Hurt | Remus Lupin

By soft_multi_fandom

193K 4.9K 658

Sara Finnigan, the older sister of Seamus, is in her seventh and final year at Hogwarts. As she and her two b... More

~1~ A New Professor
~2~ Care of Magical Creatures
~3~ Sara's Boggart
~4~ Tea with Lupin
~5~ Hogsmeade
~6~ Sleepover in the Great Hall
~7~ The First Quidditch Match
~8~ Crippled Finnigan
~9~ Necklace from a Secret Admirer
~10~ Gryffindor's Win
~11~ The Quidditch Cup
~12~ Sara and Remus
~13~ Sara's Discovery
~14~ The Werewolf
~15~ Remus Departs
~16~ The Burrow
~17~ Table Crashers
~18~ Quidditch Campsite
~20~ Death Eater Attack
~21~ Auror Training
~22~ The First Task
~23~ Date with Charlie
~24~ Yule Ball
~25~ The Second Task
~27~ Cedric's Death
~28~ Aftermath
~29~ The Fight
~30~ Angry Reunion
~31~ Lies
~32~ Shitty Spy
~33~ Advance Gaurd
~34~ Harry's Arrival
~35~ Questions
~36~ Clean up
~37~ The Hearing
~38~ Prefect Party
~39~ The Apology
~40~ Kings Cross
~41~ What are we?
~42~ Run in with Percy
~43~ Birthday Party
~44~ Dumledore's Army
~45~ A Night to Remember
~46~ Snake Attack
~47~ Christmas at St. Mungo's
~48~ Cured!
~49~ Valentine's Day
~50~ Dumbledore's Departure
~51~ Harry in the fireplace
~52~ Fred and George's Escape from Hogwarts
~53~ Hagrid and McGonagall's Attack
~54~ Battle At The Minsitry
~55~ After the Battle
~56~ The Dusley's
~57~ The Finnigan's
~58~ Family Dinner
~59~ The Twins shop
~60~ Moving In
~61~ Anger
~62~ Full Moon
~63~ Harry's Suspicions
~64~ Christmas Eve
~65~ Percy's Big Fat Stupid Face
~66~ New Years
~67~ Ron's Birthday Surprise
~68~ Return
~69~ Dumbledore's Death
~70~ Shouting Match In The Hall
~71~ Proposal
~72~ Sara and Remus' Wedding Day
~73~ Rescuing Harry
~74~ Battle of the Harry's
~75~ Unexpected Death
~76~ Bill and Fleur's Chaotic Wedding
~77~ The Year
~78~ Called to Hogwarts
~79~ World is stopping
~80~ Eleven Years Later (Finale)

~26~ Sara the Matchmaker

2.4K 71 2
By soft_multi_fandom

I received a letter on day, and as always, I hoped it was from Remus, but it wasn't. I was surprised to see that it was from Sirius Black.

Dear Sara,
Hope you're doing well! Haven't checked in on you since that day (you know what I'm talking about) so I wanted to see how you were. Harry, Ron  and Hermione told me you're in Auror training now! That's excellent! There isn't anything new on my end, I'm still in hiding. 

I smiled, glad to see that Sirius was okay. And I was glad that Harry and his friends were obviously still meeting with him once in a while. I quickly responded with a letter and sent it off. 

With these last few months of the year, I was training harder than ever. I felt like I would pass out after each training, and would fall asleep almost the second I sat on my bed. Soon, June had arrived and I was finished my exams. By the end of exams, I was ready to sleep for the entire summer.

"We still have to watch over the Third Task." Tonks reminded me.

"Ugh, yeah." I sighed, rubbing my eyes. 

And so, on the day of the Final Task, we set off to Hogwarts bright and early in the morning. We helped set up and make sure all precautions were set. Then, I went to the chamber off the Hall. That was where the Champions were seeing their family's, and Professor McGonagall told me to stand with Mrs. Weasley and Bill, since Harry would definitely want to see me too. Tonks decided to leave me to have my moment with everyone else. 

Fleur flounced over to me and hugged me. "Sara!"

I smiled. "Fleur. How are you feeling?"

