Little Snake - A Black Legacy

By WolfsAki

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While others go about their daily lives at the age of 15, there is another mystical, magical and adventurous... More

Chapter One - Shattering
Chapter Two - denying
Chapter Three - Full Speed Ahead
Chapter Four - Ruins
Chapter Five - Survive
Chapter Six - Hogwarts
Chapter Seven - Inappropriate Desire
Chapter Nine - First Traces
Chapter Ten - Secrets unleashed
Chapter Eleven - Restricted section
Chapter Twelve - Magic
Chapter Thirteen - Guilty
Chapter Fourteen - Crucio
Chapter Fifteen - Love
Chapter Sixteen - a few daily favors
Chapter Seventeen - Next Please
Chapter Eighteen - Some kind of Family
Chapter Nineteen - Scrope
Chapter Twenty - Forbidden Forest
Chapter Twenty one - The Map Chamber
Chapter Twenty Two - Sunny Sunday
Chapter Twenty Three - Flying's not that easy isn't it?
Chapter Twenty Four - Sorrow

Chapter Eight - Some kinds of Monster

120 6 0
By WolfsAki

Ominis slowly knelt down in front of Hazel, who was staring into nowhere. With his wand, he was able to get an accurate picture of his situation: Her hair was a mess, as well as her uniform. Her eyes were wide open, focusing on nothing as she cried. She still had her hands cupped in front of her mouth to muffle her sobs. He could smell blood, too, but not alarmingly much. He suspected a scratch, as the cause. "Hazel?" he asked gently. But she didn't respond, so he gently placed a hand on her shoulder. A jolt went through her body, she flinched so badly that she hurt herself and crashed her back against the shelf. This finally brought out the sobs she had been holding back, Hazel drew her knees up and buried her head in her arms, which she had placed on her knees. He noticed that she was unable to speak. Ominis quickly checked her school bag for a quill and a sheet of parchment:

Library. Second floor. Now!


He wrote and enchanted the piece of paper. It formed itself into a bird and flew away. He hoped Sebastian wasn't as overwhelmed with the situation as he was. He just didn't know what to do, what he could do to calm her down. Again, he knelt down on the floor with her and did the only thing he could think of. He sat down next to her, gently put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his arms. She resisted at first, her heart racing faster and her sobs growing louder. But that changed when he spoke, "Shhshhh, little snake. You will be alright, I am here now".

Those words worked their magic almost miraculously. She loosened her tense posture to throw herself against his chest. She clawed into his shirt and cried heartbreakingly as he gently swayed them back and forth. With his wand no longer in his hand, Sebastian's cold voice caught him completely off guard.

"What happened and who we have to kill" Sebastian's cold voice was heard. "Calm down Sebastian. She's scared to death as it is" Ominis said calmly, his face furrowed with rage. Sebastian knelt down to them and ruffled his hair. It was only her first real day of school and this girl was getting into one trouble after another. Hazel was worse than he was, Sebastian thought to himself. "Should I get a Professor? Or the nurse?" Sebastian asked. Ominis felt Hazel strengthen her grip and shook his head. "I think too much attention is the last thing she needs right now" he murmured and kissed Hazel on her hair. She began to be somewhat relaxed.

"Oh gosh," Sebastian muttered, plopping down on the floor. " Not even a day back at Hogwarts and already experienced more than last year. Hazel, you're worse than me and that's something" Sebastian tried to lighten the situation a bit. Her broken look met his, and the fake smile, on his face, died. "You think I'd choose something like that? No! I didn't choose this fucking life, I'm just the fool who has to survive it somehow!" she said shakily, leaning exhaustedly against Ominis again, who stroked her hair. "Shhshhh, little snake," he murmured into her hair. As his hand gently stroked her back, careful not to hurt her, he felt something wet. "Hazel, you're bleeding," he murmured. "What happened, Hazel?" Sebastian sighed, who rummaged around in all his uniform pockets and finally pulled out a green Wiggenweld potion. "Malfoy," she sobbed, and Sebastian gritted his teeth angrily. "What has he done?" he growled. But Hazel shook her head. "Give her time, Sebastian," Ominis told him.

