Out Of Focus (Wattys 2023)

By 159jch

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A writer and a stuck-up Australian movie star are both running out of chances to break into Hollywood. All th... More

1. Where Dreams Probably Go To Die.
2. Second & Third Impressions.
3. Oliver's Interlude.
4. Good Day Mate.
5. He Just Said That To The New Oprah.
6. The Literal Red Carpet.
7. I'll Keep Dancing (With Or Without You).
8. Ghosts Can't All Be Not Famous.
9. Tinder Dates/Tinderboxes.
10. Jump, Jump (Everybody).
11. I'm Totally Not Laughing.
12. Sooo, About A Lawsuit.
13. Did You Think We Were Gonna Hug It Out?
14. I'll Take Honesty For 200 Alex.
15. Kentucky Fried Wishes & Nightmares.
16. Divine (Cold Brew) Retribution.
17. No, Nopety, Nope.
18. You're Probably Going To Have To Sedate Me.
19. Is Now A Good Time For The Kangaroo?
20. Oli On The Barbie.
21. There's Something Happening In Room 569.
22. I Feel Like I Should Make A Closet Joke.
23. The Prince Is In Another Castle.
24. Definitely Hate To Burst Your Bubble.
25. OK, So This Is Bad But Also Kind Of Good.
26. That's Definitely A Threat.
27. If This Ain't Some Pretty Little Liars S***.
28. Silly Rabbits & Lucky Horseshoes.
29. Hey Siri: How Do I Go Into Hiding?
30. Six Peas In A Muffin.
32. The Totally Not Awkward Flight.
33. Did You At Least Bring Us A Postcard?
34. I Hope You're Wearing Your Big Boy Pants.
35. Happiness Is What Happiness Does.
36. The Second First Date, I Guess?
37. Well, I F***** That Right On Up.
38. Of Course There's A Catch.
FINALE. No Takesies Backsies.
Author's Note: The Thing About Endings.

31. You're Not Getting Out Of This One, Movie Star.

11 2 0
By 159jch

Oliver can remember scenes like these in movies he's watched dozens of times, but he's never imagined he'd be in one.

Three things are all happening in quick succession:

1. Carmen and Clide have thrown jackets over his and Shayne's heads and are trying to discreetly guide them to the blacked-out car Pen has sent over to their place for them; planning to take them to a dedicated and undisclosed crisis room she's already secured.

2. He can hear Carmen swearing under her breath as she guides them towards what he assumes is the car, only to send them all crashing down into the parking lot when she trips.

3. What feels like a thousand flashes of light descend upon them all, all at once; what he now realizes is a swarm of paparazzi and their cameras.

So much for witness protection, he thinks to himself as they all shield their faces and start sprinting in the direction of the car.

"Oliver, what would you say to the other ladies?"

"Oliver. does this mean the show is canceled?"

"Oliver, what do your parents think about this?"

"Oliver, what would you say to your fans?"

It's a flurry of questions that follows them all the way to the Porsche that Carmen throws him and Shayne into.

"Godspeed boys, we'll look after mister snitch until this all gets wrapped up."

It's all she says, offering a wink before the door is slammed in their faces; leaving only the muffled sounds of noises on the other side; and the sea of photographers for them to stare at in utter shock.

"Well that could have gone worse," his voice says, the first to break the uncomfortable silence, "at least they seem to be focusing all of the heat on me for now."

The driver glances back at both of them with a pained expression on his face, before raising the blacked-out divider in the luxury car and pulling off.

"Define worse," Shayne says, when he's finally seemed to catch his breath. "I can't think of a lot of ways that could have been worse other than my parents physically being here and chewing me out themselves. This certainly isn't going to do me any favors in the respect department."

Oliver sighs. "I'm sorry this has to come out like this. On the bright side, we're both probably cashing our last Hollywood checks."

Shayne smooths down his messy hair and collar before adding, "And how is that supposed to make either of us feel better?"

Oliver shrugs. "I don't know mate. I've honestly just been mostly in shock the past few hours. Maybe a good chewing out from Pen will help."

That gets a long groan out of Shayne who sinks into his seat, Oliver responding with a laugh. He can't believe that they're here, being shuttled away to some undisclosed spot in a city that feels so foreign all of a sudden. It should feel like home, it shouldn't feel like he has to run away from it, but Sydney isn't exactly a fan of his right now. He can't imagine most people are.

