Out Of Focus (Wattys 2023)

By 159jch

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A writer and a stuck-up Australian movie star are both running out of chances to break into Hollywood. All th... More

1. Where Dreams Probably Go To Die.
2. Second & Third Impressions.
3. Oliver's Interlude.
4. Good Day Mate.
5. He Just Said That To The New Oprah.
6. The Literal Red Carpet.
7. I'll Keep Dancing (With Or Without You).
8. Ghosts Can't All Be Not Famous.
9. Tinder Dates/Tinderboxes.
10. Jump, Jump (Everybody).
11. I'm Totally Not Laughing.
12. Sooo, About A Lawsuit.
14. I'll Take Honesty For 200 Alex.
15. Kentucky Fried Wishes & Nightmares.
16. Divine (Cold Brew) Retribution.
17. No, Nopety, Nope.
18. You're Probably Going To Have To Sedate Me.
19. Is Now A Good Time For The Kangaroo?
20. Oli On The Barbie.
21. There's Something Happening In Room 569.
22. I Feel Like I Should Make A Closet Joke.
23. The Prince Is In Another Castle.
24. Definitely Hate To Burst Your Bubble.
25. OK, So This Is Bad But Also Kind Of Good.
26. That's Definitely A Threat.
27. If This Ain't Some Pretty Little Liars S***.
28. Silly Rabbits & Lucky Horseshoes.
29. Hey Siri: How Do I Go Into Hiding?
30. Six Peas In A Muffin.
31. You're Not Getting Out Of This One, Movie Star.
32. The Totally Not Awkward Flight.
33. Did You At Least Bring Us A Postcard?
34. I Hope You're Wearing Your Big Boy Pants.
35. Happiness Is What Happiness Does.
36. The Second First Date, I Guess?
37. Well, I F***** That Right On Up.
38. Of Course There's A Catch.
FINALE. No Takesies Backsies.
Author's Note: The Thing About Endings.

13. Did You Think We Were Gonna Hug It Out?

16 9 15
By 159jch

"I can't believe for as much trash as you talk you still read that garbage."

The words leave Max's mouth, but Shayne honestly has to admit that reading Twitter comments to get out of his funk has turned into a guilty pleasure:

@RomanticDreamer: That talent show was surprisingly entertaining! I loved Chloe's heartfelt storytelling and Liz's magic show. #Unfiltered #TalentShow

@ComedyFanatic: Harper's impromptu interview had me laughing so hard! She's a natural comedian. #Unfiltered #HarperForTheWin

@BeautyObsessed: Ava's beauty and seduction tutorial was so cringe-worthy. Can we move on from this superficiality? #Unfiltered #SkillsNotLooks

@ThrillSeeker: Did anyone else notice that romantic tension between Chloe and Oliver during the date? It's making me nervous about Sophia's chances. #LoveTriangle

@Jokester23: My pinky toe is more talented than these hoes. #EyeRoll

@ConspiracyJunkie: Heard a rumor that someone got seriously hurt in between this and the last episode. Wonder what they're hiding from us? #Unfiltered #CoverUp

"Call it my daily dose of masochism, along with the coffee that's slowly killing me," Shayne says, as he's taking a sip of the massive cup Lily's fixed him.

Max takes a hesitant sip of his cold brew in response.

They're both sitting in her shop the next morning after his sister let him know the night before that she'd be too busy with the Health Department today to take him back to work (not that he wants to be there).

It's as frantically busy as it was the last two times Shayne was there, but she's handling it like a pro. It's a nice distraction to see her flourish while his own life burst into flames.

The corners of Max's mouth eventually turn up into a smile. "So, heard from the other lover boy in this suddenly dramatic triangle thingy you got going on; or you calling it a wrap with coffee?"

Shayne sighs, knowing that he definitely can't avoid the 'Ethan of it all' forever. It feels like two worlds are tearing him apart, competing for every drop of his attention. He almost wishes he was back making baby food commercials where things were a thousand times easier (nah scratch that, that shit was gross).

