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By AuroraEvermoore

92.9K 2.9K 74

*Part 1* As a model, Ichika Hirawa can only attend the Night Class to get her Ph.D. When Hanabusa and Akatsuk... More

โ™› Night One
โ™› Night Two
โ™› Night Three
โ™› Night Four
โ™› Night Five
โ™› Night Six
โ™› Night Seven
โ™› Night Eight
โ™› Night Nine
โ™› Night Ten
โ™› Night Eleven
โ™› Night Twelve
โ™› Night Thirteen
โ™› Night Fourteen
โ™› Night Fifteen
โ™› Night Sixteen
โ™› Night Seventeen
โ™› Night Eighteen
โ™› Night Nineteen
โ™› Night Twenty
โ™› Night Twenty-One
โ™› Night Twenty-Two
โ™› Night Twenty-Three
โ™› Night Twenty-Four
โ™› Night Twenty-Five
โ™› Night Twenty-Six
โ™› Night Twenty-Seven
โ™› Night Twenty-Eight
โ™› Night Twenty-Nine
โ™› Night Thirty
โ™› Night Thirty-One
โ™› Night Thirty-Two
โ™› Night Thirty-Three
โ™› Night Thirty-Four
โ™› Night Thirty-Five
โ™› Night Thirty-Six
โ™› Night Thirty-Seven
โ™› Night Thirty-Eight
โ™› Night Thirty-Nine
โ™› Night Forty
โ™› Night Forty-One
โ™› Night Forty-Two
โ™› Night Forty-Three
โ™› Night Forty-Four
โ™› Night Forty-Five
โ™› Night Forty-Six
โ™› Night Forty-Seven
โ™› Night Forty-Eight
โ™› Night Forty-Nine
โ™› Night Fifty
โ™› Night Fifty-One
โ™› Night Fifty-Two
โ™› Night Fifty-Three
โ™› Night Fifty-Four
โ™› Night Fifty-Six
โ™› Night Fifty-Seven
โ™› Night Fifty-Eight
โ™› Night Fifty-Nine
โ™› Night Sixty
โ™› Night Sixty-One
โ™› Night Sixty-Two
โ™› Night Sixty-Three
โ™› Night Sixty-Four
โ™› Night Sixty-Five
โ™› Night Sixty-Six
โ™› Night Sixty-Seven
โ™› Night Sixty-Eight
โ™› Night Sixty-Nine
โ™› Night Seventy
โ™› Night Seventy-One
โ™› Night Seventy-Two
โ™› Night Seventy-Three
โ™› Night Seventy-Four
โ™› Night Seventy-Five
โ™› Night Seventy-Six
โ™› Night Seventy-Seven
โ™› Night Seventy-Eight
โ™› Night Seventy-Nine
โ™› Night Eighty
โ™› Night Eighty-One
โ™› Night Eighty-Two
โ™› Night Eighty-Three
โ™› Night Eighty-Four
โ™› Night Eighty-Five
โ™› Night Eighty-Six
โ™› Night Eighty-Seven
โ™› Night Eighty-Eight
โ™› Night Eighty-Nine
โ™› Night Ninety
โ™› Night Ninety-One
โ™› Night Ninety-Two
โ™› Night Ninety-Three
โ™› Night Ninety-Four
โ™› Night Ninety-Five
โ™› Night Ninety-Six
โ™› Night Ninety-Seven
โ™› Night Ninety-Eight
โ™› Night Ninety-Nine
โ™› Night Hundred
โ™› Night Hundred-One
โ™› Night Hundred-Two
โ™› Night Hundred-Three
โ™› Night Hundred-Four
โ™› Night Hundred-Five
โ™› Night Hundred-Six
โ™› Night Hundred-Seven
โ™› Night Hundred-Eight
โ™› Night Hundred-Nine
โ™› Night Hundred-Ten
โ™› Epilogue
Thank You!

โ™› Night Fifty-Five

244 12 0
By AuroraEvermoore

Yuki's eyes widened after being confronted by the woman. 'What?' 

'She's right.' Kaien stands up. 'You are causing trouble without realizing it, and I'm mostly concerned about how easy it is for you to go to a dorm with vampires and not be remotely afraid. But for now, you are grounded. Go back to your room.' 

I'm not causing trouble, am I? 'What's so wrong with finding answers? I know Kaname has something to do with my past.' 

Ichika turns to Kaien. 'A form of amnesia?' 

'Yes,' replies the man. 

