Out Of Focus (Wattys 2023)

By 159jch

1K 347 545

A writer and a stuck-up Australian movie star are both running out of chances to break into Hollywood. All th... More

1. Where Dreams Probably Go To Die.
2. Second & Third Impressions.
3. Oliver's Interlude.
4. Good Day Mate.
5. He Just Said That To The New Oprah.
6. The Literal Red Carpet.
7. I'll Keep Dancing (With Or Without You).
8. Ghosts Can't All Be Not Famous.
9. Tinder Dates/Tinderboxes.
10. Jump, Jump (Everybody).
11. I'm Totally Not Laughing.
12. Sooo, About A Lawsuit.
13. Did You Think We Were Gonna Hug It Out?
14. I'll Take Honesty For 200 Alex.
15. Kentucky Fried Wishes & Nightmares.
16. Divine (Cold Brew) Retribution.
17. No, Nopety, Nope.
18. You're Probably Going To Have To Sedate Me.
19. Is Now A Good Time For The Kangaroo?
20. Oli On The Barbie.
21. There's Something Happening In Room 569.
22. I Feel Like I Should Make A Closet Joke.
23. The Prince Is In Another Castle.
24. Definitely Hate To Burst Your Bubble.
25. OK, So This Is Bad But Also Kind Of Good.
26. That's Definitely A Threat.
27. If This Ain't Some Pretty Little Liars S***.
28. Silly Rabbits & Lucky Horseshoes.
29. Hey Siri: How Do I Go Into Hiding?
30. Six Peas In A Muffin.
31. You're Not Getting Out Of This One, Movie Star.
32. The Totally Not Awkward Flight.
33. Did You At Least Bring Us A Postcard?
34. I Hope You're Wearing Your Big Boy Pants.
35. Happiness Is What Happiness Does.
36. The Second First Date, I Guess?
37. Well, I F***** That Right On Up.
FINALE. No Takesies Backsies.
Author's Note: The Thing About Endings.

38. Of Course There's A Catch.

9 1 0
By 159jch

"I don't get enough time in therapy for this," Lily is saying, woken up out of a dead-ass sleep. "You're going to have to pay my wasting my time fee, and don't play with me hotshot, I know you're good for it."

"I fucked up," Oliver is saying into his phone. "I fucked up bad, I shouldn't have left things like that with him."

"Well, I could have told you that without a 1 a.m. phone call, idiot," she says. "They put something in the water over there in Australia."

She's rolling her eyes now, annoyed that she's probably not going to be able to go back down easily even after they get off the phone; especially with Max hogging her covers and snoring. He's staying the night (a definite first) after Shayne came back to their place saying that he needed to be alone. He hadn't gone into much detail, other than saying that Oliver wasn't sticking around and that he guessed happy endings were only for storybooks. Lily had thought he was being dramatic, but now, as a bumbling Australian asks for her help, she can't control the urge to want to reach through her phone and smack him upside the head.

"Give me a minute kangaroo boy," she says, trying to tiptoe out of her apartment bedroom without waking him. 

He may be annoying, but he is kind of cute like this; when he can't speak. She wonders what that'll mean for whatever kind of future they have. Right now, things are just confusing and fun. It's exactly how she likes it: all coffee, no sugar or cream; black.

Lily carefully tiptoes out of the bedroom, pretty sure he will kill her if she cuts into his sleep. Her small apartment feels cozy and lived-in, a stark contrast to Max's and his brother's pig pin. The walls are adorned with vibrant artwork, reflecting her love for creativity and self-expression. The couch she settles onto is well-worn but comfortable, with a soft blanket draped over the back.

As she settles into the couch, Lily brings the phone to her ear and leans back, closing her eyes briefly to gather her thoughts as she shakes off the rest of the sleep. Oliver's voice crackles through the line.

"I don't know what to do, Lily. I've messed everything up. Shayne... he's everything to me, and I let him slip away. I need your help, please."

Lily sighs, her voice softening with a hint of compassion. "Alright, hotshot. I'll hear you out. But this better be good, and you owe me one, big time."

Oliver's voice carries a sense of urgency as he begins to explain his plan to make things right. "I want to apologize, to show him how much he means to me."

Lily interrupts, her tone skeptical. "Apologize? That's a start, I guess. But words aren't enough, Oliver. You can't boombox outside his window your way out of this. Actions speak louder, remember?"

 "You're right, you always seem to be right."

"I know," she says, putting him on speaker so she can grab a nail file, "but go on."

"I want to show him that he's my priority."

Lily leans forward, her voice carrying a sense of urgency. "Alright, kangaroo boy. Here's what you're gonna do. First, you need to have a heartfelt conversation with Shayne. Lay it all out on the table, be honest and vulnerable. Apologize for hurting him and let him know how much he means to you."

 "Sounds like a good start," Oliver says.

Lily continues her voice firm. "I can also provide my shop and coffee services to make it a little bit more special than the run-of-the-mill apologizing you keep doing. Because if there's a way to that boy's heart it's through caffeine."