"He told me he was fine with taking things slow," Shayne says.

"And you believed him?" Max asks.

Shayne shrugs, sinking further down into the comfy seat, knowing they have to be on the road soon if he's going to make it by call time.

"You're a guy too man," Max says. "You know our asses are low-key lying sensitive bastards. He's probably doing everything he can to avoid asking you out again. Surprised he hasn't already honestly."

Shayne can't help but feel guilty, knowing a guy who's genuinely interested in him with no strings attached is being left on the hook.

"I miss the simpler days when I could just focus on getting my work seen," Shayne says.

"Well, let's be honest here buddy, you haven't written anything in ages, and the drama of this is like a thousand times more interesting than anything you have cooking anyway. You consider a memoir?"

Shayne rolls his eyes. "You're such an ass."

Max smiles, sucking down the rest of his cold brew. "I'm your ass. Also, did you see what I just did with my mouth? Could be doing that with your New Jersey dude if you'd just get out of your head."

Shayne is mortified.

"You are gross and need mental help immediately."

"Finally something I can agree with," Lily's voice says, seemingly coming out of nowhere as she smacks Max on the head and forces him to scoot over so she can grab a seat.

Shayne realizes things have calmed down significantly in his little spat with his roommate, giving her a break to join in on their round of group therapy.

"You do have my blessing if you want to go down the serious route with that Ethan guy," she says. "He might not be the funniest, but he's a distraction if you're still worried about the nuclear bomb on set."

Shayne imagines Oliver being dropped out of the sky and blowing up his life with that description from his sister. He imagines Ethan as a fallout shelter, but he knows if he does go that route, it won't be fair to keep Ethan in the dark about what's happened between them so far.

"I just didn't sign up for all of this shit," Shayne finally says. "Why can't I be a normal boring guy struggling to make it big in Hollywood and burning up before I get too close?"

Lily pouts. "That sounds a little bit more depressing than this."

Shayne lifts his mug to take another sip. "You also didn't fall out of a plane."

Lily offers a slight nod. "Fair point."

"Very fair point," Max adds.

Shayne would like to thank the academy for another well-deserved win and argument but settles for downing the rest of his coffee instead.

"We've got one more challenge and an elimination to go, and then we're leaving the country to start wrapping this shit up. I think I can avoid my problems until then," Shayne says.

Lily starts to open her mouth, then closes it, then opens it again. "I'm just worried this is all going to boil over. You need to be focused on what's next. You could have a good next career move and a healthy future with a totally normal guy; mom and dad aside. I just want you to be happy."

There that word was again, happy. He doesn't know why it feels so painful, why it cuts so deep (maybe because it's been lost in all of this). It's been swept away and locked in a room while he bottles his feelings and deals with a minefield of problems. He's thankful he's being called out, he's just not sure what the path forward is; or if it's even worth it.

"Maybe I should just go back home, or work here if you have an opening. Seems like my dream is imploding," Shayne says.

"Fuck no," Max and Lily both say simultaneously, both of them turning into each other in a momentary shock before reaching out to grab Shayne's hands.

"We're not letting you give up on your little brother," Lily says.

Max nods in agreement, Shayne finding it odd that once again they're on the same page.

Max squeezes his hand, his voice filled with determination. "You've come too far to let this chaos blow your shit up. We're going to get through this together, and you're going to come out stronger on the other side."

Shayne feels a flicker of hope, the weight on his shoulders lightens just a little, reminding him that he's not alone in this crazy journey.

As they finish their drinks, Max and Lily exchange a knowing glance.

They've been up to something, but neither of them seems too keen on letting him in on it.

"Alright," Max says, dramatically rising from his seat and tossing his empty cup into a trash can, "Time to hit the road, buddy. You've got another day in hell to get through."

Shayne chuckles, appreciating Max's attempt to infuse a sense of humor into his misery. With a final deep breath, he gathers his things and follows Max out of the bustling coffee shop.

