In Another World as an ARC Tr...

By Knightkerching

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ARC Trooper Y/N is a brave soldier, fighting on the planet of Atraken from a ruthless Separatist attack. He h... More

1: The Clone in Another World
2: Unwanted Events and... Reinforcement?
3: The Samurai and Duchess
4: Investigations, Cake and Shah-tezh
5: Ancient Ruins and First Encounter
7: The Princess and the Beast
8: The ARC Trooper's Whereabouts
9: The Angel and Shenanigans
10: Slice of Life, and Elven Refugees
11: New Home, And Unofficial Meeting

6: The Count and Engagement Dilemmas

749 29 26
By Knightkerching

3rd Person.

Shortly after their conversation with Duke Alfred, Y/N and the girls returned to the outpost where Rurushi Ru and Y/N had fun farming together as he provided her with the necessary ingredients and materials for healing or enhancing properties. Her superb skills as a pharmacist proved invaluable to Y/N and everyone else as there was little to no need to purchase healing potions or the like. The week was relatively quiet as Y/N and the girls got to know each other even more, strengthening bonds, raiding dungeons, and treasure hunting. After one of their adventures together, Y/N calls on Linze as he wants to speak with her privately.

Y/N: "Linze."

Linze: "Y-Yes, What is it?"

Y/N: "Let's talk privately for a moment."

Y/N and Linze got inside a room as he pulled out massive piles of documents that he and his fellow clones stole and stashed on the place.

Linze: "Is there something you need?"

Y/N: "Yes. I need your help on this one."

Linze then saw the documents and she was surprised to see noble markings on such paper.

Linze: "Where did you get all of these?"

Y/N: "I stole them from one of our enemies."

Linze: "You stole these?!"

Y/N: "Each document contains numerous pieces of evidence we can use against the nobles who tried to bag you and your sister, the gang accomplices who are after Yae and Yuzuki. I entrusted this only to you because you're the only one I am... willing to disclose an important asset."

Linze blushed at his remark as Y/N found himself stuttering a bit speaking to her, which confused the ARC Trooper why her face became red all of a sudden.

Linze: "Th-Thanks, Y/N. I will help you. Let's get started then."

Both Y/N and Linze started decrypting numerous letters and it was no doubt that something large was about to happen. It involved plots to get the king to declare war on Mismede and other methods to "convince" him otherwise if he refused. The ARC Trooper doesn't normally care but he fears if he ignores this issue, His enemies will have much broader authority and might use the kingdom's resources to threaten him and his friends. That night, The girls slept but Y/N didn't as he summoned all of his clones to discuss their future operations.

Y/N: "This planet will soon be under our control if weren't for these bloated corrupt nobles interfering with our mission."

Buster: "There will always be someone who will try to stop us at all costs, Captain."

Bogdanoff: "Impossible. I am Bogdanoff and I am inevitable. They will however pay the price dearly. Why is it you called us at this late night?"

Y/N: "It's time we execute a plan of action tomorrow. I have everything I can use against him thanks to all of you and Linze's efforts. That bloated Duke will be on the castle and I could use your help Boomer to investigate further traces if he did do something stupid."

Boomer: "Tell me what I have to do, Captain."

Y/N: "Granted. You will find traces of Count Balsa's doings and steal further more evidence."

Boomer: "Copy that."

Y/N: "Good. We'll be ready by 0630 hours."

Scene Change, Alephis Capital City, Duke Alfred's Palace, Y/N POV.

After compiling everything in my bag, I used Gate Spell over to the Duke's mansion just as his carriage took off. The carriage stops, and the Duke suddenly slams the door open, which surprised me.

Duke Alfred: "Oh, Y/N! To think you'd visit in this time of need! God must have sent you to me!"

Y/N: "...What happened this time?"

Duke Alfred: "My brother has been poisoned."

Y/N: "...This is quite a serious matter. Let's go!"

I boarded the carriage with the Duke as he told me further details about what happened. I expected Count Balsa and his noble goons to strike but not this instantly.

Duke Alfred: "My brother was likely been poisoned by nobles who oppose trade with the Kingdom of Mismede."

Y/N: "We might not get there in time at this pace."

Duke Alfred: "Don't worry. He was treated quickly, so he's still holding on."

Y/N: "I see. If I may change the subject for a moment, What are these other countries besides this kingdom?"

