Out Of Focus (Wattys 2023)

De 159jch

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A writer and a stuck-up Australian movie star are both running out of chances to break into Hollywood. All th... Mai multe

1. Where Dreams Probably Go To Die.
2. Second & Third Impressions.
3. Oliver's Interlude.
4. Good Day Mate.
5. He Just Said That To The New Oprah.
6. The Literal Red Carpet.
7. I'll Keep Dancing (With Or Without You).
8. Ghosts Can't All Be Not Famous.
9. Tinder Dates/Tinderboxes.
10. Jump, Jump (Everybody).
11. I'm Totally Not Laughing.
12. Sooo, About A Lawsuit.
13. Did You Think We Were Gonna Hug It Out?
14. I'll Take Honesty For 200 Alex.
15. Kentucky Fried Wishes & Nightmares.
16. Divine (Cold Brew) Retribution.
17. No, Nopety, Nope.
18. You're Probably Going To Have To Sedate Me.
19. Is Now A Good Time For The Kangaroo?
20. Oli On The Barbie.
21. There's Something Happening In Room 569.
22. I Feel Like I Should Make A Closet Joke.
23. The Prince Is In Another Castle.
24. Definitely Hate To Burst Your Bubble.
25. OK, So This Is Bad But Also Kind Of Good.
27. If This Ain't Some Pretty Little Liars S***.
28. Silly Rabbits & Lucky Horseshoes.
29. Hey Siri: How Do I Go Into Hiding?
30. Six Peas In A Muffin.
31. You're Not Getting Out Of This One, Movie Star.
32. The Totally Not Awkward Flight.
33. Did You At Least Bring Us A Postcard?
34. I Hope You're Wearing Your Big Boy Pants.
35. Happiness Is What Happiness Does.
36. The Second First Date, I Guess?
37. Well, I F***** That Right On Up.
38. Of Course There's A Catch.
FINALE. No Takesies Backsies.
Author's Note: The Thing About Endings.

26. That's Definitely A Threat.

13 7 7
De 159jch

The next handful of hours, days, and weeks for Shayne fly by faster than an early 2000s montage.

-Oliver has his one-on-one with the women to "reassure them."

-The ladies all agree to continue with various group dates that Shayne tries to keep his distance from (they're even more cheesy if you can believe it).

-He tells Lily and Max over group chat what went down (which he swears nearly has Lily booking a round trip ticket and Max sharing an obscene amount of inappropriate sexual innuendo gifs).

-He tries his best to avoid giving Ethan false hope but texts him when he can.

-He and Oliver text each other sparingly between all of the cameras, interviews, and speculation; but there's a distance there that makes it a thousand times more frustrating.

It's a routine that almost becomes as easy as breathing. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, and suffocate on a steaming pile of lies that are spiraling out of control.

Before he knows it, the show is in its final week of filming and he's sitting in his hotel room trying to focus while he waits on his morning filming assignment. He's pulled his laptop closer to him from the hotel room desk and is deep in thought as he stares at the screen.

"You can stumble around like a zombie for weeks, but you can't solve your own damn writer's block?" He asks himself.

He's been trying to come up with an ending to his script (one he feels like is laughing at him at this point). It's something Lisa has been EXTRA pushy about since their heart-to-heart, promising to at least get his name and some of his copy to the network for review. His best chance, she's told him, is getting to write for a few episodes of a pilot project to prove himself and working his way up from there.

"It's a long game," she had said. "But after dealing with these....interesting personalities for weeks, something tells me you'll manage."

Shayne rubs his temples and sighs. "Yeah, sure, Lisa. Just need to find that spark of creativity buried deep within my exhausted brain."

He leans back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling as if seeking inspiration from the hotel room's generic design. "What would Oliver do," he mutters to himself (because Jesus has given up on helping him).

His phone buzzes on the desk, interrupting his self-reflection. He glances at the screen and sees Lily's name flashing. Relief washes over him, grateful for the distraction. He answers the call, eager to hear a familiar voice.

"Oh, thank God you're calling. I need a break," Shayne exclaims.

Lily cackles through the phone. "I bet you haven't written any more dialogue for that thing since we last talked."

Shayne chuckles. "Bitch, you know my ass too well."

"Obviously," she says. "So, tell me, Shayne, how's our dear Oli doing? As traumatized as I still am picturing you two getting it on in his agent's room, I still ship it. What did Max call it, Sholiver? Olayne?"

"Olayne sounds like a 1950's grandma name," Shayne points out.

"Boy bye," she says. "I'm going with Olayne then. I'll loop Max in."