"I think it's time for the moment of a truth," Oliver says, pulling his phone out of his pants pocket.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Shayne asks. "My notifications didn't give me a lot of hope that Twitter is going easy on us. God only knows what Ethan posted, and now that we know Chloe's also in on it, it's not looking too hot."

Oliver bites his lip, knowing that Shayne is likely right on that front. He doesn't want to look. He honestly just wants to get to wherever Pen is taking them, apologize profusely, and have her guide them out of this mess. But also, if he's being real with himself at this point, he knows not looking will haunt him.

"I owe it to Alex to know," he says.

"Who the fuck is Alex?" Shayne asks.

"Just a little friend. No one to worry about."

Shayne sighs, laying his head against the window glass. "Good, the last thing I need today is any more surprises. But, if you have to, do it. It's probably better to just rip the band-aid off anyway."

Oliver nods, thumbing open his lock screen, finding the Twitter app, and opening it after a micropause. He's not sure exactly what he's expecting, or prepared for. He scrolls through the sea of tweets, his eyes scanning the usernames and comments. The negativity hits him like a punch to the gut, each hateful message stinging his soul. He braces himself for the worst as he comes across the hashtag #UnfilteredIsOverParty trending worldwide:

@OliverHater247: #UnfilteredIsOverParty This is what happens when celebrities think they can do wtf they want at no consideration to others! Disgusting!

@Fan4eva: I can't believe Oliver would deceive his fans and the ladies like this! We all got played. So disappointed! #UnfilteredIsOverParty

@RealityWatcher: So much for the "real" in reality TV! Oliver, you're a fraud! #UnfilteredIsOverParty

The words cut deep, fueling the doubts and insecurities that had started to surface. But amid the negativity, Oliver also finds unexpected support.

@RainbowWarrior: Sending love to Oliver and Shayne for being brave enough to be their authentic selves. #LoveIsLove #UnfilteredIsOverParty

@InclusiveDreamer: Proud of Oliver for living his truth. We need more representation in Hollywood! #UnfilteredIsOverParty

@LGBTQAdvocate: It's refreshing to see someone in the public eye being honest about their sexuality. Kudos to Oliver for his bravery! #UnfilteredIsOverParty

Oliver takes a deep breath, realizing that while the backlash is overwhelming, there are still voices of support. It's a reminder that he's not alone, that there are people out there who understand and accept him.

Shayne glances over, his gaze filled with concern. "Well?"

"It's a mixed bag," Oliver replies. "There's a lot of hate, but there are also people who are proud of us."

Shayne nods, his expression puzzled. "I guess that's something. We can't please everyone."

Oliver smiles weakly. "See, it could be worse."

The car finally comes to a halt, the driver hoping out and opening the door for them, not a paparazzi in sight.

"Ready?" Oliver asks, his voice filled with determination.

Shayne smiles, his dimple making an appearance. "Ready as I'll ever be."


Oliver and Shayne step out of the car and are shuffled into a tiny building and a bustling crisis room. The room is filled with screens displaying social media feeds, phone operators answering calls, and a crazy sense of urgency.

"So this is what the end of the world feels like," Shayne says.

They navigate through the chaos, making their way toward Pen, who is at the center of the action.

"Ah, there you are!" Pen exclaims, waving them over. "I hope you're happy with the clusterfuck you left me with. Take a seat, boys."

They settle down in chairs next to Pen, who is hunched over a laptop, typing furiously.

"So, how's the outside world treating you?" Pen asks, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Oliver lets out a sigh. "Not exactly the warmest welcome."

Pen pauses, glancing over at them. "You don't say?"

Oliver knows they deserve that.

Shayne leans forward, curiosity in his eyes. "Any idea on the extent of the damage? What else are people saying?"

Pen raises an eyebrow, her eyes scanning the screen. "Well, you've got a lot of angry fans and critics, but there's also a lot of support oddly enough, Vogue is defending it all. It seems like your honesty, despite it not coming out in the most conventional way, is resonating with a lot of people."

Oliver nods. "That's good to know. We were worried we might lose everything."

Pen smirks, her fingers dancing across the keyboard. "Well, you've certainly caused a stir, and the jury's still out on the network. The media circus is going crazy, and I've been fielding calls left and right. We'll need a crisis plan."

Shayne glances at Oliver, a hint of concern in his eyes. "We'll do anything at this point honestly. You got to promise me you'll save him first though, I'm nobody."

