Dreams Of A Youth

By goonerscribblesox

87.5K 2.1K 431

Olivia, your average fourteen-year-old is the younger sister of Leah Williamson, she's a girl with her own dr... More

1. done it now
2. new life in london
3. opportunities
4. believe in yourself, kid
6. new city, new school
7. it's official now
8. foul mood
9. rivals
10. i've got you, always
11. betting pool
12. it's not what it looks like
13. can we fix this? pt. 1
14. can we fix this? pt. 2
15. trouble around the corner
16. off to barcelona we go!
17. tough defeat
18. under the weather
19. rough night ahead
20. confessions
21. how to heal a broken heart
22. champions league night, baby! pt.1
23. champions league night, baby! pt. 2
24. arrival at camp
25. resilience in life
26. come clean
27. estranged
28. feelings are valid
29. rekindling a relationship
not an update
30. spooktacular game!
Not an update.

5. gooners v city at home

3.1K 60 18
By goonerscribblesox

26th september, 2021

"Liv!" Leah shouted up the stairs, trying to get the attention of her sister as once again, she was stood waiting for her impatiently. "Come on kid, we need to leave already!" she stated.

Today, they had the game against City today at their home grounds' in Borehamwood, however, despite the teenager being so excited, her time-keeping was very poor and hence why the two women were now waiting on the girl.

"Liv?" The older blonde called out for her sister, starting to get frustrated with her sister and her lack of response. "Olivia!" she yelled.

Once again there was barely any response from the younger girl, which just made Leah even more annoyed.

"Maybe she didn't hear you?" Jordan wondered, appearing in the hallway with her kit bag ready for the match.

"What an earth is she doing up there?" The blonde muttered to herself, shaking her head as she began to get frustrated with her sister and her lack of response. "I'd better to go up and see what's taking so long or we're gonna be late." she stated.

"Good luck," Jordan joked, knowing it might not end well between the two sisters.

"Might need it," Leah remarked as she began to climb the stairs to head in the direction of her sister's bedroom. "Liv, I've been shouting you-- What are you doing?" she questioned.

The older blonde was more taken back by the sight of her sister frantically tossing everything out from around her bedroom, the clothes that were once in the wardrobe were now on a pile on the floor.

"Le! Help me, I can't find my trainers!" The teenager whipped her head around to look at her sister with a frantic look on her face. "I-- I can't find them!" she repeated.

"What-- Why didn't you look for them earlier?" Leah asked in disbelief, she had made sure that her sister had enough time earlier in the day to find anything that she needed to take and it was so typical of her sister to do something like this. "Are you being serious right now, kid?" she wondered, stepping further into the bedroom.

"Le, help me, please!" Olivia pleaded with the older blonde, oblivous to the fact that she was supposed to be ready to go already and not realizing how upset her sister was now.

"Liv, I literally told you to be ready to go. Why have you decided to look for them now?" Leah asked, raising her eyebrow. "We need to leave now or else we'll be late!" she added.

"I-- I can't go yet!" The teenager whined, shaking her head frantically. "I need to find my trainers. They're important!" she insisted.

"Honestly kid," Leah huffed, pursing her lips and keeping her eyebrow raised perfectly. "I-- Why can't you just find another pair to wear for today? We have to go!" she stated.

Olivia shook her head in disagreement, "No, no, I can't. It has to be this pair!" she insisted, turning around to continue to toss stuff around her bedroom. "I have to wear these ones and I can't find them at all!" she mumbled.

"I swear to God, Liv-- Right then, where did you last put them?" The older blonde asked, looking around her sisters' bedroom that looked a complete state to how it usually looked. "I'm amazed you can find anything with your room looking like a complete bombsite!" she remarked.

"Uh, I don't know... I can't remember!" The teenager admitted bashfully. "I had them the other day and now I can't find them. I don't where they are!" she said frustradely.

"What? Liv!" Leah exclaimed, her eyes nearly buldged out of her sockets. "Come on kid, we haven't got the time to look for them or we'll be late!" she stated annoyed, quickly glancing at the time on her watch.

"I know, I know..." Olivia mumbled in agremeent, if she was being completely honest, she didn't really hear what her sister was even saying as she more focused on trying to find her beloved trainers.

"This is why when I tell you to be ready, I actually mean it so things like this don't happen!" Leah stated, shaking her head unimpressed. "Just find another pair and wear them. We don't have the time to find them now!" she insisted.

"What's going on?" Jordan poked her head around the door, she was becoming concerned on what was taking them so long when Leah went upstairs to find her sister. "You know we've got to leave soon, right?" she checked the time on her phone and glanced between the two sisters.

Leah looked towards her girlfriend who stood in the doorway, "Yeah, I know, I'm aware Jord," she exhaled a sigh and looked back towards her sister. "This ones' only gone and lost her trainers, but she insists to find them before we leave." she explained.

"We haven't got the time for that," Jordan replied, shaking her head.

"That is what I told her," Leah remarked in agreement with her girlfriend. "Right, Liv, this is silly, you'll just have to wear another pair and find them another time." she told her firmly.

"Le, please, it has to be those ones!" Olivia insisted, she was almost on the verge of tears at loosing her favourite pair of trainers and neither girl could understand what the issue was. "Please, Le, please!" she pleaded, getting herself in a right state.

"Alright, alright, I'll help you look for your trainers, calm down," Leah said, concerned about how visibily upset her sister was getting over an item.

"I'll go and wait downstairs for you both," Jordan stated, shaking her head as she walked out of the teenagers bedroom to go back downstairs.

