The Little Girl goes to Camp...

By Dolphinheart99

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Jurassic World's brand-new adventure camp called Camp Cretaceous has finally arrived. A fun place to do amazi... More

Characters Info
Camp Cretaceous
Meeting the Campers
Scavenger Hunt Gone Wrong
Activities and Suspicion
The Cattle Drive
Secrets and Truths
The Truth Revealed
Where Evil Lurks
A Picnic with the Hybrids
A Trip Gone Wrong
Mystery Island II
Terror of the Night
The Calvary has Arrived
Chaos on the Island
Once Fallen Shall Rise Again
Good Shall Rise but Evil Still Lurks

Mystery Island I

384 9 3
By Dolphinheart99

Okay, if you guys should know, Vida and Devlin are my Ocs, go to my Deviantart to see what they look like. And to make a short explanation, Vida is a monster hunter and Devlin is a witch. The other characters are Meygana Scorpio and Lusha Scorpio, characters that belong to a reviewer named Tuesday.

Vida's voice actress: Maisie Klompus

Devlin's voice actress: China McClain

Meygana's voice actress: Rihanna

Lusha's voice actress: Tara Strong who voiced Harley Quinn from Injustice 2


Somewhere, in the middle of the ocean, two lifeboats with tents up were seen floating. The waves gently move them side to side or up and down, taking them further away to any lands. Soon, one of the lifeboats' tents unzips, revealing Kendall, the kids, Redford, and Stiggy were alright, surviving the heavy storm they dealt with hours ago. Not long after, the other boat's tent unzipped, revealing the rest of the campers, Bumpy, and Butler were alright.

"Are you guys okay?" Kendall asked them.

"Barely! We almost got killed by a storm!" Ben exclaimed, but he was relieved that his motion sickness didn't kick in thanks to the crackers.

"Okay, can someone please tell me what's going on and why were our guides trying to kidnap us?!" Kenji exclaimed, still not figuring out what just happened.

Kendall was the one that answered his question, "Yeah, long story short, Lyle and Becca are not our guides, they're kidnappers in disguise, hired by Uberto Mortem to kidnap Val. And will probably kill us. Does that answer your question?"

Kenji stared at her in a dumbfounded expression, "...Pretty much."

Darius, still in shock, came up and asked, "But...what happened to real Lyle and Becca? Did they..."

"No, the real Lyle and Becca are not here because Lyle was admitted to the hospital, and they had to cancel. The fake ones infiltrated the message, preventing the others from finding out until we got on the boat." Kendall explains what really happened.

"Really?!" Kenji exclaimed with a flabbergasted expression.

"Yeah, we were lucky that we got out on time, thanks to Kendall's instincts." Brooklynn said, remembering how Kendall found out about the fake Lyle and Becca beforehand, "If she didn't find out soon, we would all be dead."

Sammy sighs as she slumps on the edge, "This is all my fault. If I didn't accept the deal, we wouldn't be here!" She said, feeling guilty that this misfortune happened to her.

Yaz, who remembered from Danica that if Sammy didn't agree to help, then her family would've been either killed or experimented on, "Hey, Sammy, don't think of that." She assures, surprising Sammy, "If you haven't taken it, Mantah Corp would've sent you and your siblings to become experiments to that psychopath!"

"But still..."

"She's right, Sammy." Brooklynn said to the cowgirl, "I mean, from what we just learned, Mantah Corp will take you and your siblings away and experiment you all like they did to Destiny and the others."

Sammy, seemingly feeling a little better, couldn't help but smile at their support, "Thanks...although, I wish we can figure out how to get to dry land or contact the others."

"Butler, can you get a signal?" Brooklynn suddenly asked her A.I. cellphone.

:Nothing yet, Ms. Brooklynn, can't reach any signal.: Butler replied, showing a no signal sign on his screen, :I need to a better signal area than here.:

"So...we need to find dry land?" Val asked Butler.

:Yup, but the radar isn't picking up any islands in our area.:

Kenji groans in annoyance, "Great! We're stuck in the middle of the ocean, with no help or-" There was a splash coming from behind, which scared poor Kenji, "What was that?! A Shark?! A sea-monster?! A sea-monster shark?!"

