Saving Her

By Skyscraper2010

12.1K 293 63

Lexa, a six-year-old young girl gets taken to the airport with Children's Services in Jamaica. She is suppose... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 5

1K 22 8
By Skyscraper2010

Coming to with a soft gasp, Lexa's eyes snap open in fear of seeing Erik standing in front of her. Looking around confused by the loud beeping and the lights, Lexa spots a familiar face that causes her to remember the night's events.

Opening her mouth to speak, Lexa lets out a whimper as she tries to sit up, but she can't move.

"I see our littlest biter is awake." A woman teases stepping into the room to check vitals and such, "If you promise not to bite anyone else, I will let you go."

Nodding, the woman sighs.

"Can you speak at all?"

Lexa shakes her head sadly.

"Are you mute or something?"

"She can speak, but her mom never taught her or let her go to school." Mick answers tiredly.

"Who are you?"

"Michaela Stone. I am on Lexa's duty for the NYPD." Mick replies. The woman hums before looking back at Lexa.

"Tell her no more biting people then."

"She understands you perfectly." Mick winks at Lexa, "Right, sweetie?"

Lexa nods. Feeling one wrist get freed, the woman releases the other before raising the bed, so Lexa is reclining.

"She's in your hands now, Michaela." The woman states before closing the door slightly and continuing her rounds.

"Sounds all good to me." Mick grins before closing the door fully. Turning back to Lexa, Mick pulls over her chair so she and Lexa can talk freely. Mick already got Lexa's chart copied for her chief, "How are you feeling, sweetheart?"

"Okay." Lexa whispers shyly and exhausted.

"Would you like some apple juice?" Watching Lexa nod, Mick pulls out the apple juice she bought Lexa on her way up a few hours ago. Opening it and adding the straw, Mick brings it over and lets Lexa drink some before setting it on the rolling table, "Now, Lexa, there are two things I wanted to ask you about and to tell you."

Watching the little girl before her nod, Mick smiles as Lexa patiently waits.

"Do you remember how on the plane I brought up the police department I was having trouble with?" Lexa nods, "One of the tasks the officers and detectives are given is to get answers of what happened from the people who were or are in danger. Does that kind of make sense?" Lexa smiles weakly and nods once more, "Well, I was told to get the answers from you verbally even if they are short answers."

"Okay?" Lexa struggles to answer verbally.

"It's so Erik can never hurt you or anyone again. Now, the last thing was, I already planned to see if I can become a guardian of yours. It will take time, but I'm willing to jump through those hoops. What do you think?"

"Guardian?" Lexa stumbles with the term to understand.

"Some adults like that term. But, you know how Ben and Grace are Cal's and Olive's dad and mom?" Lexa nods.

"They are their guardians. Or another term is parents."

"You'd be my new mom?" Lexa asks slowly to understand.

"Only on two choices, the agency and most importantly – yours."

"I like it." Lexa admits shyly.

"There's no wrong answer," Mick starts before absorbing Lexa's answer, "Wait, you like it?" Lexa nods while biting her bottom lip, "Are you sure?"


"You make me so proud and happy, Lex." Mick whispers as she nervously takes Lexa's left hand and with tears in her eyes.

"Don't cry," Lexa frowns, "I'm sorry."

"No, Lex, don't be sorry. These are happy tears." Mick admits, "I was scared to bring this topic up."


"I thought you would be scared or angry with me for not fighting harder to keep you at the airport." Mick reveals.

"But, you did fight for me?" Lexa shrugs sadly.

"I wanted to keep you safe, even from Erik. But, the law and Erik's rights to take care of you, it was too dangerous. Then, when he filed a restraining order against Ben and I, we couldn't see, talk or hear from you."

"It was Erik's fault, wasn't it?"


