Quirkless Mastermind


52.9K 3.7K 1.6K

Master of all quirks, wielder of none. Humans are quirky. Yet, there was one boy, who was nothing, with no q... More

C-1:Pondering Enigma
C-2:Screws loose
C-3:Scattered thoughts
C-4:An empty head
C-5:Silence encased anger
C-6:Mastermind's Symphony
C-8:Hollers of Failure
C-10:Discrepencies of Daily Life
C-11:Ambitions and Consequences
C-12:Thoughts before Action
C14:Haunting Hallows
S1-END--C16: Publicity
C17:A teacher
C18: Afterthought
C19: Sports Festival
C20: Explosive Victory
𝐂𝟐𝟏: 𝐒𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬

C15: Sheep in Wolf's Clothing

2.1K 180 77

Heroism knows no immunity to failure

AllMight POV-

As I watched the scene unfold before me, a fact that my mentor had tirelessly drilled into my consciousness resurfaced with a haunting persistence. The weight of my failure as a mentor settled heavily upon my shoulders. I had faltered in my duty to be there for my students. Every cry for help-I had arrogantly believed I could shoulder them all, yet I was tragically shortsighted. The fault was mine to bear. If only I had humbly entrusted the task to other heroes if only I had seen beyond my own ego and vanity, perhaps the course of events would have unfolded differently, things would be different. Nedzu-san was bitterly right.

My students, wouldn't suffer this and neither would my fellow colleagues. However, it wasn't the time to wallow in my own failures, considering there were plenty. Putting on a bright smile, eliminating the scowl. For I understood that my purpose was to be a beacon of peace, to shine brightly in the darkest of times, and to never waver in my unwavering commitment to serve.

I am All-Might.


Usually, I was met with hopeful and tragic eyes, as their last bit of rope pulled them out of the pits of despair. However, it didn't seem to be the case this time. On one side, there were those who jumped with unbridled joy, their hearts alight with a newfound flame of victory who were tending to the fallen heroes who screamed my name in joy, the ones near the set of villains didn't seem fazed by my arrival.

Their eyes focused on the villains. I knew what those eyes meant. Every time, life is at stake and every time I had to fight tooth and nail, to be certain that I won't harm anyone, that expression flashed in my eyes as well. Eyes of fear for their own lives mixed with the confidence of being able to protect the ones around them, were visible in them. It was genuine teamwork and strategy at display there. The students had split up and faced each of the villains separately.

"Take the children to safety and make sure to keep a safe distance." It was a lesson learned through a painful experience. As my extraordinary quirk surged with explosive power, I struggled to control it, paying little heed to the consequences. A grave mistake, indeed, for it resulted in devastation all around when I clashed with Feedback. This adversary possessed the unsettling quirk to absorb and redirect the energy of my quirk. The collision of two formidable offensive quirks led to dire consequences for the surrounding buildings.

Once, a vibrant park dotted with cheerful houses thrived in the area. But after our fierce confrontation, all that remained was a desolate land. No one held me accountable, given my esteemed position as a hero. Yet, I couldn't escape the weight of responsibility. Though I had protected the people, I had failed to safeguard their very means of living.

The destruction served as a harsh reminder that being a hero encompassed more than just preserving lives. It demanded the preservation of livelihoods and the protection of the community's essence. In my pursuit to defend the innocent, I had inadvertently shattered the world they called home.

The guilt weighed heavily upon my shoulders, despite the absence of legal repercussions. It was a burden I couldn't shake off. As a hero, my purpose extended beyond battling villains; it encompassed shielding the fabric of society from harm. And in that aspect, I had faltered.

Just as the students were cleared away just enough for me to use my quirk safely, I shot through the area and picked up Eraserhead and the rest of the officials present, bloodied and broken and ran back to safety handing them over to the others. I will trust them. I won't do this alone.

"Huh? What the fuck? Argh, even though I can't see shit, that voice... I fuckin' miss that bastard's voice! The big boss is finally makin' an appearance! HAHA!!!" The dude with purple balls stuck to his face blurted out in a cracked, hoarse tone. It was like he had swallowed a sack of sand and held a grudge the size of a mountain.

