"My Call Girlfriend" Call gir...

By King_Slayerss05

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This story takes place on South Park: The fractured but whole, but you are the new kid in this story. A.K.A... More

Chapter 1 | Day 1 | Part 1
Chapter 2 | Day 1 | Part 2
Chapter 3 | Day 1 | Part 3
Chapter 4 | Day 1 | Part 4
Chapter 5 | Day 1 | Part 5
Chapter 6 | Night 1 | Part 1

Chapter 7 | Night 1 | Part 2

494 19 6
By King_Slayerss05

(A/N: "Alright, so before this chapter begins, I wanna say that I'm sorry that this chapter took way too long than it should have to be released. That's because I was having some things in real life, and that I had to try and complete the fight scenes for this chapter. So if you don't see any in this chapter and just see "Battle time-skip" instead, it will be changed in the near future whenever I have the time to complete the fight scenes for this chapter. I'd figure I release it now since I don't want to have to let you guys wait even longer. Maybe after I do Chapter 8, I'll try to do the fighting scenes. But for now, I hope you all will enjoy this new chapter. Stay tuned. King out.")

(Y/N) and Captain Diabetes are now after the stripper Classi and go through a door she last went to, but they find themselves to be in the female changing room where several strippers stand between them and Classi.

Classi: "They after me, ladies! Stop 'em!"

The strippers then turned over to (Y/N) and Captain Diabetes and then they started to give them some nasty glares at the both of them.


Fuchsia: "Yeah, get lost!"

Captain Diabetes: "Stand aside, ladies! Captain Diabetes and his sidekick need to question that stripper!"

Paris: "You wanna get to her, you're gonna have to go through us!"

Blaze: "Bring it on!

(Battle time-skip)

When the battle was done to chase after Classi, she was running out in the back and was banging on the door in desperation for someone to open it.

Classi: "Ay! Let me in, you asshole. The cops are here!"

Italian Mafia member: "What? Get inside."

Classi enters the building. At the same time, Captain Diabetes and (Y/N) leaves the strip club, and approaches the mafia, who is holding a pistol in his hand and is standing behind the door.

Italian Mafia member: "Go on, scram! I ain't afraid to use this thing..."

As the mafia fires a warning shot, the neon sign falls above him and it crushed him to death and is blocking the entrance.

(Y/N): 'Uh...OK then.'

Captain Diabetes: "Come on, New Kid! Into that restaurant! We just gotta lift that sign!"

(Y/N): 'Yeah, I'm pretty sure that not even you can move that sign out of the way.'

Captain Diabetes: "Stand aside, sidekick. It is time for DIABETIC RAAAAGE!"

Captain Diabetes downs another carton of apple juice, and goes into diabetic rage once again. Unfortunately for him, he could not lift the sign this time.

(Y/N): 'Well, at least he tried.'

Captain Diabetes: "Even my diabetic rage can't move this sign. [breathes heavily] Oh god, it's too much... Uh, I need my insulin... my... I need my..."


Captain Diabetes becomes unresponsive, and is now dead on the floor from the diabetic shock he was suffering with.

(Y/N): '...'

After a while, the Coon makes a video call with (Y/N) as he was now stuck on the out alleyway with a neon sign and a dead guy blocking the door and his fellow superhero buddy also dead too.

The Coon: "This is Coon, checking in. How's it going for you guys?"

(Y/N) looked at The Coon at the video call but did not make a response back to him.

"Everything cool over there? Cool. Keep me updated."

The Coon then closes off the video call with (Y/N). He slowly sat down with his arms around his knees, starting to lose hope.

(Y/N): 'Now what do I do?'

When it seems that (Y/N) is starting to lose hope on his mission he then sees a transparent ghost-like Morgan Freeman standing right in front of him.

Morgan Freeman: "You know what makes my farts super bad! Hand-crafted Tex Mex."

(Y/N): 'Huh...?'

Morgan Freeman: "Not just any handcrafted Tex Mex. It's gotta be somethin' extra special."

