Saving Her

By Skyscraper2010

12.1K 293 63

Lexa, a six-year-old young girl gets taken to the airport with Children's Services in Jamaica. She is suppose... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 2

1.1K 25 4
By Skyscraper2010

As flight 828 evens off and the lights flicker back on, Ben and Mick wait a few seconds to get their breathing back in order from their 'certain doom'. Once their breathing is in order, Mick removes her mask before removing Lexa's. Feeling Lexa shake as the pilots get their control over their plane, Mick pulls Lexa's shaking body into a hug.

"We're safe now, Lexa." Mick whispers into Lexa's brunette hair. Feeling Lexa nod against her, Mick continues to reassure the little six-year-old, along with herself.

As they see the city lights a good hour later, at the tail end of their flight, the captain announces that they must take a detour, making everyone confused. Not knowing what is happening, Mick looks to her brother who is looking right back at her, equally confused. By the time they land on the tarmac, Mick and Ben both hold Lexa and Cal close as the flashing lights from emergency vehicles, both adults and Cal are divided to alarm and amazed. Well, alarm are Ben and Mick, but amazed is Cal for sure. Looking down at Lexa, Mick is worried seeing the fear in Lexa's facial expression.

Unbuckling as everyone does so, Mick grabs Lexa's backpack and slips it on the starved looking girl. When it is their turn to get off the plane, Ben then Cal slides down then it's Lexa and Mick. As Ben holds Lexa close along with Cal, Mick then picks up the shaking girl. Looking at the sight, Mick knows that Lexa is terrified, and Mick is as well.

Tuning out as the passengers all freak out and shout their concerns to the authorities, Mick stands close to Ben and Cal.

"You all were missing and presumed dead for five and a half years." A dark skin man shouts over top of the concerned passengers.

"Is this a prank gone wrong?" Cal asks weakly as they head inside the quarantine section of the airport where everything is set up and ready to go. Confused about how quickly the NSA and other authorities worked together to get it all set up, is beyond shocking, "How am I still alive?"

"No time passed for us." Mick answers while they check in to the sleeping and eating area that is set up.

"Excuse me, Michaela Stone?" One of the agents call out interrupting the conversation.

"Yes?" Mick stops and turns around.

"What is Lexa's last name?"

"I'm not too sure." Mick admits, "She's from Jamaica."

"Clarksan." Lexa whispers in Mick's ear slowly.

"Lexa Clarksan." Mick corrects her previous answer.

"Ah, yes." The man nods flipping through his stack of files, "She's six."

"Yes." Mick agrees.

"That's good. Take her inside." As the man walks away, Mick smiles before walking through the crowded area in search for Cal and Ben. Finding them in the corner with two cots, Cal is laying on one and Ben is on the other. Reaching them, Ben gets up and allows Mick to sit down with Lexa. As Ben sits down on the corner of the cot that Cal is on, Lexa lays down shivering. Removing her sweater, Mick slips on her jacket and covers Lexa in her sweater to keep Lexa warm.

Usually, Mick would cover her niece or nephew with her jacket, but since the sweater is warmer, she decided to give the warmer clothing to Lexa to use. Hearing a soft sigh escape from the little girl, Lexa shifts closer to Mick and uses Mick's lap as a pillow.

"You would make a great mom, Mick." Ben whispers as Lexa hugs Mick's warm sweater closer.

"Lexa makes it so simple." Mick smiles as she strokes Lexa's hair out of Lexa's face.

"True." Ben smiles, "She's unique."

"She is, I agree."

"Have you spoken to Jared?"

"No. The authorities took away our phones because everyone thinks we are dead or missing."

"Good point." Ben nods before Mick sighs.

"I know everyone thinks Jared would be good for me, and I am thankful for that. But,"


"I have known him for years, but I only see us as great friends. My heart was in it, but it's not the right time for me."

"Because of the accident." Ben agrees, "Is it bad that I hope you can be Lexa's guardian one day?"

"I just hope her new guardians are good for her or are still around. Only if what everyone keeps telling us. It's apparently five years later." Mick frowns.