"Come on, let's quickly look and then we can get downstairs," Leah said as she ducked down to look under the bed, finding success when she spotted a familiar pair of Nike Air Max 90's tossed to the other side of the bed. "Are these the ones, Liv?" she asked.

"Yes!" Olivia exclaimed, eagerly accepting the trainers from her older sister. "Thank you, Le!" she said grateful.

Leah stood up from the bed and smiled faintly, nodding her head, "Alright, quick, put them on and then we need to go, like right now!" she said, glancing at the time on her phone and gesturing her sister down the stairs.

"Found them?" Jordan wondered, looking up from her phone where she was replying to a text from Beth asking where they were. "Beth texted, told her we're running a bit late." she added in.

"Just about in time," Leah mumbled, shaking her head as she motioned them all outside of the house. "Probably a good idea otherwise we'll miss the bus." she agreed.

"I did think that," Jordan chuckled, walking out of the front door. "Glad to have found your special trainers, kid?" she turned to look at the teenager as she couldn't help tease her lightly.

"They're important trainers, it had be these ones that I wore," Olivia insisted, making her way over to her sisters BMW.

"Teenagers, they're so much fun to deal with," Leah remarked sarcastically, locking the front door after her and walking over to her car.

Jordan couldn't help but chuckle and shake her head amusedly, following her girlfriend over to her BMW as they all climbed in, "We used to be them, remember?" she joked with the blonde.

Leah nodded and laughed, buckling her seatbelt as she turned around to look at her sister, "Liv, when we get back tonight, you need to tidy your bedroom, its' a right state-- Yep, okay, now I am hearing myself, I sound just like mum." she realised half way through her lecture.

"Glad you realised that yourself," Olivia couldn't help but smirk as she looked up from her phone.

Leah shook her head and exhaled a sigh, "You still need to tidy it up. It's messy now since you decided to just toss everything everywhere," she told her, starting the ignition on her car as they pulled out of the driveway to make their way to the Arsenal training centre in London Colney.

"I know, I know. I'll do it when I get home, you don't need to nag at me," Olivia mumbled, staring down at her phone.

"Well if I don't nag at you then it'll never get done," Leah remarked, shaking her head as she focused on the road out in front. "How are you feeling about tomorrow?" she wondered.

"Bit nervous, starting a new school is never fun," Olivia answered honestly.

"I'm sure you'll get on great kid," Jordan reassured the teenager with a kind smile. "You'll make plenty of friends and hey, you never know what might happen." she added in.

Leah smiled and nodded in agreement, "A new school will be good for you Liv, and I'm sure you'll be fine once you meet some people." she told her.

liv_williamsonn just added to her story.

"We thought you guys were never going to make it," Beth joked, spotting the three of them walk into the building where she was sat with Viv, Steph and Jen, the rest of the girls were all dotted around while they waited for them to arrive, and for the bus to arrive to take them to Borehamwood. "Hey, trouble." she peered at the teenager.

"Hi Bethy," Olivia replied, walking over to the blonde and wrapping her arms around her.

"Heard about your trainer fiasco," Steph joked, ruffling the teenagers' hair which earnt a slight growl from the youngster.

"Yeah, we'd have been here a lot sooner if we didn't have to take part in a scavanger hunt," Jordan joked with them.

"What?" Viv asked dumbfounded, not entirely understanding the English language sometimes. "I--I don't understand what you mean by that." she added in.

"Liv lost her trainers and she insisted that those specific ones were the ones' that she wore today so we had to find them before we left," Leah said, emphasising the words as she shook her head. "Couldn't just wear another pair apparently." she teased lightly.

"They're cool trainers... I like them," Olivia mumbled, avoiding the looks from the rest of the girls who looked amused.

"Never heard so much drama about a pair of trainers," Jen teased the teenager lightly. "Glad to see that you've found them now." she added.

Beth couldn't help but laugh and tighten her embrace on the girl, "Typical you, ay, kid? Never change do you," she teased the girl.

"Honestly, I don't know what was so special about these trainers," Leah remarked, shaking her head, she was unaware of the fact the trainers meant so much to the teenager because she was the one who had brought them for Christmas last year.

"You're here," Katie cheered in victory, making her way over to the small group of them with a wide grin on her face. "We wondered where you got to." she joked.

"Trainer fiasco," Jordan stated amusedly.

Katie furrowed her eyebrow and couldn't help but laugh as the teenager blushed slightly from the attention being all on her, "I'm not even going to ask." she said, shaking her head.

"Probably better that you don't, Viv may get confused again about it," Beth said, taking the opportunity to tease the brunette dutch women.

"That's rude," Viv remarked, playfully pouting at the blonde who she had a secret crush on.

"Right ladies, the bus is here, if we can all make our way out now," Jonas announced to the whole team as he spotted the teenager stood amongst them all. "Hello Liv, it's good to have you here with us again." he welcomed her kindly.

"Thanks, Jonas. Good to be here as well," Olivia replied to the head coach as she smiled. "Can't wait to watch the game today and hopefully we get a win." she added.

"That's the hope, Liv," Jonas said in agreement, chuckling slightly. "Be good to have you in the crowd to cheer on the girls though as well. How are you adjusting to living with your sister now?" he wondered.

"It's good, change isn't exactly my favourite thing but I think I'm settling in well," Olivia told the man honestly. "Sorry, means you might have to put with me a bit more at training sessions and stuff." she joked with him.