"A bit nervous." she said honestly. "But I still feel more confident. Why are you in this room?"

"Here to see Harry." I looked around and spotted Mrs. Weasley and Bill. "I'm with them, that's Percy's mam and brother."

She eyed Bill with great interest. He hadn't noticed us yet. 

"He is very handsome." she said giggling, elbowing me and raising her eyebrows. 

I grinned. "He is isn't he. I think he's single."

"You don't mind?" she looked confused. 

"Oh Merlin Fleur, he is not the man I'm in love with." I laughed, now realizing why she was elbowing me. "He's like my big brother."

"How sweet. Can you.... ask?"

I grinned. "I got you Fleur."

"Don't make it obvious though. Please."

I nodded and she kissed my cheek, as I walked to the Weasley's. 

"Sara!" Mrs. Weasley pulled me into a hug.

"Hi Mrs. Weasley. Hi Bill. 

Bill hugged me tightly. "Oh how I've missed your shenanigans Sara. Also, who were you talking to?"

I wiggled my eyebrows. "Why, she's cute right?" I asked, glad he was making this so easy for me. 

"Well... yeah...."

But I couldn't say anything else, because Harry was now walking to us.

"Surprise!" Mrs. Weasley said excitedly as he smiled broadly and walked over to us. "Thought we'd come and watch you, Harry!" She bent down and kissed him on the cheek.

 "You all right?" said Bill, grinning at Harry and shaking his hand. "Charlie wanted to come, but he couldn't get time off. He said you were incredible against the Horntail."

"Heya Harry." I hugged him. 

"This is really nice of you," Harry muttered to us. "I thought for a moment — the Dursleys —"

Mrs. Weasley looked like she was trying to refrain from insulting the Dursley's, so I did it for her. 

"Eh, who cares about those dry-shites." I shrugged.

Harry and Bill laughed while Mrs. Weasley started scolding me for my language. 

"It's great being back here," said Bill, looking around the chamber (Violet, the Fat Lady's friend, winked at him from her frame)."Haven't seen this place for years. Is that picture of the mad knight still around? Sir Cadogan?" 

"Oh yeah," said Harry.

I rolled my eyes. "I had a screaming match with him last year."

Harry started laughing as he remembered.

"And the Fat Lady?" said Bill. 

We both nodded.

"She was here in my time," said Mrs. Weasley. "She gave me such a telling off one night when I got back to the dormitory at four in the morning —"

"What were you doing out of your dormitory at four in the morning?" said Bill, surveying his mother with amazement.

Mrs. Weasley grinned, her eyes twinkling. "Your father and I had been for a nighttime stroll," she said. "He got caught by Apollyon Pringle — he was the caretaker in those days — your father's still got the marks."

"That's so romantic!" I cried.

Harry then decided to show Mrs. Weasley and Bill around, and Bill asked me to join too. 

"How's Percy?" Harry asked as they walked around the greenhouses.

"Not great." Bill said. 

"He's very upset," said Mrs. Weasley, lowering her voice and glancing around. "The Ministry wants to keep Mr. Crouch's disappearance quiet, but Percy's been hauled in for questioning about the instructions Mr. Crouch has been sending in. They seem to think there's a chance they weren't genuinely written by him. Percy's been under a lot of strain. They're not letting him fill in for Mr. Crouch as the fifth judge tonight. Cornelius Fudge is going to be doing it." 

I sighed. Poor Percy. I had sent him a couple of letters when I found out, but he had only written me a brief response. I was used to not receiving letters back anyway.

We started heading back towards the castle for lunch and Bill leaned towards me. "That girl with the silver hair. Tell me more about her. Looks like you're good friends."

"I met her at the Yule Ball. She's incredibly kind and brave. Super funny too. She's taken a bit of interest in you too." I whispered back.


"Yeah, of course." I was shocked at how surprised he looked. "I mean, have you looked at yourself! You're so handsome, you could be a model!"

"Seems like you're flirting with me." he teased.

"Shut up, I can appreciate good looks." I laughed, punching his arm. "Anyways, you should try to talk to her. If you can't find a way while she's with her family, I'll get you guys talking eventually. We send each other letters all the time."

