The Little Girl goes to Camp...

By Dolphinheart99

19.2K 310 89

Jurassic World's brand-new adventure camp called Camp Cretaceous has finally arrived. A fun place to do amazi... More

Characters Info
Camp Cretaceous
Scavenger Hunt Gone Wrong
Activities and Suspicion
The Cattle Drive
Secrets and Truths
The Truth Revealed
Where Evil Lurks
A Picnic with the Hybrids
A Trip Gone Wrong
Mystery Island I
Mystery Island II
Terror of the Night
The Calvary has Arrived
Chaos on the Island
Once Fallen Shall Rise Again
Good Shall Rise but Evil Still Lurks

Meeting the Campers

1.4K 20 2
By Dolphinheart99

It was a beautiful day in Jurassic World, all the tourists were bustling about, enjoying the rides, and seeing live dinosaurs up close. Security was making sure no one goes beyond the borders of Jurassic World since there are limits to the area. Owen was taking Val and Celestia to camp with Barry and Kendall following. Their friends have left yesterday to their plans. Quinn and Damien went off to Tech Camp, Gem went to California to train with her swim team, while Aggie is at Jurassic World's laboratory with her uncle, studying prehistoric Marine life together. Anyways, at the ferry terminal, where one of the camp counselors, Dave, is meeting with the campers that arrive at Jurassic World to go to Camp Cretaceous.

There are six campers at the terminal. Three girls and three boys. First up was Brooklynn, an internet star and influencer, her hair is dyed pink with two long bangs on both sides, and a small ponytail in the back, neon green eyes, and freckles. She wears a pink jacket that has black and white on the collar with a red tank top underneath. Dark blue jeans with several small tears and white shoes and wears a black band on her right wrist. And always have her phone with her.

Next was another girl named Yasmina Fadoula or Yaz for short. She has brown eyes and dark brown hair that is tied up to a long ponytail. Wears a warm gray and gray jacket and jeans, and has white socks, gray and purple running shoes.

The next girl is Sammy Gutierrez, a girl born in Texas, has brown eyes and black curly brushed hair with a single bang on the left side above her left eyebrow. Wears a dark pink hairband. And black leather jacket, dark blue jeans, and light brown boots.

Next are the boys, first up was Ben Pincus, fourteen-year-old male with auburn hair and gray eyes, wears a light green hoodie jacket with a blue polo under it, and light brown shorts and boots. He's a wimpy kid and has many fears, and always has a belt pouch with items that he needs. 

Then there's Hudson Harper, a young boy the same age as Val and Celestia, and a Golden Platinum Triple-Five Black-Diamond Annual VIP guest pass holder. He has mocha skin, brown eyes, dark hair, and has freckles on his face. He wears a red hoodie jacket with a Jurassic World T-Shirt underneath it, blue pants, and sneakers.

And of course, Darius Bowman. He was very excited to be here for the first time. He can't wait to see the dinosaurs up close! Finishing that game was worth it. His dream is finally coming true. Soon, Darius calms himself down when Dave comes over.

"Welcome to Isla Nublar, campers. You are the chosen few, the first kids in the entire world to ever experience the awesomeness that is Camp Cretaceous. I know, the trip from the mainland was rough on some." Dave looks over to Ben, who is puking at the edge of the terminal, "Hello, Ben." Dave greeted Ben, who responded by turning with a thumbs up before returning back to vomiting, "But you made it! I'm Dave, head counselor. You heard that correctly, head honcho, big shot."

As Dave boasted about himself, he failed to realize that Roxie was coming. A jeep came zooming and parked nearby. All heads were facing it and they saw Roxie coming out. 

She gave everyone a kind and yet apologetic smile, "Ah, so sorry I'm late." She apologized as she came over to Dave. "Welcome, campers! I'm Roxie, head counselor of Camp Cretaceous."

"Wait, you're the head counselor?" Hudson asked Roxie, who nodded her head, before looking at Dave, "Then why did he say that he's the head counselor?"

Dave became embarrassed as all eyes were on him, including Roxie, "Well, it's sort of a co-head counselor sort of situation." He said, trying to make an excuse and an explanation.

"Is it?" Roxie asked, giving him a look of amusement.

Quickly clearing his throat, Dave decided to change the subject, "Anyways, some of you won a contest to be here, some of you had VIP invites, but for the next two weeks, all of you will be getting the five-star treatment!" Dave explains to the campers, making them excited. Brooklynn recorded everything, adding the campers, except Yaz, who was trying to avoid being in camera.

"As our first campers, we've lined up exclusive behind-the-scenes tours of Jurassic World." Roxie added, amused on how the kids were getting excited.

"Ooh!" Sammy squeals excitingly.

"Yes!" Darius silently cheers happily.

Roxie listed out the fun activities for the next two weeks, "As well as kayaking, rock climbing, obstacle courses, and of course..."

"DINOSAURS!?" Darius suddenly exclaims in excitement, cutting Roxie off, and earning looks of confusion and amusement from his fellow campers. Darius stayed silent, embarrassed at his sudden excited outburst. However, Roxie didn't mind his enthusiasm. She finds it quite amusing.

"Yes..." Roxie said before looking at her clipboard to find his name, "...Darius, plenty of dinosaurs. So, ready for an adventure?"