"You're here now and there last night. I'm not angry at you. I," Lexa pauses searching for the right word to describe, "Time for work, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"Answers." Catching on, Mick pulls out her phone and pulls out the routine questions from her pocket that the chief gave her. Taking down Lexa's answers and recording the conversation, Mick learns that not only was Lexa raped, beaten to the pulp, but she was abused mentally and emotionally. Lexa even told Mick that Erik tried to play the card that Mick and Ben never called or reached out to see her.

Erik tried to break Lexa's trust and comfort that Mick brings into her life. By the end of the questions, Lexa is exhausted from the endless medication the doctors are giving her but is too scared to go to sleep.

"Ben and everyone will be stopping in to check on you. I just need to run into work and make sure Erik stays off the streets, then run off to Children's Services to put my name on the list to adopt you." Mick smiles nervously, "I can call Ben to see if they can stop in and stay with you until I return?"

"I like that idea better." Lexa smiles, starting to feel less and less nervous.


As Lexa falls asleep finally, Mick hears a soft knock on the door she is next to. Standing up, Mick looks through the window to find Ben, Cal, Grace and Olive there. Opening the door, Mick steps to the side, allowing them in.

"She just fell asleep." Mick whispers to the group so they are caught up to speed and fills them in on the situation at hand.

"So, she wants you to be her guardian?" Grace asks worriedly.

"Yes, and I want to be her's as well." Mick agrees.

"You don't want to get married or engaged, yet you want to be a mom?"

"I'm not you, Grace. I could skip the religion talk, please." Mick states defensively.

"Mom, Auntie Mick and Lexa need each other. More than we know." Cal admits, "Even I see that."

"Cal's right, Grace, just let Mick adjust and learn. Mick needs Lexa, and Lexa needs her." Ben agrees. Hearing Grace groan before falling silent, Mick stands up again.

"I need to get everything taken care of at work then run off to put my name down for Lexa at the agency. Ben, please call if Lexa needs me or to just talk. Do not leave her alone, she needs someone she knows and trusts in here with her." Mick sighs with a frown looking at Lexa who is still asleep.

"I'll be here, Mick. Just head off and we will stay." Ben nods in understanding, "Now, don't be surprised if Cal and Lexa play, or Olive colours with her. I will also text you updates."

"Thank you." Walking the few feet to Lexa's bed, Mick kisses Lexa's forehead and heads out to do her tasks.


Arriving to the police station, Mick signs in before heading to see the chief. Walking through the office building, Mick spots Jared and their fellow coworkers all getting coffee and talking.

"I see the gossip hasn't stopped. That's refreshing." Mick teases the familiar faces.

"Mick," Jared greets smiling.

"I need to talk with you after I'm done catching up with the chief." Mick states without giving her greeting. She's still upset he hasn't said a word to her until now. Jared and Mick never had any communication whatsoever, even when she tried to reach out every evening.

"Whatever." Jared grumbles going to his desk. Turning to leave their coworkers, Mick heads to chief's office and knocks on the door. Hearing him call out her name, Mick slowly opens the door.

"Come on in, Stone. I hope this is good news." Chief greets once Mick closes the door behind her.

"It is, sir. I got Lexa's statement and evidence of what she says is the truth – her hospital records from this visit." Mick reveals.

"That is good news." Chief smiles.

"I got her statement recorded and written down for you."

"Good, I will write my email down right now and you send me the recording." Chief directs, "We can do this action as we speak."

"Sounds good, sir." Mick approves as she opens her new email that Olive helped her remake. Once the recording is sent to him and he proves it is there, they listen to it before chief takes the written point form version, which he approves of, "Sir, may I ask a question about Lexa? It's personal."

"Go ahead." Chief nods.

"Lexa and I knew each other from the flight. She mentioned that she only feels safe with me. I am willing to take her in, but I was wondering if it would be affecting her case?"

"Normally it might, but did you put your name down to take her in yet?"

"No, I will be doing it after my stop here."

"What I will do, is assign her to another officer. But, seeing as you haven't signed your name down, her statement is still valid. If there was another follow-up, then a different officer will be assigned." Chief explains, "Now, I will give you your badge back, and assign you to Vasquez."

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