The Real You || Hyunjin Fanfi...

By stay_for_hyunjin

521 37 68

In which she denies to know Hyunjin and it hurts her to do so but she can't resort to live in a life full of... More

AUTHOR'S NOTE(pls read)
✧CHAPTER - 10✧


37 3 4
By stay_for_hyunjin

"Futaba shut the alarm off for god's sake. Futaba? FUTABAAAAA!!" I say half asleep. "Oh wait.... I'm at California. Right." I say to myself while sluggishly getting up from my bed.

Damn i miss her already

It's 6 AM in the morning and the first thing i do is reach for my phone because i just realised that i didn't tell mom and dad about my sudden flight to Korea and that i reached California safely.

Didn't i just claim before that i am mature, deadass.

"Hello mom?"

"Oh hey honey, did you reach California safely?"

"Oh well about that.....i reached yesterday mom, please don't kill me through the phone"

"Y/n this is the 100th time that you have forgotten to tell me such an important thing. Do you seriously believe that I'll not worry about you when you're like this?"

"Okay okay mom, I'm sorry, really really sorry, i promise it won't happen again."

"Alright i forgive you, are you doing well? Did you eat? Did you sleep well? They didn't treat you badly right? Are all your luggage okay?"

"Gosh mom slow down with the questions. The answer to all your questions is that yes i am doing great here, and you don't need to worry. By the way i needed to tell you something more"

"Well go on"

"They said that i have to go to South Korea in 5 days for work experience and i swear to god mom, even i had no clue about this"

"South Korea? Isn't that place kinda racist? I don't feel good about this y/n, but then again if they take good care of you there then i think it'll be fine for you"

"Yeah i mean i don't mind at all mom, I'll call you daily, plus I'll bring souvenirs for you and dad!!"

"Okay okay honey, now we are gonna go sleep, i assume there's morning there?"

"Yup and I'm gonna go now too since i have bigs things to cover up today, talk to you later momm!"

"Take care y/n and eat your food nicely"

"You too, byeee"

As soon as i hang up, i brushed my teeth then i headed towards the shower. I planned to have an all things shower today to feel reborn again, I have been so busy lately that i really need this now.

I got out of the shower and dressed up in a formal wear as i was gonna go to the main office, not to mention i have to meet the CEO.
I eat a light breakfast and then i sit down on the couch in my room. "It's 9 AM already huh?" I say with a sigh.

"I should call Yasmin, but isn't it nighttime there? Oh well she doesn't sleep anyways" i say to myself with a childish smile. Yasmin is my best friend, one of the reason why i am alive right now. She stayed by my side when i was at my worse, I'll always love her. Yasmin is shorter than me in height but she's definitely more mature than me. She taught me the art of loving myself. She is one beautiful girl though with amber eyes and long dark brown hair.

It seems like she was sleeping so she didn't pick up my call, well it's 9:30, i should head out now. The moment i locked my dorm room, i was greeted by Kyle.

We both exchanged a few words when he told me that the CEO is not really the social type so he tends to be a little mean but he doesn't intend harm of any type. Well i mean i don't mind either way as long as i am getting paid handsomely lol.



Kyle was definitely pointing towards something much bigger when he said that the CEO was not the "social type". This man has literally broken all the boundaries of fuckery in just the first 10 lines he spoke to us new employees. Commenting about us being inefficient when he knows not a single shit about us and being racist, sexist, mysogynist, etc all in one human body, this man shouldn't even be called a man at this point like what the actual fuck?

"Thank you so much sir for your immensely encouraging words to our new and innovative employees" Kyle said with a smile on his face.

thank you my ass

I remain standing there like a statue with a stoic expression when suddenly this absolute mf turned towards me "Aren't you a lil too short for this job Miss y/n" with a smug on his face.

Only i know how i have already killed this man more than a quadrillion times in my head in more than a quadrillion ways

"I'm really sorry sir but unfortunately my genes have failed you" i said with a fake laugh to which he laughs too

Deadass bitch

The conversation went on between him and the other employees when the office door suddenly opened with the voice of a girl apologizing nonstop for being late. I turn to see her.