"Absolutely!" Brooklynn said, recording the whole thing, "But I'm gonna need that speech a little shorter, and really try to lean into the majesty of this place." She ordered, getting a look from Roxie.

"Okay, we're going now. Let's get the ten of you to camp!" Dave said to them.

Just then, Ben raises his hand, "Uh...there are six of us." He stated, looking over the campers.

"Yeah." Hudson agrees with Ben.

"Wait..." Dave looks at the present campers, "Dino-kid, Track-Star, Internet Girl, Barfy, Texas, VIP Pass Kid...he's right. Where're seven, eight, nine, and ten?" Dave asked Roxie.

Roxie looks at her clipboard of the list of campers, " it is, the three girls will be arriving at the campground by their guardians who happened to work here and lastly...augh." She suddenly groans as he finds out who was the last camper missing.


At a landing platform, a helicopter was landing. They all shielded their eyes when the propellers of the helicopter blew some dust at them. A man came over to the door and opened it, revealing a teenage male that was a few years older than them, wearing pinkish polo-shirt, light brown shorts, sunglasses, and sandals. It is revealed to be Kenji Kon, the VIP, and the son of Masrani's friend, a rich businessman. 

The helicopter lifts off, Kenji walks over to them casually, with his duffle bag on his shoulder.

"Greetings, my dudes. Kenji is here, so let the party commence!" Kenji boasted, coming down the platform.

Roxie watches the helicopter leaves, shielding her eyes a bit, blowing some of her hair strands off her face. Annoyed that she has to take care of the spoiled rich boy. Speaking of the devil, Kenji came over to her and tossed his bag at her, which she caught with ease.

"Put this in my room." Kenji said casually as he walked over to the other campers, who were staring at him with unsureness, as he lowered his sunglasses, so his eyes could look at Darius. "So, what's your deal?"

Suddenly, Roxie tosses his bag from behind, causing Kenji to yelp in pain and fall to the ground. Surprising everyone while Brooklynn records this on her phone. Dusting her hands, Roxie walks over to the group and gestures to them to follow her.

"Okay, Let's go!" Roxie said to them.

Everyone went to the jeep in excitement, minus Ben. Yasmin hops on the jeep with no problem while the rest gets on. Brooklynn took a quick selfie while Roxie got on the wheel. Dave was drumming through the jeep before getting on. When everyone was seated, the two counselors put on their seatbelts. The kids should've put their seatbelts on as they soon realize how fast Roxie was when driving. They almost fell off their seats as Roxie drove the car fast and on a bumpy road. Darius quickly puts on the seatbelt, followed by the others.

"I hope you got my mom's note. I don't do well on windy roads." Ben reminds the camp counselors, as Roxie continues driving through the road of Isla Nublar's jungle.

Meanwhile, Brooklynn was recording on her phone, so she could show her viewers from social media about Jurassic World, "What's good, Brooklanders? It's the girl Brooklynn coming at you from the best place ever: Camp Cretaceous. Like and subscribe to join me as I unbox Jurassic World!" She then looks at the rest of the campers. "Okay, I need you all to say who you are and a little bit about yourself. And...action!" She began recording everyone, starting with Darius.

The dino-nerd was surprised and quickly introduced himself, Oh! Um...I beat this awesome VR dinosaur game." He said before waving at the phone, "I'm Darius, by the-"

Darius was cut off by Sammy, who was looking at Brooklynn in excitement, "I'm sorry. I just can't're Brooklynn!" She outstretched her hand and Brooklynn shook it, "Sammy Gutierrez, total Brooklander! Kapow!" Sammy then imitates gunfire, which earned a look of disturbance from Yaz. "Oh, also, my family supplies all the beef for the park, and that's how I got here."

"Great to meet you, Sammy." Brooklynn said to Sammy with a small smile.

Darius, who was confused by this, asked Brooklynn, "Um...what's a Brooklander?"

"Oh, that's just what my online followers call themselves." Brooklynn said casually.

"Uh, all 27 million of us." Sammy corrected, referring to the many followers Brooklynn has, before imitating gunfire.

Looking at Brooklynn with wide eyes, Kenji placed a shocked hand on a confused Darius, who looked at him with a smile. Knowing very well that Kenji has a crush on her now. Hudson was in amazement, not knowing that he was with an internet superstar. This is gonna be the most awesome trip ever!

"Yep, that's why she's the only one who gets to keep her cell phone." Yaz said in a sarcastic tone, "She's famous."

"Awesome!" Hudson cheered in amazement, earning a smile from Brooklynn.

"Hold on." Kenji looks at Brooklynn flirtingly, "Rich and famous? Oh, meant to be." He then takes Brooklynn's phone, much to her annoyance and surprise, as Kenji did a selfie with her.

Meanwhile, Ben was vomiting at the edge of the jeep while Sammy and Hudson, moved away a bit, preventing themselves from getting vomit from Ben. This clearly shows that Ben may have motion sickness. Everyone was disgusted by this. Not too comfortable if someone pukes their lunch at them.

"Ummm...are you okay?" Hudson asked in concern, watching Ben lifting his head weakly.

"I'" Ben cuts himself off as he pukes again while Brooklynn takes her phone back from Kenji.