Duke Alfred: "The Kingdom of Belfast borders 4 countries, which are Refreese Imperium to the west, across the Melicia Mountain Range with the Regulus Empire to the east, and the Kingdom of Mismede to the south, across the Great Gau River. Since long ago, the Kingdom of Belfast has already developed good relations with the Refreese Imperium. However, the country had a bad relationship with the Regulus Empire after a war happened around 20 years ago which ended with a nonaggression pact. Mismede was founded during our war with the Empire twenty years ago. My brother tried to ally with them, hoping to contain the Empire and create a new trade route. Unfortunately, many nobles oppose this."

Y/N: "I know. But why?"

Duke Alfred: "It's because Mismede is a country of demi-humans. The old nobles couldn't stomach this, especially since their king is a beast folk."

Y/N: "When did this racial discrimination of the demi-humans begin?"

Duke Alfred: "Once, demi-humans were treated as inferiors and were ridiculed because they were considered as a lowly, brutish race. During our father's reign, A law came into effect that changed this perception which led to the discrimination slowly dying out. But, some are still stuck in the past and refuse to wake up."

Y/N: "Are there any contingency plans if the royal family found yourselves in critical situations?"

Duke Alfred: "Princess Yumina will succeed to the throne if my brother dies. Most likely, These nobles are already pursuing her hand in marriage through their sons to bring her into their families. Once they establish a connection with the royal family, They'll use their authority to begin propagating their xenophobia and bring this kingdom to chaos."

Thanks to the Duke, I now have a clearer idea of this situation. This is truly beyond my paycheck and ability. Although I despise politics and other diplomatic notions, I have to step into this one because it wouldn't end with me or my friends well. Fighting is one thing but preventing one from happening that will have dire consequences is enough for me to do the thing I silently despise: politics.

Y/N: "I see. Perhaps I should tell you something that I should have."

I then told the Duke about the relations of the two plots being the same mastermind and I have evidence to show it, though I will reveal the culprit once the time is right. I also told him about the troubles I have dealt with and the enemies that are after me and my friends. The Duke was shocked to learn this but he was relieved at the same time.

Duke Alfred: "I can't believe that you put yourself in danger and went out of your way about this conspiracy. Don't worry, You will be under my protection once we arrive at the castle. I will make this person pay for doing something horrible to my Sue. I must thank you again, Y/N."

Y/N: "You don't need to thank a killer such as I do, Duke. We had a common enemy and he was after you and me. I would be in a worse position if something bad happened to you or the kingdom. I don't expect any reward from this and plan on leaving this country after this whole charade."

Duke Alfred: "You don't have to resort that way, Y/N. I believe there's goodness in you. I see it in the way you carry yourself, in the way you fight for what you believe in. Remember the good things you have done and the impact on their lives. You've fought relentlessly to protect others, to safeguard the ones you care for. The lives you've taken were not out of malice, but out of necessity. All of us have to make tough choices and many will not like it. If I was in your shoes, I would go to any length to protect my wife and daughter. Those who understand will surely stay with you so long as you don't stray down that path."

Y/N: "Thank you, Duke. It means a lot to hear that from someone like you."

Scene Change, Royal Palace, Alephis Capital City, 3rd Person.

When the Duke and ARC Trooper Y/N arrive at the castle, The carriage stops and both run where the King's room is but Y/N uses his magic to have Boomer scour the palace for what's going on behind the scenes and to not get caught. Upon reaching the stairs with the Duke, Y/N saw a plum and short man with big gray huge bald-patched hair on the top of his head. He also wears a yellow pompous regency-era cravat, a green overcoat with navy blue lapels, a white shirt, a lilac waistcoat, purple pantaloons, white socks, and black loafer shoes.

Wojack: (Is it too soon that I assume he's a bad guy?)

Duke Alfred: "Count Balsa!"

Count Balsa: *In a sinister tone* "Why, hello, Your Grace. It's been some time since I last saw you. You've come at the perfect time. We apprehended the assassin of His Majesty."

Duke Alfred: "W-What?!"

Y/N: (What an absolute liar...)

Count Balsa: "The assassin is the ambassador from Mismede. We must cut off her head and return it to Mismede-"

Duke Alfred: "No, Count. My brother will decide this!"

Count Balsa: "Is that so? You're so kind to an orc."

As soon as he was walking down the stairs, Y/N decided to give him a little parting gift.

