Azur Lane: ๐“ฃ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ ๐“–๐“ต๐“ช๐“ผ๐“ผ...

Por lagneverfailed

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"Hit first! Hit hard! Keep on hitting!!" From Admiral of the Fleet John Arbuthnot Fisher. An alternate histor... Mรกs

Prologue (Remastered)
Chapter 1-Discovering a Legend (Remastered)
Chapter 2-Legend Reunion (Remastered)
Chapter 3-Wrong Identity (Remastered)
Chapter 4-Familiarizing High Tech (Remastered)
Chapter 5A-The Magnificent Ships
Chapter 5B-Quotes Line
Chapter 6-Tour and Task
Chapter 7-Nice Home
Chapter 8A-Greet the Commanders
Chapter 8B-Major Nation Leader
Chapter 9-Story and Friendship
Chapter 10-First Mission
Chapter 11-Catch That Person!!!
Chapter 12-Ship boy helps Commanders
Chapter 13-Conclusion
Message (Love Interest Reveal)
Chapter 14-Operation Scimitar (Pt.1)
Chapter 15-Operation Scimitar (Pt.2)
Marlborough Love Interest
Chapter 17-Welcome Home
30005 508 Milestones
Chapter 18-(Too) Early Bird

Chapter 16(V2)-Wonderful Crane

317 8 5
Por lagneverfailed

(I somewhat regret the early chapter to be very... Not so friendly (Aka, some naughty stuff)... so at the start of this Chapter and so on. It will be Wholesome as possible.)

Baltimore and Incomparable headed back to their ship.

Baltimore: "Incomparable? Do you think that the War against the siren will be over?"

Incomparable: "I am sure it will be over. The only war that didn't end is their self. Their feeling. Their mind."

Baltimore: "Oh? Their feeling and their mind?"

Fisher: "Filled with Destruction and Merciless."

Incomparable: "Thank you Dad" "Yes. Their feelings and minds are filled with Destruction, Merciless... and even some Devil stuff."

Baltimore: "Can they change that to something... peaceful?"

Incomparable: "Hmm... they can... they can."

The Lion aka the Richard says something...

Baltimore: "What did he say?"

Incomparable: "He's hungry. He needs a lump of meat."

Baltimore: "A-Ah... Ther-"

Zuikaku, Shoukaku, Le Terrible, Brementon, Isabella: "Incomparable!!! Baltimore!!

Incomparable: "Oh!!!"

Brementon: "Sister!!! Is everything okay?"

Baltimore: "Oh don't be so worried sister. Everything is fine. Except Incomparable adopt an animal."

Shoukaku, Le Terrible: "Where?"

Baltimore: *Point to them while hunting an Animal for a Lion*

4 of them: "What the!?!"

Zuikaku: "H-How he manage to?"

Lion (RIchard): *Roars as he manages to get a portion of food*

Incomparable: "Good boy, good boy."

Shoukaku mind: "He is quite an interesting person..."


Incomparable and Richard headed toward them.

Isabella: "Hey, you are back. We are worried about you Incomparable."

Incomparable: "Pardon me for that."

Zuikaku: "And you adopt a Lion!?!?!"

Incomparable: "Yeah... what's wrong with it?"

Isabella: "Well uhh..."

Incomparable: "If 10 Downing Street has Larry the Cat, why not Azur Lane have... Richard the Lion?"

Zuikaku: "Umm..."

Isabella: "I th-"

Le Terrible: "I think that's a very magnifique (Magnificent in English) We have very few animals at Azur Lane. Enterprise, Yorktown has an Eagle."

Shoukaku: "Oh yeah!!! I remember. They have an Eagle. Some of the girls have an animal. But I don't think I see it before or instead overlooked."

Isabella: "I see. But anyway, we must go back to our ship. Everyone is waiting for us."

6 of them: "Ya."

(If many people think... where is Edinburgh well don't worry. She will appear in the next story (And Hermione) and a bit frequently, apology for my writing inconsistency)

They soon walked to their ship. Which Ironically was at the river. Meanwhile, Shoukaku has an excellent time talking with the Incomparable.

Shoukaku: "So... Incomparable I might say... I want to know about you more."

Incomparable: "About me?"

Shoukaku: "Yes. Most of my friends really like you. Even your guns."

Incomparable: "My Gun?"

Shoukaku: "Yeah."