Just then, something runs past them from the road, forcing Roxie to hit the brakes. The campers all yelped or grunted by this. They were lucky to wear their seatbelts or else they would've fallen off. As they recovered, both Roxie and Dave looked at each other, knowing very well what's going on, and quickly got out of the jeep, to check on the source.

"Um...Dave, what's going on?" Ben asked nervously, holding his stomach.

"Yeah, why'd we stop?" Hudson asked.

"Nothing you need to worry about." Dave assures them before he and Roxie bring out their Telescopic Shock Prods, activating them as they create electric crackles, "But you should all definitely stay in your seats." He instructed as he and Roxie closed the doors of the jeep.

Ben whimpers in fear as he turns away. "Oh, God..."

"Cool!" Hudson and the rest of the campers came to the edge of the jeep to see what dinosaurs got out, especially Darius. He wants to see a dinosaur up close, and Brooke was recording it in excitement.

Roxie and Dave cautiously made their way through the jungle, searching for the dinosaur that got out. The campers watched excitedly to see what dinosaur was out there. Well, except for Ben, he was whimpering in fear, not wanting to see what scary dinosaur is out there. Then suddenly, Darius heard something from the undergrowth, causing him to turn around in surprise and nervousness. The rustling continued and Darius became scared.

"Guys?" Darius tried to call out the others, but they were too busy looking at Roxie and Dave while Ben was busy breathing. "Guys?"

Then, out of nowhere, a figure jumped out from the undergrowth with a loud shriek, causing Darius to scream in fear and getting the others' attention. Yaz, Sammy (who picked up Hudson), and Kenji quickly moved out of the way while Brooklynn and Ben jumped off the jeep to avoid the attack. But then, something grabbed the small figure before it could reach Darius, who fell on his back in the process. They looked up to see a man with black hair and green eyes, wearing a black tight, mock neck with short sleeves (revealing his muscles), brown combat pants, and black boots. And on his belt was a gun attached to a holster. The mysterious man has the figure in a blanket, holding it tightly as it struggles to break free. And that man is nonother than Marco Kingbird, Jurassic World's new head of security.

(Found this pic from the internet)

"Augh! Holds still, you little bastard!" Marco swears, holding the creature in the blanket.

"Wow..." Hudson and Darius said in unison, looking at Marco in awe while Brooklynn recorded him. Sammy was carrying Hudson protectively, big sister instincts kicking in, and made sure to keep him safe while Kenji was hiding behind Yaz in shock and fear at the creature in the blanket.

Marco, who was holding the struggling creature in the blanket, looked at the kids with concern, "You kids okay?" He asked them if any of them were injured.

"Y-Yes, sir. We're good." Darius answered as he got up from the floor.

"Mr. Kingbird!" Roxie called out as she and Dave ran over to him, "Nice catch."

"Thanks, these little ankle biters always get out of their enclosures." Marco said before looking at the kids with an apologetic look, "Sorry about the scare, kids. Had to jump in the way while it was distracted."

" worries. Mr. Kingbird, right?" Darius asked the man.

Marco nodded and replied casually, "Marco, Marco Kingbird." He then looks at Roxie. "Do you guys have a carrier t in here?"

"We do, just in case crises like that happen." Roxie said as she went to the back of the jeep to grab a pet carrier. She opens the cage and allows Marco to put the small dinosaur inside, which is revealed to be a Compsognathus. 

Both Darius and Hudson gasped in astonishment. Darius was amazed to see his first dinosaur up close!

"Cool!" Hudson said, still in the arms of Sammy.

"A real live Compsognathus!" Darius exclaimed in excitement.

"First time seeing a dinosaur?" Marco asked Darius, who nodded excitingly.

"Oh, please." Kenji scoffs as he goes back to his seat. "It took a blanket and a cat carrier to catch it. Boring."

"On its own, maybe, but if it has its pack, you better start running." Marco said in a warning tone, causing Kenji to look at him with somewhat fear, "Compsognathus are pack hunters, they have a unique way to kill their prey that are larger than them. So, if you ever find yourself lost or injured and there's a single Compy with you, and too late to realize that it was a scout that you confronted. And soon you become the potential prey as it will signal the rest of the pack, and they will come running and overwhelming their victim like a swarm of ants."

Kenji's eyes widened in shock and fear from this information along with the others. Well, Darius was fascinated by this information, thinking that Marco is some kind of dino expert. Roxie shook her head at Marco, knowing very well that he's warning them not to mess around during their stay in the park.

"So, please, don't try and mess around the park, because this park will mess with you if you're not careful." Marco warns them, earning a fearful gulp from Kenji.

"Okay, that's enough, Marco. We'll make sure the campers don't try to do anything foolish." Roxie assures him.

"They better, otherwise. I will have no choice but to lock them at the holding facility." Marco said.

"You-you will?" Ben asked fearfully.

Marco made a serious look for a while before a small playful smile appeared, "I'm just messing with you. But seriously, don't try any dangerous stunts around here, got that?"

"Yes, sir." Kenji said fearfully.

"We promise." Darius also added in a scared tone.

"We won't." Ben added as well, already scared of Marco already.