"Always a pleasure to have you around Liv," Jonas said amusedly. "You'd better catch up with your sister and I'll see you later on. Hopefully to celebrate that win." he added.

"Here's hoping," Olivia said in agreement, dashing past a few of the players' that she wasn't all that familiar with compared to the rest of the girls so she could catch up to her sister and the rest of the girls.

"Ah, wondered where'd you gone," Jordan joked with the teenager.

"Sorry, got chatting to Jonas and fell behind," Olivia explained, climbing onboard the bus as she was aleady met with loud chatter and music being played.

The layout of the bus there were tables dotted about with four seats available, so Olivia slid into one of the seats beside her sister while Jordan and Katie sat opposite, and Beth and Viv sat on the other table opposite with Jen and Steph.

The teenager was glad of the layout so she could easily still talk to everyone as she had no doubt she wouldn't be able to sit in her seat for the entire journey, that would be impossible.

"Are we there yet?" The teenager wondered, getting bored already as she asked for what felt like the hundreth time in the space of twenty minutes.

"We're almost there now," Leah replied, exhaling a sigh.

Sitting still in a confided space wasn't really the teenagers' thing and she very quickly found herself bored, trying to occupy herself with different things.

"How much longer?" The teenager asked feeling agigtated.

Leah glanced at the time on her phone and out of the window, "I don't know, Liv, but it won't be much longer. Just try and relax." she told her, although that was easier said than done now.

Even with the entertainment of Jen strumming her guitar and the girls all sat singing, the teenager still could feel the agitation still bubbling up as she found it particulary hard to sit still and relax.

"What is taking so long? We've been on the bus for what feels like forever," Olivia huffed and threw her head back against the head rest. "I'm bored." she mumbled.

"Only a bit left to go kid," Kim told her as she leaned over her chair and offered a packet of Haribo sweets out to the teenager, hopeful that sugar might help at least. "Would you like one?" she offered.

"Sure, thanks!" Olivia was more than keen to accept a small handful of sweets, although if you asked Leah, she would disagree that she needed anymore sugar with the energy that she already had. "It feels like we've been on here for so long, are we stuck in traffic or something?" she asked.

"There's a few roadworks up ahead which is why there's a bit of a delay," Jordan explained to the girl.

Olivia groaned and threw her hands up in the air dramatically, "Le," she looked over to where her sister, who of course was sat with a suduko book like normal. "I'm bored." she repeated.

"I know kid, we'll be there as soon as we can and I can't do much about it until then," Leah replied, looking up from the book. "Why don't you try and distract yourself with your phone? We won't be much longer." she told her.

"I'm bored, bored, so very bored," Olivia spoke in a sing-song tone of voice. "Katie, are you bored?" she asked, looking at the Irish women who was occupying herself by scrolling down her Instagram newsfeed.

"I'm bored of hearing you say that you're bored," Katie remarked, smirking at the teenager.

"Ouch, that hurts," Olivia mumbled, playfully holding her hand over her heart. "I'm deeply wounded by you saying that." she stated.

"Why don't we make a TikTok?" Beth piped up, overhearing the girls' persistant complaining of how bored she was, and there was nothing that any of them could do to help really until they got off the bus. "Come sit over here and we'll make one." she suggested.

"Yes, get in! I get Meado in one of my TikTok's!" The teenager exclaimed, fist pumping the air as she was quick to leap up from her chair and join the table of four, placing herself on Vivs' lap and taking the women by surprise. "Viv, are you gonna join in?" she wondered.

"No chance, not at all, little one," Viv declared, very adamant to not be in one, she wasn't a person that really liked the camera all that much other than when she had no choice but to do media, but there was an off-chance one of the girls did force her into one of their TikTok videos.

"Come on, please?" Olivia asked, pouting in an attempt to get her to agree, batting her eyelids. "Pretty please, Vivvy?" she asked.

"No, no," Viv said, shaking her head in disagreement. "You're not getting me in one of them videos," she paused as she looked at the girl who had yet to give up with her puppy dog eye expression. "No, not the puppy-dog eyes. You know I'm a sucker for them... Fine, I'll do it. Just one video!" she begrudingly agreed with the teenager.

"Yes!" Olivia exclaimed excitedly, pulling her phone out of her pocket.

"That'll keep her quiet for a bit at least," Leah joked with the rest of the girls who sat around them.

Leah had to admit to herself that she hadn't really thought about the duration of the bus journey, the teenager never did well with travelling for a long time before she become agigated and restless, so the blonde had already made a mental note to bring something along with her next time to keep her sister occupied.

"Hopefully, we'll see," Jordan chuckled, agreeing with her girlfriend.

"We're here!" The teenager cheered as they pulled up outside of the grounds of Meadow Park, the girl was just glad to be able to roam free again and not contained to such a small space. "Can I go and find Keira and Georgia once we're off the bus?" she asked.

"Don't you like being with us kid," Steph joked, overhearing the teenagers question as she stood up from her seat and began to gather her things together.

"You lot are all boring after a while," Olivia remarked, sticking her tongue out playfully at the older Australian women.

Caitlin gasped playfully and shook her head as she walked past them to get off the bus, "Old? Who are you calling old, kid." The brunette teased, smirking at the teenager.

"You," The fourteen-year-old confidently replied back. "So, can I? Please, Le!" she pleaded, looking at her older sister.

"I mean, I don't see why not," Leah agreed to her younger sisters' question. "Hey, kid, hold up a minute," she got her sisters attention when she was all but ready to run off the bus to find them. "You remember that mum's going to be at this game as well, right?" she asked.

