Kamen rider Of The Great Tomb...

By LunaJones953

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Right after everything become real momonga felt a source in a nearby village in a cave so he bring albedo wit... More

Coming Soon
Stella's servants
Stella's Familliar
Stella Ooal Gown info updated
Advent Cards
Survive advents
Adventuring clothes + weapons
Season 1
Chapter 1: End and Beginning, and an Unknown Item
Chapter 2: The Floor Guardians and Kamen rider siren
Chapter 3: A Battle at Carne Village and stella's first servants
Chapter 4: Ruler and princess of Death
Chapter 5: The Three Adventurers
Special announcement
Chapter 7: Wise Queens of the Forest and Sky
New advent cards reveal
Chapter 8: Twins Swords Of Slashing Death
Chapter 9: The Dark Warrior, White Heroine And Three New Servants
Special Announcements
Happy Halloween🎃👻💀
Stella's servants Advent deck's
Stella's new powers
Season outfits

Chapter 6: Ainz and Stella first Journey

173 5 0
By LunaJones953

Momon, kasumi and Nabe team up with a group of adventurers called the swords of Darkness on an adventure.
Our story begins with Ainz, Stella and Narberal along with the sword of darkness also with nfirea driving his wagon Traveling along the path to the forest near carne village "um mr. Peter," said nfirea "yes," said peter "why don't we take a break, around that area," said nfirea as they see a water stream ahead "good idea mr. Momon" said peter "I understand," said Ainz "enjoy this things will get a little dangerous from here on out," said peter "don't  worry about us we'll be careful," said Ainz "I'll have to be considering I can't use most of magic in this armor playing the tank role was never really my speed if things start to get out of hand, Narberal will use fifth tier magic and stella will use her rider form to help out as well I'm not sure what we'll be facing but hopefully, that will be enough if not, I may have to get serious," thought Momonga.

"Try not to look so worried kasumi everything will be fine as long I'm here I'm the best set of of eyes and ears this side of the e-Estize don't be shy you can praise me if you want to," said lukrut "can I squash him yet," asked Narberal "Nabe," said Ainz "mosquitos should be handled without mercy away from lady kasumi please sir," said Narberal "harsh but it's okay gorgeous I so can tell you want me," said lukrut as peter, ninya and dyne laugh nervously "you know, I just realized something we've crossed into the wise king of the forest and wise queen of the sky's territory's," said ninya "who is these's wise and queen," asked Ainz "it's a very old and powerful magical creature at least, that's what the legends say not only it cast magic, but it's physically strong and if it's four razor claws don't finish you off it's snake tail will and as for the wise queen of the sky's legends says it's been flying around searching for a worthy person to common it's power, said nfirea "interesting I think I'd like to meet it and I'm sure kasumi will like to meet the wise queen of the sky's," said Ainz as stella nods.

Back at Nazarick

Back at Nazarick Demiurge was in his Lord study office took a breathes deeply then walk towards his lord bedroom and knocked on the door three time before going inside to find Albedo sighing and moaning in lord Ainz bed "Albedo," said Demiurge as Albedo gasp and look at Demiurge "you have your own accommodations why are you in Lord Ainz's room," said Demiurge "I was rubbing my scent into everything I could I wanted it to be the first thing he smelled when he finally returns," said Albedo "considering he doesn't require sleep, I doubt that will happen fine, just don't overdo it," said Demiurge "I'm sure I don't know what you mean but we'll try right Lord Ainz," said Albedo as pull something out of the covers as Demiurge puts his hand on his glasses.

"Uh- - Ugh is that... a life-size body pillow," said Demiurge "yeah isn't it great," said Albedo as Demiurge sighs "I made it myself now I'm working on the socks and clothes for our second I need to be prepared it won't be much longer I can feel it I've made enough for some time now boy or girl they'll have everything wait a minute, what if the child doesn't have a gender," said Albedo "if the elf twins are any indication, the supreme begins have no issue with their servants crossdressing and we also have princess stella has Nazarick heiress," said Demiurge "yes you're right thank you Demiurge that's exactly what I needed to hear," said Albedo as Demiurge sighs "I'm always happy to help," said Demiurge.

Back with the group

"Such things are actually possible," said Ainz "yes you can make a lot with creation magic, even basics like salt and sugar there are also spells like alarm that can warn you when danger is nearby," said ninya "I see may I ask something else," said Ainz "the more I know the more questions I have it seems their technology level is that of the middle ages, but the sophistication of their magic is on a different level," thought Momonga "I just realized you seem super relaxed, kasumi is it because you know that I'm you safe," said Lukrut "it has nothing to do with you lady kasumi is safe with us," said Narberal "so, what you're telling me is that the two of you are lovers and kasumi parents," said Lukrut as Narberal gasp"no I never said that stop putting words in my mouth lady Albedo is the only one they need...," said Narberal.