Satisfied, Marco taps the jeep, "All right, you're good to go." He said before stepping aside. "I'll call up an ACU member to pick up the Compy at the camp." Marco said to Roxie, "And make sure that the kids don't try and pet it."

"Will do, Marco, thanks!" Roxie said as she and Dave got into the jeep while the campers watched as Marco walked away to another part of the jungle.

"Well...he was something." Sammy said as she placed Hudson back on his seat.

"He wasn't that much." Kanji said, acting all tough.

Darius, who was standing close at the jeep's back window, turns to him and points out, "He scared you pretty good."

This caused the girls to giggle at him, minus Yaz who was looking at him blankly, as Brooklynn took a picture of his shocked face from her phone. Kenji gave Darius a dried look while the dino-lover gave an amused smile before turning back to Compsognathus in the carrier, inside of the jeep. Roxie drives the jeep through the jungle of their destination. There, the campers awed at the sight of a giant gate that has the symbol of Jurassic World and Camp Cretaceous that was painted on the wooden gate. 

They all awed at it in amazement and Brooklynn recorded it.

"Welcome to Camp Cretaceous!" Dave announced happily.

The gate opens automatically, allowing the jeep with the campers to enter, as they all admire it with excitement. And the gate closes behind them as the jeep drives to the campground. It took a while, but they finally reached their destination. When Roxie parked the jeep, everyone got out and all the campers admired the camp. Turns out, the camp is surrounded by redwood trees, the main cabins being suspended high in the treetops of the largest tree. The largest tree has an elevator carved into its trunk, bridges which link cabins together, and large plexiglass roofs that shade the balconies.

"Hey, Brooklanders, check this place out!" Brooklynn said to her phone, showing her viewers about the camp. "Is this not the most amazing place you have ever seen?"

Just then, Kenji walked over from behind Brooklynn, and bragged, "If you think this is cool, you should see my dad's penthouse in the main park."

Brooklynn frowned at his annoyance before turning towards Yaz, who was admiring the camp in awe. "Yasmina!" Brooklynn called out to her, causing Yaz to look at her as Brooklynn walked over to her, "Hey, girl. So, as an elite athlete, how pumped are you for camp?"

Yaz avoided being in camera as she avoids making contact, "Not a huge fan of being on camera." She said as she walked away while shielding her face before turning to Brooke, "Or people."

Yaz jogs away to the corner, but quickly stops when she almost bumped into Val and Celestia, who screamed in surprise at the sudden appearance of Yaz. Which surprised the athlete in the process to see the girls in front of them. She quickly stopped before she could bump into them.

"Oh, snap!" Yaz said as she looked at the surprised girls in front of her, "I am so sorry!"

"It's okay, we didn't know someone was here. So, we're sorry." Val apologized to Yaz.

"Yeah, sorry." Celestia apologized as well.

Owen came jogging by with Barry, Kendall, and Redford the dog, "Val, C! I told you two not to wander off like that." Owen said to his nieces, coming over to them and holding their hands.

"Sorry, Uncle Owen." Both Val and Celestia apologized.

Sighing, Owen looks at Yaz with an apologetic look, "Sorry if my nieces bothered you."

"It's okay, I kinda almost bumped into them." Yaz said, looking at him and Barry. "I'm sorry...but are you guys' camper counselors or something?"

"Oh, no, we're not counselors. We work different jobs in Jurassic World." Owen corrected as he smiled down at his nieces, "We're just dropping off our girls here." Val and Celestia giggled at this.

"Mr. Grady, Mr. Sembène! Welcome!" Roxie greeted the two men.

"Roxie, c'mon, you know how I feel about calling by my last name." Owen said, earning a chuckle from the head counselor.

"I see you brought your girls here." Roxie said, looking at Val and Celestia kindly.

"Yup, Val and C are very excited to be here." Owen said, smiling at his nieces, who cheered. "And besides, they'll be here for two weeks, and I won't probably see them that much because of my work. But I know they will have fun here." He gave his nieces his signature grin, and they grinned back.

Roxie nodded with a smile and looked over to Barry, "I see Kendall agreed to join."

"She needs a new change of scenery." Barry said, smiling at Kendall, who nodded at him.

Dave, who wasn't too thrilled that Kendall is here after she punched when he tried to jump scare her last Halloween. "Greaaaat..." He mutters out in worry.

Roxie elbows him as she gives him a serious look, "Be nice." She said to him quietly before turning to Owen and Barry. "They'll be in safe hands. I promise."

The rest of the campers came over to what the commotion is about. They saw their counselors talking with two men with three girls, two were Hudson's age while the blonde one was close to their age. Darius wants to hear their conversation when he notices Val and slowly recognizes her as the girl who went into the T. Rex paddock and befriended it!

"No way!" Darius suddenly exclaimed as he went over to Val, startling her in the process. "You're that little girl from the video! The one with the T. Rex!"

"...Um...yes?" Val answered awkwardly.

Owen, feeling his overprotective uncle instincts kicking in, brings both Val and Celestia behind him, "I'm sorry, who are you exactly?"

Realizing that he didn't introduce himself, Darius sheepishly smiles at him and gives an apologetic look, "So-sorry, I'm Darius Bowman. I'm one of the campers of Camp Cretaceous." Owen raises a brow at him, "And I won it from the VR game?"

