my alpha crush is my bodyguar...

By aintATp

75.6K 2.8K 239

a #PhayuRain ABO au wherein - Rain Tangwai (o) once again caused ruckus in his P'Pai's bar, making his appa d... More

author's note.
thirteen. 🔞
twenty-two. 🔞
author's note.


3.1K 95 10
By aintATp

Two Days Later | Tangwai's Mansion

Rain's Point of View

'Fuck. My head hurts so much. Just what the hell happe—' I rubbed my head to soothe the dizziness. My eyes widened as I saw the naked back of the person sleeping beside me. Oh no! Did I just sleep with a stranger?! No, no, no! How can I— I froze when a familiar scent hit my nose.

"P'Phayu?!" I yelled, kicking him off of the bed accidentally, waking him up and making him groan in pain.

"Ouch, baby." He got up, making the blanket fall down off his thighs. My eyes widened at the sight in front of me. It's P'Phayu only wearing a boxer! "Are you okay? Does your body hurt?" He asked while rubbing his back.

As soon as he asked that question, I felt my ass sting painfully, making me yelp and tear up. "P-P'Phayu..! What happened.. *sobs* Why does my butt hurt? *cries harder*" I saw panic in his eyes as I cried in pain. He immediately sat beside me and rubbed my back.

"Baby, sorry! I- I couldn't help myself when you were in heat in the past two days. I only wanted to help you and sooth the pain.." He explained, eyes showing worry and concern. I tried getting up on the bed on my own but failed. I cried louder as I fell on my own with my ass and back stinging.

Every single thing that we did slowly came back to me, making me blush. I looked around me as I got reminded of what happened during my heat with P'Phayu.

We did it almost everywhere! I remember doing it on my bed, on the bathtub, in front of my big ass mirror, and in my study desk! 'Oh my God, Rain. You are one wild omega!' I said to myself as I blushed furiously while all of the nasty things that we did came back to me. I'm even naked as of the moment and this alpha doesn't seem to mind!

I yelped when all of a sudden P'Phayu carried me like a child gently, careful not to hurt me more. "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to hurt you." He said, apologetically.

As P'Phayu laid me in the tub, I asked, "P'Phayu? Do they know that I had my heat cycle for days?" I am worried about my studies. I wasn't able to attend classes because of this stupid heat. He smiled at me reassuringly as he helped me fill the tub. "Join me too, Phi. U-uh.. I know you're feeling sticky as well.."

"Okay, sweet boy." He said, going in the bathtub as well. I felt my cheeks heat up because of how he's sat behind me. I can almost feel his little Phayu poking my back. "And yes, baby. Don't worry, I informed Sky beforehand and your Dad as well. I told them that you won't be able to attend your classes this week. Sky also agreed to lend you his notes." I nodded at him.

P'Phayu helped me wash my body and we both had a very much needed relaxing bubble bath. I leaned on his body and closed my eyes, slowly dozing off again with him, kissing me on my forehead.

After almost an hour, I woke up with P'Phayu still on my back. "P'Phayu?" He hummed in response. "I was wondering.. that day.. you know when I went to the mall with Luke?" I asked and I can feel him rolling his eyes at the name. "Well.. how did you find me? All I remember was I was walking behind him and then I felt dizzy all of a sudden. What happened next is still blurry to me."

He softly rubbed my shoulders then answered, "That day, sweet boy.. After I received your text that you will be going to the mall with that je— I mean Luke, I immediately left the garage and made my way to where you are. It's because of the bad feeling that I had. And turns out, I was right. When I got there in the scene, I saw him carrying you and your scent was everywhere. That's when I snatched you from him and drove back home. I was so grateful for my gut feeling as I arrived just on time to save you. If I didn't come sooner, I- I wouldn't know what will happen.." He explained as he hugged me tighter as if he's that scared to lose me.

"Thank you, P'Phayu. Thank you for helping me that day. I.. I am honestly so happy and relieved that I get to spend my heat with you.. and uhm.. my first time as well." I shyly thanked him while I caressed his arms that's wrapped around me.