"Stop, Nabe what are you thinking," said Ainz as Narberal covered her mouth with her hands then Ainz clears his throat "mr. Lukrut, please stop looking into our personal lives," said Ainz "sure my bad though, from the sound of it you're one lucky man, mr. Momon," said Lukrut "I'm sorry he can be really idiotic sometimes please forgive him I promise he doesn't mean any harm by it," said peter "it's fine as long as he's careful from now on we'll have no trouble," said Ainz "you really need to stop delving into people's business- -," said peter as Lukrut raise his hand to stop peter "they're on the move," said Lukrut as the group gasp "from where," asked peter "just past the tree line," said Lukrut as they see ogre and goblins coming to the open.

"I don't think we'll be able to avoid this fight," said Lukrut "it's going to get rough very quickly the best thing you can do is stay hidden in the cart," said peter "Kay my life is your hands," said nfirea "mr. Momon, what's the best way to split the group up," said peter "all of you should stay close to nfirea I'll show him that our services are worth every coin," said Ainz "that sounds good to me but we're not just gonna watch you'll have all the extended support we can muster," said peter "if we go completely defensive, most of them will escape back to the forest," said ninya "in that case, I say we do the usual pull the turtle's head out of it shell and cut it off," said Lukrut "it's a sound strategy but still even though mr. Momon will take the brunt of their attack what about the ones that get through," said dyne.

"That's easy I'll use my fortress martial art and hold back the ogres the goblins are yours," said peter "I was hoping you'd say that," said dyne "ninya, you'll protect me with defensive magic once I'm clear, focus on crowd control and attack spells," said peter "right no prob," said ninya "lukrut, you'll take  care of any wayward goblins and if an ogre gets pass me, take it out," said peter "leave it to me," said lukrut "does all of that work work for you, mr.Momon," said peter "yes," said Ainz as lukrut take out a arrow "here goes," said lukrut as he fired the arrow  in the air and landed in front of the monsters and the goblins laugh then continued "fell for it," said lukrut as he grab another arrow then fired it and killing [goblin 6c] "reinforce, armor," said ninya as green aura covered peter.

"Now, twine plant," said dyne as vines came from the ground and entangled the ogre as peter turn to see Ainz, stella and Narberal walk towards three ogre Ainz then draw his long black swords from his back.

As of ogre's about to hit Ainz he jumps into the air slash [ogre 6c] with one strike as the group was shocked "holy," said lukrut "he's stronger than I thought could he be orichalcum or maybe adamantite level," said peter the other ogres growling "what's wrong afraid to attack me," said Ainz as he raise his sword at them then [ogre 6f] growls and charge at Ainz but got killed "all right how's next," said Ainz as the goblins started to attack "get ready, ninya," said peter "die," said [goblin 6e] as it die another tries to attack peter from behind "magic arrow," said ninya as the goblin die from the attack then two more goblins charged "here they come," said lukrut as he got rid of his bow and draw his sword "about time," said dyne.

"They're a skilled party they're aware each other's strength's and work well together still, they don't hold a candle to my old allies," said Ainz as a ogre tried to hit Ainz but dodged it kill it with a another ogre the two goblins "Hm," to see what happened to the two ogres an ogre tried to run "Nabe, your turn," said Ainz "right," said Narberal as she jumped and landed then point her finger "chain lightning," said Narberal as lightning fired and killed two ogres.

Then goblins saw what happened then they started to retreat "uh," said peter "hey," said lukrut "don't let them escape," said peter "kasumi it's finally your turn," said Ainz "yes father as you wish super speed," said stella as she runs very fast and stop in front of the goblins causing them to stop shocking them and the group except for Ainz and Narberal "and where did you think you're going I didn't tryout my swords I got from father yet," said stella as she draw her twins swords that cause a purple blow blinding the goblins and the party.

(Stella is still wearing her mask)

When the light was over they looked to see stella in a new outfit her adventurer clothes was mystically transform into traditional dark purple skirt with a light purple cloth above her chest then there were bindings around her arms with her mask still on.

"Is that really is kasumi what happened to her clothes," said peter "I don't know but let's see what she can do," said lukrut "now then let's see what skill should I use on you guys I know eleventh of swords: ninja attack," said stella as run super speed and made five copies of herself then circle around the goblins and attack them then killing them.

(I made this up do you like it)

After the battle everyone is regrouping "minor healing light," said dyne as he was healing peter and lukrut wounds then ninya was cutting part off the ogres and goblins "are the ears valuable," asked Ainz "not on their own, but you can exchange them and other parts for a reward from the guild it can be pretty lucrative," said ninya "so crystals or rare trinkets don't just randomly drop from them," said Ainz "to be honest, I've never heard of ogres carrying crystals or trinkets," said ninya "I see," said Ainz "you were pretty amazing back there the three of you are far more skilled than than we expected," said ninya "I wouldn't mind having a sword like that and the way kasumi finish off those goblins was incredible," said lukrut.