"Uh-huh, a gamer. I get it, just don't try, and scare my niece, you got that?" Darius nodded his head, "Anyways, Val, C, stay close to Kendall and Redford at all times." Owen instructed his nieces.

"Okay, Uncle Owen!" Both Val and Celestia said unison.

"Who are those guys?" Kenji asked, coming over to them.

Roxie made the introduction, "Everyone, this is Owen Grady and Barry Sembène, both working as animal trainers for the dinosaurs in Jurassic World."

The campers were amazed by this, especially Darius and Hudson. "Cool! What dinosaurs have you guys trained?" Hudson asked curiously.

"That, little man, is classified..." Owen informs them.

"Okay, by the way, my name's Hudson Harper, Golden Platinum Triple-Five Black-Diamond Annual VIP guest pass holder."

"Platinum triple what now?" Owen asked in confusion.

"Triple-Five Black-Diamond Annual VIP guest pass holder." Hudson finished with a smile, "I've been coming here in Jurassic World with my parents all the time, and now, they let me go to Camp Cretaceous for two weeks!"

Owen stares at him and leans over to Barry, "Do you know this kid?" He whispers to Barry.

"Hudson is a VIP and is a bit of a dinosaur fan." Barry answered quietly, but Hudson heard it.

"Fan does not cover my pure joy for the prehistoric era! You see, I..." Hudson was cut off when Owen used his clicker on him.

"Great. Listen, kid, thanks, but you can go now. We're just dropping off our girls here." Owen said to Hudson.

"Are you sure? 'Cause I could..." Owen cuts him off again by using his clicker. Luckily, Hudson wasn't offended by this as he cheerfully walked away, "Okay, later."

"That was awesome, can I get one of those?" Dave asked, referring to Owen's clicker.

"No." Owen said as he put his clicker away before looking at his nieces, "Okay, remember to listen to Roxie and Kendall, all right? If anything happens, just go to them."

"We will, Uncle Owen. We promise!" Both Val and Celestia said happily, making Owen smile and give them a big hug.

As Roxie and Dave carried the luggage to the cabin, Sammy and Darius admired the new scenery. "This place is almost as big as my family's ranch back home." Sammy said, admiring the camp.

"That's because when we're up and running, the camp will house 500 kids and 150 staff." Roxie explains to them while Dave tosses the luggage and bags to the entrance. And seeing this, Kendall decided to carry their bags instead of letting Dave toss them.

"Listen up!" Dave called out, getting everyone's attention. "Announcement time from you co-head counselors."

"That's not a thing, Dave." Owen pointed out, "Claire already told you that Roxie is the head counselor."

"Told you." Roxie said in amusement while Dave frowned, "Okay, everyone, there's some ground rules to cover. Curfew's at 8:00 p.m. and lights out at 9:00 p.m. sharp."

All the campers, minus Kendall, Val, Celestia, and Ben, were all disappointed by this as there were ripples of protest from the small group. Ben was the only one who was happy to have curfew as he did a fist-pump.

"Hey, this curfew is for your own safety." Owen said to the campers seriously, "You're all in a dinosaur filled jungle. Those rules are here for a reason, to keep you and everyone safe and alive. So, keep your distance or else you all could be seriously hurt or worse."

"Define worse." Ben asked fearfully.

"You'll either get lost in the jungle, get trampled by a stampede of herbivores, or get attacked by a territorial one. Do I need to say more?" Kendall listened as she looked at the campers, who were staring at her with wide and shock eyes.

"See? Kendall gets it." Owen said as they both shared a fist bump.

Barry then steps in to make sure these campers follow the rules as well, "And that is why we have these rules. And if any of you kids ever break these rules, you'll be suffering the consequences in the end."

"...By any chance you guys are related to this Marco guy?" Kenji suddenly asked.

"Marco? Oh, he's a friend of ours." Owen said with a smirk, "He's the new head of security now."

"Wait, new?" Kenji suddenly asked in shock, "What happened to the guy named Hoskins?"

"Let's just say...he had an early retirement." Owen lied, clearly hiding the truth from them.

"Alrighty then, thank you, Owen and Barry, for the reminders." Roxie said to them. "We're gonna get ready now."

"No problem, and just remember." Owen then looks over to the campers, "If anything happens to my girls, you'll be hearing from me."

"Don't worry so much, they're gonna be fine. Kenji is on the watch." Kenji boasted, thinking that he could handle them.

Kendall raises a brow and gives him a blank look, "Better put your money where your mouth is, rich boy, because if something happens to those girls, you'll be held accountable for." She informs him, which causes Kenji to look at her, "Plus, both Owen and Barry are former military. Owen was a Navy SEAL and Barry was a soldier. And you do not want to mess with them."

Her warning scared the heck out of Kenji as he gulped in fear towards the two males, smirking at Kendall's remark. "Okay, then, since Kendall got this covered, we'll leave you guys to your work." Owen said as he gave his niece another hug. "Love you girls!"

"Love you too, Uncle Owen!" Val and Celestia laughed loudly as he tickled them.

Barry smiles at them as he looks at Kendall, "You sure you can handle this?"