"Yep, course, like I could ever forget... She goes to all of your matches," Olivia stated, rolling her eyes. "Why'd you ask?" she wondered.

"Right, well, don't you think that you should maybe try and speak to her?" Leah questioned wearily, she knew it was a touchy subject to discuss at the moment but it needed to be talked about. "I'm sure that she would love to see you." she added.

"I doubt that," The teenager fired back, shaking her head.

Leah exhaled a deep sigh as she looked at her sister unimpressed, "Liv, come on, don't be like that. You know mum will be happy to see you and she has been worried about you as well," she told her honestly. "I know that you've been avoiding all of her calls." she added.

"How'd you know that?" Olivia questioned, furrowing her eyebrows.

"We do talk every day, remember?" Leah chuckled lightly, shaking her head. "Look, Liv, can you please just try and be reasonable?" she asked her sister.

"Me, be reasonable?" The teenager scoffed, continuing to try and walk off the bus. "She's the one who all but kicked me out, Leah!" she exclaimed.

Leah took a quick glance around and shook her head, "Liv, don't cause a scene, not here," she told her firmly, apprehensive incase any of the fans overheard the conversation as they climbed off the bus. "Come here a second." she stated, pulling her sister to the side away from everyone else.

"I want to go and find Kei and G," The teenager whined dramatically, wanting to be nowhere invovled in this conversation.

"And you can go find them in a minute," Leah reminded her, pursing her lips. "All I'm asking here is that you try and make an effort with her, please? Why don't you tell her the news about the acadmedy?" she suggested.

Olivia shook her head in disagreement, "What's the point when you've already told her about it," she stated bluntly.

"Well, yes, but I'm sure that she would like to hear it from you, Liv," Leah told her sister truthfully. "Can you please just try and make an effort, okay? You know that mum loves and cares about you but sometimes, you're not the easiest child to deal with." she admitted.

"Wow, thanks, way to make me feel even better about myself," The teenager mumbled, shifting her spot uncomfortably.

"I'm just being honest with you kid. You know the reason behind why you moved to Lodon," Leah replied, shaking her head as she looked at her sister who had quickly lost interest in the conversation between them. "Liv! Are you even listening to me?" she questioned.

"Huh, what?" Olivia snapped her attention back to her older sister, smiling sheepishly when she realised she had no idea what she had even just said. "Yeah, I was... I was totally listening." she added.

Leah raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms, her usual stern expression painted on her face, "Oh really? What did I just say then?" she questioned.

"Be civil with mum, blah, blah, blah," Olivia remarked, smirking slightly as she looked at her older sister who looked at her irritated. "See, I listened to you, Le." she added.

"Unbelieveable kid... Absolutely unbelievable," The older blonde muttered, exhaling a sigh as she was less than impressed at her youngre sisters' antics.

"Can we go and find Kei and G now?" The fourteen-year-old asked, wanting out of having anything to do with this conversation. "You said we could go and find them already!" she whined.

"Yes, alright, fine," Leah reluctantly agreed, knowing there would be no use trying to have this conversation with her sister when she didn't want to know at all.

arsenalwfc just posted.

"Kei!" The blonde teenager exclaimed, crashing right into the older women who was thrown off surprised by the sudden weight on her.

"Whoa, hello trouble," The midfielder chuckled, wrapping her free arm around the younger girl to exchange a hug. "You okay?" she questioned.

"Yep, I'm good," Olivia grinned, peering up at the women who was slightly taller than her.

"Good to hear, kid," Keira said, smiling back at the teenager as she turned her attention to her best friend. "Hey, Le," she greeted her.

"Hey, Kei," Leah said, moving to hug her best friend. "Little miss impatient over here has been dying to see you and G, speaking of which, where is G?" she asked.

"I heard my name mentioned," The voice of Georgia spoke as she walked over to them and all but dived on her blonde friend. "Leah!" she exclaimed childishly.

"Christ, G. Careful, you almost took me out then," The blonde stated, laughing and shaking her head. "You alright?" she wondered.

"Better now to see you guys," Georgia replied, grinning as she spotted the teenager she hadn't seen in a fair while. "Liv!" she cheered at her partner in crime.

"G!" The teenager exclaimed, throwing her arms around the brunette.

"Wow, we've long been forgotten," Keira joked with Leah, amusedly as she looked at Georgia and Olivia together.

Leah laughed and nodded in agreement, "Double trouble, the pair of yous are," she joked, looking at the brunette and her little sister. "Didn't take too long for you to be reaquanted, did it? " she added.

Georgia playfully ruffled the teenagers hair and swung an arm around her shoulder, "My partner in crime, after all she does have the best middle name named after yours truly." she joked playfully.

"That's not true," Keira couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head. "But sure, you keep on telling yourself that." she smirked at the brunette.

"It most definitely is," Georgia gasped, resting her hand over her heart, earning amused laughs from both Keira and Leah.

Olivia grinned at the brunette footballer, "Happy to see you again, G!" she told her.

"Same kiddo, you have been missed," Georgia told her truthfully. "How you liking life in London now? Still causing trouble?" she smirked at the girl.

"It's good, I am slowly starting to get used to it and like it," The teenager told her, smiling faintly. "I'm not causing any trouble, don't know what you're even talking about there, G." she stated.

"Please, we all know that is true," Keira remarked, smiling amusedly.

"Me, trouble?" Olivia scoffed, looking offended. "How rude... I am not!" she insisted.

