The Little Girl goes to Camp...

By Dolphinheart99

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Jurassic World's brand-new adventure camp called Camp Cretaceous has finally arrived. A fun place to do amazi... More

Characters Info
Camp Cretaceous
Meeting the Campers
Scavenger Hunt Gone Wrong
Activities and Suspicion
The Cattle Drive
Secrets and Truths
The Truth Revealed
Where Evil Lurks
A Picnic with the Hybrids
A Trip Gone Wrong
Mystery Island I
Mystery Island II
Terror of the Night
The Calvary has Arrived
Chaos on the Island
Good Shall Rise but Evil Still Lurks

Once Fallen Shall Rise Again

502 9 7
By Dolphinheart99

Destiny's voice actress to Hynden Walch, she voiced Ace from Justice League. Her roars and shrieks are like the Wendigo's roar in the Until Dawn game.

A little warning, this chapter may be violent, mind breaking, and may have some horror into it. Just so you know.


The Island that Mantah Corp has changed to the worst. The sky was blood red; the terrain had turned into black. Moreover, what's weird is that everything began to change. The trees have turned into strange yet alien-like trees. The flowers and mushrooms grew ten times the size of a person. Everything has gone topsy-turvy! Like some twisted wonderland. Dark knew that this was Destiny's doing. Her mind filled with anger and vengeance. Because Daniel was the reason for her family's death, her imprisonment and becoming Mortem's guinea pig. Now, she will get her vengeance by starting with Daniel and the people that worked with him.

Destiny will make sure that they will suffer as if she was force to endure such torture, so shall they.

But first, she has to deal with one person first.


Daniel Kon somehow survived the fall and found himself in a dark room. He tried to get up but his legs gave in and fell to his knees. He has no idea what's going on until he hears deadly growls. The CEO of Mantah Corp was surrounded by the deadly Destiny clones, all hissing and screeching at him. Daniel sat on his behind and tried to crawl away, but he couldn't move a muscle or scream, he was frozen in place. Suddenly, small footsteps were heard, causing Daniel to look up to the source of light, and stepping into it was Destiny. However, she took the form of her little girl self, her long hair reaching to the floor, and wearing a reddish sweater, black skirt, and brown baggy boots. The clothes she wore when her family was burned alive by the fire that HE sent someone to commit.

"I'm not afraid of you." Destiny spoke in a cold voice. Her speech was clear yet angry. She walked towards him with her burning red eyes glaring at him.

Daniel crawls backward, trying to avoid her, eyes widened in fear as sweats begin to fall on his face, "Wait, please!" He begged for an advancing Destiny.

"I know what it's like to frighten other people." Destiny continues, referring to the threats he made to the people he hired and how he made Val do things that she didn't want to do, "That's why I'm not afraid of you. I'm the only one."

Daniel found himself pinned against the wall with no way of escaping. He felt his body shake in fear. For the first time, someone actually brought great fear towards him. Daniel shielded himself when Destiny came close enough.

"DON'T DO THIS!" He yelled in fear.

But instead of getting stabbed, a small hand gently strokes his hair, "Do what?" Destiny asked in a somewhat innocent tone.

Hearing this, Daniel foolishly let his guard down to look at her. Only to regret it. The moment he made eye contact, Daniel let out a horrified gasp when Destiny's third eye appeared, activating her power. Daniel didn't have time to look away, his eyes looked straight into Destiny's. She forces him to see his crimes and sins he committed, giving him the same torment she had to endure and the experiment children. Daniel was forced to see everything that he had done, driving him insane. He screamed as he saw the blazing fire. Even though it was a hallucination, he could feel the heat and it was burning him. He tried to escape but couldn't because he felt like he was falling. Seconds later, Daniel dropped on the floor, his face was blank and broken, his mouth slightly opened, causing him to drool.

Daniel was trapped in a catatonic state, forever broken, and is never to be fixed again.

However, her vengeance has yet to suffice. She wants revenge against those who work for him and Uberto.

Later, Destiny teleported herself high above the building. There, she stood on top of the facility's balcony, where she could see the landscape of the jungle. Her three eyes glared deeply at sight before her, even if it meant burning this place down. Using her powers, Destiny created her clones by dropping some blood out from her hands. Forming nightmarish creatures with sharp sickle claws, teethes, and are twice as tall as the average human.

These clones will haunt down every single employee that worked for Uberto and Daniel. She will only spare those who did not wish harm towards Val and the campers. Those people are Hap and Mae Turner; they will be spared. She sensed that they wish to help the children. That's why she will let them live.

Letting out a shriek of command, she sent her clones out to hunt. The clones either climb down, sprout wings to fly, or jump off to find their prey, making sure they suffer.

Starting with their lives.


Hap reached the Swamp Biome. It was hard to find it considering the whole land turned into a topsy-turvy land. Heck, they even saw some snakes with wings flying pass them. Which was creepy. They were lucky to find the ship thanks to the raptors' tracking abilities. There, they find the others waiting for them outside the ship. Along with the rest of Spider-Man's teammates (Iron Fist, White Tiger, Power Man, and Nova).

"Val!" Celestia called out, running towards the truck.

Val gasped happily, as Owen helped her down before she and Celestia hugged each other happily. They were so relieved to see each other safe and sound. The other campers came to them, relieved to see Val okay. However, they wonder where Kenji was. Owen answered to them that Dark is retrieving Kenji.

"Thank goodness that you're all okay." Mae said in relief, hugging the campers.

"Yeah, thanks to them," Brooklynn gestures to the people here with a smile, until she realizes something, "Although...what's happening to the island? Everything turned into a...wicked wonderland of some kind."

"Did something happen?" Darius asked.

"Yeah, it's Destiny."

They turned to see Dark walking out from the undergrowth with a distraught looking Kenji following her. The campers came to Kenji, asking if he was all right, but the teen didn't answer. He was in shock from finding out that his father is a killer. Dark went over to Owen along with the others.

"Why Destiny doing this?" Owen asked in confusion.

"Revenge." Dark answered to Owen, narrowing her eyes at their surroundings, "She found out about Daniel being the one responsible for her family's death and the one selling her off to Mortem, and this the result of her finally losing it. She somehow created this...illusion of a wicked wonderland. Trapping the people working with Uberto and Daniel, so she can take her revenge."

"So she took the whole island on lock down," Barry pieces together the puzzle, "She wants to wipe out both Serpenti Neri and Mantah Corp in one blow."

"Not just them, the mercenaries that were hired and the three investors. She wants them to suffer like she had when she was imprisoned."

"But...what about Kenji, Dr. Turner, and Mr. Hap?" Val asked in concern, not wanting Destiny to hurt them, "They didn't do anything wrong."

"I doubt she'll harm them, kiddo." Dark assures her, "After all, Dr. Turner and Hap tried to save you and the campers while Kenji has no idea of his father's crime."

"That's a relief." Spider-Man said with a sigh, "But we have to find those three investors before Destiny does."

"Agreed, we need them alive in order to-" Owen's words cut off when a loud shriek that is heard from miles away. "The hell was that!?"

Dark quickly climbs on the nightmarish tree to have a better view. She could see black silhouette figures flying to the far side of the island, "Incoming bogies."

"Are they heading this way?" Spider-Man asked Dark.

"No, they're heading to different parts of the island...I think they're going to the biomes and...hold on a second..."