"I've seen incredible fighters before, but I wouldn't be surprised if you two are stronger than the royal head warrior," said dyne "far stronger," said Narberal "it's moments like these that remind me there is always a bigger fish in the sea," said peter "don't worry in time, your team will be able to defeat even greater odds with ease," said Ainz as stella nodded to her father words "uh," said ninya as the rest chuckle.

Night time

As everyone  is laughing and enjoying a meal except for Ainz stella and Narberal "I think you got the worst of it," said dyne "oh, yeah well, you didn't see the other guy," said lukrut as dyne chuckles and nfirea laughs "crap what should I do if I drink it, it'll go between my bones," thought Momonga as lukrut looked at stella "what's the matter I-is the soup too hot if that's the case, I can let it cool in my mouth first and feed it to you that way," said lukrut as stella break her spoon "uh...," said lukrut "the food's fine, we're just observing a religious custom in our faith, it's considered impolite to eat with several people the same day we take another's life," said Ainz "oh you believe in some interesting teaching master Momon I respect that," said dyne.

"I've been wondering where did the name "swords of darkness" come from," said Ainz "oh, that tell'em, ninya," said lukrut "don't make me I was young and stupid," said ninya "it really is nothing to be embarrassed about," said dyne "that's easy for you to say you didn't come up with it," said ninya "anyway it's a reference to the old legends, the thirteen heroes we named our party after the swords of one of the fabled warriors," said peter "huh is that all crap he must except me to know it what do I do," thought Momonga "we don't  know them who are they," said Narberal "oh, thank you," thought Momonga "here I thought everyone knew the legends," said lukrut "among the thirteen heroes, there was one called the  "Black knight"  who wielded four powerful swords known only as "The Swords of Darkness," said ninya as stella and Narberal were amazed by the legend "see, when we started our little group our ultimate goal was to find swords for ourselves someday," said lukrut.

"But, we needed a symbol in the meantime so we carry those daggers as placeholders," said peter as the four took their daggers "I don't care that these aren't the real deal they represent the creation of our team and that's more important to me than any mythical blade," said lukrut "you know, I think that's the first time lukrut has said something mildly meaningful," said dyne "hey! Take that back," said lukrut "who are you and what'd you do with our friend," said peter "shut up I'm a silver-tougued fox and know it," said lukrut "I used to be like them I adventured with my friends, collected materials and helped build Nazarick," thought Momonga.

"You all seem very close is it common for adventurers to get along," said nfirea "yeah we all trust each other with our lives," said peter "it helps that our team is nothing but guys, too throwing a girl into mix would be distracting," said lukrut "I think our greatest strength comes from sharing a common goal it keeps us focused on the future," said ninya "you're lucky amazing things happen when everyone shares the same goals," said Ainz "were you on a team, mr. Momon," said ninya "it wasn't as an adventurer, but I was once, when I was weak and alone, taking care of my daughter a holy knight clad in white armor saved our lives he led us to the people we would eventually call our comrades it changed us forever they were the best allies we could ever hoped for more than that they were friends, family we will never forget the days we spent with them as long as we live," said Ainz.

"Ainz Ooal Gown, you were the to me," thought Momonga "mr. Momon don't worry I'm sure that you and daughter will find more allies just like them, one of these days," said ninya "that day will never come excuse me kasumi, Nabe I'm eating over here," said Ainz "yes father," said stella "yes I think I'll join you both as well," said  Narberal "I hope you enjoy it," said peter "I think I might have insulted him," said ninya "Mm something bad must have happened," said dyne "if I have to guess they're probably all gone he has the aura of someone who's lost all of his comrades that feeling stays with you," said peter "I bet it's hard to imagine," said lukrut as ninya feels very bad about hurting Ainz feelings "you can't take back what you've said, so don't fret over it all you can do from this point is atone through your actions work hard to paint over this mistake, and move forward," said dyne.

"Mm-hm I'll do my best," said ninya "I don't understand how I could have been so thoughless I know what's it's like to lose someone you love right, sis," thought ninya "that fight was intense and mr. Momon also his daughter was incredible who knew they was so strong," said nfirea "I know they were something else I've never seen anything like it before," said peter "he stopped that ogre with one strike and miss kasumi was also incredible her swords transform her clothes and the way she kill those goblins was insane it must take serious skills to pull that off," said nfirea.