"Yeah, still not sure I quite believe that one," The brunette couldn't help but wind the teeanger up. "How much stress have you already caused for Leah?" she joked.

"Tons," Leah couldn't help join in and joke.

"What? No, not much at all," Olivia protested, pouting at the older blonde.

"I don't quite think I believe that one kiddo, you're not fooling any of us," Keira said, shaking her head amusedly.

"I wouldn't either, Kei. Wherever this one goes, trouble seems to follow her," Leah said, she couldn't help but want to wind her little sister up. "Good luck today, G. May the best team win, aye?" she joked playfully.

"Obviously it'll be Arsenal then," Olivia piped in, grinning at her older sister.

"You know kid, just when I was starting to like you," Georgia stated, draping her arm around the younger girl and ruffling her hair playfully.

"G, nah, get off!" The teenager grumbled, trying to push the older womens' hands off her hair while she pouted. "Get off!" she repeated.

"Leah! Are you coming?" Beth called over to get the blonde's attention.

"Just one second," Leah looked over to the blonde and held her hands up to motion to give her a minute. "Right, I'd better go, remember what I said, Liv?" she looked back at her little sister.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, be civil and all that, blah, blah, blah," The teenager remarked, rolling her eyes.

"Liv," The older blonde spoke in a warning tone of voice, narrowing her eyebrow in the direction of her younger sister.

"Relax, I'll go and speak to her at half time," The fourteen-year-old stated, shoving her hands in her pockets. "You should probbaly go before the girls get any more impatient anyways." she noted, glancing over to where Beth looked agitated at the hold up.

"Leah," The blonde footballer repeated, waving in the direction of her team mate.

"Yeah, alright, I'm coming!" Leah huffed, shaking her head. "No patience, the lot of them... I'll see you all in a bit. May the best team win." she stated, playfully biting her bottom lip and pointing to the Arsenal crest on her jacket.

"Gooners!" Olivia cheered, fist pumping the air.

"You know it kiddo," Leah couldn't help but smile proudly. "Right, I'd better go before I get yelled at again," she joked, exchanging hugs with all three of them. "Oh, and Liv?" she paused to look at her little sister.

"Yeah, I know.... Behave and all that," The teenager mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"Well, I was gonna say make sure to cheer us on but yes, that as well," Leah chuckled amusedly at the younger girl.

Olivia smirked and nodded, "I will, I'll be shouting the loudest in the crowd for all of you!" she stated proudly, tapping the Arsenal crest on her football shirt she was wearing. "Arsenal through and through, of course," she added.

"Good, wouldn't expect anything less from you," Leah grinned at her younger sister, quickly exchanging a quick hug with her before she dashed off to join the rest of the Arsenal squad to get ready before the game.

liv_williamsonn just posted.

liv_williamsonn: reunited with the city girls ahead of the game today! 🤟🏼 | tagged: stanwaygeorgia, keirawalsh

liked by leahwilliamsonn, keirawalsh & 182 others

leahwilliamsonn feeling a bit left out there kid
→ liv_williamsonn: oh shush you were literally stood with us 😂

katie_mccabe11 so that's where you disappeared too then
→ liv_williamsonn: had to go see the city girls

stanwaygeorgia reunited 🤫❤️
→ liv_williamsonn at last ❤️❤️

"Alright, don't be shouting too many chants now," Keira stated, taking her seat in the stands alongside the teenager, who was reluctant to sit with her mum through the match.

"No promises," Olivia couldn't help but grin. "Are you sure you're not going to get any stick for sitting on the oppisite side's of the stands?" she joked with the older women.

"Possibly, but I couldn't let you be alone now, could I?" Keira chuckled, looking at the teenage girl. "I think Leah would have something to say about that." she noted.

"You know I'm fourteen, right? I don't need a babysitter," Olivia complained, rolling her eyes. "Depsite what my sister may think." she added.

"You know that she cares and is just looking out for you," Keira remarked, smirking slightly at the blonde girl. "So, are you looking forward to starting out at your new school? Leah told us about it, bet you're feeling excited, huh?" she wondered.

"Bit nervous honestly," Olivia admitted, fidgeting as she picked at the skin around her nails, a bad habit she had come to have. "I won't know anyone there and it'll be hard to fit in... again," she explained.

"I'm sure that you will fit in soon enough and make friends," Keira reassured the teenager, placing her hands on the girls, stopping her from pulling at the skin and irritating her fingers anymore. "I know you hate the change, but you seem to be more happier here at least kiddo, and I know you're sisters happy that you're here as well." she added.

Olivia chewed on her bottom lip slightly as she looked at the older women, "That's what everyone else has said so far but I don't know about it," she mumbled quietly.

"There right there Liv, you'll have no problem with making friends," Keira told the teenage girl truthfully. "I mean, you're a confident kid, I have no doubt that you'll adjust to your new school quickly." she added.

"You think so?" Olivia wondered curiously.

"Definitely," Keira said, nodding in agreement. "I can't quite believe that you got excluded again though, what even happened?" she questioned.

Olivia shrugged her shoulders and placed her hands in her lap to stop her fidgeting with her hands still, "I can't remember much, I just know that I saw red and I did end up breaking her nose though so I've heard from my friend," she couldn't help but giggle slightly at the thought of that. "That's some type of victory at least, right?" she asked.

"I mean, maybe? I wouldn't let your sister hear you say that sort of thing though," Keira said, shaking her head amused. "So, you're settling into London life then?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's alright... I mean it's different from Milton Keynes but I like it, I suppose," Olivia answered honestly. "I guess it'll take some time to get used to things properly though." she stated.

