TEAM! max thunderman

By niallhoranslovebot

51.7K 1.4K 367

โ€•โ Together, we're a stronger team, oh. Put your heart in it. You can go the distance. Me and you against the... More

CHAPTER ONE, adventures in supersitting
CHAPTER TWO, report card
CHAPTER THREE, prank war
CHAPTER FOUR, this looks like a job for
CHAPTER FIVE, you stole my thunder, man
CHAPTER SIX, crime after crime
CHAPTER SEVEN, going wonkers
CHAPTER EIGHT, thundersense
CHAPTER NINE, phoebe's a clone now
CHAPTER TEN, have an ice birthday
CHAPTER ELEVEN, nothing to lose sleep over
CHAPTER TWELVE, pretty little choirs
CHAPTER FOURTEEN, max's minions
CHAPTER FIFTEEN, sleepover and movie marathon
CHAPTER SIXTEEN, a trip to new orleans
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN, fighting the green ghoul
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN, winter thunderland
CHAPTER NINETEEN, late night visit
CHAPTER TWENTY, meet the evilmans

CHAPTER THIRTEEN, breaking dad

1.6K 46 4
By niallhoranslovebot

It was just another day in science class when Cherry spoke up. "Why does Mr. Big Booty look so mad?"

"It's Mr. Begbouday." Phoebe corrected.

Millie chuckles. "That's not much of a difference." Cherry nodded in agreement.

"True." Phoebe nods. She shrugs. "But he hates it when people call him 'big booty'."

Mr. Begbouday steps out from his desk, accidentally knocking something over because of his big bottom. "But to be fair, that is one big booty." Phoebe commented and Cherry covered her mouth to stifle a laugh while Millie snickered.

"Who's making a crack?" Mr. Begbouday asks, turning to face the class. "Is it someone in the rear?" 

The four teens in the back covered their mouth to stifle their laughter. "Oh, laugh while you can because I've graded your exams, and soon you'll be the butt of the joke." Mr. Begbouday spoke defensively. 

Phoebe points at the device Max had on the table in front of him. "Max, what is that?"

"Are you sure you even wanna know?" Millie raises her eyebrows. She shakes her head. "I know I don't."

"It's a proton particle power booster." Max explains. "Made it with spare parts no one was using."

Outside in the hallway, they hear Principal Bradford shout, "Oh, come on!" Millie looked behind her towards the door and was surprised to see the water fountain near the science classroom had broke when Principal Bradford tried to use it. 

"And by spare parts you mean the water fountain?" Millie chuckled.

"Basically." Max nods. He points at the device. "This is for Max Thunderman Day."

"Oh, yeah, when is that?" Phoebe asks, pretending to act like she cared. "On the twelfth of doesn't-existuary?"

Max rolls his eyes. "Snark away, but after I pull the best prank this school has ever seen, there'll be a whole day named after me."

"I highly doubt that, but keep dreaming Max." Millie chuckled.

"Check it out." Max holds two cables attached to the device. "I'm going to clamp these cables to a giant turkey-"

"Okay," Phoebe interrupts him. "For legal reasons, we should stop listening to him now."

"I already started that when he said 'This is for Max Thunderman Day'." Millie admitted, repeating what Max sad in the same dramatic tone he used and Max sent her a playful glare.

"Millie, here's your exam." Mr. Begbouday spoke as he walked over to where she sat at the table in front of Cherry, Phoebe and Max. 

"Thanks." Millie smiled, glancing at her exam while he handed the exams to the other two students who sat at the same table as her before he went to the table behind them where Millie's friends sat at. Millie was happy to see that she got a B on her exam. She usually didn't get good grades on tests since she was a bad test taker so she was relieved to see this. 

"Cherry," Mr. Begbouday said, handing her exam to her. "Here's your exam. You got a 100%-"

"Oh!" Cherry happily exclaimed.

"Of the answers wrong." Mr. Begbouday continued.

Cherry frowns. "Oh."

"Miss Thunderman, B." Mr. Begbouday spoke, handing Phoebe her exam.

Phoebe stares at her exam in disbelief as Cherry stands, raising her hand. "Back up, Big Booty. Phoebe is the best student in this class. She studies hard and gets As. It's her thing."

"Cherry, calm down." Phoebe reassures her. "But she's right; it's my thing." After getting a look from the teacher, Phoebe sits back down. "Sir." 

"Max, what is that?" Mr. Begbouday questioned, laying Max's exam in front of him at the table. 

"This? Just a simple machine I made, Mr. Begbouday." Max replied.

