lounge. She shouldn’t feel the travel. We should start slow. Get her into the bath. I’ll get Kaenaék.” I hug him gently, “We’ll figure this out, Saho.”

“I know. I’m worried, though.”

“That’s natural. I am as well. I’ll be back soon.” I quickly squeeze his shoulder and leave. With the sound barrier around their tent, those helping care for Cara moved closer. Much closer. I barely have to walk ten steps before I’m at the healer’s tent. It’s a large tent with nine rooms, three off the sides and back. The back corners hold the bathing and relief areas.

“Kaenaék?” I call from outside of the tents door. I won’t enter without permission.

“Come in, Ana.” Everyone is in the main room enjoying their morning java or tea. “You’re worried. What happened?”

“Cara was crying in her sleep. Everywhere her gown touched, she has bruising. She can’t stay awake either.” Worried glances are exchanged. Jajikar Dēvija TáRu, Tu’sí Niledōtu, Jajikar Hemét Geirým, Jajikar Dēvija Eleníz, and Yátu Niliese look to him. He nods. They quickly go to a cabinet for their medical bags.

“May we come?” Revëtu Dēvija Fraí asks for herself and Revëtu Dehjōmen.

“Please. We may need your talents. Will someone please get Lía. I told her she could sleep in, but we need her.”

“I’m already here.” She exits the relief room with Trasa and Soria in each arm. “I couldn’t sleep after all. Neither could they. I knew everyone here was awake and have bottles until midday. The others need a break. They’ll bring more milk after midday rest.”
The vaní giggle, reaching for me. I quickly sweep them up in my arms, cooing to them while everyone gathers their things. Maybe Cara will enjoy seeing them. It only takes the team a few minutes to ready themselves and set their stations up in Tavi and Cara’s tent. We added the medical tent to the side of theirs like a room and made sure no one could see in. Tavi insisted it be soundproof as well.

“Tavi, we’re all here. Who can come in?”

“Kaenaék, Niliese, Lía, and you. No akika or akoka. We aren’t fully bonded yet.”

“We understand. What about Niledōtu? She is family.” He is silent for a few minutes. “Cara will have to approve.” It’s nice how respectful he is of her feelings. While most hayati are loving and devoted, some are not. Many will act and do as they wish without considering their hayati first. Another reason we question some bonds. "Lía, Kaenaék, Niliese, you can go in.” I say, entering the medical room.

“You sure?” Kaenaék looks hesitant.

“I am. He said you three unless Cara approves another.” He nods before they silently leave.

We’re all trying to distract ourselves by making potions and trying to find out how such a light and soft material made her bruise. The slightest wisp of it bruised her. Yet, the cape did not. How is it possible? Is portal damage this horrible on a body? Why does the cape not harm her. It’s the same material, yet it seems to act like it’s hovering over her skin ever so slightly. Hovering…

“Ana?” They come out an hour later. She’s sleeping still and only wearing the cape. It covers her and can close in the front, so she isn’t exposed. It seems sheer and is soft as a petal, but feels like a material she calls microfiber. She identified the material of my gowns as silk, cloaks as velvet, and the gowns of the others as a cotton-silk type of material. None of them are sheer, except Sosyéte’s, but they seem like they should be.

“What could it be?” I question myself in frustration while holding the material Faemála sent.


“Lía, I’m sorry. I just feel awful that she’s bruised again.”

“Nonsense. We know her healing is slow, much slower naturally than what we’ve encouraged. The letter did say something about the gamádír. Perhaps they are supposed to add to it.”

“Metal shouldn’t…”

“It is a conductor of energies, including heka, and it can have properties like force tiesh. Think about it.” She is fiercely serious.

“The force tiesh and metal? It would need to be…”

“Smelted and forged by the best, imbued with heka, and sewn in like thread.” Realization hits me.