(Y/N) was thinking of what he meant by that until he figured out what he meant and pulled out the Enchirito he made earlier.

"You know what to do, New Kid."

(Y/N) was now feeling a little bit determined to set things right. He took a deep breath before he would eat the Enchirito.

(Y/N): 'Alright, let's do this!'

When (Y/N) finally ate the Enchirito, it went fine at first until his stomach made a thunderous gurgle that made him feel discomfort as he would have his knees on the ground and clenched his stomach.

(Y/N): 'Ugh, oh god...! This was probably a mistake...! I-I can't hold it in ANY LONGER!!'

After (Y/N) ate the Enchirito and is in an uncomfortable state, he then let out a massive and boisterous fart that was so powerful that it was starting to rewind the part to where Captain Diabetes and the Mafia member died, and that the sign was back up on the building. After that happened, (Y/N) was panting with sweat on his face to where that must've been more on what he should've expected.

(Y/N): 'Phew...I feel a lot better now...'

Italian Mafia member: "Ah - I'm alive? What happened? Who are you?! Ahh!" [shuts the door on the superheroes]

When the Mafia member left, Captain Diabetes woke up from his recent death and was brought back from thanks to (Y/N) as he turned around to see what happened for himself and was completely oblivious of his actions.

(Y/N): 'Did... Did I do that?'

Captain Diabetes: "Wait a minute... What happened? I thought I died from diabetes! I remember seeing a bright light, the hand of God reaching towards me, then somebody farted in my face and I was back. I can almost still smell it."

(Y/N): 'That...was...AWESOME!'

(Y/N) has unlocked Timefart: Glitch!

Captain Diabetes: "Wow, your farts can actually move objects in time! That's impressive! Now, let's get back to that stripper! COON FRIENDS! WE FOUND THE FEMALE, BUT SHE'S ESCAPE TO THE ITALIAN RESTAURANT! REQUESTING BACKUP!"


(Y/N): 'It seems like Morgan Freeman really was onto that fart time travel powers. Now this oughta be interesting. VERY interesting'

After all of that was finished, Captain Diabetes and (Y/N) went through the door, into the restaurant where they would also pass by people having their own conversations while drinking a lot of wine.

(Y/N): 'I really hope I don't turn like them when I'm older.'

They then find Mosquito, the Coon and the Human Kite already seated just behind the counter.

The Coon: "There they are! Where's the girl?!"

Captain Diabetes: "She was just here! You didn't see her come in?"

The Coon: "Uh, no, we were busy...syncing our watches."

Human Kite: "No, we were looking at menus. Because Cartman made us order food."

The Coon: "Fighting crimes on an empty stomach is very dangerous, Human Kite! It's for your own good."

Human Kite: "Whatever."

(Y/N): 'He's right, you know. Even for my standards anyways. Heh.'

Mosquito: "She couldn't have left, we would've seen her go out the front door."

Captain Diabetes: Well, then maybe she's in the back!

The Coon: "OK, you guys check it out. Call us if you need help. We'll be waiting for you with our breadsticks."

(Y/N) has unlocked The Coon as his new combat buddy!

Captain Diabetes (Y/N) enters the kitchen, where they see many chefs, including the head chef, preparing food for the customers.

Head Chef: "Hey, come on, we need to get all this pasta and the meatballs out to the customers!"

Captain Diabetes: "These guys look dangerous, Sidekick. Maybe we can do something to even the odds.

(Battle time-skip)

Captain Diabetes: "Those carbohydrate crusaders were no match for the Coon and Friends, huh Sidekick?"

(Y/N): 'Yeah, I guess so.'

After the battle with the chefs in the kitchen, they planned to move on but there is a large boiler that is currently blocking their path.

(Y/N): 'Well, this might be a problem.'

Captain Diabetes: "Classi must have gone this way...but the path is barricaded! I could easily lift this out of our way...but I can't use my apple juice without insulin to bring me back down. Hmm... Maybe we could trigger my Diabetic Rage somehow..."

