From Bringston, With Love

By BUFantasy

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If you've ever watched the young adult drama, All American Homecoming, this is my spin on the events that occ... More

Intro + Playlist Link
Chapter 1: Fallin'
Chapter 2: Concentrate
Chapter 3: You Should Be Here
Chapter 4: Little More Time
Chapter 5: Cracks in Mr. Perfect
Chapter 6: Conversations in a Diner
Chapter 7: Fake Love in LA
Chapter 8: Comfort In Ending
Chapter 9: Almost is Never Enough
Chapter 10: Here to Stay
Chapter 12: Back For More
Chapter 13: Runnin' Thru Lovers
Chapter 14: One Good Thing
Chapter 15: It Gets Better With Time
Chapter 16: Love Don't Change
Chapter 17: Can You Stand The Rain?
Chapter 18: I Thought You Wanted to Dance the Night Away
Chapter 19: Keep the Family Close
Chapter 20: Moments
Chapter 21: Moment

Chapter 11: All I Want For Christmas Is You

300 8 28
By BUFantasy

Simone and Keisha are on their way to LA. Cam has already made it home for the break by now. Keisha will be staying with Simone, but still plans to spend time with Cam's family on Christmas. Simone feels a lot more at ease on this journey back to LA. She's not dreading the potential ending of anything. Only looking forward to being able to relax, spend time with her family and Shay, and get a complete break from the things going on in Atlanta. Keisha's always along for the ride and down for whatever. The most she is concerned about is meeting Cam's parents and wondering what they'll think of her.

JR and Nate are with their families. Damon goes to spend a few days with his parents in Chicago but comes back before Christmas to be there with Thea for her rotator cuff repair surgery and post-op care. She doesn't really have anyone else that she'll allow in her space at such a vulnerable time. Not even her parents. Her surgery goes well but it's still an uphill battle to get back on the court. That's her main focus.

Simone and Keisha have a pretty smooth first few days in LA until they run into some familiar faces as Slauson Cafe. It's just 2 days before Christmas and Clay is on the hunt for talent to sign at his label so he's hosting an event. Spencer, Layla, Jordan, and Olivia are all in attendance. Layla's talking to Clay. Spencer, Jordan, and Olivia are together but Jordan still somehow has his eyes on Layla. Cam's on stage just finishing up singing Ordinary People by John Legend. Everyone's clapping for him in the end. Simone turns her head to see Jordan staring intensely at Layla while she's talking to Clay. This bothers her, but not as much as what's to come next. Spencer breaks away from Jordan when he sees Simone and Keisha. He comes to greet them and Cam just as Cam is leaving the stage. Then a familiar voice, but unpleasant presence adds themselves to the mix.

"Yo Cam, I didn't know you could sing let alone like that! Good to see you bro. How you been?" says Dane as he goes to dap Cam up.

"Ohhh shoot, Dane?! What's good bro? It's been a min," Cam says in response. "This is my girl Keisha, and you already know Simone."

Dane: "Oh damn, Simone? It's been a minute. You look beautiful as ever, but that's no surprise."

Simone: "You can't be serious right now." She turns to Keisha. "Is he serious right now?"

Keisha mumbles, "If I speak..." Cam squeezes her hand urging her to chill.

Dane tries again asking Simone, "You been doing good though?"

Simone: "You have no business asking me personal questions. If it's not about your son. You know the kid you've seemed to miraculously have forgotten about, then you shouldn't have a damn thing to say to me."

Dane: "My bad I was just trying to have polite conversation."

Cam steps closer to Dane. "I think you should just go bro. Ain't nothing left for you here."

Dane throws his hands up just before walking off. "Aight, I'm out."

"That's my baby!" Keisha says as she goes to kiss Cam on the cheek. She turns to Simone and grabs her hand. "You okay, girl? That was kinda crazy."

Simone takes a deep breath and smiles reassuringly. "Yeah, I'm good. I'm not gonna let anything ruin Christmas for me. Especially not someone like that." Simone sighs. "Anyways, I think it's time for us to get out of here before anything crazier happens," she says, as she looks in Jordan and Layla's direction.

