Out Of Focus (Wattys 2023)

بواسطة 159jch

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A writer and a stuck-up Australian movie star are both running out of chances to break into Hollywood. All th... المزيد

1. Where Dreams Probably Go To Die.
2. Second & Third Impressions.
3. Oliver's Interlude.
4. Good Day Mate.
5. He Just Said That To The New Oprah.
6. The Literal Red Carpet.
7. I'll Keep Dancing (With Or Without You).
8. Ghosts Can't All Be Not Famous.
9. Tinder Dates/Tinderboxes.
10. Jump, Jump (Everybody).
11. I'm Totally Not Laughing.
12. Sooo, About A Lawsuit.
13. Did You Think We Were Gonna Hug It Out?
14. I'll Take Honesty For 200 Alex.
15. Kentucky Fried Wishes & Nightmares.
16. Divine (Cold Brew) Retribution.
17. No, Nopety, Nope.
18. You're Probably Going To Have To Sedate Me.
19. Is Now A Good Time For The Kangaroo?
21. There's Something Happening In Room 569.
22. I Feel Like I Should Make A Closet Joke.
23. The Prince Is In Another Castle.
24. Definitely Hate To Burst Your Bubble.
25. OK, So This Is Bad But Also Kind Of Good.
26. That's Definitely A Threat.
27. If This Ain't Some Pretty Little Liars S***.
28. Silly Rabbits & Lucky Horseshoes.
29. Hey Siri: How Do I Go Into Hiding?
30. Six Peas In A Muffin.
31. You're Not Getting Out Of This One, Movie Star.
32. The Totally Not Awkward Flight.
33. Did You At Least Bring Us A Postcard?
34. I Hope You're Wearing Your Big Boy Pants.
35. Happiness Is What Happiness Does.
36. The Second First Date, I Guess?
37. Well, I F***** That Right On Up.
38. Of Course There's A Catch.
FINALE. No Takesies Backsies.
Author's Note: The Thing About Endings.

20. Oli On The Barbie.

18 8 12
بواسطة 159jch

"I just hope the restaurant isn't up in flames by the time we get there."

They're cheeky words coming out of Shayne's cute mouth as Oliver tries very hard not to stare at it.

He knows his brain is telling him a million things right now, but staring intensely at a guy you're conflicted about kissing again probably isn't the smartest move before a date with an influencer.

The car ride seems to fly by as they travel through the vibrant streets of his birthplace. Despite how horrible things are going so far, he can't help but feel a tinge of excitement knowing that they get to eat at a place that holds so much sentimental value to him. He glances over passed Sophia, at Shayne.

"I hope you're both ready to experience the best barbecue in town," Oliver says, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "This place holds a special place in my heart. I used to come here with my family when I was a kid."

Shayne turns to him, a playful grin on his face. "I'm honored to be part of this culinary adventure."

"Lead the way, barbecue connoisseur!" Sophia chimes in, with all of the subtly of a stampede of elephants.

The truth is, he's probably made a case for getting Shayne involved in these dates more than he probably should (Penelope would echo that). He knows Sophia has to be his priority for the cameras, but it doesn't all have to be fake when Shayne's there (he just wishes there was a way to handle how he feels without fucking everything up).

The sight of the old, rustic building with its weathered wooden exterior brings back a flood of memories. 'The Barbie' is just as beautiful as he remembers it. The tantalizing aroma of smoked meats and seafood wafting through the air, making his mouth water.

The group steps out of the car, the heat still clinging to them, but their spirits remain high after their shared trauma. Oliver leads the way, eager to show off his favorite spot to Shayne, Sophia, and the production crew following closely behind.

As they enter the restaurant, the ambiance instantly brings Oliver back in time. The interior is cozy and dimly lit, with a rustic decor that added to its charm. The walls are adorned with vintage photographs and memorabilia, each telling a story of the restaurant's rich history.

The scent of smoky barbecue fills the air, mingling with the chatter of other patrons and the clinking of cutlery. Oliver can't help but smile, feeling a sense of warmth and nostalgia wash over him. He glances at Shayne, really only hoping he can sense the magic of the place.

"It's just like I remember it," Oliver says, his voice shaking. "The smell, the atmosphere, everything. This place hasn't been touched since I left."

Shayne nods, his eyes taking in the surroundings. "I can see why it holds a special place in your heart. It's probably like stepping into a time capsule."

Oliver smiles, grateful that Shayne understood the significance of this place to him of all people. But he quickly reminds himself of the cameras and the need to focus on Sophia.

"I'm excited to share this experience with you Sophia," Oliver says, his tone filled with sincerity. "I want you to see a different side of me, to feel the warmth and love that this place represents."

