Beast of the Sea - WARRIOR CA...

By Dusklights

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Ferretkit was only one moon old when her mother, Wolfstar, clawed her face, leaving lasting scars. Now an out... More

Part 1 - The Shore
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Interlude - Ripplepaw
Part 2 - Secrets of the Deep
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Interlude- Dewstar
Part 3 - The Beast Within
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 7

294 9 25
By Dusklights

Chapter 7

My vigil was already over.

No, not the vigil to make me a warrior. I mean the one that marked me as a dead member of the clan. As dead as Yellowbelly, the old cat who hadn't escaped the blaze. As if I had never existed at all.

As Little and I padded towards our ruined camp, she gave me a rueful glance. Much of the land around us had been flattened and burned, with ashes laying on the ground all around us. The scent of smoke lay heavily in the air, even though the ShoreClan warriors had rallied their efforts and extinguished the flower.

"That Stormwing cat seemed really happy to see you," Little commented idly as I led her towards our ruined camp. We leaped a ditch in the ground before my new friend went on. "I mean, tears were flowing down his face to create a small river."

"It was only him, though," I muttered under my breath. "Moonpoppy, the calico, she stared at me as though I was a ghost. Streamfeather couldn't meet my gaze, as though she wanted me dead."

Little sighed softly. "That silver she-cat Streamfeather just seemed shaken if you ask me," she began limping on three legs as though the pain in her burned forepaw was getting more painful. "And besides, the rest of the cats were asleep, besides Aqua-what's-his-name who asked us to meet him at 'camp.' Stars, there's many new words!" She hesitated. "Are we nearing your home?"

"Yeah," I flicked my tail ahead to where the massive pile of black rocks lay. It was the only way I would have been able to tell this had once been my home; everything else was burned to a crisp. "And, thanks for coming with me."

Little flicked her tail across my back, grinning softly. "It'll be fun. And an adventure! It'll be awesome to make new friends. I also was raised to repay my debts. So, hopefully I'll be able to do that one day."

"There's no need," I meowed, smiling faintly, surprised at the fact that Little had been able to cheer up my spirits. "I'm not that brave, though."

Little rolled her eyes. "I think you're pretty epic. Anyway, who's that cream she-cat over by those rocks?" She pointed with her paw into the distance to where the meeting rocks of ShoreClan used to be. I squinted my eyes, looking where Little pointed. It was the long-haired deputy, Dewocean.

Little bounded forward when she noticed that I seemed to recognise the cat. Even though she was shorter than me, and limping, I had to sprint to keep pace with her. She was faster than I would have expected.

I slowed when we reached the ashen sand of the beach. We were only within a few tail lengths of the clan deputy now. Little glanced behind her back, and seeing me stop, she too slowed. The force of her charge meant that she skidded through the sand a few tail lengths, until she stopped. She was nearly nose-to-nose with Dewocean.

"Hey!" Little chirped. "Are you Ferretpaw's claaanmaaate?"

She said the word clanmate as though she was tasting a new type of freshkill, making each syllable go on for more than it needed to. Dewocean stared back with an impassive expression.

"I suppose you could call me that," Dewocean smiled faintly. "I'm the clan deputy, which means I run things around here. The clan leader, Aquastar, will be around shortly." As Little stared back, wide-eyed, she added in a curious tone. "Do you understand words, rogue?"

Little looked very confused, and I guessed that she hadn't quite understood all that Dewocean had been saying. Clan life was normal to me, but it must come as quite a shock to an outsider.

"What's with this meeting?" I growled suspiciously.

I didn't know Dewocean well enough to trust her. The clan deputy sighed, and ran a paw over her ear idly, almost smugly. Perhaps she was just confident. She smiled at my bewilderment, seeming to pause a few heartbeats before speaking. Even then, she just made me even more confused.

"Oh, darling Ferretpaw," Dewocean gestured with her tail for Little and I to sit down. "You know, you saved this cat. That shows immense dedication to the clan, beloved. Not to mention your ferocity."

I blinked slowly as Dewocean smiled warmly at me. She flicked her fluffy cream tail, staring up at the sky. Clouds had begun to cover over the midday sun, making the clearing feel darker and colder. Then, I realised that it wasn't just the clouds; there was another thing casting a shadow onto my dark grey pelt. I glanced up.

"Hello, Ferretpaw," Aquastar meowed. I stared at him as he padded over to sit beside Dewocean. His pelt seemed unkempt, and his eyes were raw as though he didn't sleep for days. Perhaps the clan leader was truly showing his devotion to his clanmates.

