Through Thick and Thin

By benandmirandalover

5.8K 362 172

Young Miranda and Ben have been friends since elementary school. the summer before senior year shifts their r... More



393 33 15
By benandmirandalover

Miranda woke up, the soft morning light showing through her curtains. She blinked away the rest of her sleep before rubbing her eyes. Recollection set in that today was, in fact, her birthday. She was 18 today. She wasn't overly excited, but she felt joy with the gift she knew she was going to receive from her mom and dad.

It was really the one day when she didn't feel invisible. She got up and looked through her closet. She decided on a black suspenders flare skater skirt, and she placed a short sleved white shirt on the inside. She lotioned her legs before putting on her black and white converses.

Taking the rollers out of her hair, she fluffed her hair and admired the curls. After she was complete, she made her way downstairs.

"Good morning, Birthday girl !" Elena exclaimed her eyes, shining with joy.

"Good morning, Mama,"

"Happy 18th," her mother chimed.

"Happy birthday, baby girl," William smiled, pulling her into a hug and kissing her head.

"Thanks, Daddy and Momma."

"We have something for you," Elena said as she flipped a pan cake.

William moved to the hall closet before he sat a beautifully wrapped gift on the table, adorned with a bow. "Open it!"

Eagerly, Miranda untied the ribbon and unwrapped the package, revealing a sleek, new laptop. "No, you guys didn't!"

"A powerbook 180. This is so new. The first brand of laptops. You know they began making them two years ago. Nobody has these. "Wow! This is amazing. Thank you so much!"

"You deserve it, honey," Elena said, beaming with pride. "We know how much you love your studies and how dedicated you are to becoming a doctor. we figured this would help you on your path to success."

Miranda hugged her parents tightly, her heart overflowing with gratitude. "I love it! It's perfect."

She knew this laptop cost over three thousand dollars.
"Here's you breakfast, sweetie,"

Miranda ate breakfast with her parents before grabbing her book bag and going outside.

"Happy birthday, Miranda." Ben sung coming out of the house.

"Thank you, Benjamin," Miranda smiled, turning to look at the three things he had in his hand. "Are those for me?" She teased.

"The one and only," he smiled, handing her the bouquet of pink roses.

Miranda smelled them and blushed. "Okay, here, which one do you want next?" Ben asked, holding a picture frame and a box with a purple bow on it.

"The box." She pointed.

"Okay, how about this. You open the box, and I'll read what's on this frame."

"Deal," Miranda smiled giddy as he handed her the box.

Miranda opened the box and gasped at the 14.k white gold necklace. It was a double change with a bar on each one. One bar was thicker than the other.
"Ben, it's beautiful."

Ben smiled and began to read.

"Miranda, my dear friend, so true,
Whose presence in my life, like morning dew,
We met one day, beneath a tree's embrace,
Nine years have passed, our friendship's grace.

She sat there, lost in pages of a book,
Curiosity sparked, I couldn't help but look,
A girl with a spirit, wild and free,
Little did I know, she'd change the world for me.

Through childhood's adventures, side by side,
We laughed, we cried, in life's joyful ride,
Exploring the world, hand in hand,
Miranda, my compass, always there to understand.

Her words, like the wind, whispered dreams,
Guiding me through life's winding streams,
She taught me kindness, to love and care,
With her by my side, I had no fear to bear.

Nine years have woven a bond so strong,
In each other's hearts, we forever belong,
Miranda, my beacon, my cherished guide,
With you by my side, I'll face the world wide.

So let's keep soaring, my dear friend Miranda,
In our adventures, our hearts will forever soar,
Through laughter and tears, through highs and lows,
A friendship like ours only grows and grows."

Miranda felt tears weld up in her eyes, and she pouted and threw herself into Ben's arms as he lifted her by her thighs. Miranda didn't even care that she had a skirt on as she hugged him tightly.

"This was the poem that needed tweaking?"

"Yeah," he whispered.

"It's beautiful, Benjamin. Thank you. I love you." She told him quickly.

"I love you too short stuff."

Ben let her down, and he took the necklace out of the box. "The reason the bars are two different widths is because it represents the saying through thick and thin." He explained as he put it on her.

"Through thick and thin." She repeated and wiped her eyes.

"Yes, us forever."

"Dam it. I didn't expect to be crying like this. Okay, let me go grab a tissue. Plus, I want to put my flowers in water and put my poem on my nightstand."

"Okay, I'll be waiting,"

Miranda ran back inside of her house and walked to her room. She sat her poem in the picture frame on her nightstand before walking to her bathroom to wipe her eyes.

"Momma, can you put these flowers Ben got me in a vase? " she asked.

"Sure, I'll see you later."

"Alright, love you. I have debate so I should be home about 5:30 to 6."


The evening of Miranda's birthday. She was in her room waiting for her mother to finish cooking. She kept looking at the poem Ben wrote and would smile all over again.

She needed to really get a grip and move on from him.

The doorbell rung and Miranda sat up. She didn't know that her mom had invited Ben, Patricia, James, and Curt over for dinner.

"Miranda dinners ready," Elena called out.

When she walked to the dining room, her eyes widened but then softened as she gave them a smile.

"Hey!" Miranda greeted.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart! You're all grown up now." Patricia said, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Ma pat." Miranda smiled as she gave her a card.

"Happy birthday Mandy, time does fly. It seems like yesterday you and Ben were playing in the backyard together." James voiced as he gave her a hug.

"Happy birthday, sis," Curt wished as he took a seat.

As everyone settled around the dining table, the room filled with laughter and the clinking of glasses. Elena made steaks, corn, shrimp, and baked potatoes.
Elena, with her warm and welcoming nature, engaged Patricia in a lively conversation. "So, Patricia, how's work been treating you lately? I hear you've been doing amazing things in your field."