"Nomu, forget about the rest and zero in on that damn meathead All Might! Don't stop 'til you've torn that bastard into bite-sized pieces!" He continued, his words dripping with venomous excitement.

"Cementoss and Midnight, please follow me. Sniper, take aim and stay ready. Take care of the other villains, I will handle this one myself."I slammed my fist to my chest and gave a broad smile. A quick nod later, I picked them up and carried them to the central field.

Not a second later, a flash shot at me. It was the devastating blow from the Nomu, that made me release them from my grip and defend myself. The entire impact of the blow was felt all through my body. It wasn't an ordinary quirk user, rather what I felt through the fist was raw power. Without uttering a single word, my colleagues sprung into action, rushing to aid the others who were under attack. Meanwhile, this monstrous creature's gaze remained fixated on me, its unblinking eyes filled with an unsettling determination.

It's height and physique were visually far above me, but it didn't matter, my punches were stronger.

"OKLAHOMA SMASH!!!!" I screamed as I buried my fist deep inside the solar plexus of this giant. The impact blew up the air around me as I gave a small chuckle, "Hah, you are stronger than I thought. However, fear not, I have plenty in me!"

A smile tugged at my lips once more, this time filled with a flicker of relief. From the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of the students racing towards the exit, their young faces etched with a mix of fear and determination. The sight brought a huff of relief to escape my lips. The kids were safe, and that was a small victory in the midst of chaos.

But now, it was time to get down to business, to confront this menacing threat head-on. Its razor-sharp talons thrashed and gnawed at the air, but I swiftly ducked beneath its assault, narrowly avoiding its deadly reach. With a burst of adrenaline, I swung my fist, aiming to strike the monster and knock it out cold. Yet, to my dismay, it merely staggered, seemingly undeterred by the blow.

This couldn't continue. I couldn't afford to waste precious time with futile attempts. If I couldn't end it soon, my entire being will be exposed in front of these villains....that would...end the beacon of hope as we know it.

Ayanokouji POV-

The command made the Nomu, stop in it's tracks and not smash my face into the wall.Yet, my calculations hadn't accounted for All-Might's unexpected display of teamwork. What I had learnt from his behaviour was that he relied in his independent quirk and no one else, always diving headfirst.

Based on it I had created this situation. The introduction of Cementoss and Midnight into the equation disrupted my carefully laid plans, turning them into anomalies that required swift adaptation. However, it wasn't the time to complain. Rather it was time to pull up my body from this crater and walk over to Midnight. If she couldn't make Shigaraki unconscious before he touched her, things would be messy.

Shigaraki's quirk had been unleashed, and the unexpected intervention of All-Might had forced Aizawa-sensei to be whisked away from the battlefield. With this turn of events, Shigaraki transformed into a formidable opponent, poised to pose a significant challenge. The reality sank in-I lacked the mobility necessary to evade his devastating attacks. In this state, I would be nothing more than a hindrance, unable to contribute meaningfully to the fight.

Summoning every ounce of strength, I rose from the ground, my body aching from the impact. I ran my hands over myself, assessing the damage. My spine, thankfully, remained unbroken, but my wrists throbbed with the pain of sprains. My legs quivered beneath me, their stability compromised, making it difficult to maintain my balance.

I felt myself falling over but someone grabbed me from behind.

"Whoa there, kiddo, you're a real mess! Take a chill pill, will ya?" Snipe-sensei chimed in with a lighthearted tone, his words laced with a hint of amusement. "I know you're all worked up about Midnight, but hey, she's a pro for a reason, right?"

With a swift motion, he scooped me up effortlessly, as if I weighed as much as a feather. It was a comical sight, my broken and uncoordinated self being cradled in the arms of this seasoned hero. As Snipe-sensei whisked me away from the chaos, a chuckle escaped his lips.

"You've got to learn to relax, my friend. We've got this under control. Trust in Midnight's skills and let her work her magic. Besides, it's no fun if we don't have a few bumps and bruises along the way, right?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Hah! It's all in the eyes, kiddo, all in the eyes!" Snipe-sensei declared with a mischievous grin. "You were practically laser-focused on making your way towards her, or should I say, towards Shigaraki. But let me tell you, with your current broken-body situation, that's a big no-no!"