"What is it?" Spider-Man asked Dark.

"I hope I'm wrong but...I think Destiny duplicated herself and is now using her clones to hunt down the mercenaries and those investors." Dark said, jumping off the tree, "We have to get a hold of those people before Destiny kills them."

"So...why are they important, exactly?" Dave asked Dark.

"Since they are connected with Mantah Corp and Serpenti Neri, we need to put those people into question and find out how many companies they invest in."

Spider-Man agrees with Dark, "Good plan, we'll split up and-."

However, Nova cuts him off, "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Stop right there! We can't split up when Destiny's running this island! No way and no how! You guys forgot what happened last time?!"

"Nova, stop overreacting, Destiny won't hurt as long as you don't provoke her." Spider-Man reminds his teammate.

"Oh, yeah?! Whenever we visit the island, the first thing she does is glare at me!" Nova exclaimed.

Dark sighs in annoyance, "Oh, for the love of...fine, why don't you stay here with the others to keep an eye on the prisoners and the kids, while we find those mercenaries and investors. How's that?"

"Hmm...Staying here where I could be safe, instead of being mauled to death by Destiny's craze-cannibalistic clones...I'll take it!" Nova said in agreement.

Dark rolled her eyes at him. Nova has yet to overcome his fear towards Destiny. Who can blame him? Destiny was forced to be a weapon of destruction. She didn't want to be a killer, yet she had no choice. They all get ready to head off to find the group before Destiny gets to them. Before Owen could leave, Val and Celestia went up to their uncle with worried expressions.

"Be careful, Uncle Owen." Val said to Owen with concern.

Celestia nodded her head, "Don't get hurt, okay?"

Owen smiles, kneeling down at their height and hugs them both when they return. "Don't worry, girls, I'll be okay. Just stay here and don't run off, alright?" The two girls nodded their heads as they withdrew their hug. Owen then looks over to the raptor squad seriously, "Watch them."

The raptors obey Owen before he joins the others' search for the investors and mercenaries before Destiny gets to them first. Even if their plan was in motion, they failed to realize that Destiny was watching them. She gained the ability to see and hear from far distances. This ability will allow her to spy her prey, even if they were in a secure building, she could still hear and see them clear as day.

Her friends are trying to get those bad people before she could kill them. She can't let them. She didn't want to hurt them, but she'll leave her no choice. They cannot stop her on her mission. She has to make sure that her friends are out of her way. Releasing a low hiss, Destiny's shadow grew behind her, forming into humanoid silhouette figures. Each in different sizes and variants.

But they share one thing in common, red eyes glowing in the darkness.


"GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Kash screamed inside the holding cell.

Kash was placed deep within the ship. The Yautjas made sure that he and the Second in Command were in separate cells. That way, they won't try to work together to escape. Except that Kash would probably betray him and leave the Second Command dead. Kash has been doing nothing but yelling and insulting the Yautjas that were guarding the entrance. They ignore Kash's pathetic ranting, although they find it annoying and they really wanted to end him. However, their human companions needed him alive to find out more of the Bad Blood humans' plan. They were able to stay calm thanks to a little kindness that was given to Val and Celestia. The nice Ooman pup and Dragon pup offered them some drinks and food for them.

"Sorry that you have to watch him, but Dark said that someone has to make sure he won't try and cause trouble." Val apologizes to the alien hunters while she and Celestia give them some snacks and drinks. Which the Yautjas appreciated.

They were the only reason why the Yautja didn't kill Kash right here and now. They didn't want to traumatize the young pups. Unless they're not looking or not hearing them ripping that annoying human into pieces.

As Val and Celestia bid them a good day, they went back to the others outside. Stefano and Giovanna (experiments Super Soldiers, as well as the nephew and niece of Renaldo Mortem and cousin of Uberto) had set up a base of operation here with their clones. They were hacking through all databases of Mantah Corp and their connection with Serpenti Neri. The other campers are being checked by Wu and Archie, making sure they didn't sustain any injuries. However, Kenji wasn't with them. He was sulking at a rock, sitting on the ground while hugging his legs. Val and Celestia could feel the sadness and hurt in his mind, and yet they felt how empty Kenji was. After what happened, Kenji learned the horrible truth that his father was hiding all these years. His dad hires people to kidnap children, kill his mom, and murdered Destiny's entire family, all because he wanted to sell her to Mortem. He even lied to him that he was a good father. He felt so betrayed by his father for all the crimes he had done. And what's worse, he made Val use her powers because he wanted to make his dad proud. He didn't even think of the consequences when asked Val to use her powers. Heck, his friends told him that his dad sent them to a holding cell and used them as hostages, forcing Val to extend her limits if she doesn't cooperate. WHO DOES THAT?!

Kenji's mind came to a halt when he felt someone sitting beside him. Looking to his right, he saw Val and Celestia looking at him with their wide eyes. They're filled with worry and concern about his distraught look.

"Are you okay, Kenji?" Val asked him in concern.

Kenji let out a sigh and shook his head, "No...not really...I'm just...confused..."

"Oh..." Was all Val could say before she looked down, wondering what she should do in this situation.

"Do you want some alone time?" Celestia asked Kenji.

"Yes...I mean, no...I mean...UGH! I don't know! I'm just confused." Kenji answered truthfully and frustratingly, "All my life, I thought my dad was workaholic, but in truth, he was a criminal helping a psychopath kidnap children and experiment on them! Killed my mom and then murdered Destiny's entire family because they refused to give her up! It's not their fault they refuse! 'Cause they love her! And my mom...she didn't want my dad in my life because she knew that he'd make me be like him. I don't want to be like him. I don't want to be a killer..."

A gentle hand was placed on Kenji's lap. The teen looks at Val and Celestia, giving him a wide and kind smile. "You're not a killer, Kenji." Val assures him.

"Yeah, you're just you." Celestia added.

"How can you be so sure?"

" can be silly, trying to be a good leader, sometimes, and doing your best to make everyone feel like you're not alone." Val explains to him.

Celestia nodded in agreement, "Yeah and you try to protect the others that make you different, because you care."

Hearing their words, Kenji could not help but smile at them, feeling the burden of his father's crime slowly fading away from him. He suddenly hugs them both in appreciation, finding great relief and support by their kindness. "Thanks, Val, C, I needed to hear that."

The two little girls smiled and returned the hug, happy to help their fellow campers. Just then, the others came, they heard everything and learned about Kenji's problem. Kenji lets go of the hug and apologizes to them when they get here. He felt so stupid to allow his determination to get his dad's attention caused his friends to be locked-up.

"Guys, I'm really sorry that my dad did."

"Kenji, it's okay," Darius assured him, "Dark and Owen were able to save us by disguising themselves as Mitch and Tiff."

"And they got us out of there in no time." Sammy added with a smile.

Brooklynn sits next to him and places a hand on his shoulder, "Besides, you did your best to keep Val safe. You are not like dad, never will and never be. 'Cause you're a good guy."

"And a hero?" Kenji asked in a joking tone.

Kendall, who has her arms crossed, shrugs her shoulders a bit, "Meh, you have your moments," She said, earning laughs from the group and a playful look from Kenji.