"Apply anyways, Mick. She's in the system." Ben suggests.

"I can only hope."

"We both can."


Dozing off for a little while, Mick feels shaking. Becoming alert again, Mick wakes up again to see the guy from before trying to take Lexa away and Cal is shaking both her and Ben awake.

"Hey!" Mick shouts jumping to her feet and rushes over, "Put Lexa down right now!" Mick orders to the guy. As the guy does so, Lexa immediately runs over to her crying. Picking Lexa up, Mick glares daggers at him. Hushing Lexa softly, Lexa sobs hard and struggles to breathe, "Take some deep breaths, sweetie. I got you now."

"Where were you taking her?" Ben roars furiously with Cal holding his hand.

"Interviews." The guy shrugs, "It's part of my job."

"Lexa doesn't even talk." Mick argues.

"What's going on here?" The man from earlier that night asks. He's the one that broke to the passengers, the news.

"Who are you?" Ben snaps.

"Vance from the NSA." Vance states, "I asked you to get Lexa Clarksan." Vance turns to his 'follower' in Mick's opinion.

"Lexa doesn't talk." Mick repeats her earlier statement.

"Is she the one in your arms?"


"Okay, how about I ask yes or no questions, and she stays on your lap. The only chance for you to talk, is to explain to her." Vance offers.

"Okay." Mick agrees before walking over to Vance, "And the next time one of your men or women needs Lexa, wake me if I'm asleep."

"Deal." Vance nods before leading her and Lexa to the Security Office they are using for interviews. Taking a seat, Mick finds a bottle of apple juice on the table with a straw, "Only the children from the flight are getting juice for free."

"Nice." Mick answers dully, "How many are they allowed?"

"Two. The rest of the time is water." Vance frowns, "If we had more time or notice, we would give out more."


"So, I must take Lexa's height, weight and a photo for filing." Vance warns, "Everyone is going through this."

"Go ahead, but first I need to calm her down."

"I will just sit here and take notes. Can you do the measurements?"

"Sure." Immediately setting Lexa on the ground, Lexa just turns around silently and reach up to Mick, "Sweetie, we just need two things from you then you can go back to cuddling with me. Can you do this for me?"

As Vance watches he can't help but feel his heart break.

"Wait a minute." Vance breathes looking at Mick, "Tell me about yourself first and how you got Lexa to trust you?"

"Honestly, I have no idea." Mick explains before picking Lexa back up as Vance gives Lexa the chance to get comfortable, if possible.

"In her file, it tells me about the police reports from Jamaica and Children's Services." Vance informs Mick, "In one of the reports from Children's Services, they mention a woman that Lexa grew attached to right away. They left her in the woman's care for the flight. Was that you?"

"Yes." Mick answers.

"Judging by the check in report from the flight, your Michaela Stone, correct?"


As the interview goes on, off camera, Vance and Mick bounces questions back and forth until it's time to check the height and weight again. This time however, Lexa immediately sits down and tries to take off her shoes without any luck.

"Her mom never taught Lexa anything nor allowed her to go to school." Mick reveals sadly before untying Lexa's shoes. Picking her up carefully, Mick sets her on the scale and measures her height. Replaying the numbers for Vance, Mick then helps Lexa off the scale and ties up her shoes.

"Does that include her speech or reading?"

"Reading, yes. Lexa will only speak when she feels safe, I find." Mick answers.

"That's good to know. So, Lexa, I will only ask yes or no questions. You don't have to answer verbally. Only by action, okay?" Vance asks.

Watching Lexa nod, Vance smiles, "At the end, I will sneak you and your friend an extra bottle of apple juice, if I can." Helping Lexa open her bottle, both Vance and Mick notices that Lexa's baby teeth look unhealthy, but she's also malnourished. As the camera turns on, Vance asks the questions, and writes Lexa's answers down.

When dismissed at the end of the questions, Vance turns off the camera to give Lexa the extra bottle on her way out. Smiling softly at Vance, Mick carries Lexa back to Ben and Cal so she can get some rest. Sitting back down on the cot, Lexa picks up Mick's fallen sweater and passes it back to her.

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