Mind Reader

By tomoesleftcheek

11.8K 277 77

Matthew James was always known to be the quiet boy, hot, talk handsome you name it. He hangs out with a group... More

Mind Reader


1.5K 29 23
By tomoesleftcheek

I walked through the halls with Maisha by my side not saying anything. She had been mad at me this morning, for some unknown reason.

It was quiet and early and honestly I didn't have time for her right now. I walked to the library. She said nothing and followed me.

She wasn't thinking about anything, her head was empty I could tell she had learned how to tune me out of her head over the years.

After that explosion I have never been the same. I get into people's heads easily. It's hell, hearing what best friends think of each other, what couples think. Even teachers but the worst one is hearing what people think of me.

Well what happened was the radioactive gas made it's way into me and it's now currently chilling in my lungs. I could die any moment.

It's basically like having asthma but I won't die easily. But one thing what came with the horrid gas is me being able to go into people's heads and hear what their thinking.

Basically mind reading. It's not as nice as you think. The pickme's in this school do too much in life. I just mind my damn business.

And then there's the boys. Sometimes I want to kill myself because of their thoughts. Everything they think either being a luh twizzy (south African slang for y2k obsessed fans) or girls and dick sizes.

It's so bad I can't even focus in class. I really need to learn how to tune people out of my head.

It wasn't as bad when I was small, it was actually quite fun. Our thoughts where innocent and childish but now I want to become deaf.

I woke up today so early I even have a headache. So I picked up random clothes on the floor which consisted of  a random white baggy shirt and my biker shots with some converse.

Maisha had been wearing a mini skirt and a crop top, she had braids in. We both sat down in the library tables and studied a bit until kids started fludding the library.

'There's always hot girls in the library'

I groaned and layed my head on the table.

There were three boys. One which consisted of my brother. Maisha had a huge crush on him. It's always been like that. But he doesn't like her back.

The other 'bad boy's is Luca Michal. His a tall, guy who plays basketball ball. His quite attractive I'm not even going to lie.

He was holding his book bag and next to him was Matthew James. The hottest boy in school. His popular and when I say popular I mean a bunch of groupies follow him everywhere even to the bathroom.

The whole school follows his Instagram, even teachers. But one thing that's odd. His thoughts are so quite. He speaks to no one except Drumi my brother and Luca his best friends.

I don't think he ever noticed me, well I don't want to be noticed. Being in this damn school is a burden. And being popular is even worse. Not that I am.

"Ku! My dearest and only sister, how are you on this fine day? "  Dru screamed in the damn library.

Everyone turned to him and shushed him. I flicked him off and turned to my books.
Books are better then people, but Matthew is an exception.

He held his heart and pretended to faint, falling on Luca. He looked like an idiot. Well he is one.

He then walked towards me and sat down. I could feel Maisha beside me tense up.

"Sup mai" he whispered. He knew she liked him. So he taunts her every chance he gets. Whether Its by getting with a girl every knew week or flirting with her.

Luca and Matthew just kept quiet and watched us interact. I smacked his head and  he let out a yelp. I glared at him and Luca snorted. Matthew just stood there.

He looked finer then he always does. He hair was curly ish and he was wearing a baggy blue hoodie and some cargo khaki pants with his white shirt under that stuck out. Jewelry here and there and a black bag around his shoulders.

Dru snapped his fingers in my face and I realized everyone watched me check him out.

'She totally just checked him out! ' all three of them thought, excluding Matthew and including maisha.

Dru smiled wildly at me and wiggled his eyebrows that where covered by his dreads.

He knew I had the biggest crush on Matthew for years. Everytime he'd try to tell him, Matthew would reply with a 'ye sure' or 'whatever' even 'nah'.  Nothing else. Which was a relief but it still hurt to know that he didn't care.

And all Matthew thought about was sleeping for some odd reason he never, ever thought of anything else, but one time,the only time, he thought about a girl. Dru knew about my weird power of reading minds. He didn't mind since I never changed.

Me and Matthew made eye contact but he looked away as quickly as he looked at me. I could feel my stomach twirling. I wanted to hide and never come out again.

"What do you want Dru? " I asked. My voice sounded bored. I still have it. His face didn't change as he still wiggled his eyebrows at Matthew and I.