Hazel wanted to tell them, but every time she tried, she was shaken by choking sobs. "We should find somewhere else to go. Soon it will be time for students to do their homework or study" Sebastian said after a few silent minutes. "And where should we go? The common room is too busy" Ominis replied while trying to convince her to get up.

"Maybe we'll just go straight outside. To the right of the main exit is a place where barely any people go. It's nice there, with trees and bushes to protect from prying eyes. I'm often there to read when you're napping, Ominis" Sebastian said, gently reaching under Hazel's arms. "Here, drink this. It should help with the pain and bleeding" he handed her the already uncorked potion as she groaned painfully. As she stood it took her two deep breaths before she could stand securely enough to take the potion and down it.

Somehow they had made it out unseen. Hazel was infinitely grateful to them, that they helped her out of the castle unseen. That they gave her the protection she needed. That Ominis, beside her, supported her and Sebastian was behind her to shield her from prying eyes. She couldn't thank them enough. When they finally got there, they sat down on the only bench there was and Ominis pulled Hazel onto his lap as if it were a natural thing to do. Tired, Hazel rested her head on his shoulder and restlessly intertwined her fingers to keep from fidgeting. Tears were still running, but the flow had already slowed down.

"H-he suddenly... I... I couldn't m-move, I couldn't do anything..." she stuttered, burying her face against Ominis neck as the tears threatened to overwhelm her again. He tightened his grip carefully to let her know he was there. "H-he knocked my wand out of my hand and..." she sobbed. "He said if I joined in, I might like it" she whispered, too ashamed to say it aloud. She felt Omini's grip tighten. A growl rose from him. "If he touches you again I'll Crucio his filthy brain out" Ominis rumbled. Sebastian had never seen his best friend so angry. Or heard him speak like that. If the situation hadn't been so serious, it would've been funny. "I-I would eventually beg for his attention and...." she broke off, shaking. "And then he forced a kiss on you, didn't he? I heard it when I was downstairs." he finished her sentence and she nodded.

"We should report him" Sebastian said in response. "I don't think that will do much good. The Malfoy's are a big supporter of the school.... Hazel, do you know how you are related to Professor Black?" Ominis asked her as an idea dawned on him. Unfortunately, Hazel shook her head at his shoulder. "Then we'll have to find out. It's one thing if any student at his school is being harassed, but it's another if it's a direct relative" he grumbled. Sebastian's face brightened as he understood. After a few more silent minutes, Hazel finally sighed and sat up a bit. Her face was red, as were her eyes.

"We need to go to Hogsmeade" she muttered and the boys stared at her in disbelief. "Are you sure about this? Will you be able to make it?" Ominis asked her. In response, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him. He heard her take one deep breath and felt her shake her head.

"I'm not sure about a lot of things, and then I find myself standing there and doing it. That's how it was in the catacombs of Gringotts yesterday. And yet, here I am. A trip to Hogsmeade should be easier than that" she said against his neck and then loosened herself from him to stand up. "Thank you Ominis, Sebastian. I don't even know what I do to deserve this. I mean... we've only known each other for a day" she said and looked away from them, to the sky. "That's okay, it feels like years to us. I feel like I have to protect you, like my sister" Sebastian replied smiling and Ominis smiled too, but his smile had a completely different meaning. He was now 100% sure that he had found his childhood friend again. And he would make Malfoy regret the day he had met her.

After Hazel freshened up in the common room and got her money, the three friends headed to Hogsmeade. When she came out of her room, she had put the wall around her heart again, the mask on her face, and was walking with springy steps. She locked away what would have broken others to hide how broken she actually already was. Sebastian even had to laugh at the sight of her as she turned around after each flower, and once she almost fell headfirst into a bush full of bright lacewings. A completely changed person.

Ominis watched the girl with a sad smile. He felt exactly that she was not okay. That she had never really been fine since they had not seen each other. There had to be a reason why she had taught herself this tactic of the Blacks. The thing about closing off feelings and faking others. He didn't know if she was just locking away the bad things, if she was really having fun right now or just pretending, so they wouldn't worry. But he guessed the second. He heard it when her breath hitched shortly or she paused in her movements for a second. He heard it in the way her voice sometimes barely noticeably broke away.