'Well, then there's your answer,' reacts Ichika. 'You can never tell someone who has amnesia everything he's missing. Simply because you would not believe it and it can not be forced or it would give you headaches or even a migraine. All you have to do is wait for it to come back and it will come back. This is something that any doctor would recommend about a patient with amnesia.' 

Kaien understands that Ichika is just like Kaname. 'You are grounded for a week, and I don't want to find out that you sneak out regardless of what is said. Go.' 

Knowing, Yuki can't ignore their reasoning, she leaves the office. 

'I didn't know you would have some medical knowledge.' He sits back down. 

'Just the basics.' Ichika looks outside the window. 'Kaname left for a night, and left me in charge. Therefore, I have a request.' 

He nods. 'And what request would that be?' 

'That I can give Yuki permission to come to the Moon Dorm or not. You already know I'm a Pureblood, and you know what that means.' She folds her hands together on her back. 

'I do,' he knows enough. 'That you have control over the others if needed. If Kaname trusts you, I don't see why not. I know it happens sometimes that he or you have business elsewhere.' 

She turns back. 'It's settled then. Make sure Yuki knows about it as well.' And I will let the others know. 'Don't forget to tell Zero.' With that, she walks out of the office. 


Ichika waits for everyone to be downstairs. 

Takuma gives her a sign when Hanabusa is finally downstairs. As if to say everyone is there. 

'I'll keep this short. I've talked to the headmaster about Yuki, and I'm the one to give her permission if she can come here or not. So if she decides to come here, you come to me but only on nights that Kaname is not here. Like tonight, for example, Kaname will be back tomorrow. That's all.' I only do this because you trust me, Kaname. 

'I've heard that the girl came earlier today.' Hanabusa sits on the armrest of the couch. 'It's always the same and that she needs to talk to Lord Kaname.' 

Ruka agrees. 'Rather rude, as if Lord Kaname has nothing else to do than taking care of a girl. He proves it by being gone for a night.' 

Ichika ignores the conversation and goes back to her study. 

Takuma follows her. 'I guess that you had to show your Pureblood status. Even when I know you don't like it.' 

'Sometimes it's needed, and Kaname uses it with me being around.' She feels his arms around her and leans against his chest. Only for a moment because she turns to him and wraps her arms around his neck. 

He kisses her. 'You did great, and no one would ever doubt you. You know that.' He lets her go and sees a chessboard on her desk. 'Kaname has one too. Are you playing or are you looking for an opponent?' 

'I'm already playing.' I'm just missing a few pawns and pieces. She hasn't got everyone on the board yet. 

'Well, if you want an opponent, I'm all yours, otherwise.' He laughs. 

She smiles back. 'I'll keep that in mind.' 

'With Kaname gone, I can finally catch up on my homework and do some work as the vice president.' He goes to the door. 

'If it's just paperwork, you can do that here too.' She suggests. Close enough, and he can get some work done. 

He leaves to get his homework and comes back. 'It feels like we're back in the library downstairs. Only with more privacy.' 


Ready to go to class, Ichika can hear the girl's yell. 'Is there anything coming like St. Xocolatl Day?' She looks to her left at Takuma. 

Takuma shakes his head. 'Not anytime soon.' 

Great. Kaname does come back tomorrow. Ichika would almost smile when their fans realize that not all men are there when walking by them. 

'I don't see Kaname-san.' 


'Hello, Aido-kun.' 

Hanabusa can hardly deny them any attention. 'Good afternoon, ladies.' 

Ichika sees the others pass her but not a certain blond guy. 

'I hope you had a great day.' 

'Hanabusa.' Ichika sees him freeze for a moment and walks quickly to her. 

'Sorry, Lady Ichika,' Hanabusa mumbles that only she can hear it. 

She stays behind the others, who stopped because of them. 'Don't forget your promise, Hanabusa.' 

Takuma waited for her and stayed next to her. 

'I haven't.' Hanabusa never saw her angry, but he doesn't want to find out that side of her either. One look at his best friend, and he knows that he'll be dragged by his hair if needed. 


The classes went by as usual, and Ichika got her homework. Something she does in her study. Done with one class, she checks her agenda first. No, only three photo shoots next week and divided over three mornings. That means sleeping in tomorrow, and working on my history essay. 

'Do you have much homework?' Takuma looks up from his book. 

'Not really, it's just an essay from history. That always takes the most time.' She answers. 

Putting his pen down, he turns his head at her. 'When is your first photoshoot?' 

'Next week.' 

'Good, you and me together on the weekend. A date on Saturday, I think I know what and where too.' He makes up his mind for a date. 'How about a date every two weeks or something?' 