He was and is always the person who shipped us the most. He shipped Matthew with no one else.

I've literally seen girls try to get into Matthew's pants, like literally. All I can say it . Not only are my ears traumatized but my eyes too.

I heard a girl one think shout what size Matthew's underwear is. I cringed so hard that day I even died. I will never be the same after these people's thoughts.

"You owe me ten bucks sista, pay up"   he said in his casual voice. His stupid as hell, all he buys is vapes. He doesn't even focus on school.

I was about to give him his money when I heard a thought. One I haven't heard in months.

'Don't give him stupid'  Matthew voice was amazing, soft and hard at the same time and deep too. I frowned at Matthew but quickly looked away when I realized that he didn't say it out loud.

I gave Dru his ten bucks just to make Matthew mad. Matthew shook his head as if I was giving him drugs.

I then shooshed all of them out the library but our time was already over so we just walked with them.

Dru was just talking to be about random bullshit."oh yeah Matthew your in ku's class now right? I wonder why they moved you" Dru said giving me a smirk.

Matthew hummed but shook his head as we took our separate ways. We where always close when small, best friends until one day he and Dru became friends and it's like he completely forgot about me.

I always wondered what I did wrong to end our friendship. I got to my first class which was art class. Maisha was no where to be seen, so i shrugged and went into class.

We where painting today. And each time in painting class the teacher would pick one person to be and reference, naked but their privates covered.

I really hoped it wasn't me. Matthew walked through the door. Mrs Smith gave him oogly eyes and I frowned as every girl looked at him in awe.

"Well great timing Matthew! Today you will be the reference maybe I'll even paint you myself" she said almost jumping in her shoes, miss girl always wore those flats with no socks.

My heart beat increased  and I groped my brush. He sighed and went into the store room to change.

After a few minutes of hell past he came out.

'He is definitely mine tonight'

'Why the hell is he so fine what the Hell'

'He would definitely make good children'.

I sighed and looked around at the girls in awe.

He had his blue sweater covering his parts. His face was contorted into a frown as if he knew what everyone was thinking.

My face turned red and I turned away from him. I suppose these girls aren't lying. All I can say is smash.

I looked back at him and his face was red. I wonder why, wait don't be stupid who the hell wouldn't be embarrassed in front of all these people.

He cracked a smile and we made eye contact. I looked away and began painting. All these girls where racing to see who could paint him best.

Not if I could do it better. I took my time painting him. About three hours later I was done. Everyone finished within the first hour and a half.

I sighed and smiled as I looked at the painting. I'm too good at this shii. I brought it to the front and everyone gasped.

Everyone started swooning over the painting and I looked at Matthew. His eyes where wide.

I can just guess I did it the best, im just too good. He nodded and I looked at him confused. The bell rings and I quickly took off my clothes that I use in painting class and went to my next class which was english.

I met up with Maisha on the way. At least she wasn't mad anymore. I wasn't even going to ask her why.

We walked to class together chatting about random things.

"You think you can give me Dru's hoodie? " she asked without a care in the world. I looked at her and frowned. I knew she was obsessed but not the the point of thievery and either way Dru would know, he rotates his clothes everyday and his a fashionista.

I said nothing but she already knew the answer to that.

We got to class and sat inside. Dru was there at the back with his arm around  a blonde girl. She was pretty.

I looked at Maisha sadly, miss girl really gotta make her move before he actually stays with one of these girls for good.

She looked sad, well she always is when he is around. She has never tried asking him out though, and I wonder why.

Matthew was in the room too next to Dru, doodling in his book.He looks so peaceful

He looked up so fast and we made I contact. I looked away and sat down next to Maisha, all the way in the front.

The English teacher came in and greeted everyone. "Morning, my oldest children" she said smiling warmly at everyone.

She always made everyone feel safe and loved and that is why she is my comfort teacher.

We all greeted back with enthusiasm. But anyone could hear Dru and his sneaky link at the back giggling and smooching.

I turned back, but jumped in my feet when I was face to face with Matthew.

What da hell?

He looked at me with no emotion in his face. I shrugged and looked around him at Dru.

I shook my head at him and mouthed.

It's really not funny

He stuck his tongue out at me but stopped.