Y/N: "Dump it."

He then slipped down the staircase causing the guards and maids present to laugh.

Duke Alfred: "What was that?"

Y/N: "Don't worry about it, Duke. He acted all so high and mighty that he forgot where he was walking. Can't blame arrogance and stupidity for not watching his step."

Duke Alfred: *Chuckles* "You still have a sense of humor, Y/N. "

Y/N: "It's not every day I use it. We have to find the King. His illness isn't waiting for us."

When the Duke and the ARC Trooper both arrived at the King's chamber, Things were just as bad as Y/N feared. The King is desperately clinging to his life in agonizing pain with his loyal entourage, his wife, and his daughter at his side. Many believe there's no hope of saving him as they could only somber and stay at his side in his final moments. At first, he was hesitant, He might be subdued by the guards, and now at any moment he is determined to clear his name and his friends that are entangled with his decisions.

Duke Alfred: "Brother!"

Y/N followed the Duke as the Princess was shocked upon seeing me for the first time. This is the first time he has seen a royal family as meeting one was unheard of in the Republic, except for the Coruscant Guard. A woman with long blonde hair and wearing a fancy dress, the Queen, asks the Duke about who I am.

Queen Yuel Ernea Belfast: "Lord Alfred, Who is this man?"

We'll talk later. Please, Y/N.

Y/N: "Affirmative."

He then stretches out his hand and chants the spell.

Y/N: "Recovery!"

Charlotte: "Recovery? The lost Null magic that is capable of healing any abnormal condition? It was thought this was lost thousands of years ago."

Shortly after healing the King, His family, and entourage were happy to see him well as the princess hugged her tightly, glad that he was alright. The Queen and her loyal entourage were overjoyed by this miracle and he was a bit shocked at first, but happy to be in good condition once more.

Princess Yumina Ernea Belfast: *Hugs her father* "I was so worried!"

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "It was as if it was just a dream."

Duke Alfred: *Breathes a sigh of relief* "Thank goodness."

Y/N: (It's a good thing I'm wearing a helmet... because I might not even be worthy to look at this moment in the eye.)

The ARC Trooper took a step back to give himself distance between himself and the royal family.

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "Alfred, Who is this man in armor standing before me?"

The ARC Trooper then stood in attention as he saluted the king.

Duke Alfred: "Lieutenant Y/N of the former Grand Army of the Republic, the man who healed Ellen's sight and saved my daughter from peril. I brought him with me, believing that he could help you, too."

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "I see. You saved my life. You have my thanks."

Y/N: "Your recognition is enough, Your Highness."

Princess Yumina Ernea Belfast: *Blushes and looks away from the ARC Trooper* "Lieutenant Y/N...?"

General Leon: "You saved His Majesty! I truly appreciate you! Say, You're a soldier? *Pats his back roughly* Try enlisting in the Royal Guards. I'm sure you will pass."

Charlotte: "General Leon, That's enough. Still, I can't believe you can use Recovery Magic. I'm really onto you~"

Static: (...Are you sick or something?)

Y/N: "Umm... Ma'am. We just met and I haven't gotten your name yet."

Charlotte: "I'm Charlotte, the court magician. So what other affinities do you use?"

She then leans closer to the ARC Trooper with a very lewd blush. Despite maintaining a professional tone, He is subtly uncomfortable with this.

Y/N: "I can recall several affinities."

When she finds out he can use multiple affinities, it deepens even further. She gets very..."excited"...when discussing Y/N's abilities.

Wojack: (Never thought I would see a thot in another world.)

Bogdanoff: (Careful, Y/N my boy. I sense she might give you STDs.)

Zoomer: (Oh man... Thots everywhere.)

Princess Yumina "Um, Thank you very much for saving my father."

She then bowed before him as the ARC Trooper subtly nodded and spoke.

Y/N: "I did what needed to be done, Princess. I wish I could have done the same to my father."

Queen Yuel Ernea Belfast: "Oh, my. I'm sorry for such a loss."

Y/N: "Don't think about it too much, Your Highness. My father is an honorable man. I'm sure he would understand."

The Princess was staring at the ARC Trooper intently as she was subtly confused at first but she knew he was special. She saw a grown man standing before her but the character and innocence of a child younger than her.

Y/N: "...Is something wrong, Princess?"

Princess Yumina Ernea Belfast: "Do you dislike someone who may look younger than you?"