"Wow, this place is beautiful!" Hazel grinned at the boys with her cold eyes as they reached the entrance to Hogsmeade. A small village accessed by a bridge from their direction. To the left and right were colorful stores and houses. "Where do you want to go first?" Ominis asked her. "Hmm. Well I need school books, casual clothes, ink, parchment, potion ingredients, seeds and of course my own wand" Hazel rattled off, smiling. Sebastian sighed. "Can we leave the clothes for the end?" he said, playfully distressed. "Oh don't worry, I just need my entire wardrobe replaced" she said jokingly and Sebastian answered her with a groan.

"For books and scrolls, we have to go directly left to Tomes and Scrolls. Yes I know, not a very creative name" Ominis smiled and held the door open for her. Hazel went straight to the counter and asked the wizard standing there. "Ah, a little late for school supplies, isn't it?" the older gentleman asked with a smile. "Not if a dragon ate your homework" Hazel said in a joking tone. The boys, of course, knew she was very serious.

The shopkeeper laughed indulgently, waved his wand and had the required books piled up in front of him. "That should be all of them, miss," he said. Hazel hurried to put everything into an enchanted bag she had borrowed from Ominis, paid, and they left the store.

"Next, we should get you your wand. I'm sure you'll like Mr. Olivander" Sebastian now led them down the street and then to the left. "I can't wait to see what kind of wand chooses you" Ominis said. "The store is quite small. We'll wait outside" Sebastian then said and Hazel nodded. Hesitantly she grabbed the door handle and stepped into the dim little store. It wasn't well lit and every wall was filled with narrow, long boxes in which the wands were stored. The air was a little dusty and from behind she heard a murmur. "By Merlin's glorious beard. Not again!" the voice of a man said.

Uneasily, Hazel turned to the door and met Sebastian's gaze through the glass in the door. Sebastian made a gesture that said >go on< while she heard Ominis say muffled, "What's wrong with her? He doesn't bite, does he?" which made her smile. With renewed courage, she went to the counter, covered with papers, and reached for the bell, which, shortly before she touched it, rang itself. From the back room she heard a thump and a rumble, followed by stumbling footsteps.

"I'm right..." the older gentleman started as he looked out the door and into the room. "Ah! It's you! Um, one moment please" He knew her? How could that be? She asked herself nervously, taking a short deep breath to get her emotions under control behind the wall. It wasn't so easy that day. She was already longing for the weekend, on a Monday. Again she heard it rumble and clatter, before the elderly wizard came out again, wand behind his ear and round glasses on his nose.

Mr. Olivander seemed like a distracted but good-natured man. "Good afternoon, Mr. Olivander. I need-" she began with a fake smile. Mr. Olivander interrupted her, smiling. "Oh, yes, yes. A Wand! You're late, my dear. I was expecting you four years ago. I remember when your mother, the Honorable Madam Black, got her first Wand from me. She was quite excited when she was pregnant with you!" he babbled.

She tensed unnoticeably at the mention of her mother. "And your uncle, Professor Black, was already eager to give you your first broom. Of course, that was before he became the Headmaster. Oh, I haven't even introduced myself yet. Gerbold Olivander, pleased to meet you. Really," he continued as he came around the counter, gave her a short handshake, and then his gaze got caught in the wand shelves.


"Come on, let's find the perfect wand for you" Olivander clapped his hands and went through the wands, muttering. "No, not that one. Not that one either. No". But then he pulled out a green box. "Hmm, powerful core, ten and a half inches" he muttered to himself before opening the box and holding out the wand to Hazel. "Just wave it around," he instructed her.

The staff was beautiful, finely crafted with golden ornaments. But when Hazel took it, she already knew the answer, and as she waved it, sparks shot out of it, almost starting a fire. "Oh no, no. That one doesn't fit you at all, does it?" Mr. Ollivander said with a laugh as he took the wand from her. He smiled reassuringly at Hazel. "Don't worry, somewhere around here is the perfect wand for you. Every one of your family has found their wands with me. There wasn't one- Ah. Cedar, 11 ½ inches, phoenix feather. A remarkable wand, if I may say so." he interrupted himself and pulled out a fine, burgundy box. "This wand might suit you. I perceive great magical potential in you. This wand would feel right at home with you," he said as he opened the box.