Val peeks at the edge of the boat to sense what animal that was approaching, and to her surprise, it was a dolphin, it lets out happy clicking sounds, greeting Val, who smiles at it, "Hello there."

"Calm down, Kenji, it's just a dolphin." Kendall said to Kenji, who was slowly calming down as Kendall looked at Val, "Val, try asking if there's any land."

"Right!" Val looked at the dolphin and spoke to it, "Excuse me, but can you help us find a place to land?"

The dolphin responded happily before diving back into the water. After about ten seconds, a whole pod appeared, clicking at them happily.

"They said they'll help!" Val said happily.

With that said, Kendall threw three ropes in the water. The dolphins grabbed them and pulled the boats, showing them to dry land. Everyone was relieved that they were moving. With the right speed and time, they will make it to land by nightfall. Butler was still trying to get a signal since he needed to contact the others. Soon, they spotted dry land, and the children cheered happily. The dolphin brought the boat to a rocky part of the island. They were lucky that there was a beach there, so that Kendall could easily drag the boats to dry land. Once they were safe and dry, Val thanked the dolphins, who clicked and whistled to her happily, before swimming off.

"Oh, sweet dry land!" Kenji cheers, lying on the sandy ground, happy to be out of the water.

They all rested and Kendall checked their supplies on the boat, Butler was checking his signal and finding out why this island wasn't on his radar.

"Something wrong, Butler?" Brooklynn asked her A.I. cellphone.

:Hmm...for some reason why my radar couldn't pick up this island's location is because it was blocked.:

"What are you talking about, Butler?" Sammy asked, after drinking a bottle of water that Val handed out.

:I believe this island has a frequency jammer.:

"What now?" Kenji asked in confusion, not familiar with this technology.

:Oh, it's a device that is constructed, adapted, or intended to be used to prevent the reception of transmissions by a receiver relevant to its function.: Butler explains the frequency blocker.

However, Kenji had no idea what Butler just said. Considering Kenji wasn't much of a listener even during classes. Kendall sighs, knowing very well Kenji did not understand him, "In short, it can hide any signal that is as big as a whale, how's that?"

"Gotcha." Kenji said, understanding what the frequency blockers would do.

Kendall looks around the area, finding it strange that this island has a frequency blocker. It doesn't add up. Soon, her thoughts were interrupted when Redford the Dog started barking,

"Hey, look what Redford found!" Val called out to them.

Following her gaze, they saw a big spooky looking cave that was close by. This gave everyone, minus Kendall, the willies, feeling like something was going to happen to them if they entered. Kendall looked at the cave and then to the sky, noticing that it was going to rain soon, decided the best course of action was to go inside.

"Come on, we have to seek shelter before rainfall." Kendall said, gathering the two duffle bags that have the items they need.

Knowing that Kendall was right, they followed her to the cave, making sure to stay close to her. They knew that dark clouds were forming above them, and they needed to seek shelter. As they entered the cave, they heard a loud booming thunder, followed by heavy rainfall. Everyone signs in relief, knowing that they are safe from the rain. Val took out a flashlight from her satchel, giving them light as they went further into the cave. They stopped on a certain spot before Kendall placed the duffle bags down and gathered some rocks and some sticks that were scattered in the cave. She sets them up before starting a small fire on the sticks to create warmth, much to everyone's relief. They all huddled into the fire, enjoying the warmth of the fire while Val and Celestia handed them some candy bars while Ben ate his carob bars.

"Butler, are you able to contact anyone?" Brooklynn asked.

:Nothing so far, Ms. Brooklynn, whatever frequency blocker they're using, it's giving me a hard time contacting for help.:

"Does this mean we're trapped here?!" Sammy asked fearfully, and the others, minus Kendall, began to worry.

"Hey, let's not panic." Darius said to them, trying to calm them down, "I mean, maybe Jurassic World sent a search party?"

"How can you be so sure of that?!" Kenji suddenly exclaimed, spreading his arms wide, "For all we know, they might think we're dead!"

"Actually, knowing Danica, she knows that we're alive." Kendall said, getting everyone's attention. "Butler was still on when we were lost at sea, she and the crew might have picked up his signal and will track the last location before we got here."

"Meaning?" Kenji questions the girl.