The joy didn't last long when they heard Destiny's spine-chilling roar. Everyone became on edge, especially the soldiers and the Yautjas. They knew about Destiny's powers. There was no limit to her never-ending energy. Val and Celestia worry for Destiny, wondering when she will stop this madness.

"I think it's best that you kids stay inside the tent." Lily said to the campers, guiding them inside the tent where they could be safe.

"By the way, have you seen Lusha? I haven't seen her since she brutally tortured Kash." Kendall questions Lily.

"She left to find some berries that she can use on the Second in Command, something about being poisonous and causing hallucinations."

The group stared at her with looks of confusion, clearly understanding not to question this any further. However, when they entered the tent, they failed to realize that they were being watched by two masked figures within the shadows.


Back inside the holding cell, Kash was panting on the floor, completely tired from all the yelling and screaming. Now, his throat is dry, and these alien freaks refuse to give him any water! They refuse to give him any drinks (considering the fact that Kash just pissed them off to the point of them not giving him water), and now he's stuck here on this unknown alien ship!

Before he could continue ranting, he heard a sickening giggle from the shadows, forcing the technician to turn to his cell. Standing in the shadow was a girl wearing a pink clown attire and a mask, decorated in flowers along with her outfit. She was giggling like a mad person.

"Who the hell are you?!" Kash demanded, but the only response she received was an amused giggle from the girl clown. "The hell are you laughing at?!"

The clown girl simply giggled again, tilting her head in a mocking way. Kash failed to see the sick grin, hidden underneath her mask. Kash backs up when the clown girl stalks to her prey. For the first time when working here, he felt genuine fear.

"What the hell do you want from me?!" Kash screamed.

The clown girl responded with a laugh and spoke in a cold and sickly sweet tone.

"Your death."

She took out a huge sunflower and pointed at it on Kash's face. And without any warning, the flower releases a green gas. Kash coughs at the sudden gas, but in a few seconds, he starts to laugh uncontrollably. He couldn't stop laughing, his smile grew like a Cheshire smile, but not in a good way. He fell on his knees, clutching his throat, attempting himself to stop laughing. Sadly, to no avail. He was forced to laugh nonstop without a break. Tears were falling down his eyes as he continued to laugh uncontrollably, and he had trouble breathing.

"Nighty-night~" The clown girl sang in a spooky tone.

Kash falls on his side, still laughing uncontrollably, his face turning blue, suffocating by his own laughter.

The doors suddenly burst opened; causing the clown girl to look up to see Lily and some Yautjas enter the room with weapons ready. They have heard the commotion and witnessed the scene before them. Kash was laughing uncontrollably and showed no signs of stopping.

"Stop right there!" Lily ordered.

Unfortunately, the clown girl didn't obey. She quickly laughs and sprints towards them, forcing the group to ready their weapons. Instead of fighting them, the clown girl slides underneath them avoiding their attack. She ran to the next to the cell door that opened, revealing another clown, but this clown was a male, taller than the girl, wearing stars and a moon design along with a mask and jester hat. He was laughing along with the clown girl, and behind him was the Second in Command. The mercenary was on the floor, laughing madly, clutching his stomach and tears falling from his eyes. Indicating that he too was also been infected by the substance that forces him and Kash to laugh nonstop.

"Stop them!" Lily ordered.

A Yautja threw a Smart Disc at the clowns, but sadly, it missed when the two clowns disappeared in forms of black ashes. And the smart disc was impaled to the wall of the cell of the now dead Second in Command along with Kash. Lily and the Yautjas starred in utter shock, not sure of what they had just witnessed.

Just then, Nova, Hap, Lusha (carrying a basket of poisonous berries) and some of Stefano and Giovanna's clones came in the ship in a rush, coming after them when they heard fighting inside. But upon seeing the dead bodies of both Kash and the Second in Command, both showing nightmarish grins, on the floor, Nova screamed.

"HOLY GUACAMOLE! WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO THEM!?" Nova screamed at the two now dead people.

"I don't know for certain, but whoever they are, I believe that Destiny sent to kill the prisoners." Lily explained her theory.

"How did she do that?" Hap asked Lily, looking at the dead bodies.

"I am not certain for sure. Nonetheless, we have to inform this to Dark and the others before Destiny strikes again." Lily said to the group.

"AAWWW! Why did she have to kill them?" Lusha pouted, "I worked so hard finding these berries! Now, I can't use them."

Lily sighs and shakes her head, "Please, keep those away from the children's reach." She looks at one of Giovanna's clones and says to her, "Contact Wu and Archie, we need them to file an autopsy on them." Lily then glanced at the doorway to see Val and Celestia, standing there with shock expressions. She quickly turns to the clones and gave a simple order, "Please escort Val and Celestia out of here, they can't see this."

Understanding the situation, some of the clones escorted the two little girls out of the room while the Yautjas covered the bodies, keeping them out of sight from Val and Celestia. They took the bodies to a lab where Wu and Archie arrived to investigate. Buzz Creeper (Archie's cousin) helped as well, observing the grinning bodies of the mercenary and the technician. The Yautjas pulled out their security footage on the cell, revealing the clowns spraying an unknown gas on their victims, causing them to laugh uncontrollably and suffocate to death.

"Did you find anything?" Asked Lily, coming into the lab with Nova, the Yautjas, and the clones.

"I believe so." Wu said, looking at the bodies and the footage on the monitor, "From what we discovered, these clowns sprayed some sort of laughing gas on our victims."

"But this type of laughing is highly concentrated." Archie said, typing something on the monitor, revealing the chemical coding that they extracted from Kash's face. "This deadly concoction is very dangerous, and can even be toxic to us."

"Why is that?" Nova dared to ask, feeling something bad was gonna happen.

"It will force anyone into fits of uncontrollable laughter, never stopping to take a breather." Archie explains the reason.

Buzz nodded at his cousin's words, "In other news, if you don't stop laughing, you'll end up suffocating and die, contorting their facial muscles into a nightmarish grin."

"Ooooh!" Lusha suddenly appeared out of nowhere, scaring Nova and Buzz in the process, as she grins at the bodies, "Talk about killing the audience, am I right? Eh? Eh?" Lusha playfully nudges the Predator's arm with her elbow, giggling at her own sick joke, while the alien hunter stares at her blankly, "Yeah, I'm right."

"How did Destiny get a hold of this?" Lily asked, ignoring Lusha's giggles.

"I am not sure either, but my theory is that Destiny somehow created on her own without us knowing." Wu said to Lily.

"Hmm..." Lily rubs her chin and thinks, having a bad feeling that this laughing gas Destiny has may be dangerous, and she needed to warn the others. She thanked the scientists before leaving the ship, heading towards the tent that has the communication system.

"Lily, we found out about the clowns that were on the ship." Stefano said, walking beside Lily.

"What did you find?" She asked, entering the tent that has many monitors on.

Stefano shows her the screen that reveals a picture of circus people, "Look familiar?"

Lily observes the picture and her eyes widen when she recognizes the poster in the background, "Circus Phantasticus..."

Stefano gave a small nod, "Turns out, the clowns you encounter were the same ones that performed in Circus Phantasticus. They're names were Cosmo and Flower. Both siblings that joined the circus then died by the fire incident twenty years ago."

"It all makes sense now." Lily whispers out, "Destiny somehow manifests some of the performers of Circus Phantasticus...I need to warn Dark right away." Stefano agrees while Lily contacts Dark. "Dark Twilight! It's Lily, we found out that Destiny has manifested some of the performers in Circus Phantasticus."