After seeing Jordan and Layla, then Dane all in one night, Simone just needs time to herself. The night is still pretty young and she could hang with Cam and Keisha for a while but she chooses to go home instead while they hang out without her. Cam drops Simone off at home. She opens the door and heads straight to the kitchen. She grabs some water and a few snacks, then heads to her room. As she's walking up the stairs to her room, she guzzles her water. By the time she gets to her room, the water is almost gone, but she notices that she still has leftover water in a bottle from the other night on her nightstand. She admires the framed picture of Shay on her nightstand before tossing herself forward on her bed.

Simone lays there flat replaying some of the events of the night in her head. In an attempt to stop thinking about everything, she puts on her feel good playlist on her phone. She closes her eyes to listen to the music when suddenly, her phone begins to ring. She opens her eyes and can see the time on the clock in front of her. Her phone is on her back side. It's about 10:30 pm. Her phone is still ringing. She groans as she rolls over to take a peek. She's being FaceTimed. She picks up. Still laying on her bed, Simone props herself up, elbows and forearms to the bed, hand on her chin, phone propped up against her pillow.

"You do know it's like 10:30 in LA right? How you know I wasn't in the bed?"

"Well I mean technically you are in the bed... well on the bed, but obviously you're wide awake. Plus I know your body still on ATL time anyway. The night is still young for you."

"Okay, you got me. I'm wide awake. What do you want Damon? Ain't you supposed to be babysitting... I mean taking care of your girlfriend?

He laughs. "Imma let you have that one. Plus Nate is hanging out with her right now anyways. Apparently she had to get away from her family."

"Okay, so what? You just called to talk?"

"Damn, you in a rush? You got somewhere to be?"

Simone holds a straight face but her seriousness breaks when Damon keeps the same energy. They both laugh simultaneously.

"Okay okay. So you know how you've been looking for that teddybear that got damaged when Shay was here?"

Simone nods her head. "Yeah"

"Well I know you were looking for another one, but that company didn't sell it anymore, so you were looking for something similar... and I found one." Damon pulls the bear out showing it to her.

Simone lights up with excitement. "Wait, how did you find that? I haven't been able to find one like it anywhere."

"You know I'm well connected out here in these streets"

"Boy please!"

"But seriously I was at the mall and this random store was having a special. They were selling the last of these, so I figured I would cop you one... well, Shay. You know what I mean. You can keep it here for when he comes to visit again or I can send it to Shanelle if you want. It's up to you."

"Wow, that was really thoughtful of you and completely unexpected! Shay is gonna love it! Lemme think on that last part though. I'll let you know."

"Cool, cool. You good though? How is your break going?"

"It's been pretty straight. Just been hanging with Keisha. Her and Cam went off somewhere tonight. I just needed some time to myself."

"Why? Did something happen? You good?"

"You know you didn't have to ask me the same question three different ways, right?"

"Whatever. You gonna tell me what happened or nah?"

"I'm fine. I just ran into Dane tonight and he was trying to be all nice and buddy buddy like we're cool. He didn't even ask about Shay. It's like he doesn't even exist to Dane."

"Damn. I'm sorry."

"It's cool. It's just that sometimes. I forget he exists and then every now and then I get a little reminder. He really just doesn't give a fuck."

"I get that it's annoying and it's probably going to remain a sore spot for you. It's okay if it's not 'fine' or if it's not 'cool' right now. Just remember that Shay's good. He's in a safe place. You made sure of that. No matter what, you and Shay both have people who love and support you, in LA and here in Atlanta too."

Simone smiles almost to the point of blushing. "You're right." She feels more content now. "How is it that you always know just what to say?"

"Because I know you."

"Yeah whatever.... Oh, I almost forgot to ask how your visit home was. How's your dad doing?"

"It was pretty straight. Nothing too exciting happened while I was there. My mom is still handling things pretty well, but I know she's tired. My dad... you know, same old same old. He has good and bad days. Didn't really know who I was, but knew I was familiar."

"It's nice that you got to spend time with him though, whether he remembers or not."

Damon sighs. "Yeah... anyways, I'm not gonna hold you up. I know you were busy doing whatever it is you were doing."

"You actually called just when I needed it, so... thank you and thanks for getting Shay the bear."

Damon cheeses. "Yeah, I got you and little man any time. Oh, and I know it's early but in case you don't hear from me day of, Merry Christmas."

Simone smiles. "Merry Christmas," she says as she clicks the end button on her phone. Tina walks around knocking on the door. She catches Simone still in her smile.