“She told us to mimic the cloak and let our artisans shine! She never told us the material was complete. Only the cloak and this piece.” Silence. You can hear a bird fart. Everyone is looking at me after my outburst. Realization is written on their faces.
“Lía, gather Nedressa, Ash’A’firínn, Melana, Valk’elden, Heida, Mali and Devios, Iudeíne, Takatyk’úkti, Brenna and Hellah, Qíqíkem and Larloxé, and Jin’thea. Each is either Wezimkem, Umbazi, VaikaTika, Saucíka, or Zulfí’Heka, or a combination. Give this to them.” I hand her the sample. “If anyone can figure out the heka and skill need to make this, they can. Oh!” I gather all the material we have. I even grab the royal materials from my bag to see if they can treat it as well, “This as well. I’ll leave it to them and let them shine.” She looks surprised at first, then a smile spreads across her sweet face.

“Right away! I’ll make them a workstation. Now that there’s only four tents with rooms and Sosyéte’s being used, we can use the others like this one.” She bounces out of the room. I’m glad I gave her a sister bag to mine. It took nearly half the year to make, but we each have access to the other’s bag contents when need be. She can easily pull tents, furniture, and equipment for the new team. Two little giggles remind me that my family needs me.

Snuggling my daughter and sister, I am thankful for all the blessings we have been given, even when they seem confusing.



The giggles of Trasa and Soria have Cara smiling in her sleep. Soria starts to fuss. Cara’s eyes fly open. She scrambles to get out of bed and heads toward her before I can catch her.

“Inkássa Cara! Please, sit. You shouldn’t be up like this. Dehjōmen hurries to her side and guides her to her seat. I smile to myself. I shouldn’t fear anything about him. Or the others for that matter. They all adore her already and are protective.

“Apologies, it’s… natural for me. I watched my nieces and nephews. I hear a baby, um nanú, cry and I’m wide awake.” Ana giggles as she burps her Trasa.

“Sáry, would you like to feed ti’Sáry Emlimye Soria? We call her Soria and/or Emi.” Lía comes over with the fussy girl.

“Please! Oh my goodness, yes.” She makes ‘grabby hands’ toward the wrapped up bundle. Lía carefully positions Soria in her arms and hands her a bottle. “Why is it pink?” she looks at the milk confused. Lía pulls the covering back and reveals the little álfrám-stríganti nanú. “But?” she looks up at us and back to her questioningly.

“She and Trasa are adopted. They are mixed race orphans. She is álfrám and stríganti. Both races would put her to death. Miwt and Janaka adopted her. We are to take her to Isilmëmírë with me. I begin my training soon.” Lía looks upset. Cara reaches out a hand to hers after balancing the bottle under her chin to feed Soria.

“Tell me?” Lía smiles and sits with her carefully. She tells her all as they care for Soria. She falls asleep in my hayati’s arms with a smile. Lía opens up about her fears and the secret feelings she’s been keeping from us. Why would Eír’s death hurt her so?

“Lía, I think I know who this Eír is to you. We will wait for the En’rux’kulu, but it isn’t hard to figure out if you think about the timing. If anyone looks at you.” She raises her eyes to me and motions with them for me to look at her face. She turns Lía’s face to Ana and I. It isn’t long before I begin to see. Ana cries. How is this possible? “Your darkness will be brought to light soon enough.” She kisses her forehead.

“What, what did you just say?” she looks at Cara in shock and a little fear.

“I said, your darkness will be brought to light soon enough. Why? What’s the matter?”

“We need to speak privately. Now.” She reaches out for Soria and gestures for me to carry her. Ana follows as she leads us to mine and Cara’s ‘bedroom.’ “Please, read this.” She settles Soria on the bed between us and hands Cara a piece of parchment.

“Darkness and light,
Royal blood,
Freely given,
The two combine,
Darkness hidden,
A great light,
Like no other.

Darkness and light,
Love untold did they find,
The two combine,
Darkness walks in the light,
New life we find.

Darkness and light,
Truths they will find,
Bonds of family,
The two shall be,
Light of new life.” Cara reads out loud. A strangled noise comes from Ana. “You know, don’t you?” Cara raises an eyebrow at her.

“Lía, where did you get this?” I have never heard my sodárya’s voice this shaky or scared before.