Dewocean bent low, and began to murmur something in Aquastar's ear. While she did, he stared blankly into the distance, muttering something under his breath that I couldn't hear. Little stared at them with wide eyes, pale brown tail brushing the sand.

"Little," Aquastar shifted his dull gaze towards the pale brown she-cat. "I heard you wanted to join the clan? What worth would you have in our ranks?" Before Little could respond, Dewocean interjected.

"You and Ferretpaw seem to be good friends," she smiled. "Little should be a Bottom-Feeder apprentice. And darling," she turned to Little. "I saw your speed. You would be so helpful for our missions, and in turn, we would give you a family." She glanced back at Ferretpaw. "I'd care for both of you."

I stared back at Dewocean's glittering amber eyes, a deep yearning sensation filling my belly. As she smiled, I let out a rusty purr, though I didn't quite know why. Something about her eyes reminded me of how Moonpoppy looked at her kits. Those eyes made me hungry for something I hadn't realised I wanted.

Aquastar turned on his deputy. "Hold it!" He snarled. "We haven't told any of our loyal warriors that we're going to war yet, why tell her?"

"Oh Aquastar," Dewocean sighed, running her tail over his flank. "It's the only way. For seasons they have preyed on us. CaveClan even prepared a battle patrol to drive us out, while Ferretpaw was gone! We have to do this."

"W-war?!" I yelped, taken aback. "And for what?!"

Dewocean turned to me, then back to Aquastar. "Everything will be revealed in time, Ferretpaw. I'm sorry that you've lived in such a tumultuous time," she padded towards me, running her tail along my scrawny frame, smiling with all her shining teeth. "Do as you're told, and all will be fine. Now, let's promote Little to an apprentice, shall we?"

It was dark by the time Little, now Littlepaw, and I returned to the temporary camp. It was on high ground, surrounded by a copse of wild trees. The warriors had very quickly created a series of woven dens, though I noticed immediately where the Bottom Feeders were.

"Hey," I glanced up as Shadefang spoke to me. He was settled beside a hollowed out tree, almost as though he was guarding it. He had a fresh scar over his cheek, which he was touching self-consciously. I wondered if he was worried his clanmates would start disliking him as much as they hated me based on how he looked. His mother, Goldspike was the sort of cat who really cared about standards.

"It's good to see you again, Ferretpaw," he commented.

"Yeah, thanks," I muttered under my breath, feeling exhausted.

Littlepaw, though, bounded right up to Shadefang, practically jumping up and down. "Hi there!" she smiled. "Cool scar."

Shadefang blinked, rubbing his cheek. "Really?" he asked. "You think so?" He blinked. "Thanks. Littlepaw, right? You seem like a good young cat."

Littlepaw grinned. "You too!" she purred, then followed me into the hollowed out tree.

"What was that about?" I asked in a low voice as we slipped around the twisted roots. "He's like our guard. Why would you compliment him?"

Littlepaw shrugged. "I dunno," she admitted. "He just seemed sort of...sad. And I mean, his scar was pretty gnarly. I bet he got it recently."

I glanced around at the den that surrounded us. The outside had made me think it would be a small hollow, but it was deceptively large. Two dens were already there, filled by Frogstream and Bubbleburst. It was completely dark besides Frogstream's pelt, which seemed to glow as though warning every cat of how dangerous colliding with her was. Water encased her like a permanent, inescapable cage, while she rolled on the ground, moaning softly.

Bubbleburst cracked open an eye, and a relieved look filled his face. "Ferretpaw," he meowed roughly. "You're alive...My apprentice..."

I settled down in the peaty ground, wishing that I had a nest. My shoulder ached. Frogstream was now awake too. She glanced at Littlepaw and I with wide eyes.

"Have I seen you before?" she asked Little slowly. "You look like..." her voice trailed away and she shook her head slowly. "No...never mind. It's just your expression. It reminded me of the littermate I ki-Forget what I said."

Little blinked kindly. "I knew my parents," she offered softly. "Even though our time was brief. And I've never seen the clans before." Even though seeing how Frogstream looked must have come as a shock, she seemed completely calm.

Frogstream took a deep breath, getting to her paws. She exchanged a glance with Bubbleburst, who was looking straight at me. Tiredly, I wondered what the two of them wanted. Then, Frogstream let out a faint sigh.

"Do you really think we should do this?" Frogstream asked Bubbleburst. "I mean, it could turn out really badly."