"Meaning there's hope for us," Kendall said, surprising everyone, "All we gotta do is stay calm, focus, and stay together. We have yet to understand this land."

"I agree with Kendall on this." Yaz said in agreement, knowing very well about Kendall's capability.

"So...we wait?" Val asked Kendall, sitting next to her with Celestia, Redford, and Stiggy.

"For now, yes, we should rest here and go out and find if this island has any human residents."

Everyone agrees with that and rests, feeling the drowsiness kicking in. Kendall took out the blankets that were with the duffle bags, and handed them over to them, much to their appreciation. They all found comfortable spots to sleep and stayed close to the fire. Kendall tends the fire to make sure it won't go out.

"Hey, Kendall?" Ben suddenly spoke, getting Kendall's attention as she saw him before snuggled by Bumpy, "Do you believe that they're searching for us?"

"I know so," Kendall said to Ben, "I know for a fact that Owen, Marco, Barry, and Danica are determined to find us. And bring us safe, I promise you that, Ben." Kendall assures him.

Ben smiles in appreciation, finding her words comforting, "So...what do you think they're doing right now?"

"In my best guess, they're searching for clues and our location," Kendall said to Ben, "Get some sleep, Ben, I'll keep watch."

Ben nodded and snuggled close with Bumpy, falling fast asleep after an exhausting turn of events. Kendall sighs before tending the fire, thinking about her guardians and the others, praying that they would come to their aid before it is too late.


Marco was in the restricted area of Jurassic World. The reason why he was there is because their Yautja allies landed their ship here. They help them catch the two couples that were disguised as Lyle and Becca and were trying to take Val to Uberto Mortem. As Marco walks down the path, he is greeted by a web-shooting hero of New York.

"Hey, Marco, heading to the ship?" Spider-Man asked, swinging down from a tree.

"Yup, we found the culprits and we are going to interrogate them on what Uberto is going to do to Val."

Spider-Man walks up to him, "You think they're gonna give the information."

"It depends if they want to be alive considering Dark is the one interrogating them." Marco informs Spider-Man.

The spider hero turned pale under his mask, feeling sorry for the two couples that will suffer Dark's wrath, "For some reason, I feel so sorry for those two."

Just then, Lily the Light Manipulating experiment came over, looking relieved to see them both, "Greetings, Marco, can we borrow Spider-Man for a second?"

"Everything okay?" Marco suddenly asked, worried that Dark might have killed the two suspects already.

"Well...ever since those two kidnappers regained consciousness, Dark's been trying to get info out of them...but so far nothing is working." Lily informs them.

"So, you need help with the interrogation?" Spider-Man asked Lily.

Lily shook her head, "Actually...we were hoping you could calm down Dark."

Soon, a gunshot was heard in the background, surprising the two men, then sounds of glass breaking, followed by Dark screaming in anger, "WHY WON'T THEY FUCKIN' TALK?!"

"She's a liiittle frustrated..."

Knowing the situation may go bad, they meet up with the group at the restricted area, standing in a clearing as they were waiting outside of the Yautja ship. With them are the three Yautja Brothers Celtic, Chopper, and Ahraan who were outside with their human partners. Vida, Devlin, and Lex were there, ready to assist them to save the campers. Meygana Scorpio (Dark's girlfriend) and her sister, Lusha, were also there to help them out. Roxie and Dave were there, already having a brief explanation from Aeliana. And this shocked them, a lot. Owen stands a few meters away but quickly ducks down when Dark lets out a frustrated yell and throws a crate, almost hitting Owen in the process. Luckily, the raptor trainer didn't get hit, as he dodged it just in time. Owen got up and walked next to Roxie and Dave, who was watching him.

"Well, she definitely takes after my brother." Owen said, even though Dark was a clone to Val, she still carries Oscar's genetics in her.

"Was your brother some sort of silverback gorilla on steroids?" Dave questions Owen, curious if his brother was as strong as Dark.

Owen makes a blank look towards Dave and dryly warns him, "Yeah you better be happy my brother is not around to hear you say that."

Spider-Man and Marco walk next to them, hearing the commotion that Dark was doing, "How's it going?" Spider-Man asked.

"Oh, you know...terrible." Devlin answered Owen.