Sophia smiles, forcing her hand into his and interlocking their fingers. "You better give me a full tour then. I want to see all of your secret spots and hidden gems. Make me fall in love with this place as much as you did."

With that, she's pulling him away, leaving Shayne in the dust, but still at the very top of his priorities.


Oliver's mind flickers back to a time when he was a teenager, sitting at one of the tables in the restaurant with his parents. The scent of smoky barbecue hung in the air, and his father was sternly discussing his future.

"You know, Oliver, this acting career of yours should be your priority," his Dad had said, his voice filled with disappointment. "I don't think you're trying hard enough. You need to put in more effort if you want to make it in this industry."

Oliver's mother tried to intervene, her voice calm and soothing. "Now, dear, let's not put too much pressure on him. He's still young, and he has plenty of time to figure things out."

His Dad had wanted to hear that excuse. "No, Patricia, he needs to hear this. If he wants to pursue his dreams, he needs to show dedication and determination."

Oliver felt his frustration building, his emotions threatening to overflow. He knew he had a passion for acting, but his father's constant push for perfection weighed heavily on him. He couldn't help but speak up, despite the consequences it might bring.

"I am trying, Dad," Oliver said, his voice tinged with defiance. "I'm putting in the work, going to auditions, taking classes. But I also want to live my life and explore other passions."

It was then that his Dad's eyes narrowed, his face contorting with anger. "You think this is a game, Oliver? Do you think you can just dabble in acting while pursuing other hobbies? If you want my support, you need to give it your all."

Oliver's frustration turned into a fiery rage, his emotions bursting forth. He slammed his fist on the table, causing a few nearby patrons to turn their heads.

"I'm not just some puppet you can control, Dad!" Oliver shouted, his voice filled with raw emotion. "I have dreams and aspirations, and I deserve the freedom to pursue them on my terms."

It wasn't what his Dad had wanted to hear, his face turned red, his eyes blazing with fury. "If you continue down this path of defiance, Oliver, I will cut you off. You won't have my financial support anymore."

The threat hung heavy in the air, and Oliver felt a pang of fear mixed with determination. He couldn't let his father control his life and dictate his choices. With a deep breath, he composed himself, his voice steady but resolute.

"Fine, Dad," Oliver said, his voice filled with resolve. "If that's what it takes for me to be true to myself and follow my dreams, then so be it. I won't let money be the measure of my worth."

The tension in the room was something as Oliver's words hung in the air. He remembers his Mother's hand reaching out and gently touching his arm, her eyes filled with a mixture of concern and pride.

"You're a talented young man, Oli," his Mom had said, her voice soft and comforting. "Follow your heart, and the rest will fall into place."


Then he's back in the present with Sophia, the woman at least two heads shorter than him and pulling him towards a table. Her smile is nuclear and borderline threatening (like a great white shark's). He's worried she's going to call him out for zoning out as he shakes off his memories and ghosts. Within another instant, his camera face is right back on.

"I'm having a great time Soph," he says.

As they sit down at the table, the scent of smoky barbecue fills his nostrils once again, his mind forcing him to stick with the present and avoid the familiarity.

The owner of the restaurant, a jovial man named Frank, approaches their table with a wide smile on his face. His eyes light up when he sees Oliver, and he rushes over to greet him.

"Oliver, my boy! It's been far too long," Frank exclaims, his voice filled with warmth. "I can't believe you're back. How's life treating you?"

Oliver returns the smile, genuinely happy to see him. "Frank, it's great to see you too. Life has been a whirlwind, but I'm doing well. I couldn't resist coming back to The Barbie."

Frank chuckles, patting Oliver on the back. "Ah, The Barbie. It's like a second home to you, isn't it? I remember when you used to come here with your family. Those were the good old days."

Oliver's gaze drifts over to Shayne for a moment who seems to be fiddling with his clipboard, before turning his attention back to Frank. "Yes, those memories hold a special place in my heart. I wanted to share this place with someone special, and I'm glad you're here to witness it."

Frank looks at Sophia and Shayne with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Well, you've certainly brought quite the entourage with you. I hope they're ready to experience the magic of The Barbie."

Sophia smiles, her eyes filled with curiosity. "I'm thrilled to be here, Frank. Oliver has spoken so highly of this place. I can't wait to taste the amazing food and feel the history come alive."

Frank nods, his smile widening. "You won't be disappointed, my dear. Our barbecue is second to none, and the atmosphere is one-of-a-kind. Let me know if there's anything I can do to make your experience even more memorable."

As Frank walks away to attend to other customers, Oliver turns his attention to Sophia. He can see a flicker of vulnerability in her eyes, a desire to open up and connect on a deeper level. He knows that behind the camera, she's a real person with her hopes and dreams (hopes and dreams any kind of future with Shayne will crush into smithereens).