I felt him kissing my head before replying, "I'm happy as long as you're happy, Rain. Thank you for giving me your trust and for letting me take care of you. I'm glad that I was able to fulfill my duty as your bodyguard and your future boyfriend."

We stayed like this for a while, all cuddled up and relaxed in each other's arms, finding it hard to let go.

A few moments later, I suddenly felt my stomach growl quietly. I turned my head slightly to P'Phayu. "Phi? I'm hungry. Can we get something to eat now?" I said, and as if on cue, my stomach started grumbling. It made him laugh softly.

"Okay, baby. Let's eat whatever you want, hmm?" He said as he stood up and got out of the tub.

I watched as he wrapped a bathrobe on his body before preparing mine. He once again carried me out of the tub with the robe on his hands and sat me on a chair. P'Phayu helped me wrap the robe on my body and headed to my closet to get me clothes.

He helped me dress up like I was a doll who can't move on its own. I stopped him when he was about to pull my bathrobe off. "P-Phi! Uh.. uhm, I can do it by my own now. T-thanks for the help.." I panicked, earning a small smirk from him.

"It's okay, baby. You don't have to be shy with me. I have already seen it all." He replied as he walked towards me before leaning on my ear. "Even that pink, pretty panty of yours." He whispered as I widened my eyes, smacking him with my hands.

"Ai'Phi..! T-That.. Y-You...!" I stuttered as he softly laughed at me again, teasing me. I pouted at him and crossed my arms, sulking.

"You don't have to be ashamed of it, Rain. Do whatever makes you confident and happy. I'm here to support you for everything. Plus, you really look sexy on it, baby." He winked at me, making me smack him more.

He grabbed my arms, still laughing. "Ouch, Nong. It hurts too, you know? Especially that you've been scratching my back for almost two days. Don't open up the wounds." I felt my cheeks heat up again as I grabbed a pillow before throwing it at him.

He laughed at me again before grabbing a paper bag with clothes and entering my walk-in closet. After he closed the door, I let out a silent squeal and slapped both my cheeks with my hands.

"Shit, Rain! You spent your heat with your longtime crush! He even knows that you cross dress now!" I yelled at myself quietly, feeling ashamed of the things that have happened in the past few days.

Before P'Phayu could even finish dressing up, I immediately grabbed my clothes on the table and wore them even though my ass still kinda stings. 'That big alpha! He didn't even have mercy on me!' I pouted in my mind and mentally cursed P'Phayu and his big dick. 'Hehe, but I loved it though. He's even bigger than my dildos! He reached my g-spot easily! Now I'm looking forward to my other heat cycle with him.' I giggled in my mind, unaware of the alpha behind me.

"What are you giggling about, Nong?" He asked, leaning towards the side of the doorframe. 'Wow, he's so damn handsome.' I thought to myself as I fondly looked at the alpha in front of me.

"Thank you for the compliment, baby. Now, you ready to go out?" I blushed. 'Stupid Rain! You mumbled it loudly!' I mentally slapped myself before nodding at his question.

"P'Phayu, carry me again please?" He gave me a small smile before carrying me downstairs.


Third Person's Point of View

It's currently 9am and both alphas of the Tangwai family are having their breakfast on the dining table. The older and the younger alpha quickly turned their attention to the staircase as they heard footsteps going down. The duo's faces immediately lit up as soon as they saw their youngest with his alpha after two days of being locked up in his room due to his heat cycle.

"My Raindrop! Finally! Are you okay now, dear? What do you want, hmm? Tell Appa what you want." Said the oldest as if he's talking to a little child.

Rain just ignored them and hid his face on Phayu's neck. "Baby, your Dad is asking you. And your P'Pai is here too." Phayu said, earning a small whine from Rain. The alpha looked at the older apologetically.

"It's okay, son. Just a little advice, you should get used to it now. Our Raindrop tends to act like a baby after his heat. Everyone here knows it." Explained the other alpha, softly smiling at Phayu.

