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Por o_Iridescent_o

1.4K 171 1.8K

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July 3rd, 1994
July 4th, 1994
July 5th, 1994
July 31st, 1994
August 1st, 1994
August 23rd, 1994
August 24th, 1994
August 25th, 1994
August 26th, 1994
September 1st, 1994
September 2nd, 1994
September 4th, 1994
September 6th, 1994
October 11th, 1994
October 27th, 1994
October 30th, 1994
October 31st, 1994
November 1st, 1994
November 1st, 1994
November 13th, 1994
November 21st, 1994
November 23rd, 1994
November 23rd, 1994
December 10th, 1994
December 20th, 1994
December 25th, 1994

December 18th, 1994

81 6 146
Por o_Iridescent_o

𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎-𝐹𝒾𝓋𝑒

The dorm had been given a touch of holiday cheer. All the girls calling Hogwarts their home through the holiday. A small Charlie Brown tree had been given all the love in the world, standing proud in the center of the room, paper ornaments of various skill levels colored and cut out to add the most personal touch. Tinsel wrapped up the poster beds, and paper snowflakes hovered in the air just above. Silver glitter had somehow ended up all over the room, an easy job for a couple witches to clean but allowed to stay for the way the glitter shimmed in the light. Bowls of pinecones were on every bedside, adding a holiday smell without being so overpowering Iris would get headaches.

The moon was just off from being full that early morning; the coming night would make it complete. Still, it allowed for a gentle glow to break through the lake and embrace the room. The glitter and metallic tinsel sparkled with the movement of the water outside the windows. A quiet little bit of muggle world magic happened around the sleeping girls. The fourth-year Slytherins wouldn't have a class that morning, everyone getting ahead on practice for the holiday where no souls would ever be up before noon.


Iris always seemed to be the exception, though. She had jolted from her bed hours ago. Had taken a moment to calm her startled heart... and eventually just left the comfort of her duvet altogether. Had dug through the trunk at the foot of her bed... threw on that familiar sweater she had stolen from Theodore Nott, and then, eventually, pulled out an envelope.

She never opened it, never revealed what was inside... stared at it for a bit. But instead, she pulled some leftover craft supplies out from underneath her bed and reached for her wand. Casting one of those odd sound barriers around her as she got to work.

Drawing and cutting, and folding well into the daylight hours. Making two projects... one, these little paper trees that she used to outline the door frames... and two... a half-finished card that she had thrown into her trunk in frustration before shoving all her crafting supplies away again.

Throwing on a pair of jeans and boots that she didn't seem to care if they matched, she was gone before the roommates would start to stir.


"We are all bloody fantastic girls! So why, why? Do none of the boys in this school ask us to the ball? I mean, they spend all day staring, does not one of them have the balls to do it? Do we, as the girls, have to do everything? Get all pretty and ask them?!" Sally-Ann was starting her morning hot. Frustrated with the male population currently residing in Hogwarts. Especially the ones age appropriate.

The boys, the younger ones, in particular, had been failing as a gender. A whole week after the announcement, and so far, the only confirmed dates had been some older students, seventh years, and a handful of sixth years. They had the right idea, too; some exciting proposals for the dance had been upping the standards.

Standards slowly lowered as fourth and fifth-year girls looked to their boy classmates and simply wished they would at least throw a note at them as Fred Weasley had Angelina Johnson.

Even the second years had been showing them up.

A group of second-year boys had approached their entire friend group, one boy for each girl, as they confidently declared their desire to take each girl to the ball. Theodore had found it rather amusing, looking down on a boy half Iris' height as he put his whole heart into his question. All the girls were a bit lost as they crushed those tiny little hearts... something Tracey had muttered about regretting now that it was looking to have been the best option.

Tracey stabbed at her breakfast, "Men used to start wars over women, and we get the generation that just looks at you gaping like dead fish. Is a bit of romance and throwing caution to the wind too much to ask for?"

Valeria lazily looked up from her potions book, studying for the antidote test they had after lunch, "Once one of them makes a move, the others will fall like dominos. It will be a blow to the ego to see someone else doing what they can't... men are just disappointing like that. You both will find a date, no problem."

Jane hummed in agreement, lost in her head as she had been all week to her own date problems. She sat in the empty seats that normally belonged to Iris and Theodore, staring out past the girls as she tried to add, "Besides, I think Iris just freaked them all out a bit after she shut down Cormac so bluntly. That rejection stung the whole school."