Y/N: "Pardon?"

Static: (A what now?)

Buster: (I see a great opportunity for us, brothers.)

Wojack: (This is not good. Kamino didn't train about this.)

Static: (Let the Lieutenant roll things from here.)

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "What would Mismede gain from killing me? This crime was the act of another who saw me as a hindrance! "

Duke Alfred: "I believe so as well, but there's solid evidence."

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "Solid evidence?"

General Leon: "Yes, Many saw Your Majesty collapse right after drinking the wine sent by the ambassador. Shall we dispose of the ambassador who brought the wine?"

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "You should know better. I always tell you, we do not presume anyone guilty until we've heard both sides."

Y/N: (Huh? Looks like the people in this place aren't stupid as we initially thought. At least there's a sensible ruler.)

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "For now, Let's meet the ambassador. Summon her here."

Scene Change, Throne Room, 3rd Person.

Olga Strand: "I, Olga Strand, am here at your command."

Y/N: "Long time no see, Arma's sister."

Olga Strand: *In a surprised tone* "Y-You're..."

Y/N: "I'm not surprised you would be used as a scapegoat for this mess. But it is a surprise that you're the ambassador out of all people."

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "Oh, You know the ambassador?"

Y/N: "Fairly. I helped the ambassador's little sister when she got lost in the capital. More importantly, Has the room where the King collapsed been undisturbed?"

General Leon: "Yes, I have ordered the guards to make sure nothing gets touched."

Y/N: "Excellent. Let's see to it, General."

Both General Leon and the ARC Trooper went to investigate the crime scene but they were both surprised to see Boomer drinking the wine.

Y/N: "Trooper, What are you doing here?!"

General Leon prepares to draw his sword but Y/N orders him to stand down.

General Leon: "You know this person?"

Y/N: "Yes, one of my fellow troopers. Forgive his bad habits."

Boomer: "Done introducing me to your friend? Looks like the game went up."

Y/N: "Is that.. the wine the ambassador gave to the King?"

Boomer: "Yeah, This wine of a beer is tasty."

Y/N: "You don't feel anything bad?"

Boomer: "No, Why?"

General Leon: "That wine you were drinking caused the King to collapse...?"

Boomer: "Well, If he should have collapsed, How about checking the glass he used to drink?"

General Leon: "If your friend here didn't collapse upon drinking the wine, then..."

Y/N: "How did you drink it?"

Boomer: "That's the fun part. Directly from the bottle, of course."

Y/N: *Sighs* "...When will you develop some manners?"

Boomer: *Uses a decrypted message* "More importantly, I did a little interrogation myself while you were with the Duke. A slip of the tongue by the maids and butlers led me to the testimony that the target had the king's food taster smearing poison on the mouth of the king's wineglass."

Y/N: "Looks like you got the final piece of the puzzle, Boomer. General, Bring the royal family here along with his entourage, maids, butlers, and Count Balsa as well."

The General did just that as Boomer disappeared and returned to Y/N. After a few minutes, the royal family and his loyal entourage were the first to arrive along with the maids and butlers. Count Balsa was fashionably late as he gets annoyed upon arriving.

Count Balsa: "What's this all about? Why am I being called here? ....Your Majesty!"

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "Sorry for worrying about you."

In a nervous tone* "I'm pleased to see you as well."

Charlotte: "Sir Y/N, Why have you gathered everyone here?"

Y/N: "Let me ask all of you about this. Is everyone here in this room present a witness to His Majesty when he collapsed?"

Charlotte: "Yes."

Y/N: "Then, The person behind the King's regicide is just within this room."

Y/N: (Caged like a rat... *Evil grin* You will pay dearly for messing with the wrong Mandalorian clone, Balsa. This will be your final undoing.)

Duke Alfred: "What do you mean Y/N?"

Count Balsa: "What are you talking about? *Looks evilly at Olga* She's the culprit."

Y/N: "General, Upon seeing His Majesty collapse, How did each of the people present react?"

General Leon: "Everyone was in a deep state of worry upon seeing his Majesty collapse."

Count Balsa: "Why are you even asking that kind of question?! It's everyone is worried about His Majesty's condition."

Y/N: "Why with the defensive tone Count? You can't always tell who's genuinely worried or the person who's so good at acting that anyone could be fooled. General, Bring the head waiter and the king's food taster right here. I'm sure they can tell."