"Of course with my super-strength I could knock it over...but I can't use apple juice without my insulin. We need to find a way to tip that over without resorting to apple juice."

(Y/N): 'An alternate way for his rage. Hm... Wait! I think I remember what he said a while back and just earlier.'

(Flashback to the Human Kite's secret base)

Captain Diabetes: ("Farts make me angry. The Coon says it's because my mom farted when she gave birth to me, and that's why I have diabetes. I don't think that's why I had diabetes though. I think it was a gift. To help fight crime.")

(Another flashback to when (Y/N) farted on the spiked drink in the strip club)

("I'm sorry you had to see that, Sidekick, but nothing in this world makes me more angry than farts. It awakens the deep-seated rage that I harbor within me.")

(Flashbacks end)

(Y/N): 'That's right! I think that could be a great alternative for his diabetic rage! Now if I just...'

As (Y/N) thought of the idea to give Captain Diabetes his raging fit, he rips out a fart next to him as he is both disgusted and annoyed by it, not until he was starting to get the hint of where this is going.

Captain Diabetes: "Wait, that's it! Your FARTS, sidekick! Your terrible farts that throw me into fits of rage! Of course... The Coon wasn't trying to make me feel insecure when he told me that my mom's farts gave me diabetes. He was trying to help me unlock my true powers!"

"We've gotta get through there and get to Classi, sidekick. For the good of South Park... For Coon and Friends... I need you to fart on my face."

When (Y/N) first thought of this, he had a slight blush on his face because of hearing someone willing to just let them fart on their face, even in a situation like this.

"Don't be shy."

(Y/N): 'Well uh...if you say so.'

Captain Diabetes: "All right, ready when you are..."

(Y/N) pounces on top of Captain Diabetes, and starts to fart on his face. This makes him full of rage that he was now lifting up the boiler and tipped it over now creating a path for the both of them.

(Y/N): 'Wow, that actually worked.'

Captain Diabetes: "We did it...! The path is clear! It's hard for me to lose control of myself, but if we're ever in a dire situation like that again, sidekick, know that you can fart in my face."

(Y/N): 'Alright, I'll keep that in mind.'

(Y/N) has unlocked a Buddy Power: Flatulent Rage!

(I know it's originally called "Diabetic Rage", but I feel like this sounds a bit better since it has its literal meaning of the Buddy Power.)

Captain Diabetes and (Y/N) enter a door that is revealed to be a new room, it was too dark to see so they turned on the lights to end up finding several cats locked away in many cages.

(Y/N): 'What is going on up here?'

Captain Diabetes: "HOLY GUACAMOLE! What is this?! Oh man! We gotta tell the guys. COON! COON! COME IN!"

The Coon was shown eating breadsticks in a video communication.

The Coon: [Eating] "Yes--Yes, Captain Diabetes."

Captain Diabetes: "We found missing cats! A whole room of them."

The Coon: "Dude! Is Scrambles one of them?"

Captain Diabetes: "Uhh... Negative. None of them are fat and old."

The Coon: "And what about the girl?" [Bites on a breadstick]

Captain Diabetes: "We're still tracking her."

The Coon: "We have to find out what she knows. Get going!" [hangs up]

Captain Diabetes: "We're so close I can smell it! Come on, sidekick!"

(Y/N): 'Alright, it's time to finish this mission.'

There is another room at the other side of the room. Captain Diabetes starts eavesdropping on the door and he hears some laughter and chattering through the door.

Captain Diabetes: "Hold on, sidekick. Sounds like there could be trouble behind that door. There's someone in there. Get ready... One. Two. Diabetes!"

Captain Diabetes barges in with (Y/N) following suit and they find an Italian mafia laughing over a card game, with Classi standing behind them. Classi and the Italian mafia were disrupted and turned their heads towards the superheroes and (Y/N) was now feeling uneasy.

Classi: "See, I told you the cops were chasing me!"

Mafia member #2: "And you led them here, you stupid bitch?!"