Shayne's cheeks flush slightly, but he can't help but smile. "You know, I can't help but realize you've suspiciously changed up how you talk about my roommate you were all but convinced was chopping people up."

Lily gasps dramatically. "Oh no, no, no. You do not get to turn the tables, Adele."

Shayne chuckles, deciding to push her a little further. "You guys been spending more time together while I'm over here or something? I mean, I've seen both of your Instagrams, some of those location picks look pretty similar if you ask me."

"I'm going to borrow his axe to murder you myself if you don't stop."

Shayne puts a hand on his chin, a deliciously evil idea popping into his head. "That's it, I'm adding him to the call."

"Don't you fucking dare!"

Shayne makes a few noises with his mouth to drown her out while he proceeds to do so.

"Hello?" It's Max's voice on the other end, he sounds like he's been asleep (Shayne regrets not being there to keep them both wired).

"If you tell him anything I'm cutting you off of your iced coffee discount," Lily says before Shayne can get a word in.

"Nope, you were my roommate first, and your boy needs all of the deats," Shayne says.

There's a pause at the end while Shayne assumes Max wakes up his brain before a groan follows. "Can we not just tell him already? I mean, it sounds like his shit show of life has calmed down enough."

"No, no, no," Lily says.

Shayne rolls his eyes, firmly closing his laptop and standing up to finish getting ready. "OK, first of all rude; second of all you are telling me."

"Oh my God," Lily says, several times. This is the most fun Shayne's had since his date/not date with Oliver (or maybe since what came after that).

"Dude," Max finally says. "I'm kind of dating your sister."

A moment of silence follows.

"Please, just kill me. Bring your axe over here and kill me," Lily says.

Max groans again. "Babe, I thought we were past the axe thing?"

It's then, that Shayne loses it with laughter.

"Babe? Babe? Are you Chandler and Monica from Friends now?"

Shayne's laughter echoes through the hotel room as Lily and Max join in, their voices blending in a chorus of amusement.

"You two are ridiculous," Shayne manages to say between bouts of laughter. "I can't believe this is happening."

Lily is laughing hysterically still but hasn't said a word (Shayne thinks she might be broken).

He goads them on. "Of all the people, Max, my sister? Really?"

Max chuckles. "Hey, you can't help who you fall for. And Shayne, your sister is amazing. She's funny, smart, and beautiful. I couldn't resist. Plus she makes a killer cold brew."

"I'm going to hang up," Lily says, clearly not too far gone.

Shayne wipes away tears of laughter from his eyes, trying to catch his breath. "Well, Max, you better treat her right, or else I'll come after you with my own axe. I'm only an international flight away."

Lily groans dramatically. "Can we officially retire the axe?"

Shayne's laughter subsides, replaced by a warm smile. "I'm just glad you two have found happiness. You deserve it."

Max's voice softens. "Thanks, Shayne. We're taking things slow and seeing where it goes. Lily means a lot to me, and I want to make her happy."

Lily's voice returns. "You two are going to make me throw up."

Shayne chuckles. "That's an understatement."

They chat for a while longer, the conversation shifting to lighter topics and sharing funny jokes.

Eventually, they say their goodbyes, promising to keep each other updated (Shayne specifically asks for notice if they have sex on his couch, but gets hung up on).

He glances at his laptop, the unfinished script still waiting for him; taunting him.

"Not today Satan," he says, swinging his backpack over his shoulder and heading towards the elevator.

He's pleasantly surprised to see Lisa coming out of her room a few doors down, clipboard gripped tightly in her hands as usual. For once in the last few weeks she looks kind of rested.

"Well hello there beautiful," he says, swinging an arm over her shoulder after she locks her door.

She shrugs him off with a chuckle as they head towards the elevator. "You're in a cheery mood versus the zombie I've seen the past few weeks. You finish the script?"

"No," Shayne says, pressing the down button on the wall to call the elevator, "But I just found out my sister and roommate are dating; so I've got some inspiration for a cliffhanger."

"No shit?" Lisa asks as they step inside and join some of the other crew already heading down, the lobby button glowing. "How are we feeling about this?"

"I mean," Shayne says. "I don't hate it. I was low-key shipping it if I'm honest, but they're just so different it threw me for a loop."

Lisa grins at him, letting the elevator reach its destination and everyone climb out before she says much else. "Opposites attract my friend and the way you perceive someone doesn't always stick you know?"

Shayne nods, knowing exactly what she means as he heads over to grab a to-go cup of coffee.

"What's on the agenda from our network overlords today?" He asks Lisa. "And how do I stay as far away from it as possible?

Lisa frowns, balancing a muffin from a spread of continental breakfast items in one hand before shoving half of it in her mouth.