"I'm just surprised he hasn't had a heart attack with how much I saw him drink on set," Oliver says.

"I'm surprised he didn't slip a little something extra into his drink with the mind games you like to play with him," she says. "You've even given me headaches."

"Is he even old enough to drink?"

"How do you not know how old my brother is?"

They both laugh at that, Oliver realizing there's no way of talking himself out of that one.

"OK, you got me, he told me in a text though," Oliver says. "I think my brain is just fried from all of the random fun facts about women I'm never going to see again I had to cram in my head."

Lily groans. "Please stop reminding me about how much of a low-key terrible person you are. I get the following your heart thing and all, but babbling about the women's hearts you broke is the last thing I want to hear about while you brainstorm getting back into my brother's pants."

There's a long pause there.

"Do you even have a filter? I'm honestly very curious, you're the most Australian American I think I've met. That mouth," Oliver says.

"I'm going to take that as a big compliment."

Oliver chuckles on the other end of the line. "Well, you're welcome, I guess. But let's get back on track here. I need your help, Lily. I want to do something special for Shayne, something that shows him how much I care."

Lily picks up her coffee mug from the nearby table and takes a sip, immediately putting it down when she realizes it's cold.  "Alright, so, I'll lure him out of his funk to The Brew in the morning, whip him a strong cup of his favorite and you'll swoop in. Add your flair, some kind of dramatic gesture, and fix your mess."

"What if I come dressed up as a kangaroo?"

"Do not come dressed up as a kangaroo, I'll kick your ass out," she says.


"Pretty please?"

"You couldn't pay me enough to let a grown man in a kangaroo costume in my coffee shop."

Another long pause.

"Because a certain brooding and stupid Australian just got his cut of the check from a certain reality TV show that blew up in his face, I'm sure the brew could use another investor."

"Ugh," Lily says. "I literally can't stand any of you."

"You're the best big sister ever Lily, Shayne's lucky to have you."

Oliver has yet to tell her something she doesn't already know.


Oliver does, convince Lily to let him come to The Brew in a kangaroo costume, she knows that because she's discretely checking her phone while Shayne's in her passenger seat the next morning. Oliver's sent her a picture of him in said suit, with a big thumbs up. He couldn't look more ridiculous if he tried, and Lily knows she deserves an Oscar for holding it together while Shayne's looking all mopey.

Old Humphrey grinds along the road toward the shop for a few more moments before she breaks the silence.

"You know you're going to have to tell me what happened eventually right?" She asks. "I'm not just going to let you go back into your sad little depressed shell."

"Respectfully sis," Shayne says, "and I do mean this respectfully because you've been a rock through the mess of my life; I don't want to talk. I just want to cry into the coffee you bribed me with because I'm cheap and don't want to use my K-cups."

Lily stifles a laugh, her eyes watching the road, and her brother in her periphery. "I guess you get an 'A' for honesty, but if you think I'm going to let you shut down, you've got another thing coming. Got to keep your creative juices flowing so you can finish your script and get the mentorship."

"I already finished my script," Shayne says.

Lily slams on her brakes, Old Humphrey coming to a screeching halt in the middle of the street. "You finished it without telling me? Have you lost your damn mind? This has to be like the five billionth secret this summer, and maybe I'm being dramatic but your girl is pissed."

That gets an embarrassed smirk out of Shayne as they get a few honks, and he motions her to keep driving, which she does, eventually, glaring at him.

"I finished it last night," he says. "But I don't think I'm going to submit it. I have a few problems with the ending. When I started it I always thought it would end one way, I had it all mapped out. Things took a turn sure, but the characters became something I wasn't expecting. How I wrapped it up, I don't know if I can turn that in. I don't know if I want to be mentored at this point."

"Of course you want to be mentored," Lily practically shouts, reminding herself to kill Oliver with her bare hands if this all goes wrong. "This is all you wanted Shayne. It's why you're here. Who cares if the ending isn't exactly what you dreamed of, I'm sure it was right. You always do the right thing, even when you know you'll hurt yourself. It's one of my favorite annoying things about you."

"You're right, Lily," Shayne says, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I do want to be mentored. I guess I just got caught up in my expectations. But you're my big sister, and I trust your judgment. If you think I should submit it, then I will."

Lily smirks, her eyes still focused on the road. "Damn, straight you will. And you're gonna knock their socks off with that script, Shayne. You've got talent, and this mentorship is just the beginning for you."

As they approach The Brew, Shayne notices something unusual. "Hey, Lily, why is the café closed? Did something happen?"

Lily tries to play it off casually. "Oh, it's probably just a small maintenance issue or something. Nothing to worry about. Let's just head inside and I'll whip up your favorite drink. Max should be here too, we love Max Right?"

Inside The Brew, Lily sets Shayne on one of the stools at the counter while she fumbles with the espresso machine. She quickly shoots a text to Oliver, urging him to hurry the hell up.

Shayne watches Lily's movements with a bemused expression. "You seem a little off today."