Keira smiled at the teenage girl sitting beside her, "Well, that's good then and I know Le's happy that you're living with her now, despite how much it's taken to get used to living with a teenager permanently," she teased the younger girl. "Keeps on telling us everything in the group chat so we're up to date with how much trouble you're causing." she joked.

Olivia pouted slightly, "I only wanted to play football inside the house but she wouldn't let me," she mumbled, shaking her head. "I mean, surely you'd think that a professional footballer would be all for kicking a ball about, but no, appararently not indoors." she remarked, sulking slightly at the memory.

Keira couldn't help but laugh and shake her head, "I mean, it's probably more of a risk thinking you would break the telly or something," she told her.

"That hasn't even happened yet," Olivia pointed out, exhaling a sigh.

"There's still time for it to happen," Keira said, laughing at the teenagers' saddened expression. "Heard the news about the Academy as well. It's fantastic news!" she exclaimed.

Olivia smiled faintly, blushing at the compliment she wasn't really used too, "Thanks, Kei!" she said grateful.

"I know this is something that you've been wanting to do, this is huge!" The older women exclaimed, she was definitely chuffed for the teenage girl who she had known for several years now. "So, do you want to go and find your mum yet?" she wondered.

"Well, I guess I don't have much choice," Olivia mumbled, staring down at the floor in front of her.

"Come on kid, you promised your sister that you would go and say hello," Keira reminded the girl. "It'll make them both happy and I'll even come with you to keep the peace if needs be." she added.

Olivia let out a loud huff and nodded, "Fine, alright, if it'll make my sister happy and get her off my back then I'll go and play nice," she remarked, not really wanting to go and speak to the older women after the last time they had spoken, it just ended with an argument. "We'll go and find her at half time." she stated.

"Good, we'll have a good time," Keira encouraged the teenager as she spotted the two teams walking out onto the pitch. "Oh, looks like they're coming out now," she gestured over to where both teams were, led by the captains, Kim Little and Ellen White, who was filling in for Steph Houghton, who was out with an injury.

"Come on Arsenal!" The teenager exclaimed, cheering for her team. "Oh, look, there's Leah!" she pointed over to where her sister was with her usual game face on. "Leah! Leah!" she waved, trying to get her attention.

The blonde defender took the moment to look over to where she heard her name being called and waved slightly, she managed to keep the serious expression on her face though throughout.

"Wow, she didn't even crack a smile," Keira couldn't help but chuckle amusedly. "Serious game face mode is now active." she joked.

Olivia couldn't help but laugh and cheer even more excitedly, "Let's go, Arsenal! Let's go!" she yelled loudly and clapped along with the chant.

The music began to play as both teams lined up on the pitch, as always Leah was stood with her hands behind her back as she stood with her usual game face on and Olivia couldn't help but laugh amusedly.

"Come on Arsenal!" The teenager yelled excitedly. "Let's go Arsenal! Let's go!" she added in.

"Oh dear lord," Keira laughed, shaking her head.

"Red Army! Red Army!" The fans continued to shout loudly, supporting the Arsenal women, and Olivia was more happy to join in with them.

"Red Army!" The teenageer cheered.

"Yep, think I've made a mistake sitting here," Keira muttered, continuing to shake her head and laugh.

"We love you Arsenal, we do!" The teenager began to start to chant. "We love you Arsenal, we do. We love you Arsenal, we do! Oh, Arsenal, we love you!" she finished the chant and smirked at Keira. "Good job you're not wearing your man city kit, you'd get some right looks." she said cheekily.

"Yep, definitely think I have made a mistake," Keira chuckled, shaking her head amusedly.

The first half of the match started out my well and within the first ten minutes since kick off, Viv was able to score their first goal with the help of an assist from Beth.

The whole stand errupted with celebration, standing up and chanting as loud as they could for the Arsenal team.

"Bad luck there Kei," The teenager stated, turning to look at the older women before she looked back onto the pitch where all the Arsenal girls were gathered around in celebration.

"There's still time for an equaliser," Keira pointed out, not happy as she shook her head. "We're only ten minutes in." she reminded the girl.

"Don't know about that, I can feel another goal happening very soon," Olivia couldn't help but smirk. "City don't have any chance of winning today. It's gonna be Arsenal!" she insisted.

Keira scoffed playfully and shook her head, "We'll see, we'll see." she stated.

There was a bit of panick for the team of blue when Lauren Hemp went down with an injury as Olivia could see the clear worried expression on Keira's face waiting for her to seek medical attention. The Man City side was already lacking some of their best players, to loose another would be worrying for them.

There was relief for Keira when Lauren got up and was fine though and the game continued, however, she soon realised she was eating her words as just thirteen more minutes into the first half, there was another goal for the Arsenal side which was scored by non other than Captain, Kim with a cheeky assist from Viv.

"Yes! Go on!" Olivia exclaimed, bolting up from her seat excitedly and smashing her hands down on the back of the chair in front of her, her excitement was pretty evident to see. "Come on! Yes!" she yelled even more loudly.

Keira, along with the Man City players all looked defeated while the Arsenal girls' were on top of one another, celebrating the 2nd goal they had just happened.

"Still think there's time for Man City to equalise?" The teenager couldn't help but smirk teasingly while she looked at the older women.

"Right, it's half-time," Keira said, looking at the younger girl knowingly. "Shall we go and find your mum now?" she wondered.