"Don't worry, I'll manage, and besides, I'll give you a call if something happens." Kendall said with an assuring smile, which Barry smiles back as they both shared a fist-bump.

"Have fun, Kendall." Her Guardian said.

"Will do, Barry." Kendall said with a nod.

With that taken care of, both Barry and Owen get to the jeep that they use to drop Val, Celestia, and Kendall here. Redford the Dog is staying with them since he has to keep the girls safe. "Remember, if you need anything, just give me a call, and make sure to listen to Roxie!" Owen called out to his nieces.

"Hey!" Dave yelled out in annoyance, feeling like chopped liver.

Owen rolled his eyes and then added, "Fine, and also Dave...but mostly to Roxie!"

"We will!" Both Val and Celestia waved at their uncle, laughing as he playfully honked the horn of the jeep as he drove away.

Brooklynn, still holding her phone, walks up to Kendall. "Wow, he sure cares about his nieces." She said to Kendall.

"Yeah, he loves them more than anything in the world." Kendall said as she carried their luggage to the entrance.

"Cabins are up that-a-way." Dave points up towards the treehouse looking structure.

"First one there gets the top bunk!" Yaz said excitingly before rushing forward, pushing Kenji out of the way, and racing up with the others following and cheering along the way. Those who didn't run were Kendall, Val, Celestia, Redford, and Darius. Kendall carries the luggage with Val and Celestia following. Redford carries his own mini bag with his things inside as he follows them to the treehouse. Darius was going to follow but he noticed that Roxie was putting the carrier with the Compsognathus inside to a jeep. Realizing what's going on, Darius quickly runs towards it, not wanting to miss out on his first real dinosaur. Kendall stops at her tracks and watches Darius running towards the jeep with a raised brow. Knowing very well that he wants to see that Compsognathus.

"Get this lovely lady back to the pen." Roxie said to the driver as she closed the jeep's door. She pats the carrier gently as she looks at the driver, "Her family's probably worried sick."

The driver understood and drove away just before Darius could reach them. The dino-lover was shocked and disappointed that he was too late to see the Compsognathus again.

"W-Wait!" Darius tried to stop the jeep, but it was driving away. "Oh, man, I really wanted to get a closer look at that Compy."

Dave walks over to a disappointed Darius, gently punching his shoulder, "I like your enthusiasm, Darius, but right now it's 'claiming a bunk' time. So, you know...go claim a bunk." He said to the dino-loving nerd.

"But it's the first dinosaur I've ever seen in person and, I mean, we're here to see dinosaurs, so..." Darius tried to explain to the counselors.

"Hey, Bowman!" Kendall called out to him, causing the enthusiastic dino lover to look at her in confusion, "If you want to see the dinosaurs, come up to the deck, and you'll see the perfect view."

Darius was confused until he felt the earth beneath him shake. Starting Darius as he looks at the puddle beneath his feet with both Dave and Roxie coming over to the puddle to see their reflection being rippled by the heavy footsteps that belong to giant beasts that walk among them.

"Oh, the day is not over, buddy." Dave said with a grin.

"Yeah, so hurry up, before you miss it." Kendall said as she, Val, Celestia, and Redford entered the treehouse.


At the seated glider bridge, the counselors brought the campers, Redford, and the counselors stood above the railings and watched as herds of different herbivore dinosaurs walked below them. Darius couldn't help but admire them in awe, amazed to see so many dinosaurs up close. Kendall simply watched casually as she saw many dinosaurs up close many times. But she never gets tired of how beautiful they are when they walk together. She could see Brachiosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Sinoceratops, and Stegosaurus walking together with no fear in the world. 

It was very relaxing. Her thoughts came to a halt when she heard Darius laughing happily.

"There's Brachiosaurus!" Darius said as he looked all at the dinosaurs in awe, listing out the dinosaurs in front of him. "Parasaurolophus. Stegosaurus. Ankylosaurus!"

Brooklynn looks at him with an impressed eyes, "Wow, you sure really do know your stuff, dino-nerd." She complimented.

Wanting to step-up his game, Kenji tries to impress Brooklynn, "Check out the...Brontosaurus." He points to the dinosaur that is not there.

"They don't have those here. Common mistake." Darius informs him, remembering the brochure of Jurassic World.

"He's right." Kendall said, leaning on the railings with her elbows, recalling the lectures she and her friends had with Dr. Wu at the lab a few months ago, "They have yet to add it and other dinosaurs in the park since they didn't finish adding the gene sequence."

Yaz looks at her in surprise, " do you know-" She was cut off by Darius's gasp.

"Are those Sinoceratops?! When did you get those?" Darius asked excitingly.

"They added them a week ago, wanting to spice things up as they say." Kendall said, earning a surprise look from Darius.

"Yup, they are cooking up all kinds of new dinos in that lab." Dave said to the campers.

"Wow! Where are they herding 'em to?" Sammy asked curiously, watching men riding on quad motorbikes, herding the herbivores somewhere.

"They're herding them back to their nighttime enclosures." Roxie explains to them.

"There, they can sleep peacefully without being bothered by the park's loud noises or lights." Kendall also added.

"Correct, Kendall." Roxie praised before leading the campers to the zipline.

"Enough banter." Dave said, holding a zipline pole, "It's zip-line party time!"