Oliver is stunned, turning to face Shayne and grabbing him by the shoulders. "You're not nobody to me. You saved me from becoming everything you thought I was. I won't let them drag you down too."

Pen looks up from her laptop, her gaze steady, seemingly trying her best to avoid directly reacting to the tender moment (so the robot does have a heart after all).

"First, we need to control the narrative," she says. "We'll issue a joint statement addressing the situation. Authenticity will be our key focus. We'll own up to our mistakes, express our commitment to growth, and emphasize the importance of love and acceptance."

Oliver nods, his voice filled with determination. "I'm with you on that, Pen. We can't shy away from this."

Shayne leans back in his chair, a small smile playing on his lips. "And maybe, just maybe, we can change a few hearts and minds along the way."

Pen rolls her eyes. "Things would have been so much easier if you just signed that contract. We have a lot of work to do."

As Pen dives back into her laptop, Oliver and Shayne exchange a glance, Oliver reaching over and squeezing his hand.

"Oh," Pen says. "There's one other thing I need you to do while I get to work on this Oliver."

Oliver raises an eyebrow, confusion settling into his features. He's under the impression that they're a team on all fronts, that everything is playing out as a group effort. What else can he possibly be made to do alone that can help?

Penelope points to a light stand, stool. table and laptop that's been set up in the corner of the room with a beige paper backdrop behind it. "Lisa has scheduled a Zoom conference with the girls and crew after a lot of talking. You're going to apologize and take their questions."

No he fucking won't."

"Absolutely not," he says. "No, let me rephrase, absolutely the fuck not."

Shayne is right there with him on that front. "I'm gonna have to side with him on this one for once, regardless of how much you scare me. I heard him tell you that Chloe was in on this too, there's no way she hasn't already planted her lies in their heads."

Pen smiles, the inpatient smile Oliver remembers she makes when he knows he's about to get torn a new one. "I'm taking care of that myself right now, so you won't have to worry about her. She won't be on the call. Just speak to the rest of them, and for the love of Christ, make it sound convincing."

Oliver is very confused by what that could even mean but knows now is not the time to question it. If anything, regardless, she's right. He owes it to Sophia, Harper, and Liz to explain himself after all they've been through to win his heart; even if it was never on the table.

"Fine," he says, getting up from his chair and heading over to the setup.

Shayne makes his way over as well, but stands in the background, providing silent support as he settles into the chair and clicks on the Zoom app.

"Here goes the rest of my pride," he says, before clicking on the scheduled meeting and watching as the call boots up.

The faces of Sophia, Harper, Liz, and the rest of the 'Unfiltered' crew fill the screen, their expressions a mix of confusion, anger, and hurt. Oliver takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the difficult conversation ahead.

"Hi, everyone," he starts, his voice wavering slightly. "I know this comes as a shock to all of you, and I want to apologize for blindsiding you with the news....again. It was never my intention to deceive any of you or play with your emotions."

Sophia, her voice laced with disappointment, speaks up first. "Save your shit. How could you? You stood in that ballroom, met our families, we met yours. We put our hearts on the line for you, and now it feels like it was all a waste. We feel like absolute fools."

Oliver's heart sinks, knowing the pain he has caused. "I understand how you feel, Sophia, and I'm truly sorry. I never meant to hurt any of you. My journey on the show was genuine, and I loved getting to know all of you. You are all so special, unique, and incredibly complex. But I also realized that there's a part of myself I've been hiding, and it's not fair to any of us to continue down that path."

Harper's voice trembles as she speaks. "So, what? We were just pawns in your game of self-discovery?"

Oliver shakes his head, his eyes filled with tears. "No, not pawns. You are all incredible women. You deserve love and happiness, and someone who can give you that love and happiness. People might think you're just clout chasers; that you never thought this would be anything more than a follower boost. I knew differently. I knew the real women. I decided to be honest with myself and with all of you, even if it meant facing the consequences. I know I said it to a few of the women that I sent home before we all flew here, but what I've been saying at eliminations just applied to me. I was just too filtered. I wasn't being honest, and it cost your trust."

Liz's voice quivers with raw emotion. "I can barely even look at you. And what we've heard about Chloe. I just want to go home. I'm done."

All of the women collectively seem to agree to that, picking up each of their long dresses and starting to walk out of the frame. The next several words are out of Oliver's mouth before he even realizes what he's doing.