Sally-Ann cheered up a bit at the memory, "Nott wasn't as sour about it as I thought he would be."

Jane shrugged, a little smile hanging on her lips, "He knows Iris doesn't even know most of the boys in this school. Think he actually got a sick joy out of knowing Cormac had no chance.... Cedric was really the only one she paid any mind to."

Tracey hummed, eyes squinting in question, "Does Cedric have a date yet?"

Valeria shook her head, "Fleur had asked him yesterday, and he said no, but no word from anyone that he has asked anyone yet."

The conversation tapered off there, all the girls in their own heads. Sally-Ann pouting, Valeria picking at her book, Tracey playing with her food, and Jane watching the full hall behind them... which is why she perked up.

Jane straightened her back as her eyebrows flew together, "Why is Longbottom coming this way?"

All three of their heads swiveled, joining in the many students who watched the lion enter the snake pit. There was always a tension in the air when the rival houses got too close. Not even Iris could cross the imaginary boundary without a few eyes on her back.

And Neville Longbottom was the last person anyone would have expected to cross over; the nervous boy was often a target for Malfoy and his little shithead gang. Even as he walked over, playing with his hands as he looked about ready to pass out, Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle were already giggling like some schoolyard bullies.

But Neville seemed too distracted by trying not to throw up to care, lifting his head to look right where he was going.

Valeria's jaw dropped, whispering for everyone to turn around again, "He is coming to us."

Jane couldn't tear her eyes away, eyes so wide as she muttered, "No way Neville Longbottom is making the first move... who is he looking at? Tracey or Sally?"

"The one time Iris isn't here."

The girls all watched Jane, trying to fix up their faces as they watched her greet Neville with the most polite smile she could form through her shock. And that seemed to help him a bit, the boy nodding to himself as he cleared his throat and shifted his weight.

And with one big breath in, "Er, Sally-Ann?"

Sally-Ann blinked a moment before whipping around, her bangs that she had been needing to trim for weeks shielding her eyes as she looked up. A quick smile towards the boy, "Hey, Neville. Been a while. How are you?"

He seemed shocked that she was really talking to him, "Oh, um, good. I have been good... I uh... wanted to ask a question?"

Draco's snort could be heard from a few seats down, Jane and Valeria turning a nasty look at him... trying to give Neville the privacy they could as the girls all tried making quiet conversation with one another.

Sally-Ann hesitated momentarily as she considered how she wanted to approach this unexpected development. But eventually, she nodded, trying to help ease the boy as she cracked a joke, "If it's about the test in potions, I can't say I'll be much help."

Neville let out a nervous little laugh as he looked to the ground briefly, the smile on his lips not quite matching the apprehension in his eyes... but he met her eyes again, which meant something. Almost just as much as his question, "No, I... I, er, was wondering if you wanted to... go to the... ball together?"

Jane and Tracey smiled at the words sweetly. An unexpected awe to be had for Neville Longbottom and... respect in how he, the most nervous boy in Hogwarts, stood up to at least go for the chance of getting a girl,... a pretty, one to say yes.

Draco and his goons seemed to grow louder in their cackling. But Neville and Sally-Ann seemed deaf to it. Neville to busy looking back down to the ground with a cringe... and Sally-Ann just... contemplative. Him slowly losing hope as the seconds passed, and her taking the time she needed to give the response he most deserved for just the confidence he had displayed.

And that is why she smiled... nodding, bangs bouncing in her face, "Yeah... I think I'd quite like going with you."

Valeria raised an eyebrow, Jane and Tracey grinned wildly, Draco and his goons silenced... and Neville seemed to have missed it, beginning to ramble, "I understand if you don't want to. We haven't really talked outside of Divination. I just, er, think you are funny, and you probably have already been asked, and I have been practicing a lot, but I know I am still clumsy—"

Sally-Ann only seemed to grow more genuine as she stared at him, but she eventually cut in, "Neville." He didn't hear it the first time, so she laughed and tried again, "Neville." That got his attention. The boy snapped his eyes back to her. Sally-Ann nodded again, "Neville, I said yes."


Jane slapped a hand over her mouth at Neville's shock, keeping in her giggle to not ruin the boy's moment.

Neville blinked a few times, standing still as the information processed in his brain, and his smile returned, "Oh, that is good," he started nodding, "Thank you, um, have to get to class soon, but we can talk at lunch?"

