Angel of destiny|| d.belikov

By purple2495

17.9K 670 107

Katherine Hathaway thought her life would always be the same, if only she knew how wrong she was. More

Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20

Chapter 8

848 33 6
By purple2495

Watching Katherine run away made Mikhail angrier than he ever had been. As he looked around he noticed all the novices now staring at Rose and Janine, everyone now seeing how rude they had both been to someone the two women were supposed to care for.

However before mikhail could step forward, Alberta did.

"How dare you" she snarled as she looked at Janine "Some guardian you are if your willing to ignore medical advise what else are you willing to ignore, she was under struck instructions to not push herself, so help me god Janine if she had ripped any of her stitches I will throw you around this campus like a rag doll" she snarled

"I am her mother I know what I'd best for her" Janine spat

Alberta scoffed "you dumped her here, making her look after her sister after you tore them away for their family, after you pushed them away. She is not your daughter" she snarled "she is mine" she growled and walked away quickly

Mikhail stood still for a moment before he looked at Janine "that girl has been selfless her entire life, every moment of her time here has been spent protecting rose and Lissa, making sure that they always got what they wanted. She would trade some of us for money so she could buy Christmas and Birthday presents for them, all while she got none" he sighed before he looked Janine in the eyes "every year she was more of a mother to rose than you were to her, every year Katherine did absolutely everything in her power to make sure Rose never felt as sad and alone as she felt. And now she has almost given her life for Rose and Lissa, when does it became enough. When does she get to be selfish and get taken care of instead of taking care of people" he asked

Janine looked at him "it is her duty to protect a moroi" she mumbled

"Hopefully she will change that, we shouldn't have to give our lives for anything. She shouldn't give her life for anything" he muttered before he looked at rose who had tears in her eyes "your sister is the most incredible woman I know and since you returned you've been nice to her a hand full of times. I do not know why you hate her but for some reason she still lets you in, hurt hee rose and I swear the rest of you time here will be miserable, I will keep you away from Lissa" he snarled before he walked away

The surrounding guardians and students looked at the Scene in shock, never had any of them seen Alberta or Mikhail talk to anyone like that. But what everyone at that academy knew was that what both of them said was true, Katherine was always selfless and now they all understood just how much she had risked to help save Lissa and rose that night.

Katherine has managed to walk all the way to the gym before she collapsed on the ground, her legs giving way. She expected this, she expected Janine to do this the moment she saw her, she expected to collapse after it but she did expected to tell almost the entire academy how she was hurt, she didn't expect the pity in Janines eyes and she definitely didn't expect two arms wrapping around her holding her tightly as she cried. His scent filled her nose, she always knew when he was around, he smelled of leather, books and snow. Dimitri the man that had showed her so much care and compassion since they met that sometimes she didn't know how to thank him for being there for her.

As Dimitri walked into the gym he has locked the door before he stood and just watched Katherine for a moment, for a few minutes she just stood there, she looked hallow, but the second her knees buckle he ran to her quickly and held her into his chest. His heart broke has her sobs. The sobs of pain, not only for her back but also for everything she had been through that had been bottled up for so long.

As she cried he could do nothing but hold her and comfort her, since he came to this academy she was all he thought about, every second of every day he wanted to know if she was okay, every moment he felt a pull to her, a tug to be near her, to protect her to love her. To love her. That was new to him, he had never loved anyone that wasn't his family before but with Katherine, his Katerina he knew that this is just where he needed to be.

After awhile she slowly looked up, her face stained with tears and yet to him she was still the most beautiful woman he had ever met.

"Oh Katerina" he whispered as he wiped her tears "my darling, why would you give in to her, I have no doubt that your in so much pain now" he whispered softly

Kat sighed "I had to do it" she muttered "I had to show her she had no hold over me, that I am more than capable without her" she whispered

"No one is doubting that Katerina" he muttered his accent suddenly thicker "you are far stronger than most seasoned guardians, infact, in that battle you flew, it was like you were no longer a dhampir, you looked like something else entirely it was beautiful" he whispered softly

She laid her head on his chest and listened to him talk, it was amazing how quickly he could calm her. She felt safe with him, she didn't flinch when his fingers ran over her wounds to make sure none of them ripped. At some point during their friendship she had given him her full trust, something she didn't give so easily.

"And yet I'm still just a dhampir" she muttered as she relaxed into him

"We never know what could be out there" he chuckled as he looked down her at her, he was serious, when she was fighting it was like she turned into something else entirely.

For the first time in a long time she let out a laugh, one filled with so much happiness that it shocked her "there are humans, dhampir, moroi and stragoi" she smiled "my mother is a dhampir and my father was a moroi, I am nothing else" she smiled a little

he looked down at her "did you ever try and find your father after you were left here" he asked

She shook her head "I couldn't remember his name, I only ever remember calling him baba" she smiled a little "I'm not sure what that means"

"It's dad in Turkish" he muttered

"Hmm maybe I'm partly Turkish then" she smirked "I remember his smile, I remember how he used to take me for ice cream every night when I was sad, and then when rose was born it was like we were his everything" she whispered

Dimitri looked at her and smiled "tell me more darling" he whispered seeing the happiness on her face as she spoke about her father

"I remember he always used to wear these silly outfits, they were always so very bright but I always knew it was baba wearing them" she smiled a little

Slowly she laid her head back on him, having had enough of talking for a little while, her mind no longer racing as she leaned into him.

Just as hers stopped his began to race, he knew a man who worse bright suits, he knew one that was Turkish. But that man couldn't be her father. He would have to ask Alberta if she knew who her father was.

But as he sat there his mind raced faster, a child of a moroi and dhampir was over cast aside by their father as they always ended being born a dhampir, however as he looked at the woman in his arms he couldn't help but think that some time during her life she had either changed or evolved. Or that car accident surely had changed a lot, because as he watched her fight Janine, for a split second he watched her eyes turn complexly black. He didn't know what she was, but he knew he definitely wasn't running.

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