:Yeah, already figure that out.: Dark responded.

Lily was confused by her words, "How did you figure that out?"

:Well...let's just say...:

Her words trailed off when Dark, in the Jungle Biome with Spider-Man, Owen, and the rest of the search party, were fighting off performers that were manifested by Destiny.

"We're fighting them!" Dark shoots an acrobat, but he dodges her attack.

:How's the possible?:

"Don't know how she found us, but Destiny is trying to stop us from rescuing the mercenaries and the investors, she wants those good as dead." Dark dodges an incoming knife that was thrown by a knife thrower.

"I thought she wouldn't hurt us!" Spider-Man yelled, shooting webs at a female acrobat.

"Unless she's trying to stop us from fulfilling her mission of killing the people working with Serpenti Neri and Mantah Corp!" Owen was fighting the Strong Man performer. He activated his power that grants him animal skills. The skill he's using was gorilla strength, preventing himself from getting crushed by the performer, "She wants her revenge!"

"And we need back up! These people won't last long here!" Lex yelled, swinging her sword at Destiny's clones, turning them into ashes, trying to save the terrified mercenaries and investors, "We can't teleport them out of here! Destiny is blocking it!"

:Can you drive them here?: Lily asked through the communication.

"Destiny hacked into the vehicles before we could get a chance!" Vida said, fighting off the incoming clones of Destiny.

"We need to get them out of here before-" Owen was cut off when a female magician appeared, wearing a mask like the others.

She took her top hat and did something impossible. She brought giant monstrous looking circus animals out of her hat. They roared at the group, ready to challenge them.

"FUCK!" Owen cursed, dodging a herd of stampeding elephant monsters, "How the hell is this happening?!"

"Less talkie, more shooting!" Dark yelled, summoning a machine gun to shoot the incoming monster tiger.

They fought with all their might, dodging any incoming monster animals. Owen found himself facing the ringleader. He too was wearing a mask as he took out his cane, unsheathing to reveal a hidden sword inside. Owen cursed as he quickly avoided the sword's attack. Meanwhile, some mercenaries were trying to fight these monster creatures off, but were soon overpowered by these monsters, one by one. Lana Molina, Cyrus, and Mr. Gold were hiding behind a jeep, forced to watch the slaughter in front of them. Whoever it is controlling these monsters, they have a feeling that this person wants them dead. Cyrus didn't want to stick around, he doesn't want to die here! So, without even a second thought, Cyrus sprinted out of the jeep and towards the jungle. He ignored Dark and Spider-Man calling him to come back, but the investor didn't listen as he made a run for it to the jungle. Unfortunately, for him, when he entered the undergrowth, Destiny's clones were waiting for him. They attacked him with no hesitation, causing Cyrus to scream in horror and pain while being torn apart within the undergrowth, followed by silence.

"Damn it!" Dark cursed angrily, dodging kicks and punches from the acrobats. "We need back up here and-SPIDEY LOOK OUT!" Dark yelled to her partner.

Spider-Man quickly dodged an incoming monster elephant that nearly trampled him. It was about to do it again when out of nowhere, Ivy the Indominus Rex burst out from the undergrowth with a mighty roar and tackled the creature. Before it could get up, Assassin the Indominus Spino appeared as well and tackled it to the ground.

"What the-Ivy?! Assassin?! How the hell did you two get here?!" Owen exclaimed in shock yet relieved to have back up.

"We brought them!" He heard his nieces' voices.

They turned to see Val and Celestia, riding on Broken Sail the Spinosaurus. But they weren't alone, with them were the other hybrids and the dinosaurs (plus Sabe the Smilodon) are here to assist them in battle. Nova, Lusha, and Lily joined in the fight with the other clones and Yautjas.

"Get down!" Lily yelled as she threw a spear made of pure light at the incoming monster lion. The spear made contact with the beast, exploding in the process.

"It's about time!" Dark yelled, kicking an acrobat away from her.

"Sorry, we had a delay." Lily apologizes, throwing light knives at the creatures.

"Do I want to know?" Dark shoots at the acrobats, which they dodge by doing flips.

"Not right now!" Owen yelled, dodging another attack from a performer.

The female magician then summons giant mutated monster rabbits that let out roars of anger. Nova, annoyingly, screams in terror at the sight of the rabbits and jumps into the arms of an annoyed looking Celtic.

"Get a hold of yourself, Ooman!" Celtic said to the screaming Nova in annoyance, clearly finding his fear childish.

"Goddammit, Nova! Are you still afraid of bunnies?!" Dark yelled in annoyance.

"My fear has gotten worse because of this!" Nova screamed at the monster rabbits.

Vida runs past them and jumps high into the air before slicing the incoming monster rabbit in a half, turning it to ash. She lands to the ground and blocks incoming knives that were thrown at her, "Stay focus! We need to take down that magician!"

"Leave the amateur to me." Devlin said, summoning her handguns and firing magical bullets at the magician, which she reflected by the wave of her wand.

"Celtic, let's go!" Vida orders her Yautja partner.

Nodding, Celtic dropped Nova onto the ground, earning a yelp and groan from the hero, before assisting his human companion in battle. Meanwhile, Lex and Ahraan fought many monster animals and Destiny's clones, trying to get them away from the remaining survivors.

"Kill them already!" Lana yelled out in terror.

"Would you be silent?!" Ahraan roared at Lana in anger, using his shuriken at the clones, turning to ash upon contact.

Soon, a female beast tamer arrives, taking out a whip and strikes it towards Lex. Luckily, Aeliana appeared out of nowhere and touched Lex just in time as the whip passed through them before returning to the Beast Tamer. Marco showed up and fired multiple rounds at the Beast Tamer, which she evaded by cartwheeling away.

"Marco! Thank God you and Aeliana are okay." Owen said to his friend.

"No shit, Aeliana uses her powers to get us out of there before Destiny turns into a circus tent." Marco points his gun at the once building that is now a huge circus tent.

"We have to hurry and fix this!" Dark said, dodging a monstrous bear, "If we don't calm her down, she'll end up blowing the island!"

"What?!" Mr. Gold and Lana yelled at her words, fear consumed their minds and didn't want to stay here any longer. "No! I am not dying here!" Mr. Gold yelled, getting out of the jeep with Lana, both trying to make an escape to the pathway.

"Wait! No! Stay together!" Marco yelled, trying to warn them.

But it was too late. The moment the two investors try to escape the terror a giant monster bird comes out of nowhere, and plucks Mr. Gold from the ground. The poor man screamed, as he was taken too high to the clouds before being dropped into the jungle, followed by sounds of hungry predators. Lana screamed and ran into another direction, only to be attacked by vicious monster dogs.

"Damn it! We lost them!" Owen yelled, trying to take down a clown performer.

As they fend off Destiny's lackeys, they fail to see dark clouds forming above them. And in a flash, a massive lightning bolt comes out of nowhere and strikes the ground, sending Destiny's clones and attackers away from the group. Everyone was stunned to see this before they heard a loud roar. Looking up, they saw Nina, in her dragon form, flying down towards them. She lands heavily to the ground before releasing a stream of lightning at the attackers, creating a wall of fire as well as keeping them away from the group.