"That bad, huh?" Spider-Man questions them.

"You have no idea. Dark's been trying to get them to talk! But they refuse to even say Uberto's plan." Owen said in anger. "Heck, Dark can't use the truth trick because she needs enough of it to force Uberto to tell us the fucking truth of his plan!"

"Owen, calm down." Marco said to Owen.

"Sorry! This is hard, okay? It's just making me a little..."

"Frustrated?" Lily asked Owen, thinking that was the word he was looking for.

"I was gonna say completely filled with rage, but yeah, frustrated." Owen said to Lily.

Dark then came over, with an angry scowl on her face, "Talkin' about me?"

"Actually, no." Owen said to Dark.

"I don't get it. They're not giving up anything!" Dark yells in frustration, "They know something about Uberto's plans yet they won't spill the fuckin' beans!"

Lusha came over to Dark, "Oh, can I try? I'm very good at interrogating people."

"Are you sure you can handle this?" Marco asked Lusha, who grins at him.

"Well, if you recall, he and his partner tried to kidnap my friends and almost sell them off to a complete psychopath. Anyone sick enough to do something like that would almost certainly benefit from an, uh...checkup."

The group stared at her briefly before looking at each other in confusion and then to Meygana, since she knows her sister better than anyone and because they were unsure what to do in this situation. Meygana assures them that her sister knows what she can do. Plus they were also running out of options. So, Lusha was allowed to interrogate the two couples inside the Yautja ship. Both Mitch and Tiff were tied up on alien-like chairs, struggling to break free from their bounds. They soon stopped when they spotted Lusha coming over.

"Oooh, what's the matter? Did the big bad lady get all tuckered out?" Mitch mocks Lusha, referring to Dark.

Lusha didn't faze as she kept her grin on her face, "Do you know where we are?"

"Huh?" Both Tiff and Mitch asked in confusion.

"This is an alien spaceship designed to travel in surrounding wildlife. I got to ride one of these bad boys with my friends to see how our alien friends go on their hunting parties. It's got a laboratory, an incinerator, and oodles of state of the art surgical and hunting equipment. And the best part, they allowed me to use them!" Lusah explains everything in a wicked happiness, which scares the couple. They soon become terrified when Lusha slowly turns to look at them with a wide and wicked grin, "Just a fair warning, I may or may not know how to properly operate these, so...would you like to see them?"

~Five Seconds Later~

The group stood outside the ship whilst listening to the tortured screams of Mitch and Tiff, followed by various equipment noises like drills, cutting, saws, and everything else. And Lusha was cheerfully singing the opera, Carmen Habanera.

Si tou ne m'aimes pas, je t'aime,
Mais si je t'aime, si je t'aime, prends garde à toi!

This, however, horrified some of the group. The ones who were not scared of this were the Yautja brothers, Vida, Devlin, Lex, Dark, Lily, Aeliana, Owen, Barry, and Marco. They could hear both Mitch and Tiff screaming and begging for mercy, pleading at Lusha to stop but the crazy girl was too busy torturing them while singing.

Dave, who was not terrified by Lusha, whimpers towards the group, "Guys...I'm scared..."

"You're not the only ones, Dave." Roxie said quietly, wincing when they heard something slamming hard, followed by more screams.

After about few more seconds, the noises stop, and Lusha emerges from the ship with a craze grin, as cheerfully got the information, "They're names are Mitch and Tiff, both illegal game hunters, and they were so kind enough to hand over the coordinates to the island that has Val, Celestia, and Kendall!" Lusha said before adding, "Oh, and those other guys."

"...You're kidding..." Owen said to Lusha almost dumbfoundedly.

Lusha giggled, "No silly, I'm Lusha Scorpio! Ha! Dad Joke!"

The group looked at each other with mixed expression on their faces before turning back to Lusha, "Alright, think they're in a position to answer a few more questions?" Dark asked Lusha.

Lusha cheerfully responded, "Oh absolutely! Lemme just go put them back together!" Lusha happily skips back to the ship, leaving a disturbed group, minus the ones who were satisfied by this.

"Remind me not to mess with her." Spider-Man whispers to Dark.

"Noted, Spidey." Dark said.