“Here.” She drops a large journal on the seat beside her. “Every night since my true 13th birthday, they come to me. I don’t understand most of them. I’ve marked the ones that have come true and written on the back who and what they were about.” Ana hands her, Trasa. She is quickly set between us as well. The two cuddle together in their sleep as Ana flips through the journal.

“Prophecies. In my world, Lía is called either a prophetess or an oracle. This first section refers to you, I believe. The second Soria. The last, I’m not sure about.”

“Correct. I think the last refers to them both. Both being adopted into our family has created an actual bond.” My mind goes back to the glow from Janaka as he accepted each nanú vaní into our family.

“Ana, it can’t be. I’m not of royal blood.” Lía protests.

“Royal blood freely given Lía. A blood bond.” Cara says. We all stare at her as we turn pale.

“That’s forbidden.” I tell her.

“Yes, but was this woman a childhood friend of your Miwt?”

“Yes.” We all respond in unison.

“It’s possible they made a blood sister’s pact like we have on Earth before they knew it was forbidden. ‘Royal blood, Freely given, The two combine’ and ‘Darkness hidden’ means she hid you where she knew you’d be safe.” Lía starts to cry. Her tears are hard crystals! None of us comments.

“Why is it forbidden? Tavi gives me his blood.”

“We are hayati. It is different. Our blood changes the offspring of others.”

“Technically, it changes others into royals also. Their tékeredi as well. They can then challenge us for the crown.” Ana explains.

“Pass. I’ve dealt with it enough and have a destiny.” We laugh at her quick reluctance.

“There’s another secret you should all know. Cara will be told this by Miwt. Normally, only the Ren’kazí and Inkássa know this. All Royal Blood Bonded tékeredi are born incredibly strong, intelligent, and khem.” We think a moment.

“But that means…”

“Yes Lía, Uncle Dez is the product of Grand Miwt blood bonding with someone. We believe it was her baijikíí. You are both truly family.” Ana has dropped a lot on us. I turn to make sure Cara is okay, only to find her sleeping soundly with a hand on both vaní with a smile. She is completely exhausted to fall asleep so fast. I wonder how our nanú will look.

“Let’s let them rest. Do we have a bedside cradle?” I ask them.

“We do. Lía, move that chair.” Lía moves the chair I used to sit beside Cara while she slept the first few days. They quickly retrieve and attach the cradle to her bedside and put both vaní in it. Cara instinctively puts a hand in it over them.

“Her world must experience nanú sleep deaths too.” Lía whispers. “I see their wet nurses do the same. I asked. They told me...” She looks sad.

“They won’t. They have all the best care our kingdom can offer.” I kiss the top of her head and guide her out. “Don’t worry. We’ll figure it all out.”

Skírlífr’anatí 24th


Yesterday Kaenaék approached to let me know Cara was stable for travel. The bruising subsided with the extra precautions, but not as well as she did over the first few days. No one knows why she suddenly turned. She told us she has bruised easily her whole life. Rarely like this. Hearing it has happened before has us all curious if it’s one of her episodes.

Today we begin a very easy schedule of:

Midnight – 05:00 Sleep
05:00 – 07:00 Travel
07:00 – 10:00 Break
10:00 – 12:00 Travel
12:00 – 18:00 Sleep
18:00 – 20:00 Travel
20:00 – 23:00 Break
23:00 – 25:00 Travel
27:00 – Midnight Sleep

We’ll start at 7 rajilá for three days, break on the 28th, and reassess. Cara has been firm on traveling with the nanú and their wet nurses.

“It’s easier to watch one wagon than two. I’ll have supervision. I don’t want anyone to suffer with the En’rux’kulu for not walking the required time.” She told our group. Most know she can now speak our language and common. They don’t know Cara and Lía gave her royal language scrolls. Those enable her to know nearly every language of Érishu Tí.

She is still sleeping as I carry her to our family wagon. The special lounge bed has been loosely tethered to the wall, so it doesn’t move about. The nanú vaní’s cradle and the seats in our wagon have had force tiesh and tethers added as well. Many smile and bow as we pass. Few don’t know she is their Inkássa.

“Still clinging to that half dead pet? You should be paying attention to the one carrying your nanú and let me ride in the wagon.”