Olivia exhaled a small sigh and sunk down into her seat, her excitement soon began to fade as she knew the realisation that she had to keep her promise to her older sister, "Do we have too?" she whined.

"Liv, come on, you promised your sister that you would," Keira reminded the teenager with a knowing look. "Look, I know you're worried and you probably don't want to do this but you'll be fine." she added.

"Alright, alright, fine," Olivia groaned, standing up from her seat in the stands. "Follow me then, I know where they'll be." she mumbled, leading the way.

Of course, Amanda was stood in her usual spot whenever she watched Leah play at Meadow Park, it was very rare that anyone else would stand here, and despite the teenagers feelings of hesistance about speaking to her mum, her smile brightened when she spotted the familiar spaniel she loved.

"Bella," The girl spoke, smiling as she bent down to fuss the family pup, "Hello girl, hello there." she spoke as the dog soon quickly realised who it was in front of her and got a bit more excited. "Hi, mum." she spoke quietly, glancing at the older women.

"Hi, Bubba," Amanda said, looking at her youngest daughter and smiling at her. "Hi Keira." she noted the appearance of her daughters' best friend, a familiar face known to the family.

"Hi, Amanda," Keira smiled politely at the older women.

Olivia was very hesistant to approach her mum and give her a hug, in all fairness, all Leah had said was for her to civil, nothing more, but the teenager knew that the older women would try and offer a hug like usual.

"Are you doing okay? I haven't heard anything from you," Amanda questioned her youngest.

"Yep, I'm fine," The teenager replied bluntly.

"I've been worried about you Bubba," Amanda admitted, a sad smile on her face.

Olivia shrugged her shoulders and shoved her hands in the pockets of her trousers, "Well, no need, I'm all good." she stated.

Keira glanced at Olivia and shook her head, she knew the older women was trying her hardest and the teenager wasn't exactly making this any easier for her.

"You're starting your new school tomorrow, aren't you, Liv?" Keira piped up, trying to get a flow of conversation going. "How about you tell your mum about it?" she suggested.

"Not much to tell, I'm nervous... Guess it'll be different from Milton Keynes," The teenager replied, not much interested in a conversation with the older women who had all but kicked her out of the house. "You probably already know as well that I've got into the academy as well." she mumbled.

"I do! Your sister called and told me the news, it's wonderful!" Amanda exclaimed, happy enough for her youngest daughter. "I'm so proud of you!" she stated.

"You are?" Olivia asked, blinking in surprise.

Amanda nodded and smiled warmly, "Of course I am, Livvy-Bug. This is something that you have always wanted to do ever since you were a little girl, running around in the back garden with your brother and sister," she told her, she was over the moon for her daughter with the news. "I know we're not really on the best terms right now, but I really couldn't be any more prouder of you than I am, my little bubba." she told her.

There was that familiar nickname, something she had been called ever since she was a little girl and it made Olivia realise that maybe her mum was actually proud of her and wasn't just saying it for the sake of it, and it maybe made her realise that she might have been acting a bit of a brat and taking things way out of hand.

"Thanks, mum," Olivia said, smiling at the older women.

The teenager girl was apprehensive as she moved closer to the older women and wrapped her arms around the older women, "I'm sorry how I acted when you were at Leah's house, I was being silly and lashing out." she apologised.

"We're not going to talk about that now, we'll talk about it another time," Amanda told her and smiled kindly. "Let's just enjoy the game for today. Plenty of time to talk about things another time." she added.

liv_williamsonn just addded to her story.

Olivia and Keira ended up standing with Amanda for the second half of the game, there were several opportunites for the opposite side to score but Manu was able to save each goal with such ease.

"Come on Arsenal!" The gooners all chanted loudly.

"Arsenal!" Olivia exclaimed at the top of her voice, watching as the teams both chased the ball around on the pitch. "Let's go Arsenal!" she added in.

The luck proved to be even better for the Arsenal women as in the sixtieth minute, Katie scored a banger of a third goal for them.

"Yes!" Olivia shouted loudly, fist bumping the air and clapping happily as she looked over to the pitch where all of the Arsenal girls had practically jumped on top of Katie in celebration. "Go on, McCabe! Go on!" she exclaimed.

"We've got McCabe, Katie McCabe," The Arsenal fans began to sing the chant of the beloved Irish football player. "I just don't think you understand, she plays out on the wing, she hits it with a zing, we've got Katie McCabe!" they all continued to sing, and Olivia was more than happy to join in with them all.

"Amazing," Amanda smiled, clapping her hands together in celebration.

"Well, it appears we're not doing very well at all," Keira mumbled, shaking her head at the feeling of loss for her team she played for.

"Sorry, Kei. No hard feelings, eh?" Olivia couldn't help but joke with the older women.

There was only a slight chance that the Man City team would be able to come back from their loss but with only 30 minutes left in the game, and the Arsenal women already being 3 nil up, it didn't seem very likely at all.

It appeared that luck wasn't on the side for Man City tonight as time neared to the full ninty minutes being up, the opportunity for Kim to be awarded with a penalty in the seventy-eighth minute, which she took with such ease and won them another goal and the Arsenal team were all leaping on one another to celebrate another secured win for their time.

With the extra time that was added on, the substituions were changed for both sides to try and give them both another shot to score a goal, it was more important for the team of blue but ultimiately, there was probably no likely chance of them winning this game.

"Better luck next time?" Olivia teased the older women, who looked very much defeated as she stood next to her.

