The Doctor's Baby

By sunflowersatdusk

112K 2.8K 331

We all have Doctor fantasies but what happens when you work in the same hospital and end up having a steamy s... More

Art By Readers ๐Ÿคโœจ


10.3K 282 11
By sunflowersatdusk

Skye's first day at the bustling city hospital unfolded like a whirlwind. Her heart raced with a blend of excitement and nerves as she stepped through the towering glass doors of the lobby. This was her dream job, a step into a world she had longed to join. As a new nurse, she was determined to make a lasting impression, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Wandering through the maze of hallways, Skye's thoughts were interrupted by the approach of a tall figure. He was a vision of stern professionalism, his dark brown hair almost black, contrasting sharply with piercing blue eyes. His chiseled jawline and broad shoulders exuded a commanding presence. But as he neared, his expression seemed aloof, his gaze barely grazing her.

Skye, not one to shy away, cleared her throat. "Excuse me, could you direct me to the nurse's station?" she asked, her voice steady despite her rising unease.

The doctor surveyed her with an almost calculating gaze. "Yes, I know where it is," he replied, his voice laced with a hint of impatience. "Come with me."

As they navigated the corridors, a tense silence hung between them. Skye tried to initiate conversation, her words met with monosyllabic responses or indifferent shrugs. His aloofness irked her, but she masked her irritation with a practiced smile.

Upon reaching the nurse's station, he gestured dismissively. "There you go. I must leave," he said, turning on his heel without another word, leaving Skye in a swirl of confusion and frustration.

Her first day was a blur of faces and tasks, yet her thoughts often drifted back to the mysterious doctor. His presence seemed to loom around every corner, his critiques on her work sharp and unyielding.

Exhausted, Skye stepped out into the cool evening, eager to escape the day's pressures. Her path intersected once more with the doctor's. Bracing for another curt exchange, she was taken aback when he paused, his demeanor softening.

"Hey, I might have been harsh earlier. I'm Christopher," he said, extending a hand in an uncharacteristic gesture of peace.

Skye's wariness battled with her surprise. She shook his hand, introducing herself with cautious politeness.

Christopher's smile was faint but genuine. "I can be rough around the edges," he admitted. "I hope we can start anew. It's crucial we work in harmony."

Skye weighed his words, her skepticism mingling with a reluctant curiosity. "Alright, I'm open to a fresh start," she replied, a tentative smile touching her lips.

Christopher nodded, a hint of relief in his eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow, then."

Watching him stride away, Skye's mind raced with questions. Christopher was an enigma, one she hadn't expected to encounter. But perhaps, just perhaps, this unexpected olive branch could be the start of something new in the challenging world of the hospital.

Skye's arrival at her cozy apartment felt like a haven after the whirlwind of her first day at the hospital. The familiar scent of home greeted her as she pushed the door open, her shoulders relaxing almost instantly. Alyx, her best friend and roommate, was already there, immersed in her latest video game. Her fingers danced across the controller, her concentration broken only by Skye's entrance.

Alyx, a vibrant and gorgeous Latina with a passion for gaming that matched her dedication to her job as a grocery store manager, glanced up with a smile. "Hey, you're back! How was the big first day?" she asked, pausing her game.

Skye sighed and kicked off her shoes. "Let's just say it was... interesting," she replied, heading to the kitchen. Tonight was her turn to cook, and she had decided on something comforting yet simple – spaghetti carbonara. She began boiling water for the pasta, the clatter of pots and pans filling the room.

Alyx followed her into the kitchen, leaning against the counter. "Spill the details," she urged, her curiosity evident.

As Skye chopped bacon and grated cheese, she recounted her day, emphasizing the 'friendliness' of her colleagues, especially the old lady receptionist who had given her a less than warm welcome. Alyx listened, her eyes widening with each tale.

"And then there's Dr. Christopher," Skye continued, stirring the pasta into the boiling water. "He's... complicated."

Alyx raised an eyebrow. "Complicated, huh? Sounds like hospital drama."

Skye laughed. "You could say that. Anyway, what about you? How was your day at the store?"

Alyx's expression shifted to one of amused exasperation. "Oh, I had a classic Karen encounter today. She demanded a refund for a half-eaten cake, claiming it was 'stale.' When I explained our policy, she threw a fit, called me incompetent, and demanded to speak to the manager. The look on her face when I said, 'I am the manager,' was priceless."

Both women burst into laughter, the tension of the day melting away.

As Skye served the carbonara, garnishing it with a sprinkle of parsley, they moved to the dining table. The conversation drifted to their college days, reminiscing about the shared adventures and the eccentric professor who seemed to charm everyone.

"Do you remember Professor Henderson?" Alyx asked between mouthfuls. "Every girl in our class was smitten with him."

Skye chuckled. "How could I forget? His lectures on literature were more like performances. Even I had a bit of a crush."

Alyx's eyes sparkled with mischievous glee as she scrolled through her phone. "Oh, you won't believe this," she said, her voice tinged with astonishment and a hint of scandal. "Guess who Professor Henderson married?"

Skye, who was sipping her wine, raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

"One of his students!" Alyx exclaimed, showing Skye the Facebook post.

Skye nearly choked on her wine, her eyes widening as she set the glass down with a thud. "You're kidding!" she gasped, her mouth dropping open in disbelief.

Alyx nodded vigorously, her lips curling into a smirk. "Nope, totally serious. It's all over Facebook. They got married last weekend. Can you believe it? Mr. Charming Literature Professor and a former student."

Skye leaned in to look at Alyx's phone, her mind reeling with shock and a twinge of amusement. "Wow, that's... I mean, it's kind of wild, isn't it? He was always so charismatic, but I never would've thought he'd end up with a student."

Alyx scrolled through the comments, her eyes scanning the mix of congratulatory messages and shocked responses. "Yeah, it's definitely causing a stir. People are freaking out."

Skye shook her head, a bemused smile playing on her lips. "I guess love really does work in mysterious ways. But, wow, that's a plot twist I didn't see coming."

The two friends continued to pore over the post, their conversation turning into a lively discussion about the ethics of student-teacher relationships, the power dynamics involved, and the gossip that often surrounded such unconventional romances. It was a juicy piece of news that added an unexpected flavor to their evening, the kind of revelation that reminded them of the unpredictable nature of life and love.

They spent the evening exchanging stories and laughter, the warmth of their friendship enveloping the room. The comfort of their shared apartment, the delicious simplicity of the meal, and the ease of their conversation – all of it formed a perfect counterbalance to the challenges of their respective careers.

As the night drew to a close, Skye felt a renewed sense of optimism. Despite the hurdles at the hospital, she had Alyx and a home where she could always find solace. The complexities of her job, the enigmatic Dr. Christopher, and the bustling life of the city – all seemed manageable with Alyx by her side. 

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