The ride to the mansion is another ball of nerves. Shayne's mind races with thoughts of the upcoming group date and the uncertain dynamics he'll have to navigate. Will Oliver even acknowledge him? Will he be able to play it cool, as Max advised? So many questions linger in the air.

When they arrive at the mansion, Shayne spots Oliver from a distance, surrounded by the other contestants who are getting ready for the group date. But something feels off. Oliver's face wears a trace of annoyance, and he subtly avoids making eye contact with Shayne. It's a sharp contrast to their previous connection, leaving Shayne confused and hurt.

Max notices Shayne's reaction and places a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Remember, play it cool. We don't want to stir up any more drama than necessary."

Shayne nods, mustering his best poker face, even as his heart aches. He takes a deep breath and steps out of the car, ready to face the challenges and uncertainties that lie ahead.

As he joins the other contestants preparing for the group date, Shayne can't shake the feeling that telling Oliver about even the tiniest possibility of a relationship with Ethan may have been a bad idea. The dude is acting awkward and cranky as hell.

"Alright ladies," Oliver's voice says as the cameras start rolling, Shayne noting a lack of interest. "There's one more elimination tonight before we take this show to new waters. Tonight's challenge will be all about trust."

Shayne swears Oliver glares at him when he finishes the sentence, but knows he must be imagining it (since this man would never do anything that stupid when he knows the cameras could catch it. Right? RIGHT?)

"Behind each of you is a box," Oliver says, gesturing to five boxes placed on a wooden table behind the five contestants. "There's also some pens and paper. For your box, I want you to write your most personal deepest darkest secret. When you're done, if you trust me to open them, I'll open the boxes at random. If I think your secret belongs to you, I'll show you. If you can confirm that it does you're safe."

Shayne decides that whichever member of production came up with this challenge is sadistic. "I'll whisper a keyword from the secret to not give it away to the other ladies. You can write that keyword at the top of your paper if you'd like. But if I don't get your secret, you're definitely in trouble. If our connection can't survive one secret, it definitely can't survive the rest of this completion."

Shayne thinks about his secret (not secret) at that moment when it came to telling Oliver about Ethan. He wonders if he should have kept it to himself. He also wonders if Sophia, Ava, Chloe, Harper, and Liz will play it safe. As the producer dims a light for dramatic effect, and music is cued up, it's anyone's guess. These are a pair of shoes (or heels) he's glad he doesn't have to be in for once.

"Shayne," Lisa's voice whispers in the darkness, grabbing at his arm. "I need you to mix the boxes up and take them to Oliver after the ladies are done." (And at this point Shayne decides the universe has to be fucking with him.)

"You sure there's not anyone else?" He asks, probably the most blunt he's been up until this point. "My rib is a little sore."

Lisa narrows her eyes at him, he stares blankly back at her (hoping she's buying it).

"I don't have anyone else today, can you and your rib just push through?" (Yeah, she didn't buy it).

Shayne gives a stubborn nod that has her grinning and then shoves him in the direction of the table while the women work on writing down their answers.

"Also ask him a few questions about their answers confessional style after this wraps up," Lisa says. "You seemed to do a pretty good job last time. Just do that again."

Shayne wants to tell her EXACTLY how well that went last time, but instead reluctantly heads over to the table as the ladies get done, trying his best to fake extra rib pain. He picks up the boxes and mixes them up, making sure not to catch a glimpse of anyone's handwriting. With a deep breath, he carries the boxes towards Oliver, who stands at the center of the room, exuding an air of confidence.

As Shayne sets the boxes down in front of Oliver, their eyes briefly meet. Oliver's gaze is unreadable, leaving Shayne wondering what thoughts are running through his mind.

"Now, ladies," Oliver says, addressing the contestants, completely ignoring him, "time to reveal your secrets. You wrote down something that you've never shared before, something that makes you vulnerable. It's time to put your trust in me to the rest."

The atmosphere in the room is thick with tension, Shayne is sure will be a Twitter trend when this episode goes up.