She puts it on her agenda. 'Sounds mysterious but good at the same time. Just to get outside is all I need sometimes.' 

He gets up and stands behind her. 'I don't like the idea of being locked up in here either.' He starts massaging her shoulders. 'Fresh air is needed even for us.' 

She couldn't agree more and enjoyed the massage. 'That feels nice.' 

'Maybe next time, I could show you where I live with my family.' He turns her with the chair. 'Do you prefer a glass with a blood tablet or do you want to bite me?' He opens up a few buttons. 'What will it be tonight?' 

Seeing his neck exposed, she stands up. 'You know very well that it's more tempting to bite you than to accept a glass with a blood tablet when you open your shirt for me.' 

'Then bite me. I'm just glad that you only bite me and no one else.' Takuma hoped to feel her fangs. 

She catches his chin with her thumb and finger. 'That's because you are my boyfriend, Takuma. I'll either bite you or drink a glass with a blood tablet. I won't bite anyone else.' She kisses him and feels him smile in the kiss. 

He wraps his arms around her when she moves to his neck and bites him. 'I love you, darling.' 


When Takuma leaves the room, Ichika looks at the chess pieces. Only to see a piece come to life and move a few squares forward. Must be a power from Kenji that is mine now. I believe it's called animation. If he has more, I need time to get used to it, and I need to be careful. She picks the black queen. I wonder what she's after. She sends a text to Ami to know how everything is going. It takes a few minutes before getting an answer. My sister had a daughter and named her Ichika. Naming your daughter after your sister is not uncommon but it's weird if you don't have a close bond with her. There was nothing between us, so why name her after me? On top of that, she found where our ancestor was. For what reason, their power? Maybe to gain their power just to get rid of me. I know you never liked me. She reads that Ami doesn't have much yet and replies back. It still leaves the question about Kenji. What made him go on a killing spree and kill every woman with the name Ichika? What happened between Ichika and Kenji? Did my sister have something to do with it? So many questions and no answers. With her new power, she moves a tower. Some pieces are still missing. The question is who am I missing. She moves another piece. I can't forget about your spy. Then to think she's ahead of me. Well, don't worry, when it's about you, I need eyes in the back of my head. Maybe I need to check up on her every day.


Takuma comes back and finds her staring at the chessboard. 'Are you okay?' 

Ichika smiles back at him. 'Do you remember somewhere in the beginning that Kaname asked to bite me? To let Yuki know to be careful around us?' 

'I remember.' He nods. 'After that, you bit me, and Yuki got confused and thought Kaname turned you.' That's when I locked myself up in my room because I saw you go inside his room and stayed there for hours. I thought the worst, for some reason when I should know better. Kaname would never do that to Yuki, she's important to him. 

'Good, I want to do the same to him. I don't like owning someone a favor or request. Nor do I like it the other way around. He did get my powers by drinking from me.' She knew to talk to him first. 

'I'm just glad that you talked to me about this first. So thank you for that.' He understands and realizes a few pawns have changed on the board. 'It wouldn't be fair if he can drink from you, but you can't do the same. When do you want to drink from him?' Thank you for letting me know. I wouldn't like it but I understand your position. 

Telling him, she sees no problems in biting Kaname. It's not like I will kill him or that he will kill me. No, he got to bite me first and it's time he lets me too. 'When he gets back. I'll let him freshen up first, but I'm counting on him to inform me himself when he comes back and that's when I'll tell him.' 

'Don't worry about it, I'm just happy you let me know first. Communication is important in a relationship.' I'm glad you don't wait for him to come back and bite him without telling me. I wouldn't like it. 

She kisses his cheek. 'I know it would feel like a betrayal, Takuma, and I couldn't do that. The first time was different and there was no time because Yuki was so close. Didn't I try to clear it up between us?' 

He smiles nodding. 'That's the night you told me you were a Pureblood.' Vividly, you knew Ruka was at the door eavesdropping and you let your eyes glow up to get me to talk in private outside at the fountain. He could never forget. 

She puts her arms around him. 'Wasn't that also the night that I got on my knees to ask you for forgiveness for lying?' 

'Yes, and I still stand by my words. I never want you to do such a thing again to anyone.' He lifts her chin. 'Not to me, Kaname, or whoever comes along. Others bow or kneel to you, darling.' He shakes his head. 'Not the other way around.' 

'I won't. That was a one-time exception.' I don't plan on doing that. It's the first time I ever showed my submissive side to anyone. I guess I can feel vulnerable with you. No one else made me feel like this. I wonder if he can handle the real truth. 


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