"Oh, like the simple jalapeno toilet paper you made last week?" Mr. Begbouday raises his eyebrows at Max. Max nods and grins in response. "I'll lock it in the cabinet so no 'bouday' gets hurt." Max frowned as Mr. Begbouday took his device and carried it away. 

Phoebe gets up to follow the teacher, forcing a laugh. "I give that joke an A. Speaking of As, uh, shouldn't I have gotten one? I don't think I got anything wrong."

"You didn't, but I dont' give As..." Mr. Begbouday explains. "To anyone, ever. It's my thing." Phoebe walked back to the table with a sigh.

"Phoebe, looks like we've got a big Big Booty problem." Max said to his sister.

"It's Begbouday!" Mr. Begbouday corrected. He stood near his desk and as he turned to walk to his cabinet, he knocked off the lamp on his dance. 

As Millie snickers again, the twins exchange a glance and whispers to each other, "Is it?"


The next day at school she was in the hallway with Max. He was wearing this red and yellow outfit that would help him blend in with the lockers. He had explained to her that he was going to get his power booster back. 

"This is never gonna work." Millie shook her head as she followed him to the science classroom.

"Trust me, Mills. It'll work." Max reassures her. They both walk to the science classroom to find Phoebe standing at the door, watching her and Max's dad talk with Mr. Begbouday. "What are you doing here?" He asked her.

"Dad's having his parent-teacher conference with Mr. Begbouday." Phoebe responds. She turns to face him and Millie, furrowing her eyebrows when she saw Max's outfit. Then she gasps and smiles with amusement. "Ooh, how was your interview at clown college?"

Millie covers her mouth to stifle a laugh, shrugging her shoulders when Max sent her a small glare. Max rolls his eyes at Phoebe, shaking his head. "This is my camouflage outfit. I've got to get back in there and get my power booster back."

Phoebe sighs, glancing back into the classroom and noticing Mr. Begbouday was walking towards the door. "Good luck, 'cause he's coming."

Max pulls his hood up and zips his outfit all the way up so it was covering his face as he backed up against the locker. Millie had to admit that was good a camouflage outfit. Phoebe glances at him in surprise. "Sorry I doubted your plan." 

When Mr. Begbouday walked into the hallway, Phoebe and Millie pretends to have a conversation so he wouldn't get suspicious. They glance at the classroom when Principal Bradford walks out. "Well, turns out Mr. Begbouday has hit bottom and is tired of turning the other cheek." He laughs, stopping when the girls sent him a look. "The point is, he quit." 

"Didn't see that coming." Millie admitted.

"He quit?" Phoebe asks, her eyes widening. "But what about my grade?"

"You're gonna have to ask your new chemistry substitute." Principal Bradford answered. 

"Will he be here tomorrow?" Phoebe questioned in a hopeful tone.

Principal Bradford points in the direction of the classroom as Hank walks into the hallway. "I sure will." Hank replied.

"Didn't see that coming either." Millie remarked, her eyes widening in surprise. 

"Wait, dad, you're gonna be our new chemistry sub?" Phoebe smiled.

"Why not, right?" Prinicpal Bradford smiles. "He went to college, he's got a license, and he's a scientific genius. What did you call water again?" He asked Hank.

Hank smiles proudly. "H20."

Principal Bradford grins. "Stop showing off, Jimmy Neutron!" Hank waves a dissmissive hand while Principal Bradford walks over to him, putting his hand on Hank's shoulder. "Hey, come on. Let me show you around." He then looks at a boy who walked over to his locker nearby and gets his attention. "Hey, you. Show this guy around." He then walked away as the student showed Hank around the school.

Max walks back over to his sister and Millie, the hood of his outfit down, and Millie notices he looks worried. "Dad can't be a sub here. How am I going to pull off my prank with Thunderman roaming the halls?"

"You won't." Millie shrugged.

"I think it's great." Phoebe smiles. "He'll right wrongs, stamp out injustice-"

"And give you an A?" Millie interrupted, smiling at her with amusement.

"Exactly!" Phoebe said excitedly.

"I'm not giving up yet." Max sighs. "As long as no one can see me, this isn't over." He pulled his hood up and zipped up his outfit so they couldn't see his face. He then stood by the lockers to blend in with them. Phoebe and Millie chuckled and started walking down the hallway as Cherry walked by. She waved at the two girls. 

"Hi, guys." She then waves at Max. "Hey, Max." 

"I'm a locker!" Max angrily shouted and ran down the hallway.


In Chemistry class the next day, Millie was surprised to see that Hank had dressed up as Albert Einstein. "Hello, future scientists!" Hank speaks in a German accent. He walks into the classroom when the bell had rang. "I am Albert Einstein, und velcome to chemistry!"