The campers looked at the zipline that leads back to their cabin and over the herd of dinosaurs. They, minus both Ben and Kendall, were excited by this. Ben has a fear of height while Kendall simply looks at it casually with no fear. Since she's been doing ziplining many times. The campers wanted to go first but Ben was the unfortunate soul that was going first as Dave straps him on the ziplining pole.

"Me? Maybe Yasmina should go first, or...Darius? Maybe Kendall? I mean, she looks like she has done this before." Dave said, looking at Kendall, who was standing close with Val and Celestia. "Uh...or anyone! I really don't-" Ben suddenly was cut off when Dave pushed Ben over the zipline, causing the male to scream in pure terror. But this encourages the campers to go.

One by one, all the campers zipline down to their cabin, cheering and whooping in excitement. Val and Celestia with Redford (yeah, they have a special pole strap for dogs) shared a zipline as they cheered happily with Redford howling in delight. Kendall follows pursuit with Darius following them from behind. Everyone laughed, cheered, or screamed (mostly Ben) at the thrill of ziplining. Then a Brachiosaurus came to view, causing Ben to scream in pure terror as he was about to hit the longneck, but missed, much to his relief. But the commotion causes the Brachiosaurus to look at itself from behind and watch as the campers zipped past it.

"HI LONGIE!" Both Val and Celestia greeted the Brachiosaurus, who greeted them back with a gentle roar, earning loud giggles from the girls.

Darius soon slides past it as well, looking at the Brachiosaurus with a wide smile on his face, feeling the great joy of seeing a dinosaur for the first time. He can't wait to see more! When they reached the cabin, Roxie and Dave were able to catch up, thanks to the zipline, and told them to have dinner before heading to bed, which they did because they were starving. The inside of the treehouse reveals rooms that lay many bunk beds, fish tanks, dinosaur skeletons, buffets and furniture like couches, tables, benches, and water coolers. They went to the dining area where the chefs prepared delicious meals, such as veggie casserole, barbeques and steaks, mash potatoes with gravy, chicken, salad, and some fruits. They campers enjoyed their meals and Redford was eating his own meal on the floor with the occasion of getting free meat from Celestia and Val.

"Man, I can't wait to see more dinosaurs!" Darius said smiling, munching away his food.

"I don't..." Ben mutters out as he eats his salad.

"He seems excited." Yaz said, drinking some water.

"Well, duh! It's Jurassic World! Of course, he's excited, aren't you?" Sammy states as she munches on her food.

"...Ecstatic." Both Kendall and Yaz said in blank tones, causing the two girls to look at each other.

Both Brooklynn and Sammy looked at them in confusion while Val and Celestia continued eating. "Anyways...Kendall, is it?" Sammy looked at Kendall, who turned to her, "You seem to know a lot of Jurassic World."

"That's because I live here." Kendall answered calmly, earning a shocked look from Brooklynn and the other girls, "I learned some thing or two when living here."

"Really? Like what?" Sammy asked excitedly, making Kendall feel uneasy.

"You'll know when we have our tour tomorrow." Kendall said before getting up with her empty plate, "We should rest up, you need the energy for tomorrow."

And with that, Kendall left the table with Val and Celestia trailing from behind, after finishing their meals, they followed Kendall with Redford. They walked past the boys table and Hudson was talking about Pteranodons.

"Did you know Pteranodons aren't actually considered dinosaurs? And they don't have teeth? Weird, right? Because they're carnivores, which makes me think they have strong gums. They gum their food, like my baby brother with a carrot? Nom, nom, nom. So disgusting. I've loved dinosaurs my whole life..."

"Yeah, we get it, you and dino-nerd loved 'em, so stop talking." Kenji said to Hudson in annoyance, feeling himself grateful to be an only child.

"But I was about to get to the good part!" Hudson whined as he took out a poster of the new exhibits, "The three new exhibits are added in the park! The Hybrids, Graboids, and the Xenomorphs! They're so cool! And popular too!"

"I know, right?!" Darius agrees with a grin, "I wish we could see them tonight."

"Don't go out at night if you don't know what you are doing." Kendall suddenly said as she placed her tray in the disposable area, "You are new here, and you don't know your way around the island. You'll end up getting lost into the night, suffer from cold, get injured, or worse, killed. It is like how a hunter must know when the right time to hunt is, if not, then he will be hunted."

The males, plus the females, stared at Kendall in utter confusion, shock, and fear (mostly Ben). Unsure what to make up with her words. They aren't sure if Kendall was threatening them or scaring them. They weren't sure. Kendall looks at them with an expressionless look, indicating that they didn't understand her. Val and Celestia become concerned as they both hold her hands, causing the young huntress to look at them.

"Kenny?" Both Val and Celestia said to Kendall, using the nickname that Owen would call her. They were worried about her since she has a strong pride of knowledge in survival and hunting. Kendall soon relaxed when she saw their looks along with Redford's gentle whine. Kendall then looks at the confused and somewhat scared campers, giving them a simple explanation.

"Or to better explain this to you, don't get over excited to see the dinosaurs at night, you might end up getting in trouble or hurt." Kendall informs them before looking at the girls, "Come on, you two, it's time for bed."