Later, Owen and the rest of the group came inside. Dave, Roxie, and some soldiers stayed outside, waiting for the group to finish interrogating the two couples. And speaking of the couple, both Mitch and Tiff looked horribly messed up, their expression was filled with horror after being victims to Lusha's torture.

"You'll find their belongings on the crate over there and that their tones are much more positive." Lusha explains as gets in both Mitch and Tiff's faces, with her signature grin, "Isn't that right, you two?"

"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, GET THIS PSYCHOPATH AWAY FROM US!" Mitch begged, screaming on top of his lungs.

Satisfied, Lusha left the group to deal with Mitch and Tiff, "They're all yours!"

Owen smirks in satisfaction, "Oh, yeah." He said before glaring at the two couples, "Uberto's plan. Talk."

"We already told your friend about the island, okay?!" Mitch said in a frightened tone.

"I want to know about all of them." Owen ordered, dead serious.

"I don't know all of them! I swear! Look, all he wants is to do a little experiment with her, that helps right?" Mitch answered, still frightened by Lusha's torture.

"Now will you let us go?" Tiff pleaded, fearing that Lusha might come back.

Marco glares at them, "There seems to be a misunderstanding. Your options are either A, staying here forever, or B, the three deadly aliens directly besides us." Marco warned, referring to the three Yautja brothers. To prove his point, the three Yautjas unsheathed their wrist blades and pointed their shoulder casters at two couples, releasing dangerous clicking like growls. This proves that Yautjas will not hesitate to end them if these couples don't tell them the location of their Earthling pups.

Both Mitch and Tiff gulped fearfully, knowing very well not to anger them even further, "H-ha, uh, good point. Well what else do you want?" Mitch asked, fearing for his life.

"What is he doing?" Marco questions them even further.

"He...he wants to get something from her...I don't know...DNA?" Tiff explains to them, trying to remember what Uberto said, "Something to do of finding a cure for cancer or something."

"They're talking about Project Alpha." Lex whispers to them.

Marco and Owen nodded in unison, "Yeah, it is the only thing that has that ability," Marco whispers back before turning towards the two, "Why do you believe that he's searching for a cure for that?"

"How should we know!?" Mitch exclaims.

That was not the answer they were looking for as Celtic released a savage growl, almost going forwards to slash Mitch's head off until Vida intervened and stopped him, "Easy, Celtic, you can kill him later if he or his partner doesn't give us the right answer." Vida said to her Yautja partner, who growled in satisfaction.

"He's partnered with the boss of Mantah Corp!" Tiff blurted out, getting everyone's attention, "The one running Mantah Corp...he...he partnered with Uberto, it was his idea of the whole finding cure shit. He was the one who agreed to hire us and the mercs."

"What?" Owen demanded, glaring at them. "What mercenaries?! And how many are there on that island?!"

"I don't know enough to get the job done." Mitch answered.

"Give me numbers or I'll give you back to the crazy girl!" Owen threatened, ready to call Lusha in a heartbeat.

Mitch and Tiff made a terrified expression, already hearing Lusha's maniac laugh in the back of their heads, and quickly responded with a better answer, "Wow, wow! Let's not get hasty, alright?" Mitch pleaded, not wanting Lusha to return. "Ah, there's about um...ten or twenty of them, alright? And some few dozen security robots."

"A few dozen what?" Marco narrows his eyes at them, "What do you mean robots?"

"They...they have a bunch of robots, I think they're like robot dogs or something."

"Something is not the answer we are looking for," Marco said to them with a deadly glare.

"What else do you want?! That's all we know!" Mitch exclaims, but he soon regrets it when the three Yautja growls at them, "AH! The name! The name of the boss of Mantah Corp! His name is Daniel Kon!"

This caught everyone's attention, for they recognized that name. Daniel Kon was a partner of Simon Masrani as well as being the father of Kenji. They always suspect that Kenji's father was doing shady business. But they never expected him to stoop so low. Quite the contrary, Dark was doing some private investigation for S.H.I.E.L.D. There were some suspicions that Daniel Kon and his connection was partnering with Mantah Corp. But him running that place, takes the cake. She needs all the events she needs to put that greedy businessman in the slammer.

"Daniel Kon, huh?" Dark mutters, rubbing her chin, looking back at the two couples, "Who else is working with them?"