Shayne can't help but wonder what secrets lie in the boxes, what stories he'll never know, and how much it means to the women to share them with their dream guy.

Oliver approaches the boxes, his eyes scanning them with a sense of curiosity. "Let's see who's willing to lay it all on the line," he says, his voice carrying a hint of anticipation.

Shayne takes a step back, giving Oliver space to choose a box. He watches as Oliver carefully selects one, holding it in his hands as if it holds the weight of the world. The other contestants exchange nervous glances.

Oliver opens the box, retrieving the folded paper inside. He unfolds it, his eyes scanning the words written on the page. Shayne can see a flicker of recognition in Oliver's eyes, a momentary pause that feels like an eternity.

Oliver's gaze shifts towards the contestants, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Ladies, I have the keyword from the secret. If I call your name after I say it please step forward. The key word is lilac."

Shayne can't help but wonder whose secret is in Oliver's hands, even though he shouldn't care at all, and what impact it will have on the dynamics of the competition.

As the tension reaches its peak, Oliver's gaze lands on one of the contestants. Shayne's heart stops for a moment, realizing it's Sophia who's standing. The room falls silent, the weight of the moment sinking in.

Oliver nods, a mixture of admiration and sadness in his eyes. "Sophia, that secret is yours."

Sophia's expression remains composed, but Shayne can see the vulnerability in her eyes. She takes a deep breath and meets Oliver's gaze as she steps forward, her voice steady. "Yes, that's my secret."

Oliver's smile softens, and he reaches out to touch Sophia's hand. "Thank you for trusting me with this," he says sincerely. "Your vulnerability is a testament to your strength."

As Shayne observes the scene unfolding before him, he realizes that this journey is about more than just finding love. It's about self-discovery, trust, and the courage to embrace vulnerability (something that could soon get very messy). The weight of his secret moments between him and Oliver weighs heavy in the air, and he wonders how big of a fallout it could cause.

The tension in the room lingers as Oliver moves on to the next box. He repeats the process, carefully selecting another box and taking a look at the secret within. This time it's Harper, who appears to be freaking out the most, her face a mix of surprise and vulnerability.

"The key word is aqua," Oliver says.

A pause for dramatic effect lingers in the air, the cameras panning closer.

"Harper, that secret is yours," Oliver says softly, his voice carrying a hint of sympathy.

Harper takes a step forward, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Yes, it's mine," she admits, her voice trembling slightly.

Oliver reaches out to offer her a comforting hand, a gesture of support amidst the emotions laid bare. "Thank you for sharing this with me," he says sincerely. "You're stronger than you know."

Oliver proceeds to open another box, successfully guessing Chloe's secret (I mean if he hadn't after their date, Shayne would have been very concerned.

It just leaves Ava and Liz's boxes, the concern written over both of their faces. Oliver approaches another box, his hand hesitating for a moment before he opens it. As he reads the words on the page, his expression shifts from intrigue to confusion.

Oliver's brow furrows, and he looks up at the remaining contestants, uncertainty etched on his face. "I'm sorry, but this secret doesn't match anyone here," he says, his voice tinged with disappointment.

The room falls into stunned silence. Liz and the rest of the contestants exchange bewildered glances, unsure of what just transpired. Shayne's mind races, wondering what could have gone wrong, and what the implications of this mistake might be.

Oliver sets the misplaced secret aside, his eyes scanning the room. "I apologize for the confusion," he says, his voice steady. "But regardless, I appreciate all of your bravery in sharing your secrets with me. It takes strength to be vulnerable."

As the tension begins to dissipate, Oliver looks directly at Shayne, their eyes locking for a brief moment.

Oliver reaches for the last box regardless, taking out the folded secret, his eyes scanning the page a bit more slowly this time. There's a familiar recognition there that seems to settle his brow just a bit.

"I'm pretty sure I know who this one belongs to," he says. "But that last letter threw me off. Ladies, if you'll excuse me for a moment."