Classi: "Uh-uh, who you calling a stupid bitch?! Do I look like your mama!"

Captain Diabetes: "The jig is up, Classi!"

Mafia member #3: "These kids are cops?"

Mafia boss: "That ain't no cop, that's Captain Diabetes! When he was born his mother farted during labor and it gave him diabetes that he uses to fight crime!"

Captain Diabetes: "That is NOT how people get diabetes!"

Mafia member #3: "If they aren't cops then we can shoot 'em! Along with this bitch too!"

The mafia boss pulls out a pistol and points at the superheroes and the both of them were shocked and scared.

(Y/N): 'Whoa! Wait, what?!'

Classi: "Aw shit, y'all turning on me?! I knew I shouldn't have went into business with y'all Tony Soprano-looking motherfuckers!"

Mafia boss: "So long...Captain Diabetes." [loads the gun] "Let's see your diabetes save you now."

Captain Diabetes: "Uh oh..."

(Y/N): 'Yep, this isn't going to end well...'

Just then, Randy barges into the room making a bloodlust roar, completely drunk on red wine, with his pants down.

Mafia boss: "What the--"

Randy then grabs the Mafia boss as he was starting to become startled himself.

Randy: "I WANT MY KEEEYS!!!"

Mafia boss: "I DON'T HAVE YOUR KEYS, MAN!"

Randy becomes enraged, throwing the boss against a wall, with Classi screaming in horror.

Mafia boss: "He's wasted on red wine!"

Mafia member #4: "Red wine drunk is the worst drunk there is!"

Randy then started to pummel the mafia gang senselessly in a no-holds barred beatdown.

(Y/N): 'WOAH!'

Mafia member #3: "Let's get the fuck outta here!"

The Mafia gang then started to retreat out of the room, leaving Drunk Randy and the others in the room with each other.

Randy: "All right, Captain Diabetes... THIS IS IT... Give me... my FUCKIN' keys."

Captain Diabetes: "YOU are in no condition to drive!"


Randy: "Then... DIEEEEEEEE!" [takes a sip of red wine and throws the glass bottle]

(Battle time-skip)

After Drunk Randy conceded defeat in the battle with Coon and Friends, they all turned to Classi as her and then started to make eye contact with each other.

Classi: "All right, all right, shit! Look, all I know is that there's a kingpin trying to get new high-grade drugs out on the streets! It's somebody trying to bring the Italian and Chinese crime families TOGETHER and shit!"

(Y/N): 'This seems like I'll need to remember that for later.'

The Coon: "Enough small talk!" [pulls out the Missing poster of Scrambles] "Where is Scrambles?!"

Classi: "...Scrambles?"

The Coon: "We need this reward money for our superhero franchise!"

Classi: "Oh shit, y'all just want a cat?"

The scene then switches to where the Coon and Friends take Classi to the Coon Lair while Classi is sitting on the opposite side of the table, trimming her fingernails with the others sitting on their seats.

Classi: "So then there's Cisco. He just some low-class asshole, started working two months ago. He be talkin' all this shit about makin' money off the crime in the city cuz some big shot white boy be runnin' all the drugs and all the hookers and shit, right?"

The Coon: "OK..."

Classi: "Uh-uh, but not me. I'm my OWN pimp, you know what I'm sayin'? It's like, I got one investment in this world and that's my pussy. I ain't puttin' no mortgage on that to some high-payin' nigga talkin' 'bout trying to make more money off crime and shit..."

The Coon: "Classi, Classi! I'm sorry, but wh-what about the cats?"

Classi: "Oh, the cats? OK, that's this little Asian freak named Yakibaba or some shit. He goin' around payin' all these sixth graders to take people's cats. That's fucked up! I think takin' that pussy like takin' mine, you know what I'm sayin'? That's like criminal shit."

Human Kite: "Where do the cats GO?"

Classi: "I can tell you, but I ain't sayin' SHIT until I know I'm safe, you understand?! These niggas ain't playin' and I need to know you gonna protect my ass!"