"Um... Hawkes and his mercenaries, our guide Haps and...a tech guy named Kash, I think." Mitch said, listing out the ones that work for Uberto and Daniel. "That's good enough, right?"

The group looked at each other, showing satisfied looks, before looking at them, "Very." Owen said, walking away along with the others.

"W-Wait, where are you all going?!" Tiff demanded.

"Going to the island," Marco responded.

"Hey, aren't you going to let us go?!" Mitch asked, trying to break free from his bounds. "We told you everything we know! So, you have to let us go!"

"Nope, you two are wanted criminals that do illegal hunting as well as working with the son of the most dangerous man alive! So, no, we're not letting you two go anywhere."

"That's not fair!" Tiff yelled out in anger.

"Yeah?! Says you! You fools tried to kidnap children by agreeing to work with the wrong people!" Marco yells back at them, "And there is no way we're letting you go. For all we know, you will tell your boss about us. And we can't have that, can we?"

"So, you're gonna leave us here?! With these monsters?!" Tiff yelled out in anger but with more fear in her tone.

Devlin lets out a chuckle, "Sweetheart, they're not monsters, they're noble hunters that would hunt down strong prey and mount their skulls on their walls." Devlin then smirks darkly at them when she sees their scared faces, "However, you two were easy hunting. They would just skin you both then hang by the ankles."

Mitch and Tiff gasped in fear when Devlin mentioned that. "Oh, but don't worry, your fate is not in their hands." Marco said in a somewhat assuring tone, much to the relief of the two couples, until he added that made them scared again, "It's hers." He gestures to Devlin, who smirks in joy. "Have fun."

"Wait! You can't leave us with her!" Mitch pleaded, fearing what Devlin was capable of doing.

"Please! Just let us go!" Tiff begged, helplessly watching as the group left the room while Devlin remained there.

"This is your own fault." Marco said to them, leaving the room with the others.

Devlin smirks as she turned towards the terrified couple, "Don't worry, what I'm about to do, it won't hurt that much." She said, causing them slowly to lose of guard, until breaks it, "It's waayyy more painful."

And soon, she took out her hand and summoned a green flame with an image of a skull, cackling maniacally as Devlin's eyes released green flames. Both Mitch and Tiff screamed as a green light illuminates the room. The others were outside, waiting for Devlin to finish her job, so that they could leave. After a few seconds, the screaming stopped, and soon, Devlin came out, carrying two shrunken heads that closely resembled Mitch and Tiff.

"You finished?" Dark asked Devlin.

Devlin just smirks with satisfaction as she puts the shrunken heads in her pocket dimension, "I am."

"Good, we need to head out now." Dark said to everyone, "I contacted Fury and our friends back Isola Della Vita, they're gonna find out more about Kon and Mantah Corp's shady business. If we find enough evidence, both Kon and Mantah Corp will be charged for crimes against everything."

"We better hurry." Owen said, determined to get his nieces back, "We don't know if the kids will be alright."

"Don't worry, if I know Kendall, she's keeping them safe." Barry said in assurance to Owen.

"Well, then, let's get to it." Dark said to them.

And with that, their plan was in motion, ready to find Val and the others before it was too late.

"Will Destiny be coming with us?" Spider-Man asked his partner, walking towards the location of a base close by.

Dark nodded her head, "Yup, she wants to come along to help us. Although...I'm not sure if it's a good idea for her to come."

"What do you mean?" Spider-Man asked in confusion.

"Vida informed me about Destiny's um...issue."

"What kind of issue?"

"Vida said that Venandi psytechs did some research with Archie and Wu about Destiny's powers; they fear that she might end up being a ticking time bomb."

"What?! Woah! When will that happen?!" Spider-Man asked in shock.

"They're not sure, they say it will happen if she has a sudden outburst of emotions. But so far, she kept her emotions in bay thanks to Wolf." Dark said, referring to the Yautja Enforcer.

Spider-Man sighs in relief, "Well, that's good to hear. But still, we should keep a close eye on her, just in case."

"Already on it. Come on, we have to get a move on. Who knows what Uberto would do if he found Val first."

With that, they headed off to meet with the others, ready to save Val and stop Uberto and Mantah Corp from causing any more damage.

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