Sally-Ann simply nodded, letting Neville trip away with his love-sick smile. Passing by dozens of shocked boys on his way... Neville Longbottom had just shown them all up. Sally-Ann turned to all her friends with a smile, none of them passing comment, just eyeing her with teasing smiles. And so she just shrugged before finally moving to eat her food, "He's sweet."

And, of course, Draco Malfoy had to ruin the moment, "Going to be the most pitiful pair on the dance floor."

The girls had all turned on him, all of them perfectly capable of snapping back, but they would be beat. Theodore Nott blandly called out as he walked past, "Don't be sour that Longbottom has more game than you, Malfoy."

Draco had said something back, but no one seemed to care. The girls all looked at Theodore with furrowed brows. Noticing not just the haste in his step as he approached but... Iris wasn't with him.

Something that they would just barely understand as he leaned into the table next to Jane, grabbing some toast as he sighed, "Any idea where Iris is?"

Glances were shared as they all had one thought, "We thought she was with you somewhere."

Theodore didn't seem shocked... but was... fidgety. Not even bothering to sit as he stood straight again, eyes darting around the hall as his jaw tightened, "Might have gone into the forest, just keep an eye out."

The girls, of course, nodded. Valeria even made a passing comment, "Full moon tonight. Not abnormal for her to disappear before class."

Theodore nodded but then looked back to the girls as he shook his head, "But it is also the 18th."

It took a moment... for that to settle. For the meaning to come forward in their minds... but when it did, the girls all bit at their cheeks... equally as apprehensive as Theodore Nott... watching as he walked back off while biting into his toast. Eyes everywhere as he searched.


When Iris didn't show up to lunch... Theodore was antsy. He made a quick appearance, just as quickly leaving as Sally-Ann was sitting at the Gryffindor table with Neville. Valeria and Jane studying together. He couldn't get himself to spend lunch silently doing his own thing... not when his... friend... had been missing all day.

So he walked. Venturing out of the castle and onto the grounds. Cursing at the winter air as he made way for the wooden bridge, determined to at least check by the lake. Burrowing into his coat as he listened to the creaks of the cold wood under his weight... the grounds so quiet... so empty... Iris would hate it.

But it was what allowed him to pick up on the voices up ahead. Familiar voices....

And the closer he got, the clearer they were... and one of them had heard him coming long ago. And, about halfway across the bridge, Theodore was so unexpectedly distracted. Dante leaned up against the side of the bridge, looking out into the world below.

Dante had turned just as Theodore stopped, irritation jumping into his black eyes as he eyed Theodore. Theodore's relaxed stance, his hands hidden away in his pockets, his black eye from weeks ago already gone from his face. Tracey peaked from her spot next to Dante, cringing a bit as Theodore raised an eyebrow in question.

A question that wouldn't be asked as Dante spoke up first, "Bit cold for a walk Nott."

Tracey answered for Theodore, muttering as she shyly turned back to look off the bridge, "He is looking for Iris."

Dante raised an eyebrow, glancing behind him to where Theodore was heading, "I've been in the forest all day, Edith and Lyall too. I imagine she hasn't spent much time in the forest since we arrived. Not on full moon weeks."

That made sense to Theodore but was still a bit irritating. Sighing, Theodore joined at the rails on Tracey's empty side, "You two friends now?"

Tracey shifted her weight, silent and so leaving it to Dante, who just rolled his eyes, "It's a day of mourning. I'm not sticking around for a fight." And he held true to that, already walking back to the forest.

"Where would she be?"

Dante stopped, gazing back at Theodore as he thought momentarily, "The King had some form of hobby with astronomy." And that was all he would give. Sauntering further down the bridge, the creaking wood growing more and more faint.

Tracey and Theodore would remain quiet. No acknowledgment of one another. Tracey's face flushed with the time she had been out here, talking to Dante, of all people. Theodore resting his arms against the rail, picking at his bandaged hand with his good one.

"For a long time, I just hoped you would never be interested in anyone romantically. It was how I was able to move on initially." Tracey mused her thoughts, breaking the weird quiet.

Theodore didn't react much, just nodded, "Whatever you needed to do."

Tracey's lips quipped up, "Really just had to realize I never liked you all that much..." she smiled as she saw him go deadpan at that, "The real you. Blunt and quiet and really... levelheaded. More attracted to adventure myself. I just had myself so convinced I would bring that out of you. But not even Iris does. You remain blunt and quiet and levelheaded even when she is dragging you around to the forest."

"Have to disagree." Theodore raised his bandaged hand up to call attention to it.