After that, the door is heard opened upstairs as Liane Cartman is standing at the stairwell looking not too happy at the moment.

Liane Cartman: "ERIC CARTMAN! Do you have any idea what time it is?! This is a SCHOOL NIGHT!"

(Y/N): 'Ohh, right...'

The Coon: "Mom, not now. We're seriously on to something."

Liane Cartman: "You kids all get home NOW or I'm calling your parents!"

When that threat was made, the Coon Friends immediately got off of their chairs and walked up to the stairwell to leave.

(Y/N): 'Don't need to ask me twice!'

Human Kite: "Sorry, Mrs. Cartman! Please don't tell my mom!"

Liane Cartman: "And who is this stripper woman?"

Classi: "These Coon Friends offered me protection."

Liane Cartman: "Well, she's not staying here."

The Coon: "Fine, Fastpass, take her to your house."

Fastpass: "OK."

Fastpass takes Classi and dashes off. The Coon follows his mother out of the Coon Lair, leaving (Y/N) all alone.

(Y/N): 'Well it looks like it's over for now. I should try and get back to my house and sleep. I do feel tired after all what happened today.'

(Y/N) then left the Coon Lair and went his way back to his house. As he opened the door, he saw his dad still sleeping on the couch and walked back upstairs. He then peeked through the keyhole of his parents bedroom and saw his mom slumped on the bed with a wine bottle in her hand.

(Y/N): 'I don't know what's going on with mom and dad, but I'm starting to question if I'm also the one they're behaving like this too. I need to figure this out soon.'

(Y/N) then finally get to his room, get in his pajamas and lay down on his bed to go and call it a day.

A few hours had passed as it was slowly becoming morning, but still a little too early for school to start. (Y/N) was still sleeping in his bed and then all of a sudden a faint voice was heard.

???: '(Y/N)... (Y/N)...'

(Y/N) turned a little from the voice he heard from nowhere while he's still sleeping.

???: '(Y--) ugh, you know what? Screw this. WAKE UP, DUMBASS!'

After that outburst, (Y/N) bolted up on his bed with a gasp looking for wherever the voice he's hearing.

(Y/N): 'W-What the? Where is that coming from?!'

???: 'Right over here, you foul air-head!'

(Y/N) turned over to his side to see a ghost standing next to his bed with his arms crossed. But the ghost looked and sounded exactly like...


(Y/N): 'What the...?'

(Y/N) (Ghost): 'It's about time your stinky ass finally woke up. I was trying to get your attention for 2 hours.'

(Y/N): 'What is going on here?'

(Y/N) (Ghost): 'What's going on is that you have yourself a new mind-mate for now on. And also you need to get up anyway.'

(Y/N): 'How... How can I even see you anyways? And more importantly, why are you even here and look exactly like me too?'

(Y/N) (Ghost): 'I will explain everything later on whenever you have the time. Right now you have other things you need to do now that you're up.'

(Y/N): [Rubs eyes] 'What time is it anyways?'

(Y/N) (Ghost): 'I think it's around 6 AM.'

(Y/N): '(Sigh) Well, I might as well get ready I guess.'

(Y/N) slowly got up off the bed as he started to walk and get ready to go to school.

(Y/N): 'Maybe today will be a bit more interesting after school's done.'

(Y/N) (Ghost): 'Oh it will. I'm sure you'll find it really interesting.'

(Y/N): 'What do you mean by that?'

(Y/N) (Ghost): 'You'll find out sooner or later. I'm gonna be out of your hair for now. Now get going.'

The ghost then started to disappear out of (Y/N)'s sight. He shrugged it off and started to get out of the house and head his way to school.

(Y/N): 'Let's hope today will actually be interesting.'

End of Chapter 7 | Night 1 | Part 2

(Y/N) has gone through Day/Night 1!

(Y/N)'s character sheet (so far):

Level: 4

Gender: Cis Male

Kryptonite: (Determinant)

Power source: Flatulence

Relationship status: Single

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