With that, Oliver is heading towards the confessional, Lisa pushing Shayne in his direction to follow him. It'll be easy, all he has to do is record him answering some questions about the experience, ask him if he's made up his mind, and not make out with him this time. Should be a piece of cake.

Shayne enters the confessional after Oliver, and Lisa closes the door behind them. The cameras outside stop rolling, and the room is filled with awkward tension.

Oliver crosses his arms, irritation is evident on his face. "Why did you tell me about Ethan?" he asks bluntly, his voice laced with frustration.

Shayne's eyes widen in surprise, realizing that Oliver's annoyance isn't just about the current situation. He takes a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "I... I thought you should know. I wanted to be honest with you."

Oliver scoffs. "Honesty? Is that what you call it? You dropped that bomb on me and completely blindsided me. And for what? To add more shit to an already shitty situation?"

Shayne's heart sinks at Oliver's reaction. He hadn't expected things to go smoothly, but this level of anger catches him off guard. "I didn't mean to complicate things. I just thought it was fair to be open about it."

Oliver shakes his head, his frustration is evident in his voice. "Fair? The fair thing would have been keeping it to yourself until we had a chance to figure out where this was going."

Shayne bites his lip, feeling remorse wash over him. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize it would upset you this much. I thought you deserved to know."

Oliver's voice softens slightly, though his irritation still lingers. "Can you just save it and ask me your questions about the stupid boxes and who I'm sending home? I already know it's Ava, absolutely can't stand her at this point. But the show must go on all over the place I guess."

Shayne's eyes fill with regret.

"OK," he says, sitting down across from Oliver and pushing the red record button on the camera. He takes a moment to steady himself, getting into interviewer mode.

"Oliver, let's talk about the secrets challenge. How did you feel when you discovered Sophia's secret and realized it matched her?"

Oliver sighs, the tension evident in his features. "It was a powerful moment. Sophia's vulnerability touched me, and it made me appreciate her willingness to open up. Trust is a vital aspect of any relationship, and her sharing that secret was a testament to her strength."

Shayne nods, trying to keep it together. "And what about Harper and Chloe? How did their secrets impact your perspective on them?"

Oliver's expression softens as he reflects on the two contestants, he knows how to milk the lens. "Harper's secret revealed a side of her that I hadn't seen before. It made me see her in a different light and appreciate her struggles. As for Chloe, her secret reaffirmed the connection we had on our date. It solidified my admiration for her as a person."

Shayne decides to steer the conversation toward the misplaced secret. "Regarding the misplaced secret, what are your thoughts on that? How do you plan to address it?"

Oliver's brows furrow, his frustration returning momentarily. "It was a mistake, plain and simple. We'll investigate what happened and ensure it doesn't occur again. As for the implications, I believe it's essential to remain transparent with the contestants and the audience about the mix-up. Honesty is crucial in this process."

Shayne nods, understanding Oliver's perspective. He takes a deep breath before moving on to the final question. "Lastly, can you give us any hints about the upcoming elimination? Who should the viewers keep an eye on?"

Oliver smirks a flicker of amusement in his eyes. "Well, as you mentioned, Ava's behavior has been quite challenging, so it's no surprise that she's on the chopping block. But this journey is unpredictable, and anything can happen. The viewers should stay tuned for the unexpected."

As the interview concludes, Shayne can't shake off the unease that lingers in the air. The conversation with Oliver has left him questioning his judgment and the impact of his actions. He wonders if there's any way to salvage the connection they had, or if it's already irreparably damaged.

Shayne presses a button to stop the record.

"We're done Oliver but-"

Before Shayne can say much else, Oliver is up and out of his seat, heading back towards the door.

"Yep, definitely done," Oliver says. "Excuse me mate, I have another lady to send home. Gotta be honest about how I feel right?"

The undertones are there, Shayne can't miss them, a dagger to the heart.

He forces a smile on his face, nods, and then watched Oliver Henderson leave again.

"Maybe I should just go back to the hospital," he says to himself. "It was pretty hard for me to screw anything up there."

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