"I've made a decision."

The ladies pause as he continues, "I believe that each of you deserves recognition for the journey you've been on. I know this option was never on the table, but the grand prize will be split among all of you, the crew included. Ladies, you signed up to potentially break my heart, it's only fair that I give you what you've earned for breaking yours and embarrassing you. I have to acknowledge the time and emotions you've invested. I know that doesn't just go away."

The contestants and crew all exchange surprised glances, their anger momentarily shifting to confusion. Oliver's unexpected announcement leaves them speechless.

Sophia's voice breaks the silence. "That's... unexpected. But it doesn't change the fact that you broke our trust, Oliver."

Oliver nods, his eyes filled with remorse. "I know I can't undo what's been done, and I can't expect forgiveness. All I can do is take responsibility for my actions and work towards becoming a better person."

The Zoom call ends, leaving Shayne, Pen, and the rest of the folks in the crowded room in stunned silence. Phones that were previously being answered are now just ringing.

"Can he do that without running it by the network?" One of the male operators asks.

"No, but he just did," a female chimes in.

Pen is staring back at him, and part of him thinks she's going to rush across the room and wrap her hands around his throat.

"Well then," Shayne's shaking voice breaks the silence. "That also could have gone much worse."

"I'm going to lose all of my clients after cleaning up this shit," Pen finally says.

Oliver offers a half smile, eyes looking down at the floor. "You did say the jury was still out right?"

Pen puts a hand on her face. "On them not suing you into oblivion. The show is obviously very very canceled."

"Yeah," Oliver says. "I kind of got that impression from the awkward Zoom, but surely they just don't want to go scorched earth on all of it? If we have to get outed like this and potentially blow up our lives, isn't it worth making something out of it?"

Pen starts walking towards them, tilting her head as she does so. Once she's right before them both, she stops, looks at Shayne, then back at Oliver before turning around and raising her arms.

"Take a look at all of these," she says, gesturing towards the screens. "Half of the world thinks you're a big piece of shit, less than that thinks you're a slightly less big piece of gay shit; and what's left over is confused. You'd have to forgive me if I don't think poking the bear is a good idea at this point."

Oliver nods, putting a hand on his chin as if deep in thought. And he is deep in thought, weighing if what he wants to do is the right thing to do at this point. He weighs if it would hurt more than it helps. He weighs if the quirky cute guy next to him is worth fighting the rest of this fight.

"What do you think?" He's turned towards Shayne now, their eyes meeting, a sincerity there that defines any explanation.

"I think you're well past the guy that told me to piss off that day," Shayne says. "I think this Oliver Henderson is learning what it means to be a person instead of a picture again. I think..."

There's a pause, Shayne searching for the right words to say. "I think you know what you have to do. It may be slightly my mess too, but you get to call the bigger shots. No one knows me as they know you. You may not think I'm nobody, but everybody cares about what you have to say next. No pressure, but this might be the biggest audition of your life."

Oliver takes a deep breath, his mind racing with thoughts and emotions. He looks at Shayne, mind finally made up.

"You're right," he says, his voice steady. "This is my moment to make a choice, to stand up for what I believe in and fight for it."

Pen turns back towards them both then. "And what do you believe in?"

Oliver answers effortlessly. "I believe in the power of authenticity. I believe in acceptance and the importance of standing up for what is right and admitting when something is wrong. I have made mistakes, but it's not too late to fix them."

"So, what's your plan then?" Pen asks.

"I'm going to go to the network myself," he says. "I'll explain my decision to split the prize among all the contestants and crew. I'll fight for their recognition and make sure they receive what they deserve. And I won't stop there. If this blows up my acting career, I want to use this attention, good and bad, to raise awareness for LGBTQ+ issues, to promote acceptance and understanding. I want to turn this mess into something meaningful."

Shayne smiles, a mix of pride and support on his face. "I'm with you, step of the way."

Pen looks at both of them, her expression softening. "So I guess I'm revising this statement?"

Both he and Shayne nod their heads.

"Alright then, boys. Time to make some calls, set up some different meetings, and I guess make some early flight plans back to the States. We have even more to do now."

Oliver nods, "Let's do it."

Pen frowns, starts to turn, and walks away, before freezing in place.

"I've talked a lot of shit objectively since I met that chubby 15-year-old boy," she says. "But I'm proud of you Oli."

"One of us has to be," he says.

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