"Did you forget already?" She asks between bites, which gets an eyebrow raise from Shayne.

When she finishes her muffin she basketball tosses it into a nearby bin (it makes it and those who are watching go wild) before turning back towards him sipping his coffee.

"We're meeting the parents, all of the parents. We've got a big meet-up planned with Oliver's Mom and Dad at his childhood home first. Then Sophia, Chloe, Harper, and Liz's parents are on standby for a big party and meet and greet at one of the local parks after. It'll be the last big media opportunity, and give Oliver some more positive press. You know it's been a struggle getting past the rumors."

It's not a week Shayne has been looking forward to, despite how necessary it is for shows like this pushing "authenticity." He knows it's not going to be a calming time for Oliver, and still wishes he could comfort him in the ways he wants to.

"I can't believe his parents agreed to this," Shayne says.

"Yeah, from what I've read the relationship with his Dad hasn't been the best. The network must've sweetened the deal with some cash," Lisa says.

To say it wasn't the best, Shayne now knows, would be an understatement. The man cut Oliver off for chasing his dreams and trying to mold his career in his own hands. Oliver's told him over text he also definitely wouldn't be a fan of whatever is happening between them. He doesn't sound like a nice guy to be around, but what's one day of shooting? It's not like he's going to be super involved anyway.

"I know his agent's been weird about what crew she wants taking point on this, but I need you to do the confessionals during the meetings today," Lisa says, which makes him spit out his last swallow of coffee.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," he says.

Lisa shakes her head. "Network agrees that no one gets the girls and even Oliver to open up quite like you do. So why not the parents too? You're good with people, which is another reason they're willing to take a risk on you if that script of yours is half-decent. This is your moment kid."

Shayne sighs, mutters a few expletives under his breath, and then offers Lisa a weak smile. "Well, sounds like I don't have much of a choice here."

Lisa nods, "You bet your boney ass you don't."


Shayne finds himself standing outside a quaint suburban house, surrounded by a white picket fence (not anything like what he'd expect from Oliver's family or Sydney). The warm breeze carries the scent of freshly cut grass. It's a picturesque setting, one that feels both confronting and equally unsettling.

As he approaches the open front door, crews already setting up equipment, he takes a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves.

Oliver's parents, Diane and Richard, greet Shayne at the door with mixed reactions. Diane, a petite woman with graying hair and kind eyes, welcomes him with open arms.

"Hello there, you must be Shayne, the fine production lady said you'd be one of the first to head over before Oliver and the ladies arrive," she says, pulling him into a tight embrace. He's taken aback by how warm she is.

Shayne chuckles, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. "Thanks for having me."

Diane laughs. "Oh, of course, darling. I was told we have about 15 minutes before they get here. Should be plenty of time for interviews while I finish getting our lunch ready."

Richard, a tall and distinguished man with salt-and-pepper hair, extends his hand to shake Shayne's. "I'm Richard. Thanks for coming I guess."

Shayne shakes his hand, even though the man seems reluctant to do so. "Thank you for having me."

As they enter the house, Shayne takes in the cozy interior. Family photos line the walls, capturing moments of Oliver's childhood (a much happier little boy with big cheeks and a signature dazzling smile). The scent of home-cooked food fills the air, and Shayne's stomach grumbles in response.

Diane leads Shayne to the living room, where she gestures for him to sit down in a chair next to the confessional camera crews have hauled in. It's almost glaring back at him. It knows a good chunk of his dirty little secrets, aside from the sex honestly; and he's just grateful it can't leak them to any tabloids.

"Thank you," he says, as he settles down into the comfy armchair and repositions the camera as Diane settles onto the couch in front of him (Richard seems to be keeping his distance.)

"This is a beautiful home you have here," Shayne says.

"Thank you," Diane says, her voice nearly a hum.

Shayne adjusts the camera once more, making sure it's at the right angle, and nods at the crew members to begin recording on their end. However, as soon as they start, the lights flicker and the camera screens go black.

"Um, technical difficulties already?" Shayne mutters, scratching his head in disbelief.

Diane chuckles, a warm and understanding smile on her face. "Oh, don't worry, dear. It happens more often than you think. These things have a mind of their own."

Shayne takes a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure with how awkward this feels as crews scramble. Eventually, after a few minutes of troubleshooting, the cameras start working again, and Shayne gives a thumbs-up to indicate that they're ready to proceed; pressing the recording button on his own.

"Now, let's try this again, shall we?" Shayne says, addressing the camera. "I'm here with Diane, Oliver's mother, to talk about his upbringing and the 'Unfiltered' journey he's been on."