Max stares at his dad in disbelief, leaning over to whisper to his sister. "What have you done?"

Phoebe chuckles. "Hey, if Einstein gets me into Hero University, then it's all guten tag."

Millie exchanges a glance with Max. "That's not right." Millie commented. She didn't know much German, but she knew guten tag meant hello.

"Yeah, Phoebe, you just said 'hello'." Max informed his sister.

Phoebe looks surprised for a few seconds but then she recovers quickly. "Yeah, to an A in chemistry." She grins and pretends to raise the roof. "What? What?"

"Dad will ot ruin Max Thunderman Day." Max shakes his head. "I'm getting my power booster back."

"Good luck with that." Millie chuckled and she began to copy the notes Hank was writing on the board while Max got up and began to sneak around the classroom. He wasn't doing that good though since every student knew what he was doing. Hank hasn't noticed him yet though which surprised Millie. Especially when Max army crawled over to hide behind his desk. 

"Und now, because my mustache is very itchy," Hank said, turning to face the class as he still speaks in a German accent. "I present to you your real substitute teacher and all-around cool guy, Hank Thunderman." He bends down to hide behind a table and when he stands he didn't have the wig or mustache on anymore. He laughs. "Thanks, Al." He said in his normal voice. "Now, class, I know that you've been studying," He points at the board, glancing at it just as Max ducks down behind the desk so Hank doesn't see him. "Chemical reactions."

Hank looks back at the class with a smile. "So for today's experiment, I want you to go out, find items in the school, bring them back, and present your own chemical reactions. Now, the grade on this experiment will replace your last exam grade so really challenge yourselves."

Indistinct chatter fills the room as students got up to leave the room and began looking for items to make their own chemical reaction. Millie stays in the room after noticing Max was standing by the cabinet. "Psst! Phoebe, cover me." Max whispers to his sister. "I'm gonna melt this lock with my heat breath."

"Psst, Max! No." Phoebe told him and Max rolled his eyes. 

As Phoebe went to go talk to Hank, Max glances over at Millie with a hopeful look. "Fine." Millie groans, knowing what he will ask her. "I'll cover for you."

Max grins at her. "Thanks, Mills. You're the best."  He tried to figure out some ways to break the lock and settled on a sledge hammer. Where did he get that? Millie had no idea and she didn't want to know.

"Come on guys, we have to go work on our science experiment." Phoebe called out to them.

Hank turns to look over in their direction, catching Max in the act just as he was about to hit the lock with the sledge hammer. Hank outstretches his arms, staring at his son with furrowed eyebrows. "Uh...Just getting ready for baseball practice." Max lied.

Hank points at the sledgehammer. "With a sledgehammer?"

"Go big or go home." Max shrugged, lowering his arms as he walked out of the classroom. Hank glanced at Millie in confusion, hoping she could explain what was going on. He figured she would know since Max was her best friend, but she just shook her head and shrugged in response.


Soon everyone was back in the classroom and presenting their chemical reactions they had made. Millie had already went and she got an A for her experiment so she was in a good mood. "Thank you, Cliff." Hank chuckles, patting Cliff's back. "Your mint candy-soda geyser was messy but well worth it. You get an A." Cliff smiles and goes back to his seat. Hank glances at the two students who were unfortunately in the zone of getting sprayed with the mint candy-soda geysers. "And you get towels." He sheepishly smiled, handing the two students towels. 

"Alright, who's next?" Hank asks, turning back to his desk to look at the list. He pauses when he saw Max kneeling behind his desk holding the janitor's keys. "Hey, buddy." Max glances up at him nervously. "What you doing down there?"

Max stands and smiles nervously. "You know, just helping the janitor look for his keys."

"Oh." Hank smiled.

"Found 'em." Max held up the keys.

"Uh, you can help me open up the lab cabinet and get the cleaning solution." Hank voiced, getting keys out of his pocket and handed them to Max after Max set down the janitor's keys.

Max's eyes lit up and he looks back and forth from him to the keys. "I love you, dad."

"Max. We are at school. It's 'i love you, Mr. Thunderman'." Hank tells him, patting his shoulder. Max nods and walks over to the cabinet. "Alright." Hank picks up the list and turns to face the class. "Oh, Phoebe, you're up." He smiled.

Phoebe and Cherry walks to the front of the class. They're both wearing protective goggles and Cherry is wearing a lab coat. "Okay, everyone." Phoebe said after she takes a deep breath. She smiles and picks up a bottle of purple liquid off the table. "My experiment's called-" She pretends to accidentally spray Cherry's lab coat with the purple liquid. "Woah!" She sets the bottle on the table, pretending to look shocked. "Oops, I accidentally spilled ink on you."