When we arrived at the Great Hall, Ron's eyes widened. "Mum? Bill? What are you guys doing here!"

"Come to watch Harry in the last task!" said Mrs. Weasley brightly. "I must say, it makes a lovely change, not having to cook. How was your exam?"

 "Oh . . . okay," said Ron. "Couldn't remember all the goblin rebels' names, so I invented a few. It's all right," he said, helping himself to a Cornish pasty, while Mrs. Weasley looked stern, "they're all called stuff like Bodrod the Bearded and Urg the Unclean; it wasn't hard."

Soon, Fred, George Ginny and Hermione joined too. It felt nice, almost like we were at the Burrow again as we all talked and laughed and ate lunch. 

While the others went to their classes, I spent the rest of the afternoon with Harry, Bill and Mrs. Weasley. I spotted Fleur with her family not far away. 

"Bill!" I cried, slapping his arm. "I'll introduce you right now!"

"What?" asked Mrs. Weasley with interest.

"A girl. She caught my eye." Bill said. "How do I look?"

I reached up and smoothed his hair. "Okay great let's go."

Mrs. Weasley and Harry watched as I dragged Bill to Fleur. 


She turned around and grinned. "Sara! Meet my mozzer, and father, and seester Gabrielle."

I shook each of their hands, while Mrs. Delacour kissed my cheeks.

"This is my friend, Bill." I introduced Bill.

"Very nice couple." Mrs. Delacour said.

"No no miss," I quickly said. "He's just a friend. Like a big brother."

Fleur grinned at him and they started chatting. Everyone ended up letting the three of us hangout, and I was third-wheeling the entire time. But I didn't mind, I watched them wander closer to the Great Lake, while I sat back, picking the grass. My mind wandered to Remus, but then they pulled me out of my thoughts.

"What have I said about daydreaming about that man?" Fleur said heatedly, as if reading my mind.

"I can't help it!"

"I still don't know why I can't know hiz name." she frowned, as she linked her arm with me, and her other arm with Bill's.

"One day."

"Does Bill know?"

"No, she won't tell me either." Bill frowned.

At the feast, Fleur went to join her family again.

"You guys are good together." I said

Bill grinned. During dinner, Seamus and Dean joined us too, and I ruffled Shay's hair.

"How were your exams?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "I survived at least."

"Mum won't be too thrilled to hear that." I warned.

After the feast, Dumbledore rose to his feet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in five minutes' time, I will be asking you to make your way down to the Quidditch field for the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament. Will the champions please follow Mr. Bagman down to the stadium now." 

"Good luck Harry!" I quickly jumped up and hugged him as he started walking, all the Gryffindor's cheering him on.

"Think he'll be alright?" Shay looked nervous for him. "I hear the Last Task is supposed to be the hardest."

"I'm sure he will." I said, also nervously.

Not long after, it was time for everyone else to file to the stands.

"I have to go to my post." I waved to everyone. "I'll see you all after!"

I quickly dodged people and found Kingsley and Tonks.

"Had a good time?" asked Tonks.

I nodded, and we made our way to our post. We were standing on different sections of Stands. I happened to be standing right behind Bill, Ron, Fred, George, Hermione and Mrs. Weasley.

"Oh Sara, you look so professional and grown-up!" Mrs. Weasley gushed. 

I smiled and flushed. 

Bill nodded. "Very grownup indeed. Still needs a babysitter though."

I hit the back of his head and he groaned. 

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Bagmans voice boomed. "The third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Let me remind you how the points currently stand! Tied in first place, with eighty-five points each —Mr. Cedric Diggory and Mr. Harry Potter, both of Hogwarts School!" The cheers and applause sent birds from the Forbidden Forest fluttering into the darkening sky. "In second place, with eighty points — Mr. Viktor Krum, of Durmstrang Institute!" More applause. "And in third place — Miss Fleur Delacour, of Beauxbatons Academy!"

We all clapped. Harry turned around and spotted us, waving and we all waved enthusiastically back.

"So . . . on my whistle, Harry and Cedric!" said Bagman. "Three — two — one —"

And Harry and Cedric were now in the maze. 

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