Saving Her

By Skyscraper2010

12.1K 293 63

Lexa, a six-year-old young girl gets taken to the airport with Children's Services in Jamaica. She is suppose... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 4

941 24 6
By Skyscraper2010

That evening, after dinner Mick grabs her old bike from the garage at Ben's and Grace's house and heads off to Erik's property. For the rest of the day and evening, she has been hearing the voice and how intense it is. Arriving to the fence of the property, Mick becomes like she is in a trance, not fully aware of her actions. Seeing headlights from around the corner, Mick gets off her bike and leans it against the tree.

Set her free!

Mick hears before blinking. Getting ready to climb the fence, the car pulls over in front of her. Looking away from the fence, Mick spots Ben getting out of the car.

"You hear it after all." Mick sighs not knowing if she is relieved or angry Ben lied to her.

"Is one of the dogs a girl?" Ben asks in a whisper.

"I don't know." Mick admits before looking back at him, "When did it start for you?"

"Last night on the way home." Ben reveals, "I thought I started to go crazy."

"Me too. It started two days ago for me. Ever since coming by here."

"Who lives here?"

"Erik and Lexa," Mick pauses as her eyes go wide, "'Set her free'. You don't think it's about Lexa?"

"I don't know." Ben frowns, "Let's find out. One step at a time." Grabbing the bolt cutters from the trunk, Mick speedwalks over to the fence and cuts the chain off.

Setting the dogs free, they find that the message isn't about them do to it growing more and more intense.

"I will keep an eye on the house. You look for who or what the message is about." Ben orders softly as he grabs the car keys and locks it up. Nodding, Mick hurries into the maze of the junkyard. Searching everywhere, Mick suddenly feels an ice-cold chill. Turning around, Mick pulls out her phone and looks for anything that something or someone could be kept in.

Spotting a camera on the fence is pointed at a storage container, Mick jogs over and finds the container has seven deadbolts. Slipping her phone back in her jean's pocket, Mick begins to cut the deadbolts off. As they fall to the ground one at a time, Mick hears Ben tackle someone to the ground.

"Keep going, Mick!" Ben shouts as he probably holds Erik down. Hearing the hard blows from punches, Mick continues to work. By the time the last one falls, Mick tries to open the container. Kicking the deadbolts out of the way, Mick turns in time to see Erik pointing a gun in Ben's face. Swinging the bolt cutters at the gun, Mick's swing hits their target.

"You bitch!" Erik screams holding his injured or broken hand.

"That I am, thank you." Mick snarls before hearing kicking at the storage container's door. Rushing over after passing the bolt cutters to Ben, Mick pulls on the door as hard as she can. Once opened, Mick hears panting as she fishes out her phone. Turning on the flashlight, there are the two missing girls from in the news.

Looking further in after helping them out, Mick finds a little girl locked and chained up to the container. Gasping at how the girl is naked and tied up on the mattress, Mick immediately removes her coat and sweater.

"Lexa?" Mick whispers kneeling on the filthy mattress in shock. Watching the girl look up, Mick stares into Lexa's exhausted, traumatic eyes, "Sweetheart, it's Mick."

Before Mick could reassure Lexa that she is now safe or anything, Lexa starts to sob silently before getting sick all over herself.

"Ben! Call the police!" Mick yells knowing that her friend Jared would be on shift right now.


By the time the police arrive, the ambulance is taking the two missing girls to the hospital after Jared gets their statements. As Mick stays with Lexa, the paramedics are cleaning the little girl up before allowing Mick to slip her hoodie over Lexa's naked body.

"What's the verdict for Lexa?" Mick asks after the paramedics slowly inject Lexa with fluids.

"Dehydration, abuse, rape, starvation, and blood loss. Those are the big ones right now." The woman admits sadly.

"How long?"

"No one knows. All the two missing girls said is that this little girl here took every blow for them."

"Oh my god." Mick whispers, "I had nothing to do with this. Neither did my brother, Ben."

"I know. It was her grandpa." The lady answers before getting back to work.

Putting her shaky hand to her mouth in fear, Mick vows to visit Lexa every day in the hospital if Lexa lets her.

As Mick gets pulled to the side while Lexa gets loaded into the second ambulance, Ben passes Mick the car keys.

"Take care of her and follow the ambulance. Lexa, she needs you. In the morning, the kids, Grace and I will stop in." Ben speaks gently.

"Thank you." Pulling Ben into a hug, Mick rushes to the ambulance to get the name of the hospital they are taking Lexa to. Once known, she climbs into the car and immediately buckles up and follows the ambulance to the hospital.

At the hospital, Mick grabs the parking ticket as quick as possible before jogging across the parking lot and into the hospital.

"Name?" A male receptionist calls out as soon as the doors close.

"My name is Michaela Stone. I'm here to see a young patient by the name of Lexa Clarksan. Lexa is six." Mick answers walking over as she catches her breath.

"May I know your relation and how you know of her?"

"I plan to foster and adopt her if she lets me."

"Lexa is in her room and was sedated." Looking at him in alarm the man looks up at her, "She bit one of her nurses and refused to hold still."

"She was abused by her mom and grandfather. I was the one who found her in the storage container with my brother Ben Stone."

"This is important information that the police deserve to know," The man starts.

"Ah, I thought I would find you here, Michaela." Turning to face the man who may give or take her job, Mick greets him formally, "Well done on risking your job to save those three kids tonight."

"Uhm, thank you sir?" Mick bites her lip sadly, "Sir, about Lexa, the six-year-old girl here at the hospital. She was one of the three kids."

"Oh, don't worry yourself, Michaela, your brother Ben filled me in. Besides, by the end of the week after I reinstate you, you will be out of my hair."

"I wish you all of the best, sir."

"Thank you. Now, I will need Lexa's statement to lock away her grandfather for good. I was told she only trusts you?"

"It seems that way since the flight back for us. But,"

"Go get it when she wakes up. Until then, I can only hold him for a few hours."


"The two other girls gave their statements, but Lexa's will be more concrete. Until she gives it, do not come into work. This is your only task."

"Got it, sir."

"Good. Give it to me directly when you have it."

"Sounds good." Watching her boss, the chief, walk out, Mick turns to the male nurse once more.

"Room 403. I wish you the best of luck to get her to talk or communicate to you." Mentally rolling her eyes, Mick grabs a coffee and bottle of water, along with an apple juice before heading up to the fourth floor to see Lexa.

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