Egoist (Blue Lock x Male Read...


280K 11.5K 4.7K

A flawless diamond is what they called him. A midfielder who held the ability to pull falling teams together... More

Miracle Slayer
what the fuck


7.7K 370 65

The screen made a strange glitching noise before a figure appeared, this time clearer to the human eye.

"Alright, that's enough you unpolished gems. Any further violence and I'll have you forcibly ejected. And.. I'd say none of you have time worrying about some dropouts, because your soccer lives are on the very verge of being trashed and disappearing into oblivion alongside blue lock." The Ego through the screen stated rather calmly, and a few people around the room perked up while you inwardly laughed.

'Kehehe, looks like this wack project is finally going bankrupt.' 

"Ahh, but before that, anyways, good work. Your defeat in the match against the world's select was an invaluable experience, was it not? I'll save the explanation for another day. Following up in the third selection, after the language studies, umm.. well, some things came up.. i'd originally planned on whittling down the group until only five of you remained.. but there's been a change of plans." Ego started before raising his finger, a hologram of the blue lock building appearing out of thin air.

"It seems that the overlords of the Japanese soccer world have made up their minds to stamp out blue lock as soon as possible, which is why i've fired back at them with a challenge. So, your next selection will be in three weeks. It'll be a match with the continued existence of blue lock at stake.." And soon, Ego leaned back in his chair, more holograms appearing behind him.

The Japan national U-20 team VS blue lock select 11-member team, special send off match.

"If you win this game, blue lock will hijack the Japanese national U-20 team."

"Hijack the Japanese national U-20 team..?" A guy with black and white hair tied up into a bun muttered, staring at Ego confused.

"I'm surprised they even excepted those conditions.."

"Well, that's because they don't think there's a chance they'll lose. Their opponent's a ragtag team of high schoolers, after all, and with every single member being a forward, they were snickering away while signing their agreement to the game.

'Well yeah, no wonder..'

"Their goal is to terminate the blue lock project, and to make a ton of money off the potential crowds who'll be buzzing about a national rep match. By defeating us and making laughingstocks of us.. they'll use us as an example of failed nurturing, to sear into the history of Japanese soccer." Ego crushed the hologram dancing above his palm.

"So, hearing this thus far, tell me, how do you feel? Do you resent their contempt? Did you flare up with the desire to put them in their place?" Said the man, his tone firm.

The rest of the strikers standing in the room sweat dropped, some shocked while others were simply just confused.

"As for me, coming from a level-headed and realistic stand point, I say this with absolute certainty. The way you are now, you can overturn the world of Japanese soccer." And at this, Isagi let out a gasp.

"But well, with that said, out opponents are also using every card in their hand to ensure victory. The current Japanese national U-20 team you will be facing, will be adding one member to their roster.." Ego's fingers did a little twirl in the air and more holograms appeared above his head.

A visual of Itoshi Sae popped up. He had all of his 'stats' circling around him while other people in the rooms eyes widened at the face of the soccer prodigy, and Isagi cast a brief glance to his teammate, who happened to share the same last name with Sae.

Your mouth opened into a circle though your eyes remained calm upon seeing the familiar figure in front of you.

"Now, the time has come to stake everything that you've got. Through your experience here, you have realised your Egos, and acquired your weapons and chemical reactions. For the 35 of you who have experiences what it means to face the world's best, a position on Japans national U-20 team is not a pipe dream. It is a reality that can be grasped by simply reaching out for it." And from behind you, you could basically hear Ryusei's smirk.

"Let's go, you unpolished gems. The ones to change this era will be blue lock."


"The match will take place in three weeks. Led by Itoshi Sae, Japan's U-20 national team VS blue lock's eleven. Victory will grant you a position on the U-20 national team, and defeat will mean the utter dissolution of blue lock. Let's go, you unpolished gems. The ones to change the face of Japanese soccer will be blue lock."

"..Don't tell me, you're gonna have some of us play as midfielders and defenders?"

"Yeah, of course." Ego replied matter of-factly, tone almost sassy. "And a goal keeper too. Other than the forwards, we'll have to rush to patch together a team."

"That's.. just too much! Our opponents will have actual defenders and stuff, right?" Some jittery guy said, fear lacing his voice while another guy with long, dark brown hair started to speak. "this predicament.. I do not hate such development." 

Everyone was soon cut off when Ego began to speak again, this time his voice seemed a lot less versatile and more aggressive. "Shut up. Watch your tongues. I'm not a goddamn moron.." He snarled. "The formation of the blue lock team will centre around the following six whose names I will now call out."

"Given your overall evaluations as on this moment, theses individuals rank as the 'top 6.' With the goal of putting together a team in just three short weeks, this method will be our best shot. those who are called, step forward." Ego finished, the screen switching from his face to a chibi of a different player.

The screen had two words, a ranking and a chibi version of a player on it.

"First, as the overall no. 1.. Itoshi Rin." Ego said, and Rin stepped out with a blank look on his face. He was unfazed.

"Moving on, no. 2.. Shidou Ryusei."

"There it is. Bada bing." Ryusei sing-songed, stepping forward with a knowing grin on his face, hands tucked into the pockets of his uniform shorts. 

"Huh?! You're actually that good?! I just thought you were bad news.." Igaguri muttered in surprise while you inwardly face-palmed.

'He carried you through every match in the second selection.. you literally watched him beat your team in less than 5 minutes not even an hour ago, dipshit.' 

"So, that dude's no. 1, huh?" Ryusei simply stated, and Rin only cast the man a glance before looking away again.

"Alright, next. No. 3, Karasu Tabito."

"Someone gets it." Karasu smirked.

"No. 4, Otoya Eita."


"No. 5, Yukimiya Kenyu."

"Yes, sir. It's an honour." 

"Lastly, No. 6 is Nagi Seishiro." 

"Huh.." Nagi simply repeated, eyes dead calm. You recognised him as the guy who was death staring you while talking to Reo, and the guy who Reo seemed to be dreaming about, given the amount of times you heard the name 'Nagi' slip under the purple-haired mans lips while he slept.

Soon, you plopped to the ground. Hazily looking at the screen, eyes drifting shut every now and then as people asked more questions, to which Ego answered.

A little while later, Ego began to explain the next selection. 

"First, the top 6 will seperate into pairs in descending order. Next, the remaining 29 players will decide at their own discretion which team they want to join. They will be added to their chosen team in randomised groups of three, to make a complete team of 5. Then, each of these teams will have the chance to play in one game against another 5 VS 5 style." Ego said.

"Well, as a formality," He pointed up, "Members of the top 6 will be playing in multiple games, but the remaining 29 will have just the one chance to play. This is the final selection."

Ego continued to explain how there would be 1 team with a missing member, so then the runner up, Bachira Meguru, would have the chance to play in two matches.

This was the final selection.


not beta read as always

not me ending this off in the strangest way possible bc im too lazy to write anymore...

haii, tysm for 60k reads mwah ily guys

but super duper important question for the U-20 match,,

obviously, all characters that score have their little moments,, but I don't wanna have m/n sitting on the bench cuz that would be boring as hell, soo, out of nagi, rin, barou and isagi, who's goal are we replacing (if yall want m/n to score, if not then thats fine too) AND out of the blue lock 11 team (gagamaru, aryu, niko, chigiri, bachira, isagi, barou, reo and hiori), who are we gonna replace ?? (not including anyone in the top 6 (rin, shidou, karasu, otoya, yukimiya, nagi) cuz that would ruin plot)


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