"What's gotten you so smiley? Or should I say who?"

"Oh nobody. It was just Damon."

"Oh really now?" She gives Simone a look of intrigue.

"Mom stop. It's not like that." Tina looks at her in disbelief. "I'm serious. He was just calling me to say he found a teddybear similar to the one that I was looking for for Shay."

"Well that's definitely worth the smile on your face. I know that's not the only reason but I'll leave you be. I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

Simone rolls her eyes playfully. "Goodnight."

The next day Simone and Keisha are back at Slauson Cafe waiting to meet with Cam for lunch. Keisha's nervous because she's going to meet Cam's parents in just one more day.

"I just wanna check in to see how you're doing after everything that happened last night and you wanting to go home early. I know seeing Dane probably brought up a lot of memories and feelings. You said you were good, but I wanna make sure that's still the case."

"I'm good. For real this time," Simone says reassuringly. "I actually happened to talk to Damon about it last night and he kinda said everything I needed to hear."

"That's a surprise," Keisha says sarcastically.


"What? I'm just saying, that's kind of his thing. Telling you just what you need to hear. Remind me again, why is he in Atlanta with that girl while you're here alone?"

"Nope, I'm not going there with you today. Let's talk about you. How are you feeling about meeting Cam's parents tomorrow?"

"I'm actually really nervous, Simone. This is a big step for us. I haven't met anyones parents before."

"It can't be any worse than how Cam met your dad. I'm sure you'll be fine. And how could they not love you? You're smart and super talented. Just like Cam. I mean you 2 really are 2 peas in a pod.... Don't tell Cam I called him smart and talented though."

Keisha busts out laughing.

"But seriously, it's okay to be nervous. Just be you. Cam loves you, so I'm sure his people will too." Cam walks in. "Speaking of the devil. Finally it's not like we were waiting on you or anything"

"Aight Simone chill. I actually got caught up talking to Layla outside. She was telling me about the Christmas Eve party they're throwing at the beach house later and said we should roll through."

"Oh, so she's just inviting people to the beach house now. Her and Jordan must really be a thing now. Maybe I should go and ask her about it."

Keisha: "Then it's probably best that we don't go to avoid all that."

Simone and Keisha's phones ding simultaneously.

Keisha: "Who is JJ and why is he texting my phone."

Simone: "Well I guess we have to go now. It'd be weird if we just didn't show up. Everyone knows we're here anyway."

Cam jokes, "Awww Simone, don't sound so bummed. It's just a Christmas party on the beach." He taps her shoulder, "Loosen up."

Simone mocks him back.

Keisha: "Okay, why don't we order some food and you two calm down."

Attending the Christmas Eve party confirmed everything that Simone already knew. Though she is feeling a lot better about the break up, she's come to realize that Jordan and Layla are together in a real way, or at least that's what she assumes since Layla knows about Shay loving teddy bears. That's something Simone has only shared with Jordan and no one else in the friend group. Yes she had moved on in many ways, but everyone else in LA had moved on too. Everyone was still friendly. They are her friends, but she felt like an outsider. She feels like an outsider. She thought that coming to LA would be different this time. She wasn't dreading anything, but everything still feels different. She doesn't feel like she belongs there anymore... But how could she not feel like she belongs in the place that she calls home? A place that has always been her home. But maybe she never did belong there anyway. At least she had Keisha with her to help keep her grounded in these moments of doubt and confusion.

On Christmas

Keisha finally meets Cam's parents Violet & Isaac. The conversations gets real... and FAST.

Violet: "So what are you in school for Keisha? What do you hope to do in the future?"

Keisha: "Well, I just recently switched my major from premed to dance. I thought I wanted to be a doctor for a long time but that was really my dad's dream for me. I'm really passionate about choreography."

Isaac: "Oh i see, it's all starting to make sense now."

Cam: "Dad don't start"

Isaac: "So you're the reason that Cam has decided to major in music? What is with you young folks choosing passions over logic? Over sustainability?"

Cam: "Dad, you know I can't play football anymore because of my aneurysm. Can't you just be happy that I found some thing else that I'm just as passionate about?"

Violet:  "Oh, maybe it would be easier to accept if it didn't feel like it came out of nowhere."

Cam: "I've made up my mind, so can we just talk about something else now?"

