Web Warriors: Part 2. Legacy...

By nightcrow92

1.1K 73 47

Arash and Peter go back to New York after the events of Persia and Arash have to deal with the consequences o... More

Prologue: Far From Trials
P. FFT: Chapter 1
P. FFT: Chapter 2
P. FFT: Chapter 3
P. FFT: Chapter 4
P. FFT: Chapter 5
P. FFT: Chapter 6
P. FFT: Chapter 7
P. FFT: Chapter 8
P. FFT: Chapter 9
P. FFT: Chapter 10
Part 1. Absolute Carnage
1. AC: Chapter 1
1. AC: Chapter 2
1. AC: Chapter 3
1. AC: Chapter 4
1. AC: Chapter 5
1. AC: Chapter 6
1. AC: Chapter 7
1. AC: Chapter 8
1. AC: Chapter 9
1. AC: Chapter 10
1. AC: Chapter 12
1. AC: Chapter 13
1. AC: Chapter 14
1. AC: Chapter 15
Web Interlude: Doing Too Much
Warrior Interlude: Visiting Hours
Part 2: Legacy Incarnate
2. LI: Chapter 1
2. LI: Chapter 2
2. LI - Chapter 3
2. LI - Chapter 4
2. LI - Chapter 5

1. AC: Chapter 11

15 1 1
By nightcrow92

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1. ACChapter 11

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[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Upstate New York, New York ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

[ [ [ [ [Avengers Mansion ] ] ] ] ]

Arash, Felicia, Farah and Eddie regrouped and went to the Avengers Mansion to plan on their next move, Bruce was aiding them with Simon's help mostly to the Prince and the girls since Eddie remained without a scratch as the one that got all the hits was Venom while the others had a couple of scratches and bruises.

"You guys did make a scene with that fight" – said Bruce

"Did we got broadcasted in the media?" – Asked Felicia

"No, but your bruises do look like you guys had a good one" – said Bruce

"It was trash, that thing took Peter to OSCORP" – said Arash

"I'm guessing you guys are going to that place, right?" – Asked Simon

"You can bet your sweet ass we are" – said Eddie mad – "I can't believe Osborn got the hang of some part of Venom to create that thing" – he added annoyed

"You mean, your son" – teased Farah

"That thing is NOT my son" – complained Venom as he materialized on Eddie's shoulder and moved his head close to the Persian woman

"Ok, ok, don't need to get your panties in a bunch V" – said Farah rolling her eyes – "but anyway you, Eddie and Felicia used to know Osborn, what can we expect from him going to OSCORP?" – She asked

"A lot of security" – said Eddie with his arms crossed

"A megalomaniac asshole" – said Felicia

"And maybe more than one extension of myself besides Carnage" – said Venom

"Are you kidding me, right?" – Asked Farah

"There is the possibility, if he found a way to copy me with that thing we fought, he may as well create more versions of me" – said Venom

"We can't faze more creatures like you Venom, you are basically indestructible unless we have something that produces sound or if we have fire" – said Farah

"Ok, that's enough, I think you guys need the Avengers help, let me give Sam a call and see what he can do given the restrictions of the accords and maybe Tony and I can help too, I don't think Tony will let something bad happen to Peter" – said Bruce

"Enough!" – Yelled Arash – "I need some space to think, can you guys like...walk out for a second...please" – he complained

"But Arash we-" – started to say Eddie

"We will do something, I just need a moment" – said Arash

"Go, I'll stay with him" – said Farah

The scientist, the actor, the journalist and the former OSCORP intern looked between them before walking out the room they were while the Prince threw the towel he had around the back of his neck to the floor and grunted in frustration looking around and the assistant looked at him with worry.

"Maybe doing this Web Warriors thing wasn't a good idea, mostly when I'm just starting to understand the new way my powers work with Wanda's help" – said Arash

"You are doing your best Arash" – said Farah

"My best is not enough, Peter got kidnapped, Venom is on the news, that annoying guy is still talking shit about me and my powers now suck" – listed Arash

"So, you wanna stop?" – Asked Farah

"I feel that I should...but I can't, not when Peter is in danger" – said Arash

"You know we can take care of that" – said Farah

"I know, but is my doing too, I have to fix this" – said Arash – "I just have to be more careful and selective as to when to use them" – he added

"Are you sure you are ready for this one? It could be dangerous" – warned Farah

"Anything can be dangerous for me right now, so I don't need to be ready, I just need to do all that is in my power to help" – said Arash

"That's the problem, "your power" is not working as before, you only have the suit, some gadgets and your abilities" – said Farah