Diane nods, her eyes filled with pride. "Yes, it's been quite a journey indeed. Oliver has always had a passion for performing, ever since he was a little boy. He would put on impromptu shows for our family and friends, and we knew he had something special."

Shayne leans forward, genuinely intrigued. "So, it's safe to say that Oliver's love for performing started at a young age?"

Diane smiles, reminiscing. "Absolutely. He would sing, dance, and even act out little skits. It brought so much joy to our lives. I always encouraged him to follow his dreams."

Shayne nods, scribbling down notes. "And what was Oliver like as a child? Any memorable moments or quirks that stand out to you?"

Diane chuckles softly. "Well, Oliver was always a curious and adventurous soul. He would spend hours exploring the outdoors, climbing trees, skating with his friends, and pretending he was on grand adventures. He had an incredible imagination."

Shayne smiles, picturing a young Oliver in his mind. "Sounds like he had quite the imagination indeed. And what about his relationship with his father?"

Diane's smile fades slightly, and Shayne notices a flicker of sadness in her eyes. "Richard and Oliver have always had a complicated relationship. They're both strong-willed and passionate, which sometimes led to clashes."

Shayne senses there's more to the story and decides to dig deeper. "Would you say that their relationship has been strained?"

Diane sighs, her gaze turning distant. "Yes, unfortunately. Richard had high expectations for Oliver, and when Oliver chose his career in entertainment, his path didn't quite align with Richard's vision for him."

Just as the conversation starts to get more intense, the front door bursts open, and Oliver walks in, followed by the contestants: Liz, Harper, Chloe, and Sophia looking about as dolled up but humble as he could have expected. The atmosphere in the room shifts as excitement fills the air.

"Sorry, we're late!" Oliver says, glancing at Shayne with a look that screams, I'm sorry I couldn't get you out of this, and I also really want to kiss you. (He might be taking a few liberties with the last part of that thought, but it's what he's hoping for at least.)

Diane stands up, her face lighting up with joy (and probably relief) at the sight of Oliver. "There's my boy! Come here, hug your mother."

Oliver walks over to Diane, embracing her tightly. The contestants watch the tender moment, their smiles reflecting the happiness in the room. The cameras pan in tight as Shayne sidesteps out of the way, a dozen photo cameras click to capture great promotional stills.

Shayne turns to Richard, who stands awkwardly by the doorway, a distant expression on his face, as the younger man makes his way over. "Richard, would you be open to sharing your thoughts on Oliver's journey as well?"

Richard's eyes narrow, a hint of annoyance evident. "I'm here to support my son, but I'd rather not be in front of the camera. Let's focus on Oliver and the ladies, shall we?"

"Look man, they insisted I get these," Shayne says to him.

"And I'm telling you no. You understand right? Not sure if English is your first language, wouldn't want you to misinterpret."

With that, Richard is gone, leaving Shayne fuming.

What the actual fuck.

As the ladies mingle and get to know Oliver's parents, Shayne tries his best to keep his distance; and take in the straight-up racist blow. He observes from the sidelines, watching the interactions. It's a delicate balancing act, wanting to be supportive but also wanting to burn it all down to the ground.

As the afternoon progresses, Shayne's frustration begins to bubble up. He can't shake off Richard, who seems to be acting completely normal now; other than continuing to avoid the cameras. It irks him to no end, not just for his sake but Oliver's too.

Unable to contain his annoyance any longer, he discreetly excuses himself from the crowd and steps outside, finding a quiet spot in the backyard. He pulls out his phone and sends a text to Oliver, venting about what happened.

1:00 P.M.


FYI: Your Dad is a racist dick.

Almost immediately, Oliver's response comes through, and Shayne can sense the disappointment in his words.

1:01 P.M.


SMH, what did he do now? He promised Pen to not be as much of a prick as usual. Which is a stretch even for him.

1:02 P.M.


He basically asked if English was my second language...

1:03 P.M.


..I'll take care of him. Just smile and wave for a bit. They want drama, I'll give them fucking drama.

As he rejoins the group, Shayne takes on a more active role, engaging the ladies in conversations, and trying to mask his hurt.  He tries to lighten the atmosphere with his humor and charm, making everyone feel at ease.

Eventually, Oliver gathers everyone's attention by clearing his throat.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please?" Oliver announces, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'd like to take some time to point out a very special man in my life, my Dad."

With a flourish, Oliver pulls out a photo album from his bag and walks over to Richard, who looks surprised and slightly apprehensive.

"Dad, I know you're not one for the camera, but I wanted to share some memories with everyone," Oliver says, a touch of playfulness in his voice.