With a swift motion, he turned his hand behind him, like some kind of action movie hero, and whipped out his trusty rifle. It was as if he had a secret arsenal hidden up his sleeves. I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in disbelief and amusement.

"Snipe-sensei, are you keeping an entire armoury back there?" I blurted out, unable to contain my thoughts.

He winked at me, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Ah, kiddo, it's a little something I like to call 'heroic fashion with a flair.' You never know when you'll need an extra surprise in your back pocket, or in this case, behind your back!"

Before I could even process his words, a resounding shot rang out from his rifle, echoing through the chaotic battlefield. The bullet soared through the air with incredible precision, hitting its mark with pinpoint accuracy. The sound was deafening up close and the bullet almost auto-aimed itself towards Shigaraki and shot at him.

"Argh, fucking aimbot! Shitty quirk, SHITTY HAXXX! GET Over here bit...t....c...zzzz" Shigaraki drowned in the fog emitted by Midnight and slammed into the floor.

"Awww!~Sniperr, I could have handled it~!" Midnight complained and gave an indignant pout.

"Ah, but let's not forget, our dear kiddo here was just a tad bit worried," Snipe chimed in, a playful twinkle in his eye. "But now, let's clear out this whole area, shall we? Cementoss has already sealed off the other villain with one of his nifty domes."

His words triggered a nagging thought in my mind. When Kurogiri teleported right next to us at first encounter, he created a swirling vortex in the floor. But wait a minute, if Cementoss had encased Kurogiri in that impenetrable dome, wouldn't he be able to escape by simply teleporting out? Or did he require some sort of visual coordinates to form a vortex in the first place?

If he did escape, he can simply teleport Shigaraki and the Nomu. It doesn't matter overall if he does that approach considering I have enough information on all of their quirks. And if my thoughts are correct,

Letting them escape, is a much better outcome.

The loss of one of our allies, unfortunate as it may be, could prove to be a valuable lesson for everyone present. The students, witnessing the harsh reality of heroism and the consequences it entails, would undoubtedly grow stronger from this experience.

But it wasn't just the students who would benefit. All-Might, the symbol of peace himself, had been forced into a position of cooperation with the other heroes. It was a deviation from his usual lone-wolf mentality, and I saw an opportunity to exploit it further.. However, I think I can push him further.

"Snipe-sensei, I need to talk to All-Might. Do you think that's possible?" I asked him, given that he will be my legs for the next few minutes.

"Kiddo, you need help. We already reached the exit and the School nurse, will be here in a moment. Don't try to jump in everything, you already did enough targeting the Nomu on you." Snipe's voice was colder than usual, as he ordered me to stay put.

I could see in the distance, All-Might fighting off the Nomu, standing toe-to-toe. Shigaraki was still asleep and Midnight had already started cuffing him. This situation was getting out of hand. If he was taken away, then the Nomu would continuously fight All-Might until it killed him or it was killed itself.

None of them were ready to listen to me, which was evident given my state. However if I wanted my personal gain I had to get in touch with Shigaraki. Recovery girl soon came by.

"Oh dear! Poor child, you have broken quite a few bones, we will have to take you to the office. For now, take these gummies and Snipe, please carry him and Midoriya into the ambulance."

"Hai-Hai, you get scary Shuzenji! I will take them, stop the glare will ya!"

"Unfortunately I can't,AllMight is fighting there and quite a few students and teachers are injured....gravely." She absconded him but Snipe gave a small laugh

"Don't sweat it! You've got those handy heal quirk of yours, and All-Might will handle these villains in no time. Just sit back and chill!" Snipe's nonchalant demeanour reminded me of Midnight's laid-back attitude. Once the students were out of harm's way, they seemed to wash their hands of any further responsibility and put their full trust in All-Might. It was like they believed he had a magic "hero finisher" move ready to go. This complete dependence was another fault of All-Might.

All-Might's "save everyone" mindset and his knack for swooping in at the last minute often stole the spotlight from other heroes. It was like he had a sixth sense for trouble, always appearing out of thin air and effortlessly rescuing the day. His heroics created a sense of complacency among the other heroes, who started to rely on the notion that if things got too tough, they could simply leave it all to All-Might.