"I also didn't expect for our first mission to be the infiltration on a multibillion-dollar corporation, but we gotta take the leap to know if this is going to work or not" – said Arash

"Hey guys, are you ready?" – Asked Eddie approaching the duo with Felicia on her suit already

"Bruce is already trying to call Mr. Stark and Falcon, we told him to wait for what you figure out" – said Felicia

"Don't need to, we are going ourselves and solve this mess" – said Arash

"Oh, so you developed pyrokinesis or sonic abilities all the sudden?" – Asked Eddie

"No, I didn't, but we are going with a plan now" – said Arash

"What is the plan then?" – Asked Felicia

"That place must have an alarm, just like any industry place, we are gonna ring that alarm to drive him crazy and any other creature that they may have, once they are separated from their host, we take care of them" – explained Arash

"What about the part where me and Venom go crazy?" – Asked Eddie

"You and Venom are a perfect match, whoever is under that Carnage creature might not be the perfect match for it, Venom will obviously go back to you, Carnage on the other hand who knows where it will go, once the alarm is off there will be enough time for Venom to go back to you and eat up your offspring" – explained Arash

"If there are more like him?" – Asked Eddie

"Eat them all" – said Arash

"What about Harry? What do we do with him?" – Asked Felicia

"Let the authorities handle him, explain to them the charges and lock him up, same for any other people involved like the guy under Carnage" – said Arash

"Sounds risky" – said Felicia

"But competent enough" – said Farah

"Let's go get your boy and kick Osborn and Carnage's asses" – said Eddie

"First let's tell Bruce before he call the attention of the parade of heroes, this needs to be a kind of silent mission, we don't need the media attention for this one" – said Arash

The foursome got into the Quinjet ready to go for OSCORP, they told their plan to Bruce who gave them his blessing but also a limited time of three hours, if by that time he doesn't hear anything from them he will go with the reinforcements, he also gave them some special toys to take to the mission and help them against the Klyntar in cse they find more creatures like Carnage

When the Quinjet arrived OSCORP it hovered at the top of the building and the four heroes looked at each other before nodding and jumping from the jet, Venom quickly enveloped Eddie and he expanded his arms to grab Nightcrow, Dawn and Black Cat helping them through the glass of the ceiling and landing on Harry's office without nobody around the room as they looked around.

"Stay alert, he must be expecting us" – said Felicia looking around and clicking a bracelet on her left wrist that created an Iron Man glove over her hand

"It's too quiet in here" – said Farah taking out her bow and preparing her arrows

"Osborn!" – called Arash – "I don't fucking know who you are, but you better come out and give me back my boyfriend or you will regret it" – he indicated taking a new sword different from his usual ones and his eyes flickered in golden

"COME OUT YOU PUSSY!" – Growled Venom

Suddenly a door opened in the room and everybody turned to the source of the noise but they didn't see anybody behind it, they waited for a moment to see if someone came out but still nothing which probably meant that this was a trap.

"Do we venture into the lion's den?" – Asked Farah

"The only way to stop this is by taking a risk" – said Arash

"Then let's go" – said Felicia

"I take the front" – said Venom

But before the group started to make their way into the door something growled on the other side and they all took a stance waiting for whatever that was about to come out and then a group of what it looked like bodyless violet symbiotes came out growling at the group who prepared themselves to attack. 

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A/N: Our boy is going through it after the failed mission from before, or well, more like encounter than mission, but still they failed and Peter got kidnapped so he was mad at himself, but no time to mop around as their time is ticking mostly with Peter being in OSCORP at the hands of Harry and Carnage.

But before getting their hands on the principal foes of the story we had a little company there with the symbiotes appearing which I took from my experience on the "Spider-Man" video game for Playstation 1, which was one of the best games I ever played on that console and I played many MANY times, so of course I was gonna make a reference to those games (there were two) sooner or later.

Please leave Comments and Votes so I know that you guys are out there and still support this book even with my long history of bad updates lately lol and thanks to anyone reading,  next stop we are about to get into the battle against Osborn, Carnage and the symbiotes, I changed the day of posting again to Wednesday, even though...I kinda feel this book is more of a Monday than Wednesday unlike my other book...maybe I change it to Monday again, anyway, I will see you guys next week, not telling day while I still decide if I stick on Monday or change to Wednesday ✨🏹🕷⚫🐱‍👤

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So, I also have two other books called "Phillip Jones: Hellstrom" based on a character brother of Jessica Jones but it follows an original storyline, is not part of this universe or the main ones, but is pretty cool and is my take on doing something less PG, I will appreciate if you guys support it so...yeah just please give it some love, k' bye 🤗

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