"Bubba, be nice," Amanda chuckled, shaking her head at her youngest daughters feel to gloat, even if she was happy that her team had won.

Keira exhaled a sigh and shook her head, "We played well, that's all we can do." she stated, feeling sorry for her team that were moments away from the whistle blowing and the loss of the game becoming official.

The announcement was made for four minutes of extra time to be added on, an opportunity for Man City to at least try and score a single goal.

"Ouch, that tackle looked rough on Tobin," Olivia noted, watching as Georgia raced towards the ball and ended up doing a challenge on the latest player to sign for the club, international player, Tobin Heath.

The teenager hadn't had much chance to speak to the women yet, since she had only just arrived yesterday and was thrown into the media and training straight away virtually, but the girl knew she was probably going to be a valuable member to the team.

"Typical, G," Keira chuckled, shaking her head.

"Well, looks like a free kick to Arsenal," Amanda noted, shaking her head and smiling slightly as she watched the action on the pitch.

With only a few minutes of extra time left, both teams worked hard to secure another goal, it was more important for one side rather than the other as they ran fast to get the ball from their opisitions side.

A missed goal from Caitlin that went over the cross bar of the goal post but the luck wasn't up yet as in the last few seconds of the four minutes, it was Leah who was able to score the fifth goal, smashing it into the back of the net with a cheeky header with the assist of Lotte.

"Yes! Go on!" Olivia screamed at the top of her voice, her joy was very evident as she cheered in support of her older sister who was gloating in celebration with the rest of  her team, jumping up in joy. "Leah! Leah!" she exclaimed, pointing over to her sister with a massive smile on her face.

All the teenager wanted to do in this moment was run onto the pitch and celebrate with them all.

"That was impressive," Keira chuckled as she looked over at the pitch, smiling at her best friend, even if she was on the opposite side.

The whistle was blew to draw the full game to a close as both teams went about, walking around and wishing the others' well as it was another secured win for the gunners.

keirawalsh just added to her story.

"Leah!" The teenager exclaimed, running onto the pitch and threw her arms around her older sister who had just finished sigining a t-shirt for a younger fan. "Le,  that was so cool-- That header into the back of the net!" she added.

Leah laughed and smiled, wrapping her arm around her little sister, "I'm glad that you enjoyed it," she said.

"It was awesome, and the assist from Lotte was sick!" The teenager said, in the mood for celebration as she hugged her older sister but then quickly pulled back in realisation. "Ew, you're all sweaty. Gross." she mumbled.

"Well, that's what happens when you run around a pitch for ninety minutes," The older blonde joked, taking the moment to pull her sister in closer and laugh as she whined and complained.

"Le! Le, stop, come on, you're all gross and sweaty!" The teenager whined, trying to pull away from her older sister, who in this moment was very much in the mood to taunt her younger sister. "Le, stoppp!" she whined.

Leah couldn't help but laugh and eventually let go off her younger sister, "Did you go and speak to mum?" she asked, hoping her sister stuck to her word.

"Yep, Keira made me go over at halftime and speak to her," Olivia began to explain to the older blonde. "We've spoken and sort of cleared up things, and Bells' is here as well!" she grinned, motioning over to where Amanda was still stood with Bella, and Keira, she hadn't thought much before she raced over to her sister.

"I'm glad you sorted things out Liv," Leah said in relief, she didn't like being the one in the middle of things. "Right, lets' go and say hello to them then, shall we?" she wondered.

The two sisters made their way over to where Amanda and Keira stood, and Georgia was leant over the barrier as well while she spoke to them.

"G!" Olivia exclaimed, taking the opportunity to jump on Georgia's back and take her by absolute surprise.

"Wh-- Jesus, Liv, you almost scared me!" The older brunette spun around in shock and gripped onto Olivia so she wouldn't fall of her back at least.

Leah couldn't help but laugh amusedly as she exchanged hugs with both her mum and best friend, "Sorry about the loss today girls. No hard feelings, huh?" she asked.

"Course not, Le," Keira said, returning the hug and smiling at her best friend. "Good game today and that header at the end was something else." she told her.

"It was very impressive, bubba," Amanda piped in, praising her older daughter.

"Shame about the loss but have to admit you girls played well," Georgia admitted, feeling the loss for her own team. "Not too sure Gareth is quite too happy though. It should be an interesting drive back to Manchester." she joked.

"Hmm indeed, very interesting," Keira said, laughing in agreement. "We'll let you know how it goes." she added in.

liv_williamsonn just posted.

liv_williamsonn: absolute belter of a game today, 5 nil win! 👊🏼💥 can't wait for the celebrations later! 🤭🧃

Liked by jordannobbs, leahwilliamsonn & 292 others.

leahwilliamsonn the only thing you'll be drinking tonight is squash, kid 😉
liv_williamsonn: you're no fun sometimes, no fun at all ☹️

bethmead_ love the support tonight from you Livvy ❤️
liv_williamsonn: happy to support you all, Bethy! 🫶🏼

keirawalsh well played girls, you desvered it i guess... it's always good to spend time with our favourite troublemaker as well!
liv_williamsonn: love and miss you already, Kei! 🥲❤️

stanwaygeorgia gutted about the loss to you girls but was still good to see you, trouble! ❤️
liv_williamsonn: my partner in crime 😏🫱🏻‍🫲🏻

stephcatley let's go Arsenal! 🔴⚪
liv_williamsonn: COYG!

Back with another chapter, let me know what you think!

Thanks for the support on the book so far, guys! ❤️

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