Count Balsa was starting to sweat profusely as the guards brought the King's head waiter and the king's food taster. They looked beaten and traumatized but sane enough to speak.

Duke Alfred: "What happened to both of you?"

Head Waiter: "We... *Points at Y/N* That man...! He did this to us...!"

Queen Yuel Ernea Belfast: "What is the meaning of this...? How could you beat up those who serve this castle without remorse?!"

Y/N: "Don't stand up and defend those traitors, My Queen. They are the ones responsible for why you're husband is on the brink of death."

The Queen was so furious upon seeing the men who were that she berated them furiously and ordered the guards to take them away from her sight. She didn't even hear their pleadings as they were dragged away after Count Balsa sold them out.

Count Balsa: *Breathes a sigh of relief* "Well, That solves everything-"

Y/N: "Not so fast, Count. Where do you think you're going?"

Count Balsa: "Um... I have a business to attend to..."

Y/N: "Care for a drink?"

Y/N then took the King's glass and poured the wine into it as he did the same.

Count Balsa: "Thanks, young man. It seems that I have..."

After carelessly drinking the wine, He outs himself as the one responsible for the assassination attempt when he freaks out after he believes he drank from the wine glass that he had poisoned.

Count Balsa: "H-Help me. Poison! I've been poisoned. I'm dying! I'm dying!"

Y/N: "Tell me, Count. How are so sure there's poison there? I'm sure we drank the same wine and the poison has been wiped from the King's glass."

Count Balsa: "What?!"

Y/N: "Pathetic."

Duke Alfred: "How?"

Y/N: "The poison was never on the wine brought by Miss Olga. It was laced from the King's glass."

Duke Alfred: "In the glass?"

Olga Strand: "What cowardice!"

Y/N: "There's something you need to know. This man Count Balsa was responsible for the two plots against your life and your family. First, He hired a summoner to attack Sue's carriage, intending to hold her hostage unless the Duke and the King complied with his demands."

Duke Alfred: "What?! You're the one behind Sue's abduction?!"

Y/N: "What I said just now is just the surface. *Shows the documents* Here are the letters including his execution order tracing his links into the underworld and under the sphere of influence. Some nobles pledged their support and their involvement in removing you from the picture entirely as to cover up their crimes and seize control."

The Royal family couldn't believe their eyes upon seeing the documents as Duke Alfred lunged himself at Count Balsa and began punching him.

Duke Alfred: "You vile loathsome Count! You dare harm my Sue?!"

Y/N: "It doesn't end there. When he failed to get the Grand Duke's daughter for blackmail, He shifted his attention to the King directly so that he could control the princess, who was the heir to the throne. He, the head waiter, and the king's food taster smeared poison on the mouth of the king's wineglass. After bribing them, He also made Olga the scapegoat of the assassination by making her wine gift as the source of the poison. Truly a loathsome Count especially when he plans to advantage of your wife and daughter once you're dead. Or having to marry them for exploitation and make war against Mismede."

Queen Yuel Ernea Belfast: "This is truly unacceptable! I can't believe you dare to take advantage of me and my daughter once my husband has disappeared?"

Charlotte: "I agree, Your Highness."

Princess Yumina Ernea Belfast: "As expected of my chosen one."

Count Balsa: "You won't get away with this."

Y/N: "Dump it!"

Count Balsa tried to run away but Y/N fired a grappling cable and caught him in time before he escaped.

Scene Change, Private Quarters, Royal Capital, Y/N POV.

After foiling this conspiracy, The Count was taken away to be executed while his most ardent supporters were stripped of their noble titles and were exiled. I could finally breathe a sigh of relief now that this is over but the Princess has been staring at me for a while now. From the looks of it, Is she attracted to me or am I just imagining things?

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "You have done us a great service, Lieutenant Y/N. Tell me, What brings you to this Kingdom?"

Y/N: "My nation doesn't no longer exists nor the army I once served. Right now, I'm a soldier fighting to survive and helping those in any way I can."

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "I see. I'd like to repay you for saving my life.

With all due respect, Your Highness. Your recognition is enough. It's fortunate enough that you're alive and well. You should thank the Duke, Your Highness. I wouldn't have done anything if it wasn't for him.

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "Mind taking your helmet off, Y/N? I wish to recognize how you look and see the man beneath that mask."

Y/N: "Since I stand before my future in-laws, I suppose it's natural."