Richard reluctantly takes the photo album, flipping through the pages. The room is filled with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation.

As Richard reaches a particular page, a collective gasp escapes from the group. The photo captures a young Oliver, dressed in his father's clothes, attempting a serious and authoritative pose.

Oliver grins mischievously. "Dad, remember that time I raided your closet and tried to be all grown up? I must have been, what, seven years old?"

Richard's expression remains puzzled. "Yes, I remember that. You were quite the character, always wanting to grow up too fast."

Oliver flips to a different page for him. "Remember when I won this swim meet?"

"I don't think so," Richard says. "I think I was on a business-"

"Oh, we can't forget about this one! My first audition," Oliver says, cutting him off.

Richard's face becomes a hard line as the cameras zoom in, the ladies look uncomfortable behind him.

"Your mother told me all about it, she said you were so nervous," Richard says.

"Oh I bet I was Dad," Oliver says, a hint of venom in his voice. "Especially after you'd threatened to beat me if I didn't get a call back; and didn't even have the time to show up. Must've been a hell of a bottle of whiskey."

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Richard says. Snatching the photo album away, and pointing towards the cameras, Shayne's eyes widening. "You all better turn that off and delete this or I'm suing."

Shayne watches as the atmosphere in the room grows tense. The crew members quickly scramble to comply with Richard's demands, shutting off the cameras and stepping back. Oliver, however, stands his ground, his eyes locked with his father's.

"No, Dad," Oliver says firmly. "This is my story, and I won't let you silence it anymore."

Richard's face contorts with anger. "You think this little reality show is your story? You're nothing but an embarrassment."

Oliver takes a step forward, his voice unwavering. "You don't get to define me anymore. I've spent my entire life trying to please you, trying to fit into your mold of what a successful man should be. But I've come to realize that my worth isn't determined by your approval."

Tears well up in Diane's eyes as she watches the confrontation unfold. The contestants exchange worried glances, unsure of how to react.

Shayne feels a surge of anger on Oliver's behalf, the weight of his struggles with acceptance and self-discovery fueling his determination to support Oliver in this moment, even if he knows he can't.

"Richard, your son is an incredibly talented, compassionate, and courageous man," Chloe finally says, the first contestant to break the silence. "He's touched the lives of countless people, including mine. You may not see it, but the world sees his worth."

"I've got to agree there, he's treated us with class, even after the rumors," Sophia chimes in.

Both Liz and Harper offer their praises of Oliver, all of them stepping up to join him in solidarity. It's a moment, Shayne can't help but notice at least one of the cameras is still rolling on (even if no one else realizes it). Diane just looks taken aback and embarrassed, Richard looks heart and Oliver looks so good when he's pissed.

As tension fills the room, Diane intervenes, diffusing the situation with her gentle voice. "Alright, everyone, let's take a break and have some lunch. We can continue this conversation later."

The contestants and crew members gratefully follow Diane's suggestion, slowly dispersing and heading to the dining area. Richard excuses himself with a mumble under his breath. Oliver and Shayne exchange a brief but meaningful glance before joining the others.

As they sit down to have lunch, Shayne discreetly pulls out his phone under the table:

12:32 P.M.


I'm proud of you, Oliver. Standing up to your dad like that took courage. I couldn't be prouder to be by your side.

A warm smile spreads across Shayne's face as he sends the message.

12:33 P.M.


Thanks. I couldn't have done it without a certain someone who gave me my favorite good luck charm. They're pretty cool. ❤️

Shayne smiles even bigger, ready to put his phone back into his pocket and go back to lunch before another text message notification pops up. This one is not from Oliver and is making his heart sink.

12:34 P.M.


You two aren't nearly as subtle as you think you are, and here I thought I'd already given you a warning to back the fuck up.

The text is followed by a picture of him and Oliver sitting in a diner a few weeks ago, it's their dinner/kangaroo date. He's fucked.

He quickly types a response, his fingers trembling slightly:

12:34 P.M.


Who is this? How do you know about that?

A few tense moments pass before another message arrives, this time with a pin drop location. Shayne's pulse quickens as he contemplates whether to go or not. He knows it could be a trap, but he also can't ignore the possibility of this person or people doing more damage.

12:35 P.M.


Meet me here after the parent party in the park. Come alone, and if you tell him, the press will have more to go on than just a rumor.

Shayne gulps, sliding his phone back into his pocket and letting his eyes wander around the room. Everyone's smiling, enjoying their food, and he forces a smile back into his. Any one of them could be threatening him, ready to blow up his life with a picture that, in this case at least, is worth more than a thousand words.

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