"Nina! You came just in time!" Lex said in relief at her dragon partner.

"No time for the usual pleasantries." Nina said to the group as they all came to her. "Before you go after Destiny, you need to know what you're getting into."

"Why? What's going on? What's happening to her?" Val asked, worried about Destiny.

"It's her power." Nina answered.

"We know about it," Dark said, reloading her weapon, "She has the power of energy and to give anyone she's in contact with hallucinations, as you can see." She gestures to the wicked wonderland landscape.

"It's worse than you think." Nina suddenly said, causing everyone to look at her, "Destiny's powers have evolved. She does not only create hallucinations, but she can also telekinetically warps reality with her energy."

"Please. Are you trying to tell me all this is real?" White Tiger asked, gesturing to the scene before them.

"Real, growing, and permanent if we don't put a stop to it all." Nina informs them seriously, "I just got word from Foxtrot and the Venandi's psytechs. They predict that Destiny is days, maybe only hours, from a massive aneurysm."

"A massive what now?" Nova asked in fear.

"A massive aneurysm?!" Spider-Man mutters out in shock, "Wait, if she has that, then wouldn't that kill her?"

"No, Des has a healing factory," Dark replied, looking at the landscape, "If her aneurysm happened, she could easily heal herself by entering a comatose state."

"Problem solved, right?" Power Man asked out loudly.

"Not that simple." Nina said in a warning, shaking her massive dragonhead, "When she goes, the psychic backlash could kill everyone in range of her powers. That's a distance measured in miles."

Everyone was horrified by this sudden information, "Oh, God, this what I feared." Dark mutters out, "Des has become an apocalyptic time bomb."

"Is there a way to stop her?" Celestia asked hopefully.

"There is," Nina said to them seriously, "Someone has to go there and talk her out of it. Otherwise, we would end up in her explosion."

"How can that be?!" Nova yelled in fear, "Who's that crazy enough to go to talk to her?!"

"I would," Spider-Man said, getting everyone's attention, he was serious about going to talk to Destiny.

"Spider-Man, are you sure?" Dark asked her partner, "You know what she is capable of."

"Yeah, I know, but we need to stop her." Spider-Man said seriously, "She not only trusts me, but she trusts you, Wolf and our friends with her life. We are the only ones that Destiny knows and trusts; she might let us get close enough to talk to her. But you guys have to stop Destiny's clones and her family, we don't have time to go in together, I have to go in there myself as fast as I can."

"Do you understand what you're agreeing to?" Nina questions Spider-Man.

"Yeah, I'm helping a friend." Spider-Man said to Nina determinedly.

Val and Celestia, who got off from Broken Sail, hurriedly went to Spider-Man. "We wanna come too!" They said unison.

"Wha- absolutely not! It's too dangerous!" Owen protests, not wanting his nieces to get hurt.

"But she's our friend! We can't leave her!" Val said to her uncle.

"Yeah!" Celestia said in agreement.

"I know but-"

Dark cuts him off by placing a hand on his shoulder, "Owen, Spider-Man needs the help he could get. Val and C can help him talk Destiny out of this. You have to trust them."

"They're still kids..."

"Owen, they're our last shot in stopping Destiny before she goes off. You have to let them." Dark said, trying to assure him that everything will be alright.

Owen didn't like the idea of his nieces going into danger. Although, if Destiny isn't stopped, the fate of the world will be in danger. With one last look at his nieces, Owen lets out a heavy sigh and finally agrees to let them go with Spider-Man. Not before warning Spider-Man that if anything happens to his nieces, he's on his shit list.

They quickly devise a plan to get Destiny's location. The plan was to fire them straight through the tent. They thought at first it was a crazy plan, but Dark said that they have to shrink them and use a magical arrow to zip them there.

Everyone knows that Spider-Man can get through to Destiny. That way, they will get to her faster. It was a long shot, but they were running out of time. Who knows how long before Destiny blows up?! Dark prepared the shrink spell while Meygana, Dark's girlfriend, readied the magical arrow. Dark carries mini Spider-Man, Val, and Celestia up to Assassin's head, magically binding them to the arrow. They will return to their original size once they enter the tent. She summons a bow to fire at the tent.

"Hold onto your butts!" Dark said to them before she fired the arrow.

Spider-Man, Val, and Celestia screamed through the wind as the arrow zoomed towards the tent. Leaving the group to deal with Destiny's goons. The trio easily break through the fabric and they instantly turn back to their original size when they came in. Spider-Man grabs the two girls and uses his web to grab hold onto a pole, swinging themselves to safety and landing on the ground with no injuries.

"Are you girls okay?" Spider-Man asked, placing the girls down gently.

They nodded their heads, "We're fine, Mr. Spider-Man." They said in unison before they noticed the scene before them, "Wow..."

Spider-Man turns around and later froze at the sight before them. The inside of a tent looks like something coming from a fairy tale or a painting. There was a castle floating in the air, purple blue sky, a big waterfall with a huge lake, trees that look magical, but there were also many circus gears and props that were attached to the scene.

"Hold my hands and stay close to me, okay?" Spider-Man whispers to the girls.

They nod their heads and hold his hands, walking with Spider-Man through the yellow brick road. They look around the scenery before them, searching for Destiny. They didn't know how much time they have left before she goes off. Suddenly, at the corner of Spider-Man's eyes, he saw Daniel Kon, tied up to a pole; wearing a clown costume, and looking completely brain dead. It didn't take Spider-Man long to learn that Destiny has gotten her revenge against the man who killed her family. Spider-Man quickly guides Val and Celestia out of the scene, not wanting them to be traumatized even further, so they continue their search.

They almost gave up until they heard the music from Swan Lake. The trio looked at each other before they hurriedly followed the music. They arrive at a beautiful lake where they could see a woman wearing an elegant white ballerina dress, decorated with feathers. She was wearing a masquerade mask and her black hair is tied into a tight bun. She was dancing on top of the water, following the beat of the music with such grace and beauty.

"Wow..." Val and Celestia whispered out.

"You can say that again." Spider-Man whispers in agreement. In the corner of his eyes, he could see a little Destiny, swinging herself on the swings, watching the woman dance through the water. "Destiny?"

"Spider-Man. Val. Celestia..." Destiny greeted them by their names in a blank tone, swinging herself slowly. Spider-Man was surprised by Destiny's vocabulary, guess she somehow improved during her outburst. "Did you like playing with my new Circus Phantasticus?" She suddenly asks, not bothering to look at them when they come close.

"Can't say that we did." Spider-Man said, shivering at the thought as he remembered fighting some of Destiny's circus relatives.

"Yeah. They can be protective. Now, they're busy and hardly play with me, not like before." Destiny said blankly.

"Can't imagine why." Spider-Man mutters out.

Suddenly, the dark clouds began to form in the sky, followed by strong winds. "When I was little, Mortem used to make me play all kinds of games, but they weren't any fun either. They'd strap me into their machines and poke wires into my brain. X77, can you move this object with your mind?" Destiny suddenly growls out, her hands tightening the chains of the swing. Soon, the tree close to them was suddenly rooted out from the ground with ease by Destiny's telekinesis, sending it flying to the sky, never to be seen again. The trio watched the whole thing with wide and shocked eyes, never imagining how powerful Destiny's psychic powers could be.