Lily tries to act nonchalant, flashing a fake smile. "Oh, nothing, just a bit tired. Don't worry about me. So, the script is done huh? Any details you can share? Spoilers maybe? You know I love a good plot twist. I was watching this show on Netflix where three pair of twins found out they all were triplets, good shit."

Shayne leans forward, his eyes lighting up. "I don't write and tell. You'll have to wait for them to trust me to make it when I'm old and grey first."

Lily's eyes widen as she deliberately spills coffee grounds all over the counter. "Well, I can't wait to see that. Gotta clean up this mess too."

As Lily slowly cleans up the coffee grounds, Shayne glances around, noticing the unusual absence of customers. "Lily, seriously, what's going on here? The Brew is never this empty, and something feels off."

Lily fidgets, avoiding eye contact. "I plead the fifth."

"You know I hate surprises, and where the hell is Max?"

As if on cue, Max stumbles through the backdoor of the coffee shop, holding an actual boombox (Lily is going to kill both of them).

Shayne raises an eyebrow, a mix of curiosity and suspicion in his gaze. "OK, that answers one question. Now, for the more obvious one, what the fuck is going on?"

Lily takes a deep breath, her hands still slightly trembling from the spilled coffee grounds. She meets Shayne's gaze. "Okay, little bro, here's the deal. We may have orchestrated a little surprise for you."

Shayne's eyes widen, and he looks at Lily and Max, unreadable, but not thrilled. "A surprise? What kind of surprise? And why did you involve Max and... wait, is that?"

As if on cue, the door swings open, and Oliver enters the café dressed head-to-toe in a kangaroo costume. He hops towards the counter with exaggerated movements, his eyes locking onto Shayne's. Lily can barely contain her laughter at the sight, but she manages to compose herself enough to maintain the act.

Oliver removes the kangaroo head and holds it under his arm, a sheepish yet determined expression on his face. "G'day, mate! Looks like I've hopped my way back into your life."

Shayne's mouth hangs open, disbelief etched across his features. "Oliver, what the hell is this? Is this some kind of sick joke?"

Oliver's voice becomes serious, his eyes locked onto Shayne's. "No, Shayne, it's not a joke. I messed up, big time. Leaving things as I did... I should have never agreed to that role. I let it cloud my judgment, and I let you slip away. But I've realized something. The movie, the fame, it can wait. I care way more about what you think of me than any stupid role. Shayne, I think I'm falling in love with you."

Lily's jaw drops, her eyes darting between Oliver and Shayne. She can't believe what she's hearing. Oliver, the reckless and impulsive Australian, lays it all on the line for her brother. It feels like a scene straight out of one of the movies she's binged watched on her couch while eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's (OK maybe two points).

Shayne's expression changes from disbelief to anger, his voice laced with frustration. "Is this some kind of grand gesture, Oliver? Do you think you can make up for everything with a kangaroo suit and sweet words? You don't get it, do you? You hurt me, Oliver, gaslighted me, in ways I can't even begin to explain."

Oliver takes a step back, his eyes filled with regret. "Shayne, please. I know I've messed up, and I can't change the past. I'll do whatever it takes."

Shayne's gaze softens, his anger giving way to a mixture of vulnerability and longing. He takes a moment to collect his thoughts, and then he speaks, his voice filled with a mixture of caution and hope. "I don't know you anymore, and I don't know if I can trust you."

Before she can fully process her own emotions, Lily steps forward, her voice filled with unexpected warmth. "Shayne, I know Oliver's messed up, and I know he has a lot to make up for. But maybe... just maybe, he's worth a shot. Give him a chance, for both of us."

Shayne's gaze shifts between Lily and Oliver, uncertainty clouding his eyes. For a moment, Lily thinks, it seems like he might consider giving Oliver another chance.

But then, as if a sudden realization hits him, Shayne's expression hardens. He shakes his head. "You know what, Oliver? I think you getting away from all this drama is probably a good idea."

Lily's heart sinks, and she exchanges a glance with Oliver and Max, all of them stunned. The pleading eyes she gives Shayne don't seem to phase him.

He pushes his stool back, standing up with a sense of finality. "I told you all I need some time to myself. Maybe we all need some time apart for a while if you can't respect that." He walks towards the door, his footsteps echoing in the silence.

Oliver moves as if to follow him, but Lily's outstretched hand stops him. "No, Oliver. Let him go. He needs space right now. We'll just have to respect his decision."

Oliver looks torn, his eyes locked on the closing door. "But Lily, I can't. I need him. I'm broken."

Lily's voice cracks with emotion. "Sometimes, what you need isn't enough, Oliver. We can't force someone to be with us or forgive us. Sometimes, the best thing we can do is let them go and hope that they find their way back."

 As they stand there, lost in their thoughts, The Brew remains eerily quiet, a stark contrast to the vibrant energy it once held. The dream of reconciliation, of finding a way back to Sholiver, seems distant and uncertain.

Oliver's voice breaks. "I think I just lost my best friend."

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