Incomparable: "Isn't that there's one Sakura Empire that carries 510mm?" (Easter Egg here. Maybe for the future)

Shoukaku: "Oh... well... I don't know about that but anyway... what is your history?"

Incomparable: "My career wasn't that really exciting... nor boring too..."

Shoukaku: "Oh?"

Incomparable: "Yeah... well... my Dad will be very proud to see a big gun."

Shoukaku: "Oh!!! Do you have a parent?"

Incomparable: "Yes."

Shoukaku: "That's very wonderful for you Incomparable. I never knew that someone has a parent."

Incomparable: "But... My first early career is filled with trouble."

Shoukaku: "S-sorry? How bad is it?"

Incomparable: "I suffer many reliability issues... some unnecessary feature caused so many problems during WW1..."

Shoukaku felt terrible for Incomparable. She never knew some of the Ship has a good career during the first run. But off to a terrible start is not what many ships wanted.

Shoukaku: "I-I'm sorry to hear that. I never knew you don't have a good start..."

Incomparable: *Smile* "Don't worry, despite I have that flaws... I manage to sink some enemy ship during WW1."

Shoukaku: "Oh? You were?"

Incomparable: "Yes. Despite having a disability I still manage to get some achievement."

Shoukaku: *Hug Incomparable* "I'm glad you manage to get some achievement Incomparable~"

Soon... they arrived at their ship.

Fisher: "You know... Maybe I'll be 6.0 Feet rather than 6.11... it's too damn tall"

Incomparable: "Oh? Really?"

Fisher: "Still... My Dad is around 6.2 Feet. Let me tell you a detail."

Incomparable: "Shoot. I'm listening."

Fisher: "My mother was a most magnificent and handsome, extremely young woman...My father was 6 feet 2 inches..., also especially handsome. Why I am ugly is one of those puzzles of physiology which are beyond finding out."

Incomparable: "I can agree with my grandparents or your parents, sir, but you are not ugly. You are handsome."

Fisher: "Well... I think I am. Hey, let's go back to Azur Lane. No sirens activity now. Also... what is the Lion's name after you adopt it?"

Incomparable: "His name is Richard."

Fisher: "Ah... From Richard The Lionheart? A Former King of Great Britain. Glamorous."


At the Ocean

Incomparable currently standing on his ship admiring the view of the peaceful ocean. Where Shoukaku came.

Shoukaku: "Looking at the beautiful ocean hmm?"

Incomparable: "Ah... Shoukaku. It rare that you went to go to my ship."

Shoukaku: *Giggles* "Well... I broke that record~"

Incomparable: *Laugh a bit*

Shoukaku: *Also laugh*

Incomparable: "Oh and they captured 1 core sirens member?"

Shoukaku: "Yes, they are."

Incomparable: *Smile*

Incomparable and Shoukaku soon went quiet. While this is okay with Incomparable, Shoukaku thinks... it was awkward... but she has a plan for him. A very nice plan.

Shoukaku: "Hey... Incomparable?"

Incomparable: "Yes?"

Shoukaku: "I didn't do this normally with other Commanders or even other male people but... do you want to come to my ship?"

Incomparable: "Sure. *Smile* I'm happy to."

Shoukaku: "Yay. Follow me."

Incomparable soon follow Shoukaku to her ship. Shoukaku ships are very well-designed and beautiful. No... SHoukaku didn't take Incomparable to her flight deck, but inside of her boat. Not so deep.

Shoukaku: "Sit down on the sofa. I'll get you a warm drink."

Incomparable: "Umm... no need a tea please."

Shoukaku: "Ah... Just wait. I know you are thirsty right?"

Incomparable: "Well no but- Nevermind. Sure." *Smile happily*

Shoukaku soon went to her ship's kitchen and made a very savoury and warm drink. She rarely does this but something makes her do this nearly Incomparable is yet to be revealed. Soon, 5 minutes later, Shoukaku arrived bringing 2 cups of Tea. One for her and one for Incomparable.

Incomparable: *Waiting*

Shoukaku: "I'm here~."

Incomparable: "Wow."

Shoukaku soon places the 2 cups on the table.

Shoukaku: *Smile*

Incomparable: *Take the cup* "Shall I drink it?"

Shoukaku: "Of course you dummy! You just stared at the water?"

Incomparable: "N-no!! I'm going to drink it!!!'

Shoukaku: *Laughs*

Incomparable soon take a sip of the warm tea.