"Yeah, serious skills Momon and kasumi could probably give even the Royal Head Warrior a run for his money," said peter "huh but that would make them adamantite class

do you actually believe they're the level as the strongest adventurers in the world," said nfirea "that's what I'm saying," said peter "Mm-hm," said ninya "yes," said dyne "amazing," said nfirea "I didn't think much of them when we first met well, I was a bit jealous of his full set of plate armor," said peter "fess up, you were ogling kasumi like the rest of us," said lukrut "yeah right but now, after seeing their skills first hand, I can't help feeling inadequate," said peter "hey, they'd got a few years on you it's entirely possible they'd been training for much longer," said said dyne "hold on, how you know that they'd older than peter," said nfirea "back in town, they took their helmet and mask off for a moment, and we got a good look," said ninya "what country are they from I need to know," said nfirea.

"Sorry we didn't ask for specifics," said peter "he's the same as Nabe, but kasumi is different from them because of her face which might be they're together looking out for her but she could get easily get someone much hotter," said lukrut "I doubt that his looks are an issue besides, with skills like that I'm pretty sure he doesn't have trouble getting with women of any race," said peter "women instinctively flock to men strength, no matter their looks it's a fact of life my friend," said dyne as nfirea sighs "master nfirea is something wrong," said dyne "it's really not all that important I just feel a bit uneasy is mr. Momon really popular with women," said nfirea.

"Putting aside his physical looks, his strength is the real deal and, judging by the quality of his swords and armor, he's obviously quite wealthy and kasumi the way she run so fast to make sure the goblins don't escape also her swords change her appearance then take out the goblins like they're nothing to her," said peter "oh," said nfirea "alright spill it," said peter "well there's this girl I can't help being afraid that she might fall for him or kasumi is she into girls once we get to carne it's stupid I know," said nfirea "is that all don't worry I'll teach you all the ways to make a woman's knees bu-," said lukrut but got interrupted by peter throwing a wood bowl at him "zip it or else," said peter "ow that's my money-maker you just assaulted jerk," said lukrut as the rest of the team surround  nfirea "what kind of person is she," said ninya "just keep trying if you give up, it's all over," said dyne "we'll even help support you, at no extra charge," said peter "come on," said lukrut "you can do it," said peter "you guys," said nfirea "be persistent," said dyne as they all laugh as ninya looked at Ainz stella and Narberal then Ainz looked  at the stars.

Back at E-Rantel

Somewhere in the city Clementine was humming while she killed a person in the eye and took her weapon swung it to get blood off of it and smeared a bit of blood that was on her cheek "hey you two take this guy body to khajit," said Clementine "yes lady Clementine," said blake and Koneko as they took the body "why are you doing this," said [information broker 6A] "because you peddle information, and I need some on a talented pharmacist," said Clementine "you want nfirea balear there, I told you now please let me go," said [information broker 6A] "oh silly man you could be lying to me I should be through," said Clementine "if you want proof, all you have to do is ask the other brokers they'll tell you the same thing, I'm sure of it," said [information broker 6A] "you're taking the fun out of this fine, I'll put it another way," said Clementine "huh," said [information broker 6A] "I... love... killing bloodshed is my one true passion, my art and I need the practice oh did I mention torture," said Clementine.

As [information broker 6A] whimpers and started to run "hey I didn't say you could leave," said Clementine "what the hell is wrong with that woman," said [information broker 6A] as he was stab from behind by Clementine as she laughing "my my, that looks painful," said Clementine as [information broker 6A] laughs "it is but I feel fantastic," said [information broker 6A] "good very good now tell me what I want to know," said Clementine.

With Khajit

"Create undead," said Khajit as person Clementine killed was brought back as a undead "groans," said [man 6A] as he walked away "that jewel of death sure is great at making zombies but, I think you might be going a bit overboard with it," said Clementine "because you keep playing around," said Khajit "I like my work," said Clementine "you need to focus, Clementine I've spent years preparing to turn E-Rantel into a city of death but, for my plan to work, I need it's people to be alive," said Khajit "oh, right that spiral of death, thingy," said Clementine "precisely the same ritual that our exalted leader once tried If done correctly, it will turn the capital into a pit of undeath overnight if I this to collect the power of death that's left in it's wake... ...my dream of immortality will, at least be realized," said Khajit as he took a jewel as it glow and he has a smirk on his face "if your antics continue to cause me trouble, you'll be the next zombie I create," said Khajit.

"Hm," said Clementine as tried to attack Khajit with her weapon but be blocked it by a hand made of bones as Clementine cackles "you're more foolish than I thought," said Khajit "don't be mad that was nothing more than a love tap," said Clementine "we both know that's a lie," said Khajit as Clementine sighs and puts away her weapon "you always manage to impress, Khajit it's sexy," said Clementine as Khajit grunts "oh, almost forgot I'll be sure not bring my playthings home that work for you," said Clementine as Khajit sighs than Clementine started to humming "hard to believe she was once a black scripture her power earned her the ninth seat of their order, but that corrupt personality made her troublesome I'll to keep an eye on her," thought Khajit as he looked at the jewel of death than looked at Clementine.

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