"You can put him down now, Yu. He's quite heavy." Prapai teased, making his little brother glare at him like a cute, angry kitten.

"I don't want to eat here, P'Phayu." Said the omega lazily to which the alpha obliged quickly and walked away the dining table.

"Oho~ Little Raindrop's got you wrapped up in his fingers now, dude. Good luck!" Prapai teasingly said, earning another glare. This time it's from the long haired alpha. "Chill man, I was just joking. You and your whipped, grumpy ass."

"Shut up, Pai." He hissed at the alpha before turning to Rain's Dad. "And also, Uncle, thank you for letting me stay here for a while. I'll just take Rain outside and eat with him. We'll be back later." Phayu gave the older a small bow before making their way out with the omega still in his arms.

"Haa, I'm so relieved that our Raindrop has a reliable and responsible alpha by his side. If your Ma is here, she'll probably treat him as his own son too." The older alpha smiled sadly as he remembers his late wife.

Prapai looked at his Pa as well, feeling sad that her Ma isn't with them anymore. "You're right, Pa. But we don't want Ma to get upset up there now you know? Now, let's stop the morning drama and eat, hmm?" The younger tried to lighten up the atmosphere around them as they both ate their breakfast peacefully, both yearning for the presence of their loved one.

After leaving the mansion with Phayu's Range Rover, Rain told his alpha that he wanted to eat at the café near the university, as he's craving their carbonara right now. Phayu obliged and made their way to Coffee? Maybe! Café.

As soon as they arrived at the café, Rain quickly ran towards his favorite usual spot with Sky— the seat near the window. Phayu just smiled at the younger's act and followed him.

After they both have settled down, they were given two menus by the waitress. The omega didn't look at the menu since he has already decided even before they left the mansion. Phayu took it as a signal to order and headed to the counter.

The alpha ordered one carbonara and a large-sized iced caramel macchiato for the younger while he got the egg drop sandwich and a medium-sized iced americano for himself. After paying, the alpha made his way back to his seat.

He smiled as he saw Rain looking outside the window, thinking deeply. "Baby, what are you thinking about, hmm?" He asked, fixing Rain's hair from his face.

"Oh, sorry P'Phayu. I'm just hungry hehe." Rain replied, but Phayu knows that the omega's thinking about something.

"Rain.. it's okay. You can tell me." Said Phayu, giving the smaller a reassuring smile.

The omega pouted before sighing. "Well, aside from being hungry.. I was just thinking.. do you not like Luke, P'Phayu?" Asked Rain and Phayu's facial expressions slightly changes. "I knew it. I kept wondering about how you almost called him jerk a while ago when you were telling me what happened. Uh.. are you jealous of Luke, P'Phayu?"

"No, baby. I'm not jealous of that guy. It's just that.. I don't like mean alphas like him." Phayu replied, earning furrowed brows from the younger.

"What do you mean by 'mean', P'Phayu? It's not that I'm doubting you, Phi! It's just that.. ever since I became friends with him, he has always treated me nicely. Yes, he has teased me a lot too but, he never crossed the line. So.. I was wondering.. what made you view him differently? Also, I'm not defending him, Phi! I just want to know the reason why so that I won't misunderstand." Rain smiled at him, slightly worried that his Phi will misunderstand his intentions for asking. 'Haa, my sweet baby.' Phayu smiled at the rambling omega fondly.

"Baby, it's okay. I'm glad that you're asking. Anyway, uh.. do you want me to start from the very beginning or should I just tell you the reason why I kinda hate that new friend of yours?" The alpha asked, earning a thinking look from Rain. 'Cute.'

And before the omega could even decide, Phayu's name was called over the counter to grab their meals. The alpha walked towards their seats and placed the tray down. Phayu handed Rain his carbonara and coffee while he grabbed the food he ordered for himself. He returned the tray to the counter before making his way to his seat.

"Sorry for that baby, you can eat now." The alpha said before taking a bite of his sandwich. "So, where were we again?" He asked, cleaning Rain's lips with a tissue.