That man is a hero, but a very naive one.

Shigaraki was being bought outside in the continuous fumes secreted by Midnight, to be completely certain that he is unconscious. . I popped one of the gummies into my mouth, savouring the chewy deliciousness as the flavours exploded on my taste buds.

I feel gummies are so powerful, they could even make Todoroki crack a smile.

As I felt a surge of energy leaving my body, I sensed the fractures and sprains gradually fading away. Snipe, understanding the need for a moment to recover, rushed to assist Midoriya and loaded him onto the waiting ambulance. The rest of my classmates, in relatively better condition, stood on the balcony, observing the ongoing battle from a safe distance.

Summoning all my strength, I steadied myself and regained my balance. I knew I had a limited window of opportunity, approximately 2-3 minutes, before exhaustion would overtake me completely. Recovery Girl's quirk was a double-edged sword, providing both a blessing and a curse. But I had no time to dwell on that now. I stealthily entered the USJ back again, using Snipe's distracted self to my advantage. The other heroes proved to be easier to evade as I swiftly manoeuvred through the area. Utilizing the cover of bushes and the natural landscape, I sought temporary refuge, briefly concealing myself from sight.

As Midnight approached, her attention locked onto Shigaraki's hands, I seized the opportunity. Taking a deep breath, I quickly pinched my nose shut, preparing for what I was about to do. I couldn't afford any distractions or mishaps.

With bated breath, I waited for that critical moment when Midnight would pass by me, completely engrossed in her hyperfocused state.





A straight chop at her neck rendered her unconscious and stopped the smoke. I pushed Shigaraki on the ground and felt my pen missing from my pocket. I felt a loss and glazed my eyes towards the Nomu still trying to grasp at All-Might both moving at breathtaking speeds, everyone's eyes peeled at the scene of absolute power being emanated by All-Might. Focusing back on Shigaraki, who was still sleeping peacefully. Taking hold of his thumbs with clinical precision, I applied pressure without the slightest hint of remorse.


The snap of bones resonated as a mere observation. They broke like twigs, and I heard the sound of the cracking bones and Shigaraki waking up with a scream.

"Arghhhh!AHHH...it hurtsssss....arghh....what kinda bullshit did you do, fuckin--mhmmffff.." I grabbed his throat putting pressure on his arteries, and stopping his words midway watching him gasp for breath.

"Listen here Shigaraki, let's do a deal shall we? You do know you are in a losing battle here, even if you kill All-Might, you will be arrested and possibly executed. Your hideout and your secrets will be spilled. Quite pitiful really. I wonder what's more important Shigaraki, revenge or your master's goals? "

"You are that fucking brat aren't you? The one who is a constant prick in my plans....we will kill ALL MIGHT GOT THAT? "

"Shigaraki, listen closely. Your quirk is rendered useless, and futile at this moment. Kurogiri's sight is obstructed by a captive within his own cemented prison. And as for your precious Nomu, can you not hear the thunderous detonations? The resounding cries of All-Might, boasting his unwavering strength? You understand the overwhelming power of your self-proclaimed 'Final Boss.' Whether All-Might falls today or not is inconsequential. Your capture is certain, your escape impossible, save for one option... myself. Or perhaps... you'd prefer to wither away in a cell, waiting for your sentencing... a life stripped bare of your precious quirk."

"Hah... I bloody hate it when these damn NPCs turn out to be right... Why the fuck should I trust a hero bastard like you? If you're so goddamn sure All-Might's gonna win, why the fuck would you even propose a deal in the first place? Don't think you can pull a fast one on me, you cocky fucking bastard! I've been in this godforsaken business for far too fucking long!" Shigaraki's sharp wit caught me off, guard. He had a point, to some extent. However, there was more to my motives than met the eye. I intended to plant my own pawn right into their twisted little game.