"Yeah, I can move it." Destiny answered blankly before she stopped swinging, "They weren't really games, you know. They were training me. Turning me into a weapon "for science," they said." She looked to the ground sadly yet angrily as she spoke, her mind blank and empty, and said: "They got their weapon. I got cheated out of my childhood."

Spider-Man's eyes softened. Remembering that Destiny was a victim and not a monster. She didn't ask to be a weapon. "I know what that's like." Spider-Man said to Destiny calmly.

Destiny looks at him with her red eyes, "You do, don't you?" She whispers, looking each other in the eye and Spider-Man doesn't say a word, allowing Destiny to read his thoughts to see how he never met his parents and how he lost his Uncle Ben, "You don't have to answer. I've read your mind. That's how I knew you weren't going to hurt me."

"No, of course not." Spider-Man assures her.

"Yeah! We're your friends!" Val said with Celestia backing her up.

Destiny was silent before she turned towards the woman dancing on the lake, doing some pirouettes, "You were going to try and talk me into fixing what I've changed...before I go out and hurt anyone else again."

Spider-Man's eyes soften at her. He, Val and Celestia looked at each other with concerned looks before turning to Destiny, "Yes." Spider-Man whispers out to her.

"It hurts really bad...but I don't want to stop," Destiny replied, still watching the woman dancing with such grace, "I want my family back...I want Circus Phantasticus to live on bring back my happiness..."

A gentle hand was placed on Destiny's shoulder, followed by a gentle embrace. Spider-Man's hand was on her shoulder, while Val and Celestia were hugging Destiny gently, comforting her the best way they could. "I know, Destiny, and I'm sorry that Kon and Mortem took away your family, but you have a new family in Jurassic World. Think about them, think about Wolf who took you in as his own, raising you like you were his own daughter." Spider-Man said, recalling the time he visited the island. He always saw Wolf with Destiny, teaching her how to read his people's languages and how to control her strength. He even saw her playing with the kids. Val and Celestia making flower crowns for her. The girls are teaching her how to dance. And learning how to bake with Damien. Those were the memories that Destiny shared with her friends...her family.

"Everyone accepted you, took care of you, and they didn't care about your powers." Spider-Man continued his speech, "Think of what would happen if you don't stop. You'll lose them all, like you lose your family. And I know in your heart that you don't want to lose them."

Destiny looks down, silently agreeing with him, "But what if I forget them...I almost forgot their voices."

"Hey, you won't forget them, Destiny," Spider-Man assures her.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because they are still with you, in here," Spider-Man placed his hand on his chest, where his heart is, "You will never forget your family in Circus Phantasticus, Des, never."

Val and Celestia nodded their heads in agreement, "You will always love them forever." Val said with a smile.

"Uh-huh, they may be gone in the living, but they're still with you through spirit." Celestia added with a smile, thinking of her mother watching her through spirit as well.

"And no matter what you do or did, they will always still love you." Spider-Man said with a gentle smile under his mask.

Hearing their words, Destiny's heart began to ache. She knew very well that her family, the Circus Phantasticus, still lives on within her. Even though she can't see them, she could still feel them. Their warm smiles, their laughs, their amazing tricks and talents, they still are with her through her heart. She would never forget them, ever.

Destiny closes her eyes; tears begin to form for the first time, before turning to Spider-Man with a sad yet scared expression, "Would you stay with me? I'm scared." She whispers out, her voice hoarse.

Spider-Man's eyes softened even more, knowing very well that she needed someone by her side. He sits next to her on the swings, watching as she sniffles a bit and wipes her tears away. Val and Celestia hugged Destiny gently, comforting her as they both hum a lullaby. Spider-Man also offered comfort by outstretching his hand towards her. Destiny saw this and brought her little hand towards his, accepting with no hesitation. The music suddenly stopped and the woman that was dancing suddenly appeared. The trio looked at the masked woman. She smiled at them softly. They were confused at first until she suddenly spoke in an angelic voice.

"Take care of my little dragonfly."

Her words surprised the trio, slowly realizing that the woman, who was dancing on the lake, was actually Destiny's mother, Dahlia. And this will be her final performance for her daughter.

"...We will..." Spider-Man responded to her softly, promising that he and everyone will take care of Destiny.

Smiling for the last time, Dahlia bowed at them, before Destiny activated her third eye to undo her work of her twisted wonderland.


Dark and the rest of the group fought off Destiny's clones and reanimated Circus Phantasticus. They were lucky they could last long. The mercenaries weren't so lucky, considering they were either killed by Destiny's clones and Hawkes was trampled by stampeding monster horses. They don't know how long they could fight them off, they wonder what's taking them so-

Suddenly, Destiny's clones and the members of Circus Phantasticus suddenly looked up to the sky, as if something was about to happen.

"What's going on?" White Tiger whispers to Dark.

"...I have no idea." Was Dark's only response.

The ringleader looked at the group briefly, causing everyone to be defensive, but instead of attacking. The Ringleader brought his hat to his chest and bowed at them respectfully, which confused everyone, especially the Yautjas. Weren't they fighting earlier? Their thoughts came to a halt when the world around them started to revert-back to normal. This stunned the group even further, watching everything turn back to the way it is. They soon looked back at Circus Phantasticus, surprised by how calm they were as each one of them disappeared. The last one to disappear was the ringleader and the acrobats; they smiled at them and said together.

"Watch over Destiny for us." Before they all vanished into the air, leaving a bewildered group.

"...Shit...what just happened?" Owen asked in confusion.

Dark looked towards the other side and responded to him this, "They did it."

Following her gaze, they saw Val and Celestia walking closely with Spider-Man, carrying an unconscious Destiny in his arms. She was back into her original form. She was unconscious but alive. Everyone was so relieved that they were okay. Especially Owen and Wolf. Speaking of Wolf, the Yautja quickly went over them, allowing Spider-Man to hand over the unconscious Destiny into his arms.

"She's alive, unconscious, but alive." Spider-Man responded to him gently.

Wolf made a sound of appreciation as he carried his pup away. Val and Celestia quickly went to their uncle. He hugged them tightly, relief and joy washed over his body to see his nieces are okay.

"What happened there, Spidey?" Dark asked her partner.

"I...I'll explain later, but right now, we need to get Kon and Uberto."

"Where are those bastards, my fists are ready for them." Owen said in anger, cranking his knuckles.

"I don't know where Uberto is, but I think he's in a lab somewhere and for Kon...I'm not sure he can be a threat anymore." Spider-Man tried to explain the reason.

"Why is that?" Marco asked.

"Destiny...Destiny puts him in a catatonic state...he...he can't move anymore or even think at all." Spider-Man answered, still wary about the sight he saw in Destiny's twisted fantasy.

Marco and Owen glanced at each other, knowing very well the situation beforehand, and decided to investigate with a small team. "We'll find them, the rest of you have to head back. Destiny needs medical treatment." Marco suggested.