Tracey bit away her laugh, "You knew what you were doing that whole fight. Not everyone can keep it together all the time. Natural to be protective of those you love."

Theodore's eyes shot to Tracey at that... word... shaking his head, he looked back out to the grounds, "Strong word."

She hummed, "I've always dreamed of someone looking at me like you do her, though; makes me a bit jealous," she let out a pained sorta laugh, "Part of me wishes I could have taken the time to fall for the real you, fought for your attention. Somehow been the one you wanted. Still too busy being a silly girl, chasing fantasies."

He looked at her for a moment, forming words as he contemplated that... "We weren't a good match. You need someone who will be open, who listens without comment, will help push you out of that shell. I wouldn't have given you what you needed."

"Still... how you look at her reminds me of my parents."

Theodore shrugged, "That came slowly. After... Can't imagine caring about someone is ever instant. There has to be more."

Her lips quipped again in a genuine smile, considering that. Perhaps comforted in some way. And then she teased, "Caring... think you should just come clean to her, you know? She'll kill me if she finds out I told you, but she was getting a bit jealous over you the other day."

She seemed to revel in how he paused; a red that came on too suddenly to be the cold tinted his ears... his attention firmly locked ahead. But his answer wouldn't exactly match his little bout of shyness, "I'm not going to be the one to complicate her life."

And Tracey could only just frown at that, looking back out to the grounds as well... in complete disagreement with those words. She chewed her lip as a thought struck her... face softening, "My parents are the most sickly in love people I know. They've always said that love should be simple. Sure, you have your fights and rough patches. Everyone does. But even through all that, love is simple for one reason...

"They just always choose each other. They always choose to come out the other side loving one another.... You and Iris would do that, I know it. She's committed to who she loves... and you have been walking around all day instead of studying to look for her."

The words struck him... they did, and he took them in... Theodore was always just quick with his thoughts, quick and firm, "I can live the rest of my life just as we are. I'm not forcing her to address... this. I won't pile more problems onto her when she doesn't want to face them. I will be just as happy caring about her as her friend."

Tracey sighed, having to just give into that, "Ball is in her park then?"

His eyebrows furrowed, making Tracey giggle as she shook her head, "An expression to say it is up to her to make a move."

Theodore left it at a nod... lapsing the pair back into silence. Still a bit weird, awkward in a way... neither of them really quite used to being alone.... And there was one more thing to be said.

"You need to be careful with Dante."

"I know."

And it was left at that.


Iris dangled her feet over the edge of the astronomy tower, looking up to the stars as she had the exact same a year prior. Swaying her feet in the air... more energy than the year prior, the full moon fueling her soul. The envelope from the morning was discarded behind her, now empty as she held the pile of pictures in her hands... the only company she had allowed for the whole day...

She heard Theodore coming long before he was there. His shuffling feet on the steps up, his ragged breaths, his ruffling coat, his thoughts all but begging that he was right.

And he was, tentatively looking over the edge before choosing to settle just behind Iris. He said nothing, just existed with her... the ball was in her park when it came to any explanation, or thoughts or conversation. He was fine with just being there.

And maybe he was a bit surprised when she held the pictures over to him, eyes still up in the sky as he gingerly took them... unsurprised that the top one was of a man that looked so much like his friend.... He didn't look at the others... feeling like he didn't have the right, stuffing them inside his coat for safekeeping.

"I tried to make a card this morning. Used to do that, made cards for everyone... then I forgot what his favorite color was...." Theodore couldn't see her... but when she took in a shaky breath... it hurt.

Iris released the breath as she opened her eyes again, "This was his favorite place while at Hogwarts, though... I still remember that.... He liked stars."

He had nothing to say... he hated that he had nothing to say... that he knew nothing. That he wouldn't know where to begin with helping her grieve a man he knew nothing of. A man he would never meet that meant everything to her....

But she didn't care. She didn't need any words... just someone. She leaned back into Theodore... startling the boy momentarily as he had to uncross his legs to either side of her. Stiff as she used his chest to lean against, his shoulder as a pillow... eyes still just looking to the stars...

But, as always, when given a moment to push through the uncertainty, he did. And right then, with his heart skipping a few beats, he loosely wrapped his arms around her, feeling hers rest over his... soft taps of her fingers on his skin as she needed to have some movement. And then he rested his head on hers, closing his eyes as she stared up at the sky...

Comforting but allowing her privacy as she sat in that moment, remembering her father. 

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