"Sophia," Oliver says, his voice gentle and sincere, "I want you to know that tonight, you have my undivided attention. The cameras don't stop rolling, but I want to get to know the real you, beyond the show and the drama."

Sophia's smile softens, and a genuine warmth fills her eyes. "Thank you, Oliver. That means a lot to me."

Oliver reaches across the table and places his hand on Sophia's, his touch reassuring. "I'm here with an open heart and an open mind. Let's make this a night to remember."

Sophia nods, her gaze locked with Oliver's. "I'm ready for it, Oliver. Let's make the most of this opportunity and create something real."

As their conversation continues, the background noise of the restaurant fades into the background. The scent of smoky barbecue and the ambiance of the place become mere details, overshadowed by the connection he's trying to forge, to make the viewers believe.

Oliver listens attentively as Sophia opens up, sharing deeply personal secrets and stories from her past. She talks about her childhood, her dreams, and the challenges she has faced in her journey to become an influencer. Each word she utters reveals a layer of vulnerability, and Oliver finds himself captivated by her authenticity.

Yet, in the back of his mind, a nagging voice whispers doubts. He questions whether he's being genuine or simply playing a part. The ease with which he can fake meaningful conversations like these scares him. It's as if he's become an expert at portraying emotions while struggling to understand his own.

As Sophia delves into a particularly painful memory, Oliver can't help but feel a pang of guilt. He wonders if he's taking advantage of her vulnerability for his gain, for the sake of the show. He fears that when everything is said and done, he might turn out to be nothing more than an asshole who played with people's emotions.

But he pushes those thoughts aside, focusing on Sophia's words, and offering words of comfort and support. He does genuinely care for her, even if he questions the authenticity of their connection. For now, he wants to be present, to be the person she needs at this moment.

"I can't imagine how difficult that must have been for you," Oliver says, his voice filled with empathy. "Thank you for opening up and sharing such a personal part of your life with me. It takes a lot of strength to do that."

Sophia's eyes glisten with tears, but her smile remains. "I want to use my platform to help people who may be going through similar experiences."

Oliver nods, genuinely impressed by her resilience. "That's an incredible goal, Sophia. You have the power to create positive change, and I admire your determination to make a difference."

As their conversation continues, Oliver finds himself engaging in a delicate balancing act. He listens, offers advice, and reciprocates vulnerability, all while keeping in mind the cameras capturing their every move. It's a dance of authenticity and performance, and he wonders if he'll ever be able to truly separate the two.

Their food arrives, and Oliver's plate is filled with succulent barbecued ribs, smothered in a tangy sauce. It's a classic choice, fitting for the nostalgic atmosphere of the restaurant. However, when Sophia's plate is placed in front of her, Oliver can't help but burst into laughter.

Sophia stares down at her dish, a bewildered expression on her face. It's a towering mountain of barbecue, piled high with ribs, chicken wings, pulled pork, and sausages. It's as if the kitchen staff decided to give her a taste of everything on the menu.

"I... I think they misunderstood my order," Sophia says, trying to stifle her laughter. "I meant to order a small portion, not the entire barbecue feast!"

Oliver chuckles, reaching for a napkin to wipe away the tears of laughter that escaped from his eyes. "Well, I guess they wanted to make sure you get the full experience."

As they begin to eat, Oliver's phone buzzes. He glances at the screen and sees a text from Shayne. Their eyes meet from across the room, and they share a mischievous smile, knowing that they can text without anyone else being the wiser.


How's the date going?

Oliver smirks and quickly types a reply.


Oh, you know, just enjoying the finest barbecue in town. Sophia got the entire feast on her plate. I can't stop laughing.

Shayne's response comes swiftly, Oliver making sure to take a few bites now and then and laugh at Sophia's jokes to throw her off.


Haha, sounds like she's in for a challenge. Maybe she can share some of that mountain of food with the entire restaurant. Save some for us too!


I'll try to negotiate a deal. Let's see if she's up for the challenge. Wish me luck!

Their lighthearted and flirtatious banter continues throughout the meal, each message bringing a smile to Oliver's face. It's a playful escape from the orchestrated reality they find themselves in.

As the night progresses, Oliver begins to realize that perhaps he's not the villain he fears he might become. Maybe, just maybe, he can navigate this world with integrity and authenticity, even if it means breaking a few rules along the way.

"Your agent bugging you?" He finally hears Sophia ask.


Sophia points towards his lap, a piece of chicken on her fork. "You've been glued to that phone of yours, I assumed it was your agent."

"Yeah," Oliver says. "Pen had a few questions about something outside of the show."

Sophia nods, shoving the fork into her mouth. "So much for undivided," she mumbles.

Oliver's not sure what to say there, all he knows is he really REALLY needs a cold shower.

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