In the silk lining of the box lay a white staff, shimmering. Its handle was round, spiraling black and green and - what a surprise - a silver snake coiled around the handle, holding an emerald at the end with its tail. Hazel took the staff in her hand with awe and, almost immediately, gold and silver sparks sparkled up around her and a pleasant feeling of acceptance swept through her. Ollivander clapped his hands. "Extraordinary. And so begins another bright and magical future! This wand says a lot about you, Miss Black" Ollivander rejoiced. Hazel looked at him questioningly.

"Cedar wands do not seek out just any run-of-the-mill witches Miss. Only exceptionally loyal and clever witches and wizards are chosen by him, while the Phoenix Core often connects only with brave and loving hearts. We can expect great things from you" he answered her, smiling. "Oh- do not be shocked by your wand's ability to sense your intent, especially in moments of need. Phoenix wands are known for such independent action when their owners are in need" he explained to her before she paid for the wand and left with a smile. When she came out, she proudly showed the two of them her first wand of her own and smilingly passed Omini's hand over the outstanding snake. "It really suits you, Hazel," he then commented. Hazel nodded, the smile on her face this time sincere.

Satisfied with her shopping, they had everything from books to potion ingredients, they went to the main square of Hogsmeade to show her the cafes and the restaurants. "Hogsmeade really is wonderful" Hazel said as they arrived at the main square, deeply inhaling the smell of the stores. From honey to caramel, to savory foods and even flowers, everything could be smelled here. But her favorite smell was the chocolate from Honeydukes. "Hmmhm chocolate" she sighed with a smile and Ominis had to laugh and tossed her a package of mini chocolate frogs. She gleefully fished one of the enchanted little frogs out by the leg and laughed as she almost lost it. "Yummy," she then commented, chewing. "I got those when you were at Olivander's. Thought you might like them" Ominis replied smiling and Sebastian had to smile too. She might not realize it, but he knew his best friend was about to fall in love. He sincerely wished it for both of them.

Suddenly a terrible rumbling and crashing could be heard behind them. Instinctively Hazel drew her wand, dropped everything unnecessary and stood in front of the boys, facing the noise. "Fuck" was all that came from her as a troll, 5 times her size, leapt club-wielding into the square. He wore armor of red glowing metal... She knew what that meant. Ranrok.

"Back off, both of you," Hazel ordered coldly, raising her wand as the troll raised its club. "Hazel..." Ominis started. "I can fight, Ominis! It's the only thing I'm capable of right now. You have a clear head. Use it to get the people somewhere safe. I would only panic myself in the process, but fighting is what I am used to" she explained. Her voice was no longer friendly or warm. It was cold, as her eyes had become, once again. "Sebastian, make sure these people leave. I'll back her up with defensive spells" Ominis now ordered in his turn, but took his distance from Hazel to give her the space she needed. All this had taken only a few seconds.

From behind, someone shouted, "Lure him away from the houses," and Hazel had nothing else in mind as the troll set its eyes on her. One blow after another, Hazel dodged the troll and threw one basic spell after another at him, luring the troll into more open ground, right in the middle of the square. But even Ominis couldn't stop her energy from waning and slowing down, while he did his best to always provide her with a shield. So it happened that the troll caught her once with his club and threw her against one of the buildings. Above her some bricks of the house wall fell in, but with a swing of her wand she freed herself from them.

Ignoring her pain, she wiped the blood from her eye. "Bombarda!" she shouted, driving the troll back into the center, as a Second Battle Troll, through one of the houses next to her, burst into the square. "Oh Shit," Ominis heard her shout, then heard the cracking of bones as Hazel was hurled through the air once more. "Hazel!" he shouted. He cursed his blindness once more. Despite his staff, it was difficult for him to fight. That's why he specialized more in defensive spells.

Just in time, he was able to catch Hazel with a panicked yell of "LEVIOSO!" before she was slammed into a wall again. "Are you okay?" he asked her quickly as he lowered her back down.