Maisha next to me sighed and Matthew just stared. I was getting uncomfortable.

I turned around and started to listen and take notes. A few minutes later though I found my eyes trying to stay awake.

I yawned and Maisha patted my shoulder and whispered. "Sleep".  I nodded and my eyes where about to close until another voice made it's way into my head. A voice that I've grown to love.

"Don't sleep Nsuku"  Matthews voice said in my head. I didn't know if it was really him or I was trippin but I stayed up not turning back.

Shouldn't have stayed up watching maid-sama, it's so damn good though, would totally suck usui off.

I thought as I looked at the teachers clothes. I looked at Maisha besides me and she was gone. Completely sleeping, deep sleep.

"Aowa wena, be wakker word"  I said to her pushing her hard.
(Ah you, wake up)

She groaned and rolled her eyes at me. Not smiling, she was pissed. My mouth made a straight face and I looked around like nothing happened.

I just wonder what she is going through. Well I go through the same thing everyday but like it's hundreds of girls and I could care less.

For her it's like 50 girls per week and yeah I still think it's kind of not the same.

The bell rang and I packed up my books and flew out.

It was lunch, and me and Maisha walked to the cafeteria in silence.

It was already filled to the brim. The only seats left where at the 'bad boys table'.

I rolled my eyes and turned  to walk away with Maisha until someone called her name.

It was Matthew. Calling Maisha? Im usually not one to be jealous but why would he call her and and there is like 50 to 80 girls at their table.

She looked at him annoyed and he smiled. When I tell you that I died. It felt like I was reading a book and falling in love with a fictional character.

Maisha looked at me asking for confirmation. I nodded and she started walking but stopped and looked back.

Of course she wanted me to come with here. I walked with here having a straight face on. I do not want to embarrass myself.

We got to the table with all, and when I say all I mean all giving us nasty looks. We didn't even do anything.

"Maisha, I wanted to ask if you'd like to sit with me? " my mind zoned out trying to tune out the utter nonsense that was coming out of his mouth.

Maisha being the unknowing girl she is nodded and grabbed my hand.

Matthew shooshed some of the girls away.

He touched me, he actually touched me! The high pitched voice rang in my ear and I wanted to pass away on the spot

I sat down next to Maisha and next to her was him. My brother sat next to me chatting off to the girl he was sitting with in class.

Matthew and Maisha started chatting and I felt like melting. This always happened and I felt and feel like mud.

I sat in silence and decided to break it with some music.

I put on my headphones. But I couldn't bug the feeling of this stare. So being the main character I am I turned around.

I saw Michael staring at me. The school bully sitting at the table of jocks. They all started laughing and I just turned around.

I put on mnike because I was feeling very much dancy today.

'Yasizwa le'sgubhu sina mandla
Sazo phila bafun' ubumnandi nomdantso
Thina sobanika
Nika, nika, nika, nika
Yasizwa le'sgubhu sina mandla
Sazo phila bafun' ubumnandi nomdantso
Thina sobanika
Nika, nika, nika, nika

Hey mahn aziwe
Mahn aziwe keh, ziwe keh
Aziwe ziwe (ziwe) ziwe keh
Ziwe keh
Hey mahn aziwe
Mahn aziwe keh, ziwe keh
Aziwe, ziwe keh–ziwe keh

Yasizwa le'sgubhu sina mandla
Sazo phila bafun' ubumnandi nomdantso
Thina sobanika
Nika, nika, nika, nika
Yasizwa le'sgubhu sina mandla
Sazo phila bafun' ubumnandi nomdantso
Thina sobanika
Nika, nika, nika, nika'

I softly sang, very softly singing that, I that I can't even hear myself.

My headphones where loud and I couldn't hear anything. Dru tapped my shoulder and I turned to him pausing my music.

"Sis, everyone can hear your music. I told you to stop listening to all that Amapiano stuff"  he said  and I looked around. Everyone was looking at me.

I immediately became embarrassed. I stood up and walked out the cafeteria. In all honesty. It wasn't all that embarrassing but it would be more embarrassing to stay there.

I am not the type to cry over something like that

To I just sat outside for the rest of the time.

Maisha came running outside and sighed in relief.

"I finally found you" she said sitting next to me.

I smiled as she told me random stuff to cheer me up.

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