Patricia beamed, her eyes sparkling. "Oh, it's been quite the ride, Elena. You know how it goes being one of the few women with a degree in engineering. Im working in a mans world, but I'm passionate about what I do, and it's fulfilling to rub it in their faces as well,"

Meanwhile, James and William discussed current events and their shared love for sports. "Did you catch the game last night, Bill? That comeback in the final minutes was absolutely incredible. "

William grinned, nodding enthusiastically. "I shol did. I knew what I was talking about when I said they made the right decision in drafting. I'm curious to see how the rest of the season unfolds."

As the night wore on, Ben, Curt, and Miranda engaged in friendly banter, exchanging stories about school, sports, the band, and their shared mischief. Their laughter echoed through the house.

After dinner, Elena got up and walked into the kitchen. She came back with a cake with chocolate icing and the 18 candles on the top.

Miranda laughed. She told her mom that it was unnecessary to bake a cake every year, but she didn't care.

William took pictures on the Polaroid camera. Miranda looked at the cake in front of her and blew the two candles out softly.

"Happy birthday," everyone sung, although Miranda couldn't concentrate. Ben had his hand on her thigh, and it looked as if he was doing it absent-mindedly. He rubbed circles, and it was lighting her skin on fire. That would be the perfect gift to end the night. A great orgasm.

She blew out a shaky breath as she thought about him between her legs. A blush crept on her face at the fact she was evening having this thought around her parents and his family.

Miranda moved her leg, and Ben's hand fell in between. Realizing what happened, Ben snatched his hand away.

He gave her apologetic eyes.

Miranda saw them all to the door. "Thank you all for coming. I enjoyed tonight."

"It was our pleasure,"

Miranda and Lily eagerly made their way to the local skating rink, their excitement palpable. She definitely was the type of girl who did this. Her mom would have never let her go skate. It was too dangerous. Thankfully, Ben took her one night after school. She lied to her mother, saying she was staying at the school's basketball game. He taught her everything she needed to know with skating.

It was a Friday night, and the rink was buzzing with the energy of young teenagers.

As they entered, the sound of upbeat music filled the air, the familiar tunes from the decade enveloping the atmosphere. The colorful disco lights danced across the rink, creating a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of colors.

Miranda grinned at Lily. "I haven't been skating in forever,"

Lily laughed, "Then I definitely got to make sure we're going to have a good time."

The duo laced up their roller skates, their wheels gliding smoothly across the polished floor. With each stride, they joined the lively crowd, gracefully weaving through the other skaters, their moves a mix of style and confidence.

As they skated, Miranda's eyes widened at the colorful fashion choices of the era. "I can't stand them baggy pants. We should have left them in the 80s, " she remarked.

Lily chuckled, glancing at a group of skaters sporting bold patterns and oversized accessories. "Girl, they trying they best to hang on."

The two friends joined a group of skaters in the middle of the rink, skating in time with the pulsating beat of the music. The air was filled with laughter, cheers, and the occasional shout of encouragement.

Miranda twirled around, her arms outstretched. "I'm so glad Ben taught me how to skate."

Lily nodded, her ponytail swaying with each movement. "Well, what else did he teach you." She smirked.

Miranda's eyes widened. She blushed and put her head down some. "Oh my god you both fucked."

Miranda gasped and covered her mouth. "Lily!"

"What! I'm asking. But I think I got my answer."

"Good because I'm not answering it." She responded sticking her tongue out.

"Well now you have to because I want to know. How was it adleast. No wonder yall both act so weird yet comfortable around each other."

"We do not act weird...anymore,"

"Sooooo?' She questioned wiggling her eyebrows.

"It was absolutely amazing. I have never experienced nothing like it."

"Ohh let's go get a table,"
Miranda skated to the side and got off the rink. She made her way to an empty table. Glad to rest her feet.

"So how did that happen?"

"It was this summer and it just happened. My parents were out of town and we were in my room watching movies."

"I have never had sex before. Did it hurt as much as people say it does?"

"It hurt but after a couple of mintues it was better. The key is to relax."

"How can you relax when you are doing something so significant."

"It is nerve wracking but I chose to do it with him because I know he really cares about me and I trust him with everything. So I was nervous but quickly got comfortable and he made sure I was relaxed. He was so sweet and caring. He was just focused on pleasing me."

"And you all just want to be friends?"

"Yeah, we value our friendship. We promised it wouldn't change us."

"You don't think fucking will change you both."

"Can you stop saying it like that. We had sex and it was good and that's the end of it." Miranda rolled her eyes playfully.

"Let's order some food," Lily said standing to skate to the food counter.

As the night progressed, Miranda and Lily took breaks from the rink, sitting on the sidelines, catching their breath, and talking.

Miranda glanced at a couple of boys attempting daring tricks on their skates. "Look at those guys over there, It's like they're auditioning for a skateboarding video. They are going to hurt somebody."

Lily giggled, her eyes following their stunts. "Show off,"

Miranda went home that night and she soaked in the tub to rest her feet. She washed up before getting out. Standing in the bathroom she dried off before lotioning down. Wrapping a towel around herself she went into her bedroom to grab her clothes.

Miranda grabbed a matching red pantie and bra set before taking taking her towel off.

Ben came into his room after dinner and he looked to his window. "Dam," he commented looking at Miranda.

Why must she tempt him in this way. He couldn't tear his eyes away even if he tried. He knew it was wrong and an invasion of privacy but she looked so good naked. He watched as she slid her panties on before putting her arms through her bra.

He chuckled as she tried to reach around and latch the snaps on.

"God she's sexy," he lusted. He walked into his bathroom not wanting to be caught looking at her. Ben looked down at his erection and sighed.

" a cold shower it is."

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