My Ice Incomplete Without You...

By kodocha4ever

28.2K 986 295

Gray thinks Juvia is annoying at times, but he also thinks of her as a friend. On the other hand, Juvia loves... More

My Ice Incomplete Without Your Rain (Gruvia Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1: Umbrella
Chapter 2: Chocolate Cake
Chapter 3: Magic Shop
Chapter 4: New Mission
Chapter 5: Forest
Chapter 6: Impossible
Chapter 7: Memories
Chapter 8: Mystery
Chapter 10: Sacrifice
Chapter 11: Friend or Foe?
Chapter 12: Secret
Chapter 13: Realization

Chapter 9: Stuffed Animals

856 48 8
By kodocha4ever

  "So, Natsu and I were fighting when one of the Wishywashy Guys came in between. Natsu accidentally hit him—" Gray said.

 "—Excuse me, it was you who hit him!" Natsu blurted.

  "It wasn't very clear who did but the Wishywashy Guy fell on the floor. We didn't notice until he screamed at us. Then before we knew it, the Wishywashy Guys had thrown magic-stopping metal on us. They were like magnets and we couldn't break free. I saw that the Wishywashy Guys were discussing something and after a minute, the metal came off. After that, everything happened so suddenly. Since the metal was off, I was able to use my ice powers again. I almost got hit with unmeltable ice but I was smart. I used my own ice to cover the unmeltable ice so I could escape. I wanted to check out what their plan was so I didn't escape just yet. I told Natsu to run but he wouldn't budge. I told him to tell the others and to trust me. He still didn't move so I gave him a glare, and Wishywashy Guy #2 almost hit him with magic-stopping metal. Natsu ran away after, knowing he would be defenseless against the metal. Then after arriving at their lair, I heard AX's plan. When they weren't looking, I got out of my ice, made an ice sculpture of myself, and used a cloth-replicator potion to replicate my clothes and put it in the ice to make it seem more realistic. Then, I stealthily walked out towards the guild to tell you guys. But I encountered some trouble along the way and by that time, you guys had probably reached the tent."

  "Natsu, you didn't tell us that he told you to trust himself. This would've been a huge clue!" Lucy exclaimed.

 "Heh, I forgot about that." Natsu ruffled his hair and grinned.

  "You are so smart, Gray-sama." Juvia's eyes were sparkling in wonder.

 "So, what were they planning?" Erza asked.

  "Yeah, I heard they were trying to kill me and absorb my powers to make theirs stronger with the use of a machine." Gray responded.

 "Phewwwwwww. It's a good thing we've taken care of them now." Erza looked back at the knocked-out faces of the AX members who were tied up and laid on the wall.

"We will have to take care of them after they regain consciousness. For now, Levy and Gajeel, keep an eye on them." Makarov commanded. Levy and Gajeel nodded.

 People from the guild started dispersing and doing their jobs. Team Natsu, along with Riku, sat down in the guild and relaxed.

  "I need a break from doing jobs." Juvia groaned.

  "Let's go shopping!" Lucy shouted.

  "That's a great idea!""Yes let's go find armor so I can cosplay as Erza again!" Natsu laughed.

  "Yeah and I'll find a scarf so I can cosplay as Natsu the dorky idiot." Gray smirked. Natsu stood up.

  "Natsu....don't even try to hit Gray cuz I'll hit you right now. I don't want you causing any more trouble dressed up as me! We had to go to jail for one night already because you decided to barge into the council!" Erza's face was red, so Natsu sprinted out the guild and the rest of the Team followed after deciding on shopping.

  "Where are we going?" Riku asked.

  "Oh this is a nice chance for you to explore the town! There's a big mall near the guild that has clothing, food, and magic stores. We are going there now." Juvia replied.

  "Ok. Sounds good."

They entered the mall and on each side were different stores. Upon entering, to the right side, there was a store filled with stuffed animals.

  "Woooow. Just look at these cute stuffed animals." Gray peered through the glass where stuffed animals were put on display.

  "Let's go inside!" Erza jumped.

  "Hey. What is this?" Riku asked. The stuffed animal he was holding was moving. Suddenly it started floating up and down in the air. Riku widened his eyes and backed away.

  "Hahaha. This is just a magical one. Don't worry. It won't bite. It just levitates. But didn't you have magical items back home?" Lucy asked.

  "Oh. I lived in a village and there weren't many stores. Just one or two for daily essentials. But there weren't any potions or magical items like this."

 "Wow. It's a good thing you moved because these stores are fantastic." Juvia smiled. Riku's face darkened but he forced a smile back.

They left the store after a brief skim, and went to another place to shop for clothing. It was farther inside the mall. Inside were fashionable clothes for girls.

 "Why are we going in here? I'm not a girl....and Gray, don't you dare say anything." Natsu stated.

  "Sorry. What were you saying? I just heard a girl's voice so I wasn't paying attention." Gray replied. 

  "Wha—-" Natsu would've punched him but Erza pushed him inside the store to avoid another fight.  

 "Hi! Would you like to try our new nail polish?" The owner of the store said, not realizing Natsu was a boy.

  "Uh. No. Sorry." Natsu walked off surprised.

  "Bwahaha! She actually thought....see? I told you. You are a girl hahah!" Gray's eyes were filled with tears.

 "DON'T EVEN." Natsu kicked Gray's leg as hard as he could. Gray said a painful "ow" but was still laughing after.

Lucy, Erza, and Juvia proceeded inside the store and went into the fitting rooms to try on dresses. After a half-hour, they bought the clothes, just to see that the boys were gone.

  "Oh great! Now where'd they go? Leaving those two alone will surely result in trouble. Riku is there too, but I doubt he will be able to stop them from fighting. Even I can't." Lucy said.

  "Why didn't they tell us anything before leaving? Let's go."

They walked further into the mall near the food courts, and heard somebody shout.

 "Ahh!" It wasn't Natsu or Gray's voice. They ran towards the place where the shout was heard.

It was Riku.

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