"Okay, Kendall!" Val and Celestia said as they followed her with Redford.

"Goodnight, everyone." Kendall said to the group, who stared at her as she took the girls and Redford to bed.


Later that night, everyone was in bed, Val and Celestia were in their bunkbed, sleeping peacefully with Redford below them. Kendall was sitting below the bunkbed alone. She was looking at the window peacefully, watching some fireflies fluttering about. It was so calm and peaceful for her. It kind of reminds her of her home before it was destroyed. Before Kendall could go to sleep, she heard someone getting off from bed and going out. Looking towards the reflection of the window, with some light illuminating outside, she could see Brooklynn getting out without making a noise. Kendall knew very well that she wanted to see some action. Kendall waited for Brooklynn to leave, that way she could follow her and track her down. After a few minutes of waiting, Kendall gets out of her bed and silently leaves the room and towards the lobby. But before she entered, she listened through the door. She heard two new voices, already knowing that they belonged to Darius and Kenji.

"So that's what toxic masculinity looks like." Brooklynn said to the boys as Kendall listened.

"Uh, sorry we woke you. I-" Darius was cut off by Kenji's arrogant voice.

"He was sneaking out but I set him straight. Look, I try to look out for the younger kids. It's who I am." Kendall frowned at Kenji's words in annoyance. The rich teenager thinks that he is the 'self-proclaimed alpha male of the group', yeah right. He doesn't even know much of the dinosaurs or how many changes had happened to the park.

"You guys don't understand. I've been waiting my whole life to get here, and I'm gonna make the most of it." Darius said as Kendall peeked between the doors, "Those lights must be coming from the Compy enclosure. I gotta check it out!"

Kendall shook her head at Darius's eagerness. She warned him about the dangers, but his curiosity always gets the best of him. He's still new here, and he needs to be patient. He can't rush opportunities like that. He'll get him and the others in trouble on their first day. Just then, she notices Brooklynn getting interested.

"Sneaking out to see dinosaurs in the dead of night, mad danger of getting caught, great mood lighting..." Brooklynn gasped at the opportunity, "Guess that means...we're going rogue. Kapow!" Brooklynn looks at her phone with a grin. Knowing that this will make a great video.

Kendall wanted to facepalm at her and the two males. They are so immature and irresponsible, not caring for the consequences that will happen. However, they are not like her nor her people, they seek cheap thrills. Kendall knew the risk and would suffer the consequences if she didn't stop them. But she doubts that they will listen to her as they don't take things seriously. So, there was one person who could help her. Kendall quickly hides when Darius, Brooklynn, and Kenji leave the lobby and towards the elevator. Kendall watched them leave from the top of the bridge of the treehouse. Going towards a certain direction that she knew very well. Kendall took out her phone and contacted her guardian, Barry. She listens to her phone ring for a few seconds before she hears her guardian answer.

:Hello, Kendall? What's wrong? Did something happen to camp?: Barry asked in concern.

"Kind of, but I need to warn you about three campers leaving out of curfew and heading towards an enclosure." Kendall informs her guardian, watching the small three figure sneaking out.

Barry groans at the other end of the phone, :Oh, God, where are they going?:

"They're heading towards the east coast of the island. And if memory serves correctly, that's where the raptor paddock is, isn't it?" Kendall stated to Barry.

:Indeed, thank you, Kendall. Now, stay where you are and keep an eye on Val and Celestia. Owen, me, and Marco will get the security team before they'll get hurt.: Barry said through the phone.

Kendall nodded, "Understood, Barry. And also...tell Marco to go easy on them."

:I'll try. Get some sleep, you have a long day tomorrow.:

"Noted, goodnight, Barry." Kendall said before ending the call before letting out a sigh, knowing very well that the three campers will be in such serious trouble.

"Whatcha doin'?" Hudson's voice came from beside her.

Turning to her right, she casually saw Hudson looking at her with a wide smile, indicating that he was curious about what's going on. Kendall's posture softens as she gently ruffles Hudson's hair, who laughed happily at this.

"Nothing much, just waiting for the security to save three troublemakers from danger." Kendall informs her.

"Really? How?" Hudson asked curiously.

"In due time, but you should go to bed now, we have somewhere to go tomorrow. And you wouldn't want to get tired, would you?"

"Of course not! But I'm too excited to even sl-" Hudson was cut off when Kendall gently pinches the pressure point of Hudson's shoulder well and he instantly knocks out.

The golden-haired girl picks him up gently and carries Hudson back to the boy's cabin, "Goodnight, Hudson." Kendall said softly.

And as Kendall carries Hudson, she prays that Brooklynn, Darius, and Kenji would survive the consequences that will be given to them by counselors and Marco.


Paul-Mikél Williams voiced as Darius Bowman

Ryan Potter voiced as Kenji Kon

Jenna Ortega voiced as Brooklynn 

Raini Rodriguez voiced as Sammy Gutierrez

Sean Giambrone voiced as Ben Pincus

Kausar Mohammed voiced as Yasmina Fadoula

Jameela Jamil voiced as Roxie

Glen Powell as voiced Dave

Chris Pratt as Owen Grady

Omar Sy as Barry Sembène

Marco Kingbird is voiced by David Giuntoli

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