The Admiral And His beloved

By Alidemtirane

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Elena sets out to find and old friend,Captain Jack Sparrow.Will she succeed...we don't know. Will Elena die t... More



119 1 0
By Alidemtirane

My carriage has stopped as I looked out the window to see Armand's mansion outside. I  breath in remembering the plan. I must find a way to get away from him and find out what he is up too. I have no idea how I'm going to find out or what I was going to find. I exit the carriage as his revant, Rena, opens the door.

"Ahh! Bonsoir, Rena! Armand is expecting me." I say innocently

"You are early, mademoiselle-"

"Well, perhaps I can wait in the parlor."
I say already loosing nerves

I enter the mansion  and make my way to the parlour. I open the door as it make a screeching sound that gave me a terrible headache. I sat down as Rena placed the tea on the table before me.

"Thank you so much,Rena." I thank her

As she left millions of scenarios passed through my head. My brother is out there fighting his was past criminals in order to find out the truth and in order to save me whilst James, he fights for his life and my love knowing I do not love Armand. I finally stop thinking and stand up walking silently to the window. I open it and slowly step out. I then look around and just keep running forward as I see a man looking at my direction. I reach a building and squeeze myself through the slim window.

I instantly knock out a worker, take their sword and fight my way through.

Suddenly a man wearing a Admiral's uniform approaches and fights with me. I turn to see James as we fight backside each other. I smile but my smile fades quickly trying to focus on the plan. As all workers attacking us soon start to fade we sheathed our swords. I turn to face him. I see Armand but he has not seen me as he goes my opposite way and he walks into a room.

"Armand when through this way, we have to hurry!" I say

"I-" I start to speak but James stops me

I frown.

"I know..."
he says as a hurt look appears on his face but he quickly returns into his cold-looking self

He may look cold but he is the sweetest thing ever really.

"How?" I say leaving my thoughts

"It doesn't matter. They've told me everything." He explains

"It's alright, my darling, i forgive you."
I say again getting lost in thoughts

"You forgive me?" He says confused

"No, I forgive you!" He says slightly shouting

"For what!" I say using the then he used

"For everything you put me through!" He says

"Everything I put you through! I would not be in this mess if- !"
I stutter

I let out a deep sigh not thinking of anything to blame him for since it was truly all my fault.

"Who gave you that necklace?" He asks annoyed



"Yes." I confirm

"And why do you wear it?"

"I'm undercover! Besides these are pearls, you never gave em pearls." I say having my excuses

"I gave you pearl earrings." He says arguing back

I look at him and raise my eye brows acting like I have no idea what he is talking about but I smile making it obvious I'm teasing so he pulls me as he smashes his lips on mine. He steps back and puts a hand on my head pushing me to the wall.

"When I said we were never ment to be together, I ment it."
I say pulling away

"Finally we agree on something!" He says as he pulls me back

"This changes nothing!" I playfully say

"Absolutely not." He says playing back at me

"Follow me!" I say


He followed me as I stop in front of a wooden door. It had cracks and holes in it which made it easier for us to see what they were doing.

"I've heard enough." A don disturbs Armand

"Count Armand, a simple liquid like this will make an explosion?" The other dons start to laugh

The don walks away to leave.

"Don Julio! Let's see what this simple liquid can do, shall we?" Armand says as he throws the tiny bottle of liquid

Suddenly a loud explosion is heard as I cuddle into James, startled. He strokes my hair and I pull away to see what's happening. As the smoke fades, a burnt body lay on the ground, dead. I look at James in horror as he pulls me closer. The dons stand up and gasp looking at Armand. Suddenly Armand walks to the door to open it. We have no where to go! We will be seen! We run to the right which is practically a room full of barrels but there is no door. We enter the room and hide behind two barrels quickly.

Armand hold open wide the door as the dons leave, still quite startled. As everyone leaves we sneak out a window. James looks at me and gives a sly grin.

"I thought you're an Admiral." I say playfully

"I am."

"So what happened, what did Diana do today." I ask

"I may have or may have not been in jail and she broke me out but she will not be doing that again I can assure you." He says

I look at him.

"Why?!" I say as my voice starts to crack

"No idea, the men you spy for knocked me out and put me in there." He explains

I look at him and unexpectedly start to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" He asks smiling, about to laugh

"I never thought an Admiral, my husband, would teach my child how to break someone out of jail." I laugh out

He starts to laugh aswell not being to hold it back any longer.

"Alright let's go." I say now serious

He looks at me waiting for me to turn back and laugh but I just laugh, look at him behind me and continue to walk.

"This woman!" He say out loud

I walk back to him as I get myself together.