Bubbleburst sniffed. "If I'm going to get out of this dump, I'm going to need an apprentice with powers. It's part of what makes us ShoreClan warriors."

Frogstream winced visibly.

Bubbleburst squared his shoulders. "It's nothing against you," he muttered. He glanced at me. "Or you, Ferretpaw. But I was given this rank by mistake. I'll prove it when I train you, and I'll prove it with the CaveClan and GladeClan warriors I kill."

I flattened my ears against my skull. Quickly, I glanced towards the back of the hollow, but our voices were too quiet for Shadefang to hear. I was sure of it. Taking a deep breath, I turned, and met Bubbleburst's gaze.

"You want me to get my powers tonight," I growled. The tom looked shocked that I had figured out what he was getting at, but I went on. "Fine by me." He's hoping I'll get some sort of hidden ability that will help my training, like Strikepaw's speed or whatever enhancements Goldspike has. But whatever I'll help me destroy that shadowed cat.

A faint smile twitched in Bubbleburst's mouth. Ambition. I saw it as clear as day. Frogstream was still trembling, staring at her paws. Once, she had taken a dip in the sea. It had destroyed her life. The same could very well be true of me.

"You know the risk," she murmured, glancing between Bubbleburst and me. "Littlepaw and I will stay back while you do this." She lifted her chin defiantly. "I don't agree with what you're doing, Bubbleburst."

Bubbleburst's tail drooped, shifting his gaze towards the exit of the den. "I don't need your approval," he sighed. "I only need that of my mother, Dewocean. Shadefang's already agreed to it. Me and him are kin, you know."

"Kin doesn't mean everything," I snapped.

Bubbleburst hardened his jaw. "Just come on."

I glanced at Littlepaw, but she was already murmuring softly to the Frogstream. As I turned to leave, she flashed me a reassuring grin. I held her gaze for a heartbeat before she turned, and ran her tail along the water encasing Bubbleburst, trying to hide a grimace from the heat.

As I followed my mentor, I gave one quick glance in Shadefang's direction. He stared at me, eyes glittering as he stared impassively out at the ocean. Bubbleburst was sprinting towards the sea, flicking his tail at me to do the same. Waves crashed along the shore.

"Kin doesn't mean everything," Shadefang was whispering to himself. "But in ShoreClan, kin and secrecy is how we survive."

I raced towards my mentor, taking a quick glance at the woven dens surrounding me. In one, I thought I could hear voices. I twitched my ears. No, that can't be right.

"Help! Help! I'm drowning. The red surrounds me! I never asked for this."

"Oh shut up. StarClan knows why you got to have it instead of me." A voice growled softly. "She could still be out there...but now, now I have a weapon. My first action was a mistake, but now...Just a few changes, and she's as good as mine."

I wondered who the voices were. Perhaps a vision, I thought to myself as I darted towards the sea, leaping over a copse of dried up bracken. The waves crashed on dark black rocks, making my ears throb as I skidded down to where Bubbleburst stood. At least, the salty tang of freshwater removed the scent of smoke.

Bubbleburst blinked as the two of us padded along the shore, looking for a safe place for me to jump in. I watched as the black and white tom stared into the distant horizon, towards the sea.

Distracted by my mentor, I missed the flash of white fur that was trailing us in the land above.

"This will be good for the both of us," Bubbleburst commented, finally stopping as we reached a piece of shore that didn't have the jet-black rocks. "Having these powers is part of what makes us strong warriors." He blinked. "Now go in the water. Put your entire body under, and then come out."

I nodded, but unease still made my fur prickle. "And then?" I prompted. "Will I just get a power?"

Bubbleburst smiled, running his tail along my flank reassuringly. "I don't have a strong power, so it took a bit for me to figure out what it was. It may be the same for you. Don't worry, the sea surrounds this land, protecting us, empowering us. In turn, we help the sea with our way of life."

I nodded, turning towards the ocean. It's now or never, I thought. I tried to be brave, even though my legs quivered at the mass of water surrounding me. It was clear how powerful it was. Then, I took my first step, and my paw touched the water.

It felt odd. I padded deeper into the ocean, until waves lapped my belly. I glanced back at Bubbleburst, then shifted my gaze back to the waters. I took another step, then another. The water was at my chin now, sloshing around, chilling my body.

"Just dip your head under," Bubbleburst yowled from the sandy bank. "Remember not to breathe in while you're under!"

I took a deep breath, concentrating on my paws, which now were paddling furiously to keep my body afloat. Then, heart hammering, eyes wide, I let my head dip below the surface.

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