I then took off my helmet as I revealed my face. The Queen was quietly hiding her blushing face as I quickly put back my helmet on.

Y/N: "There's isn't much to look at, Your Majesties."

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "You look refined, my son. Such features aren't meant to be hidden."

Princess Yumina Ernea Belfast: "Father! Mother! I have an important announcement!"

Static: (This isn't good.)

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "Oh, What is it then Yumina?"

Princess Yumina Ernea Belfast: "M-Mr. Lieutenant Y/N is the man... I-I want to marry!"

All clones (except Y/N): (WHAAAAAATTTT?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!)

Y/N: "Princess..."

Buster: (YES!)

Wojack: (NO!)

Princess Yumina Ernea Belfast: "I want to marry M-Mr. Lieutenant Y/N, Father."

Y/N: (This isn't what I expected this would turn out to be.)

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "Can you tell me your reasons for asking this?"

Princess Yumina Ernea Belfast: "Lieutenant Y/N may be a ruthless soldier from the mold but he brings happiness, safety, and care to those around him despite his cold exterior. His loyalty and selflessness are something I deeply admire, including his camaraderie which I can describe as second nature. *Covers her face in embarrassment* For the first time, I feel I've found the one who would stand with me in both the best and worst of life."

Y/N: (It's strange how she described me so precisely.)

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "I see. If that's how you feel, then I shall not oppose you. I wish you happiness."

Bogdanoff: (No, No! This is not happening!)

Princess Yumina Ernea Belfast: "Thank you so much, Father."

Duke Alfred: "Congratulations! I was hoping you would add his deep and manly voice. I could sleep on a bed made out of it."

Queen Yuel Ernea Belfast: "We must celebrate tonight."

Duke Alfred: *Chuckles* "I was hoping you would add his deep and manly voice. I could sleep on a bed made out of it.

Y/N: "I suggest you to reconsider your decision, Princess. Your Majesty, Aren't you being too quick to accept this? You barely know anything about me. To entrust the hand of your daughter to a complete stranger...?"

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "That is indeed true. But if Yumina acknowledges you, then you surely aren't a bad man."

Y/N: "With all due respect, How? "

Queen Yuel Ernea Belfast: "Yumina possesses Mystic Eyes."

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "Her Mystic Eyes of Intuition can see into one's character. So there's no need to worry."

Y/N: "Wait, uh, How old is Yumina?"

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "She's twelve."

Y/N: "T-Twelve? This is the first time I've heard of this kind of marriage. This sounds like she would land me in a prison cell."

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "Most in the royal family settle on a partner by age 15. My wife and I are engaged by 14 ourselves. Right?"

Queen Yuel Ernea Belfast: "Yes. It's the perfect age to get engaged."

Boomer: (Holy Mother Father! I need a holy beer in my belly.)

At the back of my mind, I'm treading through dangerous waters. She's a minor and this is a taboo subject. Let alone marry!

Princess Yumina Ernea Belfast: "S-Sir Y/N, Do you dislike me?"

I could reject her but this is something that could land me trouble by making their daughter cry in front of their family. Also, She looked sad enough to find a middle ground for this.

Y/N: "No, Ma'am."

Princess Yumina Ernea Belfast: "Then there isn't any problem!"

Y/N: "I would like to point something out, Your Highness. Mandalorians such as I can't get married until they are sixteen years of age. "

Queen Yuel Ernea Belfast: "How old are you then?"

Y/N: "You may not believe what I'm saying but I'm only 10 years old."

Queen Yuel Ernea Belfast: "Oh my! I didn't expect you would be two years younger than Yumina."

Y/N: "My people aged twice as fast so by ten years old, We are fully grown men and we mostly aged very slowly upon reaching 10."

King Tristwin Ernes Belfast: "Good. Then you have two years to learn more about Yumina. If you're not ready to marry her after two years, Then we shall call off the deal. How's that?"

Y/N: "Alright... I'll do my best for your daughter's sake."

Queen Yuel Ernea Belfast: "Then it's settled. Yumina, Use these next two years to win over  Y/N's heart. "

Princess Yumina Ernea Belfast: "Yes, Mother."

She then held my right hand with both hands as she looked at me with a smile.

Princess Yumina Ernea Belfast: "I hope you will treat me well."


Y/N: (I'm so dead. What did I get myself onto this time?)

To be continued...

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