“Sosyéte, quiet yourself. You said I impregnated you during the ball when everyone saw me leave, yes?”

“Well of course Tav…” I growl lowly, Cara’s eyes open. She looks around drowsily. She smiles at everyone until her eyes rest on Sosyéte. We found out we have a rude gesture in common. The chin flick. It means different things all over their planet. She sends Sosyéte a chin flick with a grin. “You little…”

“Sosyéte, she can tell by your look and tone what you’re getting at. It looks like her people have a similar gesture. Oh, and when you claim I was impregnating you, I was in a meeting with Janaka and the Gudalá discussing this journey.”

I tuck Cara closer to me, turn, and walk away. She gives everyone a sweet little smile and wave as we leave. Whispers about her eyes and how bright her hair is follow. They sound happy. Sosyéte is still sputtering angrily.

“Varis?” he and Sif appear around the back of our wagon, still hidden from sight.


“Cara?” She smiles and reaches a hand out for her. They became instant friends. It’s unusual to have a bond with this great of an age difference, but they are perfectly matched.

“Keep a close eye on her. Ride in the wagon if need be. I have a feeling that creature will try something. If she is telling the truth on when she was impregnated, she will be due mid Oi’nos’anatí.” Our pregnancies last five of our months. In Cara’s time, it would be around twenty-five weeks. Theirs last forty of their weeks, thirty two of ours. Kaenaék and Ana said it was important to know her anatomy. Edlíduin here have pregnancies that last longer. Thirteen of her months!

“Tavi, I don’t want the En’rux’kulu to punish anyone.” Cara was told Mrãtaka and Takatyk’úkti’s story. She has been worried about anyone seeking answers riding a wagon.

“I will be fine, Cara. I have found my hayati. I have nothing to ask them.” Varis reassures her.

“I am too young. The writing states: those under 16 are exempt. I am 13, remember?” Sif giggles.

“I, I forgot to tell you, Miti. I feel like an… wait, I’m not going to say it! Faemála will laugh if she’s watching.” We all laugh. Sometimes, I can feel a warm presence. I believe it is her. It seems like a shaky connection. Cara did say she experienced complications interacting with our world. We load Cara and Sif into the wagon and are soon back on our Ak’hajj. This time, with my beautiful sweet little hayati.

Mik’Oriella 1st


I can’t sleep, not without her beside me. Her bruising has gotten worse. Every slight touch has harmed her. Everyone suggested we sleep separately for her sake. That was two nights ago. We planned on stopping the evening of the 27th to enjoy all of yesterday. Cara wanted us to try making it to Sarit’a’sty De’Kuja City, so we traveled another day. They may have had medicine to help.

It has been too dangerous to stop at all for more than ten minutes until an hour ago. We had to pick speed up as well. The En’rux’kulu rules state: if it is a dangerous area, we could ride. We had already traveled around 226 rajilá for three days until we tried stopping at 25:00. We hadn’t set camp up when the Ash’A Jheili set out an alarm. I was terrified for my family and company.

**Flashback Skírlífr’anatí 27th 25:16**

“Quickly, onto the wagons!”
“Don’t stop!”
“Everyone onto the wagons!”
“Arm yourselves if you can!”
“All those who can’t, get into the front two wagons!”
“Anyone with child or suspect they may be, into the royal wagon!” Rejíí, Sazek, and Sif were ushering us into the armored wagons and helping pack up what had been unpacked. Soon, six other young Ash’A Jheili replaced the kukai.

Sounds of fighting, animalistic growls, and squeals could be heard. If I use my râs growl, it will harm Cara, the nanú, and anyone with child. From the sounds of it, we are in trouble. Eight vanit’a get into the royal wagon. Three are akika. For two, it must have happened during their time before we left.

When they find their hayati, chances of them being rejected increase significantly. Many dehin don’t want to care for another’s tékeredi. True dehin will love them as their own. If they are abandoned, our family takes them in and find them good homes. Some of the older ones choose to train with a master. That is a problem for later.