"Alright I see them leaving I believe we should also go." I say

"After one request." He says

"And what may that be?" I ask curiously

He pulls me to him and kisses me passionately once more as he starts to caress my jaw and neck. I pull away worried we will be seen.

"I love you." I say

"I love you more." He says back

"I love you the most." I say smirking

He shortly kisses me once more and turns to leave taking his time because he has no need to worry for Diana because Elizabeth or the maid are looking after her but I on the other hand run as fast as I can. I turn my head to see if Armand is close but I bump into something hard and fall on the ground. I look around and suddenly two large dogs run towards me as I scream shortly and continue my run. I see the open windows of the parlour and jump in quickly closing them. As soon as I turn the door opens as Armand enters. He looks at me, my eyes and then the window.

"Oh, forgive me Armand. Your dogs startled me." I say as tears threaten to fall down

"Perhaps they thought you were someone you were not." He says simply

There's an awkward silence in the room as none of us decides to speak until Armand does.

"Are you hungry?" He asks

"I am famished!" I say

Why did he look at me like that? As if angry. Does he know? How could he know.


"Are you not hungry?" I ask as Rena serves me the dinner

He gives no response to my question. I continue to use my knife and fork to cut of a piece of the meal. I put the piece in my mouth but it doesn't taste like anything I have ever tried before.

"How is it?" He asks

I think about my answer before answering not being able to tell what the taste is.

"It is it quail?" I finally figure out an answer for him

"Spy." He says putting his hands on the table

He looking at me in anger. I smell the meat on my plate and suddenly a strong smell of dead human corpse spreads the room as a door opens by a man. I look at Armand with frightened, wide eyes. I am eating human flesh! I run to the room the man opened and on the ground lay the men who I was spying on Armand for. I scream loudly as Armand approaches me. I turn around to run again but someone blocks the doorway pushing someone to me. Diana?

"Found her sneaking around." The man who had a scar on his face said 

"Diana!" I gasp out blocking the dead bodies from he sight

I hug her tightly. Armand stares at us and signals fir his men to take us away.


We where taken to a train station. Was he planning on locking us away in a tower. Suddenly Armand sees a man under the train and gestures for his men to bring him in front of us and fir his mask to be removed. I look at Armand as tears fill my eyes. What about James? Is he alive? Armand walks to Alejandro who's mask was now removed and whispered something to him. Once he did he stepped back.

"Kill him." He ordered as his men brought a knife to his throat

"NO!" Diana shouts

She runs to him but was pulled back by a man in black. I also try to run but Armand pulls me by my arms.

"NO ARMAND!NO!" Me and Alejandro were very close siblings when we had time to write to each other

"Please! Not in front of Diana! She is young! She cannot see her own uncle die in front of her very eyes!" I say

Armand looks at me. Tears fall down my face as we were pushed onto the train.

"As soon as we leave." He ordered this time

As we enter the train we were forced to sit.

"You must know...even if you try locking me in a tower forever...I will never stop hating you." I say

He gives me a disappointed look.

"Just wait until my father comes and Kick your a-"

"Diana!" I say

Armand now looking even more angry and pulled out a sword.

"Don't touch her!" I call out as I was grabbed by a man

Armand bring a sword to Diana's neck when suddenly a pool of men and pirates charge at him. More of Armand's men come in but they weren't any match for the pirates.

"That be our Pirate King!" One of the cries as I smile

He was clearly drunk. I look for Diana in the crowd and somehow she isn't here. I made my way through the crowd and open a door to go to the next room of the train. Men come at me attacking but I was able to fight them off until death. Suddenly a man in blue enters. I lunge at him with the sword but he blocks and looks at me.

"James!" I say relieved

I hug him but there were more and more men fighting us. We made our way to the next room as we fought. Once the room is empty I face James.

"Have you seen Diana?" I ask

"On your brothers horse to stop the train." He says simply

"You are letting her do many dangerous things these days." I say as he smiles

"Over here!" Elizabeth says, appearing out of no where

Alejandro, Jack, Will and many other who break the windows of the train with swords so they can creep out run into the room. We follow Elizabeth and once we make it to the last room she opens the door and we all make a jump for it and hide behind a broken wall as everything on the train explodes into pieces.

"Well mates...looks like we all belong in the seas and ships." Jack says

"Aye, not trains." I confirm as everyone agrees and laughs


Alejandro whistles as his horse stops in front of him as Diana gets of.

"Well I wish you all luck, you Elena, you need to write to me!" He says as he puts his hat on properly and turns it the right way by the brim.


The Empress

"It's beautiful, mother!"

"The horizon? Yes it is." I say

James steps up behind us and holds my waist with a hand.

☆"Bring me that horizon..."

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