Violet: "Sure, Keisha what makes you think that dances is a more secure field than medicine? Isn't your dad a doctor? I'm sure that was a big disappointment."

Cam: "Mom, seriously?"

Keisha: "It's fine Cam. Things were challenging between me and my dad at first, but we got through it. Honestly me pursuing medicine was just to fulfill the promise I made to my mom when I was 9 years old and she was pretty much on her deathbed. My mom was also passionate about dance. It's a talent that I got from her. Medicine is in my family on my dad's side but, its not something that will make me happy. Plus, I've had the opportunity to choreograph and dance for well known artists. I think that fully committing myself to the art will allow me to make more connections, help me hone my skills, and allow me to be taken more seriously. Let me add that Cam is really talented too. He just needs to find his way just like I did." She grabs his hand. "He'll figure it out. I believe in him."

Isaac: "Well, I'm glad you seem so sure of yourself, but where we come from we have to make sure that we have a plan, a back up plan, and a back up for the back up plan. I understand that the football thing didn't work out, but this music thing just doesn't make sense to me."

Cam: "Well, it's not for you to make sense of."

Isaac: "Don't talk back to me, boy!"

Violet: "Let's just finish getting ready for the rest of the family to come. We'll finish this conversation later."

Cam & Keisha go to help finish setting up tables and chairs outside.

Keisha: "You could've given me a heads up that you told your parents about you changing your major."

Cam: "I would've, but I didn't think that they would make this big of a deal out of it. They're just not used to people in our family going in the more creative route."

Keisha: "Well, I've said my piece. Next time you have this conversation with your parents, it'll be on your own. They won't be coming for me."

Cam: "I get it! At least you aren't staying here with me. You'd never hear the end of it."

Keisha: "Ugh! I'm so ready to get back to Atlanta. Cali is cute and all, but i'm over it."

Cam: "I feel you. It's way more peaceful there without my parents in my ear about every decision that I make."

Keisha places her hand on Cam's cheek and rubs it softly. "It's okay. We'll be back in Atlanta soon. Just a few more days."

Despite the rough beginning, Cam and Keisha enjoy the rest of their Christmas with his family.

Two days later, Keisha, Simone and Cam all head back to Atlanta. Keisha jumps back into her RA duties, while Simone and the rest of the athletes, get back to practicing and preparing for the new semester. Everyone is getting readjusted to being back on campus. Thea is having a bit of a hard time. Seeing all the athletes walk around, heading to practice. Their bodies are perfectly fine and ready to play their sports, while she is still recovering on the sidelines. But the one thing she does have to look forward to is Damon. She stops by Damon's room to hang out with him for a bit later in the day. They are sitting beside each other on Damon's bed. Thea is at the head of the bed, Damon at the foot of the bed.

Damon: "So everyone is going to be at family brunch at Dr. P's tomorrow. You're still coming right?"

Thea signs deeply. She doesn't want to go cause Simone will be there. She's not feeling her at the moment. "Yeah I guess."

Damon: "Cool. I really need you to make things right with Simone like we talked about. I know you were going through it, but you know deep down it wasn't her fault. You need to tell her that."

Thea: "Yeah, I know what we talked about. But I'll talk to her when I'm ready to, not just because you want me to."

Damon: "Okay whatever... So what you wanna do tonight? You wanna watch a movie oorrr...?" He catches Thea spaced out looking past him. "You good?"

Thea: "You got me a bear? You know I'm not into all that stuff."

Damon looks behind himself. "Oh nah that's not for you. That's for Shay."

Thea: "Who? oh.... Why are you buying Simone's kid a bear? It's not like you're his family. You don't even know him like that."

Damon: "Woah, calm down. Simone was looking for a bear very similar to that one, but couldn't find one. When I came across it I got it for her. They were selling the last of them." Thea looks displeased. "You know that Simone is pretty much my best friend. So you really shouldn't have a problem if I get something for her or her son."

Thea hops off the bed. "You know what? You're right! It doesn't matter. I don't know why I'm even surprised. Everything always somehow ends up being about Simone. Doesn't matter how I feel. I think I'm gonna go to bed early."

Damon hops off the bed, trying to stop her. "Thea come on! Don't tell me you're..."

Thea cuts him off. "I don't wanna talk about this anymore. I need to rest before PT tomorrow. I'll just see you after."

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