"Isn't it bloody obvious? I'm just looking out for my own sorry arse. Having you caught would be a major pain in the ass, mate. Once you are treated with the truth quirk, you will definitely reveal everything. Once they subject you to that truth quirk nonsense, you'll spill every bloody secret you've got. And once that happens, the heroes will be all over other criminal organizations too... including mine. Now, wouldn't that be a damn shame?" I gave a small pat on his shoulder and stared at him sharing a bluff.I acted a bit similar to him, mirroring his actions, albeit my expressions remained quite bland I hope my tone sounded good enough. A common thought that would be going on in his mind,

He is one of the bad guys. That was his true personality.

I had to keep things vague. In his pained state, his mind is working very quickly due to adrenaline. Right now, he is looking to find my motive. Giving him just enough bluffing to lead him on, his mind will reflexively fill in the rest. Every human has a survival instinct, and so does their brain. When given hope, they get tunnel-visioned and blindsight. Shigaraki is no different.

The reasoning I gave would be just enough to tip him over to my side, he will soon connect the dots on his own that I simply didn't want to jeopardise my own cover. I gave a selfish reason, to fill into his selfish mindset.

"I will sweeten the offer, I know a weakness of a particular teacher. I will share it with you as well."

"Fuck whatever, it's a deal but get Kurogiri out and we will be fucking out of here....and tell me that weakness NOW!" His eyes had that selfish intent as he took the bait.

"Alright, fair enough, ya twat. Aizawa's fuckin' paralyzed, and to top it off, the poor sod's got some rare-ass thrombocytopenia. A blood quirk that fucks with his paralysis is probably your best fuckin' chance, Shigaraki. Good luck with that shit next time, ya bloody wanker!" I said in a gruff tone as I realised Kurogiri had already escaped. Due to the explosive attacks from All-Might, the cement dome had enough cracks and chips for him to get a visual on the surroundings and teleport there.

"Remember Shigaraki, one wrong move at this point will be deadly.....to you...I have already killed one of your underlings, I hope you realise that and do inform your spy in this school as well, to keep their distance from me." I gave another clause this time returning to my original monotone, to which I hoped to see Shigaraki's eyes of surprise, but only purple orbs stared back at me. The only way this entire mission of theirs was possible was because of a spy.

Someone working for them from the inside had caused this. Since I had told Shigaraki about this, it won't be a surprise after this incident someone from my class will keep their guard up against me, simply observing the mannerisms of my classmates after this incident will expose the spy to me. Quite a simple bluff to implant.

"Fuck...I was right....you aren't an ordinary extra....rotten asshole, I fucking agree. Not like I can move, you freak." A gruelling pained moan escaped his lips as I got up and moved into the forest area. I took cover from Snipe's frantic tracing. I could see him rushing through various areas trying to find me. I just had enough time, to go back up.

"Argh everything hurts! HEY NOMU! STOP THIS SHIT! Kurogiri, get the portal ready." Shigaraki spent the last of his vocals on screaming his orders out. Causing a portal to form around the Nomu.

"I won't let you slip away! Not today!" All-Might's resolute shout reverberated through the air, seizing the Nomu's attention. A cloud of white smoke billowed from his mighty form, an unusual sight compared to his usual public battles. A part of me was tempted to stay and witness this enigmatic display, to unravel the mystery. But with my stamina dwindling, I had to make a choice. Should I stay and find out or muster enough strength to sprint back to the exit?

"Just wait for All-Might! I will make sure to kill every single one of you fucking heroes! Kurogiri, hurry the fuck up!!" Saying so Shigaraki melted inside the mist along with Nomu with All-Might's hands trapped in the mist.

"I ask you to remove your hands All-Might. It would be unfortunate if your hands get cut off as I cut off this mist." Kurogiri's polite request was rather a threat to which All-Might did nothing but oblige. At least he had enough sense to stop for the moment.

"Hah! I won't give you another chance, never again.....This smile of mine shall remain serving as a symbol of peace against criminals like you." All-Might's voice behind me sounded motivating and boisterous yet I could feel a sense of fatigue from it. I had no time to turn around as...



I didn't lose to Matter disintegration quirk...yet...I am losing to....a healing one...

Truly an Irony.

"Oh, darling, Aizawa was spot on about you. You are quite the troublesome child, aren't you?" Midnight's face was the last thing I saw, with her hand on her neck massaging it.

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