Incomparable: "Mmmmm"

Shoukaku: "How does it taste?"

Incomparable: "It tastes wonderful!!!" *Drink it more*

Shoukaku: "I'm glad you like it."

Incomparable: "Did you always make this stuff?"

Shoukaku: "Not really. But when I'm doing it, it was amazing."

Incomparable: "Good to hear." *Realized that the Apollo the Lion is missing* "W-wait... Where's the A-"

Shoukaku: "Don't worry~ It's here."

Richard the Lion was lying sweetly on the soft Mattresses.

Lion (Richard): *Happy smile*

Incomparable: "Ah... so you know how to take care of an animal too eh?"

Shoukaku: *Laugh a bit* "Of course I am."

Shoukaku then sits beside Incomparable.

Shoukaku: "So... maybe I can call you a Senpai~"

Incomparable: "Senpai? What is that?"

Shoukaku: "It was someone that was Older, more experienced. Like Akagi and Kaga. If they work hard enough..."

Incomparable: "I see."

Shoukaku: "But here, maybe I shall call you... Y/N-San~"

Incomparable: "O-Okay... sure."

Shoukaku: *Smile more* "You know? I have something that I want to tell you privately. Which is now."

Incomparable: "But there's an Richard."

Shoukaku: "Don't worry. Richard? Would you keep this conversation secret?"

Richard (The Lion): *Nodded*

Shoukaku: "So... there is something that you should know. You still remember where you saved me from the sirens?"

Incomparable: "Oh? Yes. Yes, I remember that."

Shoukaku: "When y-y-you rescue me... my heart is... is... went f-faster t-than b-before."

Incomparable: "S-sorry? I think I misheard."

Shoukaku: *Blushing very hard and looking away* 'How can I say this to him!!!'

Shoukaku heart: "DOKI DOKI!"

Incomparable: "Umm... are you alright Shoukaku?"

Shoukaku just looks away and was very embarrassed. Not a single word came out.

Incomparable: "Hey, Look at me, look at me. What's wrong Shoukaku?"

Shoukaku: "I-I-I Don't want to say th-this b-but..."

Incomparable: "Shoukaku, don't worry. If you want to say it to me, just say it. No matter what. I'm here for you."

Shoukaku: "Y-you w-were?"

Incomparable: "Yes. I am here, I always take care of people, including you."

Shoukaku: "P-Please d-don't be angry okay?"

Incomparable: "I won't."

Shoukaku: "I-I-I Fall i-in love with you."

Incomparable: "Y-You were?" *Surprised*

Shoukaku: *Tears start falling from my eyes* "Y-yes!!!"

Incomparable didn't angry nor sad. But he was smiling at her.

Incomparable: *Smile and remove Shoukaku's tear slowly* "So you love me? Well... I can accept your feeling."

Shoukaku: "Y-You mean it?"

Incomparable: "Yes. I mean it."

Shoukaku: *Hug Incomparable and kisses his cheek* "Thank you thank you thank you!!!!"

Incomparable: *Hug back Shoukaku* "You're welcome."

At this while, Shoukaku keeps hugging Incomparable. Despite her past history with some male Commander, she was warm than before, a much wiser person than she ever met.

Shoukaku: "Y/N-San?"

Incomparable: "Yes?"

Shoukaku: "C-can I kiss you...again?"

Incomparable: *Wise Smile* "Sure."

Shoukaku: *Smiles too and kisses him very gently and smoothly* "Mmmmmm~ You are a sweet person~ When we arrived at the Base, can we have a Date sometime?"

Incomparable: "Didn't we just finish the Battle and Exhausted?"

Shoukaku: "I know dummy, after someday after the Battle!!!" *Giggles*

Incomparable: "Okay okay, we can have a Date."

Shoukaku: "Yay!!! Can I cuddle you?"

Incomparable: "What if someone came?"

Shoukaku: "Don't worry, I have a very sharp hearing. So yes or no?"

Incomparable: "Yes then."

Shoukaku soon cuddles Incomparable gently and tightly squeezing him on the sofa.

Shoukaku: "Hehehe~ You are so warm~"

Incomparable: "T-thank you Shoukaku."

Shoukaku: "You're welcome Y/N-San. We shall stay like this until we arrived at the base~ You want to~?"

Incomparable: "Sure, that's a neat idea."

Shoukaku: *Smiles* "Hehehe~" 'I love you Incomparable~'

To Be Continued

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