From a side alley basic spells shot at the first, already weakened, troll. He lost interest in Hazel and ran after the witches and soon they lost sight of them. Now it was just one troll again.

" I'm allright" Hazel breathed heavily and gave a short cry when Ominis touched her on her newly injured shoulder. Immediately he took his hand away from there. "I can still fight," she grumbled as the troll came running toward her. Hastily she pushed Ominis aside and jumped to the other herself as the troll ran past them into a house. Ignoring the pain for the moment, she yelled "Incendio" and the troll caught fire. Now more witches and wizards slowly arrived, staying in the alleys, but throwing their spells at the troll, which slowly weakened.

Suddenly, a blue-white light pulsed in her wand. The pulsing had its origin in her very core and she instinctively directed it through her wand to focus it. She was aware of what she was about to do. She was also aware that she might regret it. But as the troll ran toward Ominis, she didn't care about the consequences of the ancient magic that lay within her. Without thinking about it, she directed her ancient magic, which had instinctively awakened in her, at the troll. As she cast the spell, she went down on her knees with a cry of pain. The troll cried out, stopped in its tracks, and then fell lifeless to the ground, slowly fading to ashes. When the spell was finished, Hazel fell forward, breathing heavily and trembling, and propped herself up with her wand arm while her broken left arm hung down uselessly. Her field of vision threatened to blur as someone held a wiggenweld potion under her nose.

Ominis helped her into an upright position while Sebastian poured the potion into her. "It won't help with broken bones, but it should make you feel better right away," he said. Supported by the two, she wiped the blood from her eyes and the hair from her sweaty forehead.

"Is everyone okay?" she asked, holding her broken arm even though she was only slightly aware of the pain. She now sat on a chest that happened to be in the square and looked around. "I wasn't very good at holding it in the middle," she said, trying to be funny. "No one was hurt much except you, even if some things were destroyed" a stern voice sounded from behind. In her cold voice, which revealed that she was trying to hide her emotions but still broke away easily, Hazel replied coldly, "I would be grateful if you would step forward. As you can see, I'm not in a position to turn around right now, and I find conversation from behind extremely rude, Miss" Ominis heard how distressed her voice sounded under that cold tone.

"Of course. I'm Officer Ruth Singer. I'm impressed. Your reaction was extremely strategic for a student. Evacuating people, providing backup, taking out trolls. You could be an Auror," the witch said, now standing in front of her. Hazel snorted.

"Wait. I'll take care of your arm. Sebastian?" Ominis said. Hazel felt Sebastian holding her, arms around her shoulder and waist, while Ominis carefully reached out and pointed his wand at her broken arm. "Episkey," Ominis murmured. Suddenly a couple of the broken bones were jerked into place and healed, at which point Hazel buried her head against Sebastian's chest and stifled a scream. He then muttered "Ferula" and her arm was bandaged. "We'll have to see Nurse Blainey later," he said as he put his wand away. "Next time just leave me to die" Hazel muttered tiredly "I've had enough".

Officer Singer gave Hazel a few minutes to catch her breath. "You should listen to your friend, miss," she said, questioning the end of the sentence. "Black. Hazel Black" Hazel muttered as she carefully rose from Sebastian's chest, able to sit upright again. "Ah, well good, you can probably expect that from a Black, what you've accomplished. Well done" Officer Singer replied. Hazel only made a vague sound, annoyed by the attention that was currently on her. She could feel the eyes of the people on her.

Not wanting to panic after all, she finally stood up and pointed her staff at one of the destroyed houses, calling out "Reparo" and swinging it with elegant ease. "Guess now that the fun is over and no one was hurt we should clean up. After all, you don't leave your toys lying around" she laughed. Ominis sighed, he would rather like her to get the rest she deserved for once. Sebastian was right, she was worse than him in some ways.

Hazel, of course, was not going to stop herself from repairing everything and talking to some people. Ominis knew, even felt, that she needed to be sure that no one had suffered any major damage. He didn't even have the chance to thank her. She had saved his life by pushing him out of the way.