We ride as fast as our sísakka can run safely. They only stop for ten minutes every two hours to refresh themselves. We add the isilmëmírë water to theirs to help. Thankfully, Faemála sent us jugs of it. She may have foreseen this or suspected the scenario. Úrkom’A’taval is dangerous, even for the fiercest of races.

We ran into the Nákoa Vanit’a from Sarit’a’sty De’Kuja after a few hours. Many, in bad shape. Thankfully, the creatures can’t make it across the Mahan Qacroíí Nile. It is eight rajilá near them and is dangerous to cross without an expert ferry. The city is safe.

They are a fierce and proud people. They would keep fighting without calling for help or notifying the city, but they listened to their Inkássa. While they were checking her to see if they could help her, they were telling me what was happening. She surprised them all when she spoke. They were already hypnotized by her eyes.

“Hurry and send a messenger for help.” She turned to me, “Tavi, please write to Miwt and Ijt. Let them know. We can’t leave our people like this.”

“Yes Miti, right away.” I did immediately and gave it to their fastest Nákoa.

“She is our Inkássa?” They were smiling with joy before fear and sorrow covered their faces. Her condition is frightening. They can’t help her further.

“She is. Tell no one. Her life is in danger. She is already suffering portal and fall damage.”

“I don’t understand.” Their best HëTu said.

“A portal opened in the sky. They fell through.” The horror in their faces matches the fear in my heart. “There are also those who have hinted at killing her and forcing me to marry their chosen. Please keep it secret until we return from Isilmëmírë. Everyone knows I’m headed to Gurík Kímare to ask about my hayati. We don’t need to tell them anything if it slips that I found my hayati. Let them speculate.” They agreed immediately and silently sent word out to find the best healers to meet us in Tírè Eniú. They promised to treat any of our injured Ash’A Jheili who follow.

**End Flashback**

36 hours. We ran for 36 hours! Only 3 hours in stops. Our sísakka carried us well into Khem Kendjam Intaba. I’m estimating they went close to 2,150 rajilá. The force tiesh reinforced wagons helped their speed. In the wild, sísakka can travel 2,300 to 2,500 in a day when migrating. Normally, when pulling a wagon, they can only move around 35 rajilá an hour.

Sosyéte was too frightened to create trouble. Blessings in disguise. Cara gave the vanit’a some sweets she calls peppermints and ginger drops when they became ill. Ana plans on seeing if we have similar plants to make them with. They helped with nausea and bad breath.

Iudeíne and Mrãtaka are two of those with child. Ezereah and Takatyk’úkti asked to take them home after we reach the first stop. The Ak’hajj is dangerous. I am well aware of how resilient our race is, but the stress the Ak’hajj puts on us could kill the unborn. I hope none of these vanit’a experience tragedy.

I look across the tent to my beautiful hayati. Even in her condition, in her waking hours, Cara acted as Inkássa. She didn’t speak in front of those who don’t know she understands us a little. She was still able to communicate what needed to be done and comforted those frightened. Cara is strong, even in this condition.

I had to fight some of the creatures to help keep the wagons safe. They were taller than our wagons, bulky, and hideous. This coming from a dehin whose own people can be on the frightening and less than attractive side. Their smell was a cross of rotten fish, Nimuë’s farts, and a week old abandoned hot sísakka stall. Luckily, their hides weren’t tough around their joints.

No one was killed. A few Ash’A Jheili were sent back home to heal. My right arm is stitched and put back in place. Cara cried when she saw. After a good, hot, long scrub, I held her until she fell asleep. I made sure not to touch anywhere uncovered.

I still can’t calm myself. Fighting and protecting my hayati, seeing her in action, then holding her and knowing she’s safe. I want to do more than just hold her. Closing my eyes, I remember the night we spent together. Her scent, taste, all those sweet noises she made, and her softness.

“Tavi?” I feel her crawl into bed with me. “Need help?” She says with those hungry eyes. It’s going to take everything I have to stay strong. I can’t hurt her again.

Hello loves. Sorry I'm late. My family experienced a death. They didn't see it or listen to my warning. Ignoring diabetes is never good. Please, take care of yourselves and urge your loved ones to do the same.  Have a lovely week.

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