"You asked about my answer, Phi. And for that, I'll choose 'from the very beginning'!" Rain replied happily, now feeling refueled after eating a few bites of his food.

Phayu nodded. "Okay, baby. So, it happened in the previous two weeks when you still didn't know about me, being your bodyguard. The day after your Dad told me to be your guard, I skipped work just to watch over you in the university. I remember you being late that day and as you were running, you bumped into a person, which was Luke, right?" He asked, earning an excited nod from Rain.

"After that, I decided to wait and eat here in the café and to my surprise, he and his friends went here as well. They sat on that area and spent their time here. Here's when I decided that he's a total douchebag and that I wouldn't let him near you. I overheard his conversation with his friends and they were talking about a plan, a bad plan about an omega. I'm still not sure who are they talking about but I'm having a gut feeling that it's someone I know. Anyway, they talked about breaking the heart of that omega and that Luke guy called that omega certain names which I would rather not say." Phayu paused when he saw Rain's wide doe eyes.

"W-what..? Luke really said that?" Rain said. The omega couldn't believe his ears, earning a concerned look from Phayu.

"Yes, baby. Are you okay? Do you want me to stop explaining?" Asked the latter but Rain shook his head in response.

Phayu sighed before continuing, "So, yeah.. after that I heard that he also wants to do some nasty things about that person after he accomplishes their plan. His friend was kinda familiar to me as well but I didn't remember where I saw him. Anyway, that familiar guy told your friend that he'll pay him once he gets the job done."

Phayu was startled when Rain clenched his fists and hit their table. "That bad alpha! I knew it! I wouldn't let him close to my friends again, especially Sky and Ple! What if one of them is Luke's target? Grr, that douche!" Rain looked angry at the moment but slightly calmed down when the alpha caressed his fists.

"Calm down, baby. Don't worry, I'm here. I'll protect you guys, hmm?" Phayu said reassuringly, smiling at the omega.

Rain pouted as he looked back at Phayu. "I'm sorry, P'Phayu! I don't remember if I already told you about Luke being my new friend but it probably always slipped my mind, so I wasn't able to tell you. Worry not, Phi! Next week, when I see him, I'll tell him that I don't want to be his friend anymore." The omega said, making the alpha chuckle lightly.

"Okay, baby. Tell me if he does anything to hurt you, okay? I'm only one call away, Rain. You know that." The older said, cupping the younger's cheeks as he blushed.

"Yes, P'Phayu! Haa, I'm grateful for myself for accepting your courting proposal! Hehe, I've got myself a nice suitor." Rain said, purring on Phayu's hands. The alpha laughed fondly at his words and wasn't able to stop himself from squishing the omega's cheeks.

"My cute and innocent baby. You're so cute! So adorable! What do you want to do next, hmm? Tell daddy." Phayu said, making the omega blush furiously at the pet name.

"Ai'P'Phayu! Don't say that here! Others might hear you! It's embarrassing.." The omega shyly said while pouting at the older.

"Hmm? But why though? You were calling me that a few days ago, didn't you baby girl?" The pet name made Rain hide behind his face. Both his cheeks and ears were red because of the embarrassment. He's now rethinking his life decisions due to their intimate nights together.

Phayu laughed softly at his omega. "Don't cover your pretty face, Nong. Sorry, sorry. I just wanted to tease you." Rain huffed and rolled his eyes at Phayu. "Forgive Phi naaa~? If you do, I'll take you to the arcade!" Rain turned his head towards Phayu quickly with sparkling eyes. 'Haa, he's really weak for arcade games.' The alpha thought while sipping his black americano.

"Really? Then let's go! Let's go!" Rain stood up off his seat like his bum wasn't hurting a while ago. He excitedly tugged Phayu's hands and before they could even get out of the shop, the alpha grabbed both their coffees and left.

Both were happy and excited to go to the arcade. Their day went as planned and Rain couldn't ask for more. For him, everything he does with Phayu is always the best, no matter how simple or fancy their date is. He's just happy that he has the best alpha by his side.


As they say, all happiness comes with sorrow.. right?

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