"Hazel, now you need to get some rest too. Come, let's take a break in the Three Broomsticks, have a drink and a bite to eat, and then we'll be on our way to Hogwarts" he said gently. When she wouldn't listen, he put his left arm around her waist, holding the wand with the glowing red tip in his other hand, and pushed her towards the pub. "Yes, you are, and you're going to do it right now," he said. It was that authoritative tone, touching something deep inside her, that made her obey him. But why? She asked herself

Now, as she followed him without resistance, she suddenly heard voices in an alley they were passing. One stabbed her to the core and she stopped. Sighing, Ominis was about to force her to follow him again when he noticed that she stopped. Sebastian almost ran into her. "What-" "Shhhh," she instructed them both to be quiet. She took Ominis by the hand - she had no patience to explain anything to him now, so he could find his own way - and they crept around the corner of a building. "Ranrok," Hazel whispered, barely audible.

"You said you could get to the kid in Hogsmeade. That all you needed was a distraction. And I gave it to you!" growled the goblin's voice. Hazel glanced stealthily around the corner. Ranrok and two people were standing there. "I just saw your distraction pulverized! Who is this child? What are you hiding from me?" she heard the man's voice. She realized they were talking about her. Immediately, guilt came to her. It was only because of her that the people of Hogsmeade were endangered. Before she could lose herself in these thoughts, she felt a pressure on her hand, where she still held Ominis hand, and Ranrok continued speaking. "Just know this: If you can't get to the child, then you are worthless to me!" he growled, and out of the corner of her eye, where she had been watching everything, she saw that he was looking in their direction. Hazel took a startled breath. "'Let's get out of here,'" she whispered, and they crept away.

When they were near the Three Brooms, Hazel let go of Ominis. " Did they see us?" she gasped, "I don't think so. What is that goblin doing with Viktor Rookwood?" Sebastian wondered. "Was that really Ranrok?" Ominis asked worriedly. Hazel nodded. "Yes. I've met him before. On my journey here" Hazel answered Ominis, looking around again and again. "Damn it" Hazel swore as she spotted Rookwood at the top of the stairs. They were looking for her, so they had probably seen her after all. "Quick, let's get into the Three Broomsticks" Sebastian muttered, grabbing them both, one on the left one on the right, and leading them into the pub.

Breathing heavily, Hazel found it difficult to concentrate on her surroundings at first. "Sebastian, please don't take offense, but the next time you touch my arm, I'm ready to burn you to ashes just like the troll," Hazel growled, holding her injured arm. Ominis groaned in annoyance and Sebastian gave her an apologetic look before sitting down at the bar.

"Sallow, I haven't seen you here in a while. Oh, and a new face in my bar" the barmaid said kindly in a low voice. >Get a hold of yourself Hazel< Hazel scolded herself and put on her smile. No time to get panicky. Or angry. Or tired of life. Or anything else.

"Yes, it's my first time here" she said accordingly as she sat down between Ominis and Sebastian. "Welcome. I'll have one on the house for you!" she said. While the witch prepared the cups of butterbeer, Hazel looked around. The Three Broomsticks were rightly so popular with young and old, she decided. It was warm and cozy. The bar where they sat was to the side of the entrance, with round tables behind them and to the right of the guest room. Some small and with two chairs, some larger with up to six. There was also a fireplace where other Hogwarts students had sat and chatted. Hazel had to smile. She took in the warmth and coziness of the room and allowed herself to relax for a moment. "It's really nice here" she said to her two friends. "I'm glad to hear that" the barmaid said as she handed them their butterbeer. With her healthy hand, Hazel reached for her cup.

Looking at Sebastian, the witch said, "This attack... I'll check on the shopkeepers later and talk to them. At least the three of you are okay." Hazel couldn't help a somewhat bitter laugh and pointed to her arm. "Almost," she said with a grin, and Sebastian shrugged. "We had help, she let me evacuate people and commanded us quite a bit. But she did defeat a troll with Omini's protective help. Almost two" he said, toasting her with his butterbeer. Hazel felt uncomfortable being praised. She had only eliminated what had arisen because of her.