No way

This is definitely not happening

Shelby? It's really Shelby? Out of all the people who could have entered this office, it had to be Shelby

"I am so so sorry sir for being this late, my car's tire punctured in the middle of nowhere, i am really sorry sir, i assure that this won't happe-" Shelby stopped the moment she saw me. Oh does she remember me now? Huh. I don't care either way.

Shelby tragic past. It has been 5 whole years since our friendship broke, she used to be my best friend, she left me, alone, for some other people who were "cooler" than me and shared more similar interests with her. She broke a 4 year long friendship like it was nothing but i have gotten over that shit, there's more story to it but i couldn't care less.

"Don't worry about it Miss Shelby, I'm in a good mood today, you have been spared" the CEO said with a grin. The main question is: why is she here? Of all places that she could ever be? In a CS company when she took business studies?

Gosh are you telling i have to see her face everyday?

After a while i realised that Shelby was the CEO's personal assistant. Well whatever, atleast She's not in my branch.

"Hey" Shelby greeted me
"Hey?" I say with zero emotion on my face
"It's been a while"
"Sorry do i know you?" Yup i said it
"Uhh it's me, Shelby, don't you remember"
"I'm sorry but I really don't have time for this, i gotta go for my work experience planning" I say with almost no interest in my voice as i left her there standing with the bundle of files in her hands as she saw me walking away.

I am a person who tends to make everyone feel comfortable around me but I am a human, not an angel. How can anyone have the audacity to reach out to someone whose life was practically ruined by them? I did the right thing, i have no mercy left in me for her, the fact that i actually remember her face and voice is sickening, if i could erase all my memories about her, then I'd gladly do it.

I head towards the meeting chamber where all the new employees are headed to. Apparently the team for work experience consists of all the newbies that'll gather there. I don't know but all of a sudden i am super excited for this. I have always loved group works where i am not leading it, otherwise i hate it.

"Alright everyone, now that all of you have gathered here, I'd like to clear all the instructions regarding our stay at South korea. Firstly you need to learn Introductory korean so that you don't have a hard time there, secondly y'all will be living there for atleast 6 months" Kyle was about to say more when a beautiful young woman stood up angrily "hold up, 6 months?!? Are you kidding me, I came all the way from Korea only to head back there again?" What kind of sick joke is this huh?" She scrunched her eyebrows together.

"Miss Kim please calm down, we have reasons for your half- year long work experience but i cannot spare the details right now and don't worry, our facility will take good care of you there" Kyle said with that smile again, bro is too good at it.

"Alright whatever but just make sure that I don't bump into my parents there. Also, call me Yeri, i am done with honorifics for god's sake" she rolled her eyes.

Wow i might ask her out or something, i really have a type, Don't I?

Kyle continued "As this team is going to work for big entertainment companies of Korea, y'all will also have to attend some business parties there, but don't worry we'll send 4-5 translators there and Yeri, i believe you won't need any, will you?" He chuckled to which Yeri deadpanned. Yup these two have definitely something going on.

"Alright everyone, i guess i have made myself as clear as a crystal for all of you. If anyone has anymore questions, you can text me or even call me. I believe i have given my number to each one of you?" To this everyone nodded.

We all said our goodbyes and went for important personal registration and file work. We were shown our workspace and i loved it a lot.

For the next 4 days the whole of team except Yeri attended Introductory Korean language classes and we all studied really hard. At the end of the 4th day, we all even gave a speaking test. All of us passed with really good scores. I guess we are all settled to head out for South Korea.

Hold up, didn't Kyle say we were gonna work for entertainment companies? Uhhhhhh nope i am definitely not bothered, fuck this😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

The realisation only hit me my last day in California. Why is everything so similar to one of those stupid daydreams i had? This isn't even funny like I really really hate the idea of it. Okay I'll stop thinking about this

The next day all of us board the plane to South Korea and guess what, Shelby is coming with us. Just what i needed in my life, a complete fuckery. Anyways i hope she doesn't try to strike up a conversation because i really don't wanna be a bitch when i have learned to maintain my calm for years now.

The plane took off and once again it got lost in the clouds as i put my headphones on with 'Youtiful' by Stray kids playing. This song always reminds me of how special i am and i should never waver from my true self.

Here i come, Korea


A/n: oof a bad memory of the past has made an appearance.

Also, kyle and yeri are definitely not interested in each other, i assure you👀

The next chapter is gonna be interesting 🤭

Stay tuned!!!

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