With that said and done, Marco and Owen have a small team to search the facility. The rest brings the little girls back to base while Destiny is taken to the medical room. Owen assures his nieces that he'll be back after he catches Uberto (and maybe beat him for forcing Val to use her powers) and takes him to the authorities. They all leave and the team searches the facility, they scout each room to find Uberto. Marco found Daniel when he searched through the communication room. The CEO was alive, but unresponsive, proving to the point that he can't move at all. Meanwhile, Owen's group found the lab after he asked Chopper the Yautja to break it down, which he gladly did. The doors flew off and they swarmed in, searching for Uberto, only to find the lab empty and all research gone. Owen glares around before he spotted a remote on the floor. Picking it up, he saw a red button and pressed it. To which a hidden door was open in the wall. They were skeptical at first until they went in. They later discovered that Uberto escaped the island without anyone knowing as this doorway leads to the coast.

Owen curses again as he realizes that the three investors were just a distraction, giving enough time for Uberto to escape through the boat with all his research. The bastard was able to escape, but he can't hide forever. Owen will make sure that Uberto will be placed in prison for life. They returned to the Swamp Biome, where everyone was being patched up or ready to scout the area to gather other evidence about Mantah Corp affiliation with Serpenti Neri.

"How's Destiny?" Owen asked Dark, walking up to her.

"She's stable; Archie and Wu were able to save her before an aneurysm could take its course." Dark responded with a sigh, "We don't know when she'll wake up but otherwise...she'll be fine."

Owen nodded his head, "That's good to hear."

"So...did you find that bastard?" She suddenly questions Owen, referring to Uberto.

Owen growls in anger as he recalls their search, "No, that bastard uses the investors as a diversion, giving him enough time to escape."

"And went into hiding." Marco said, stepping forward, "I don't know when he will resurface, but I have a feeling it won't be soon."

"Agreed, we have to keep our guards up and strengthen the security." Dark looks at the kids that were being checked by the adults, "We should wrap this up before heading back, we have a lot to discuss about Mantah Corp's deals with Mortem."

Owen and Marco agreed. They continued investigating the island with the help of Mae and Hap, to find crucial evidence about Mantah Corp illegal dealings with Serpenti Neri. Val and Celestia brought the dinosaurs back to their habitat. Broken Sail will be transported back to Isla Sorna soon, but he was taking a little vacation by staying at the Swamp Biome for a while. The Spinoceratops, Angela and Rebel, were placed into the Snow Biome, since their DNA coding revealed that they prefer the cold climate. Accompanying them were the two Yutyrannus, Frost and his mate (Snowflake), keep watch at the two hybrids, while finding a nice cave to raise their young. Firecracker stayed with Ben and Bumpy, forming a great friendship with them, much to everyone's amusement.

While adults continued investigating, the kids, meanwhile, stayed at the medical bay where Wu was examining an unconscious Destiny. She was sleeping peacefully and slowly recovering from her psychic uses. Kenji was looking at her filled with guilt in his mind. His dad may no longer be responsive, but Kenji feels like he is carrying the burden of his father's sins. After all, his dad was the one that killed his mom and Destiny's entire family in cold blood.

"You don't have to bear your father's crime." Dark said, appearing beside him, which startled the male teen, "Destiny isn't gonna blame you for her family's death."

"But still...they were family, they loved her and...and she was taken because of him." Kenji looks at the ground in sadness, "I just...I just wished I could've done something."

"You did," Dark spoke, catching Kenji off guard a bit, "You became your own person. Your dad did not see his consequences before it was too late. He had to accept the sins of his crimes. Although the punishment was a know...too much. But it was his own fault. He chose greed and power, and thus he is now unresponsive."

"I get it's just...I am really sorry for what my dad did to her, to every child he took and wronged...they could've lived a happy life with their loved ones or relatives." Kenji looks at the slumbering Destiny. "None of this should've happened to her."

"Kenji, it's not your fault." Hudson said to the teen, "You didn't even know about this until now."

"Yeah but still..."

"Kenji, we're not mad at you." Brooklynn assures him with Butler hovering beside her, "Your dad was doing this for himself."

"Yeah, and you're not like him." Kendall said, looking at Kenji, "You will never be him, because you are better than him."

Kenji couldn't help but smile at her words, "Thanks, Kendall, I really appreciate it."

"Just don't let it get to your head. Your ego is big enough as it is." Kendall said with a smirk.


Everyone laughed in amusement at this. It was good to show a positive mind to the situation. Just then, they heard a small groan. They looked towards Destiny and saw that she was slowly waking up. Her healing factor speeds up the recovery process, enough for her to sit up and look at the group.

"Destiny! You're okay!" Both Val and Celestia cheered happily, running to her side of the bed.

Destiny looks around the room, wondering how she got in here, before looking towards Dark with a tilted head. "You were recovering from your psychic outburst, Des, but don't worry. You're gonna be just fine."

Destiny responded with a simple nod, not saying a single word like before, indicating she's back to her somewhat normal self.

"Hey, Destiny?" Kenji spoke, and Destiny turned to him with a tilted head, "About...about my dad...what he did to you...your family...I...I'm so sorry that he took them away from you. I don't know if you can-" Kenji was suddenly cut off in mid-sentence when Destiny put her hand on his head.

"" Destiny said slowly, her words are a bit horse. Dark guesses that her psychic outburst allowed her to speak properly but since she was back to normal, her speech is back to its slow tone.

However, it was enough to make Kenji feel a bit happy, knowing that she doesn't hold a grudge against him. The kids were relieved to see everything was a-okay. Dark smirks at this, knowing that Destiny will be alright. The kids went over to Destiny to check on her and said how relieved they were to see her well. Owen and Wolf soon came in after when they got a call from Wu, saying Destiny is awake. Owen smiles at Destiny's recovery. He glanced towards Wolf and noticed his shoulders were slightly relaxed. He could tell that he was relieved that Destiny was all right.

"Dark Twilight." Giovanna came into the room quickly, "Agent Fury has arrived with Ms. Dearing."

Dark nodded in response, "All right, bring them here."

Giovanna obeyed and contacted one of her clones to bring them in. It didn't take long for a clone to bring Fury and Claire into the room. Spider-Man tags along as they see the kids and Destiny are safe. Claire was relieved to see the kids safe and unharmed.

"Thank goodness!" Claire said in relief, hugging both little girls in her arms.

Fury went over Dark with a serious expression. "I take it the mission was a success?"

Dark smirks and hands him the documents, "Good news, we got all the evidence we need, the bad news, sonofabitch got away again." She hands the documents to Fury.

Fury reads the documents with his one good eye, reading the important information. He nods his head and looks at Dark, "Don't worry, he can run, but he can't hide forever."

"No shit, Owen was going to tear him apart if he found him." Dark said with a smirk before looking at Claire. She then took out another folder, "Here."

Claire was confused as she took the folder. "What's this?"

"These are copies of illegal contracts that Mantah Corp had with Serpenti Neri." Dark explains to Claire, "This will certainly help against the cases against those organizations."

"Wow, that can be very useful." Yaz said, listening to their conversation with the others.

"Did you find anything else there?" Fury asked Spider-Man and Dark.

"We were supposed to capture three investors that are with Mantah Corp and Serpenti Neri but they um...yeah...they didn't last long." Dark said, referring to the death of the three investors.

"Oh...well...I'll make sure to hire the best lawyers when we get home. This will be enough to shut down Mantah Corp." Claire said in assurance.

"Or buy it." Dark suggested, getting all eyes on her. "Mantah Corp created illegal dinosaurs without informing the government. They also have affiliation with Serpenti Neri, and most likely have all their assets confiscated. And since Masrani Global Corporation has a contract with S.H.I.E.L.D., they'll make sure to give the dinosaurs and assets to you."