She wanted to play it off, but the barmaid intervened. "Really? Well done." "Ehm... Th-Thank you," Hazel stuttered, and the witch across from her smiled. Then her expression turned serious again and she shook her head. "Trolls in Hogsmeade. We've never had that before. The only other fiends that plague us are- ahh" Sirona ended with a heavy sigh as the door opened behind them. As if to say >speaking of the devil<. Instinctively, Ominis put a hand protectively in Hazel's back. "How fitting" Sirona sighed, walking slowly around the counter as Hazel glanced over her shoulder and tensed. "The clientele here has been better too, Sirona," Rookwood chimed in with disdain, staring at the students in front of him. But the owner of the Three Broomsticks was no witch to back down quickly. "Don't worry Victor. Once you leave, it'll be good for my clientele," she replied smoothly. Hazel saw from the corner of her eye how Rookwood's partner was about to draw his wand.

Slowly Hazel let her hand slide from her cup, into her cloak pocket, clasped tightly around the wand. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Theophilus," Sirona said simply in response to the gesture. Rookwood extended an arm soothingly. "Now, now. We can save that fuss, can't we?" he replied in a tone of voice that almost made Hazel sick. Then he pointed at Hazel. "I'm only here for one reason" he said threateningly and Hazel jumped up.

She stood behind Sirona, clutching the wand in her pocket and watching the two wizards closely, while Ominis and Sebastian similarly stood beside her. Sirona instructed the Three Students to stand back. "My guest is enjoying her well-deserved butterbeer" was all Sirona said. " It won't take long" Rookwood said regardless and was about to walk past Sirona when she and all the other guests - Hazel, Ominis and Sebastian included - drew their wands at the same time. " Wasn't I clear enough? My guest is busy right now!" said Sirona angrily.

Rookwood pulled back a bit and grimaced mockingly. " One would think that you have had enough bloodshed". Silence arose in which no one lowered his wand until Rookwood finally conceded defeat. "Come Theophilus. Things are going downhill with the Three Broomsticks. Not worth our galleons" he said. Looking again despitefully at Hazel, he added with a provocative gesture, "You can't drink butterbeer forever," and together the two men left the pub.

Hazel heaved a sigh of relief as Sirona joined her. "You have made yourself a powerful enemy. Be careful. Rookwood and Harlow are worse than all the trolls in the world." Sirona told her, placing a short hand on her healthy shoulder before turning to her guests. Ominis hand, meanwhile, had moved to her shoulder. Tired, Hazel sat down on her barstool, her face turned to the room, in front of her the two boys who stared at her in disbelief and concern as they put one and one together. "Sword wounds, trolls, Ranrok, Rookwood? What are you hiding from us Hazel?" Sebastian asked.

Hazel dropped her shoulders. There was probably no point in being secretive in front of them now, she thought to herself. "I-I... I will tell you everything. But here and now is not the right time" she stuttered. Actually, she was really looking forward to the evening. To sit here comfortably with the two of them until the evening. To chat and enjoy the time. She just didn't seem to be allowed to find peace and quiet. It was her first day and since her arrival she was almost eaten, almost grilled, almost slashed, almost crushed, almost raped, almost killed by a troll...

Sebastian saw what Ominis sensed. Hazel had reached a breaking point for bad news and risky situations. "Come on, let's grab a table, our butterbeers and discuss our homework" Sebastian said in an enthusiastic manner that made Ominis laugh. He could tell that Sebastian was trying to end the evening on a positive note and as normal as possible.

The evening ended with them going through her book on the history of magic, she had made the notes she had wanted to make at noon. They had drunk several cups of butterbeer and Hazel had almost fallen asleep over the book and afterwards they had said goodbye to Sirona. "I hope I didn't cause you too much trouble" Hazel said sheepishly as they said goodbye. Sirona dismissed this with a wave of her hand. "Oh no. We all need to stick together here. You get the troll off our backs, we get Rookwood off yours. That's what people do in the village. Please take good care of yourselves, and if you three ever need help because Rookwood is bothering you, send me an owl. time to go, before you're late for dinner," Sirona said with a smile, and together they set off through the dim light towards Hogwarts.

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Sebastian Sallow, one of the most handsome, eligible bachelors at Hogwarts (and certified player, next to his bestie Ominis Gaunt), develops a crush...
349 35 20
Love, such a powerful feeling. An eternal promise of undying love and loyalty by two young lovers separated for years finally meeting again without r...