"Can they do that?" Sammy asked them in confusion, "I mean, Kenji's dad owns Mantah Corp, well he used to...wouldn't Kenji inherit it?" And the others agreed.

"True, we found a contract which states that Kenji will inherit Mantah Corp. However, he can only inherit it when he turns eighteen. Moreover, Kenji is underage; someone else will have to temporarily claim the property rights of Mantah Corp." Dark explains the situation before taking out a piece of paper, "And this paper here shows that Mantah Corp has a list of spies that tried to steal dinosaur DNA and embryos in Jurassic World. So far, the only dinosaur embryo stolen was the Tarbosaurus, which is claimed later, and Mantah Corp will be charged for illegal crimes against humanity and embezzled money on property rights aka Sammy's family's ranch. You and your family can safely go home in protective custody of both Masrani Global and S.H.I.E.L.D."

Sammy gasped happily and relieved, "Really?!"


"So...if Sammy's family got their ranch, does that mean they can go home safely?" Darius asked with hope in his eyes.

"That's right, the Gutierrez Ranch and the Mantah Corp's Island are under protective custody of both Masrani Global and S.H.I.E.L.D." Dark explains with a grin, "That way, no one will try to do this dino business shit."

"That's a relief." Kenji said with a sigh, "But...what dad?"

Dark and Spider-Man looked at each other with unsure expression. Don't know if it was a good idea to tell him the bad news about his dad. However, Kenji has the right to know, even if it might hurt him. "Your dad...your dad is in a critical condition. He won't move nor respond to anything or anyone." Dark explains his dad's state.

"He will be put in a mental health facility where he will be taken care of by the finest and private doctors." Fury added, even though he wanted to put justice on Daniel Kon. However, it was best for him to have proper care due to his critical state.

Kenji sighs in relief and nodded his head, "Thanks, that's all I needed to hear." He said softly with a small smile.

"So...where will Kenji stay?" Hudson suddenly asked, worried about Kenji, "Since he's dad can't take care of him...who's gonna take him in?"

"Kenji is placed under protective custody. We'll find a nice foster parents to stay with him until all matters are resolved." Dark assured them all.

The campers weren't satisfied by this. Kenji deserves to be in a more familiar place. Besides, Kenji isn't comfortable with the idea of living with total strangers.

"He can stay with me."

They all turned towards Darius with a surprised expression. Wondering why the sudden response. Darius gave a small smile towards Kenji and assured him this, "You'll be safer there and my mom and brother will totally let you stay with us."

Kenji couldn't believe he was hearing. The thought of living in a nice normal sounds good to be true. To be frank, Kenji really wanted to live a normal life with loving parents. He barely has memories of his mom before the tragic day, but he recalls that she loved him very much, and wanted to have that feeling again.

"Yeah...that sounds awesome, dude." Kenji said with a smile before they shared a fist bump together.

Spider-Man smiles under his mask before turning to Dark. The demonic hero glanced at him before shrugging her shoulders, "Well...if you insist on this...I'll contact your mom and tell her about the situation. But know this, you, Kenji, your mom, and brother will be under surveillance and protection by S.H.I.E.L.D's top agents. There could be some people that had a partnership with your dad, and might be searching for Kenji to get the inheritance from him."

They agree to her words, knowing that it was best for Kenji to lay low for a while. Dark and Fury went off to contact Darius's mom to explain the situation with Darius and Kenji of course. The rest stayed behind to rest. Except for Owen and Claire, they went out to check on some assets that were stolen from Jurassic World years ago. It was in the building, the Yautjas and the clones heavily guarding it. They're not taking any chances of sneak attacks.

"So this is what Mantah Corp has been doing all these years?" Claire said with a heavy sigh, "I need to hire the best lawyers I could find."

Owen chuckles at her. "Knowing you, I think you'll succeed."

Claire chuckles as well, "Yeah, I just hope we can."

There was silence between them, searching through the documents that had all the information about Mantah Corp. It was kinda awkward for them...yet for some reason, there's something on Owen's mind that Claire doesn't know.

"You know...Claire...I've been thinking for a while..."

"Well, that's a shocker." Claire joked, earning a light laugh from Owen. "So, what is it?"

Owen rubbed the back of his neck in an awkward way, coughing slightly, " girls...they really like you. And..."


"You see...the things..."

"JUST PURPOSE TO HER ALREADY!" Lusha shouted in the background.

Owen nearly blushed as he and Claire turned to the open doorway to see Lusha, Val, Celestia, Redford the Dog, and the raptors peeking at the door. Lusha was grinning like a maniac, waving at them happily. Claire was confused while Owen was giving Lusha an annoyed glare.

"Owen? What does she mean 'purpose'?" Claire asked, having a bubbling feeling in her chest.

Owen's face turned red when he was about to speak but Lusha beats him to it, "He wanted to asked you hand in marriage and he's afraid that you might say no and he'll chicken out in the last second-"

"Lusha, shut up!" Owen ordered, earning giggles from Lusha, Val, and Celestia.

Claire stared at him with wide eyes. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. " were going to..."

Owen sighs, knowing the jig is up; he had no choice but to show her. Taking out a small box from his pocket, Owen opens it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. Claire gasped at the sight of the ring. If her eyes grow even wider, they'll be popping out.

"I've been saving enough money to buy it and was dragged to different ring shops." Owen recalls how Alex, Sofia, Quinn, Aggie, his nieces dragged into different ring shops to find the perfect ring for Claire. "I was hoping to tell you at the right time in a more...romantic area and..."


"What?" Owen asked, confused if he heard her right.

"I said yes, you idiot." Claire repeated with a smile.

Owen was flabbergasted by this and before he could even respond, Claire surprised him once again by kissing on the lip, which even surprised him more. Val and Celestia covered their eyes while giggling as Lusha took a picture. Owen's mind was completely going haywire, he wasn't prepared for this. Yet he soon brushed them aside as he returned the kiss before they shared a loving embrace. Val and Celestia squealed happily, knowing that Claire will be their Aunt soon.

"This is great, right Celestia?" Val asked her dragon sister.

Celestia nodded her happily, "Yeah! I can't wait to tell Gem!"

"She and the others will be so surprised!" Val said in agreement with the raptors cheering along with Redford. Until Val notices Lusha missing. "Hey, where's Lusha?"

They look around and notice the teenage girl was no longer with them. They wonder where she ran off to this time. Unaware that Lusha somehow reached to the balcony of the building and shouted below the working team (that were gathering all evidence of Mantah Corp), and shouted on top of her lungs.


Below the ground, everyone was looking up to the building after hearing Lusha's shout. (Seriously, they could hear it for miles). However, they were surprised by the fact that Owen proposed to Claire, and didn't expect her to say yes. It was indeed a surprise for everyone.

"Huh, he finally proposed to her." Barry said with a chuckle.

Dark nodded her head, ignoring how loud Lusha was cheering in the air, "And it's about fucking time. I thought he was gonna lose it." She sighs before smirking a bit, "Come on, let's finish up and head home, Owen and Claire are gonna need some time to prepare their wedding."

Barry laughs again, "Agreed."

So, everyone, except for Lusha (who was still cheering), got back to gather all the evidence.

This surely was an eventful event for the campers that they will never forget.

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