"Oh, no, my lab coat." Cherry pretends to look sad. "But I was on my way to a science party. Now what do I do?"

"Fix it with chemistry." Phoebe smiles. They both put on their goggles and Phoebe grabs a fire extinguisher. She blows it on Cherry and the purple liquid is gone. The class applauses for Phoebe. "That ink was really an acid-based liquid that disappears when mixed with carbon dioxide. Have fun at your party."

Cherry smiles. "I will...Now that I know all that stuff you said." She then high fived Phoebe and they both bowed while everyone applauded them.

Hank walks over to his daughter. "Well, Phoebe, it seems everyone enjoyed your show. And your grade is..."

Cherry hugs on Phoebe's arm with a wide smile. "Here comes your A!" Phoebe smiled excitedly at her.

"A D." Hank finished his sentence, causing the whole room to gasp.

"A-A D?" Phoebe stutters in surprise. "How could you, dad?"

Max walks over to her and Millie notices that he had his device he made now. "Phoebe, we're at school. It's 'how could you, Mr. Thunderman'."


At school the next day, Millie found out Hank had accidentally ate a sandwich Max made. It was one where it made anyone who ate it sleepy because of the turkey in it. Now Hank was passed out which was bad since Principal Bradford was coming to evaluate his class today. Millie was confused at why Principal Bradford was doing that but she understood why after Max explained how Phoebe wanted to transfer out of the class once she got a D.  And now Millie was helping the twins get Hank to have a good evaluation so he wouldn't lose his job.

Millie stood at the back of the class, standing by Max. She was using her energy transference to be able to copy telekinesis she got from when she touched Max's shoulder. Phoebe was at the front of the class, explaining what 'hank' would be doing. Hank was sat on the stool, sunglasses and gloves on and he was dressed as Albert Einstein again. 

Soon it was time for class and time for the evaluation. "Well, Hank, you'd better wow me." Prinicpal Bradford said as he walks into class. "I don't want to have to find another sub. That would take time, effort, and a respectable work ethic. And I have none of those."

"That's obvious." Millie muttered under her breath but Max chuckled beside her since he heard her comment. Max used his telekenis to make his dad give Prinicpal Bradford a thumbs up in response.

Phoebe laughs nervously. "Time to take your seat, Mr. Bradford." As Mr. Bradford sits down off to the side, Phoebe stands behind two tables that were pushed together at the front. "Okay, everybody. Mr. Thunderman would like to welcome you all to today's lesson, 'the magic of chemistry'."

Max turns the lights off in the classroom and then Millie presses turns on the music to play the song 'The Final Countdown' on the speakers that were set up while Phoebe moves to stand by her and Max in the back. The twins then started using teleknis to stand Hank up, making him accidentally knock a book off the table in the process. They shared a grimaced look and that was when Millie joined in to help. The three teens now were stronger together now to control Hank and make him look like he was actually awake.

They used telekensis to make Hank do different experiments. One was making liquid that glowed a bright green color and after that experiment the teens accidentally mde him hit his head on the table which caused the class to gasp. Millie exchanged an an annoyed look with Phoebe when Max made Hank do the gangnam style dance although Millie couldn't help but chuckle along with the class because it was funny.

"Why are you doing that?" Phoebe whispered.

Max smirks and states the obvious. "'Cause we can."

"Okay, okay, back to the experiments." Phoebe told him.

The trio then had Hank make colorful foam which all seemed to impress the class and Principal Bradford. Then at the end they made Hank throw a smoke bomb and he disappeared when the smoke went away. 

"Oh!" Prinicpal Bradford exclaims in surprise and claps with everyone else. "Wow!" 

Millie turns the music off as Max turns the lights back on. "Wow, this guy's great." Prinicpal Bradford comments. "The...The lights, the dancing-" He stammers and grins, hitting the desk. "That's private school stuff, people." As the trio exchange a smile, he looks around the room with confusion. "Where'd he go?"

"To..." Max's voice trails off nervously before he figures out what to say. "The bathroom." 

As if on cue, Hank then walks back in the room, holding oto his back and looking in pain. "Oh, man. I am so sore."

Principal Bradford laughs. "Oh, TMI, big guy."

"Uh, dad, I think your evaluation went great." Phoebe comments. "'Chemistry is magic' was a fantastic idea. Very powerful." She put emphasis on the word powerful hoping her dad would get the hint and it seemed like he did.

Hank smiles. "Thank you, Phoebe. Looks like I really rose to the challenge with those experiments." He responded, putting emphasis on the word 'i' since he was actually referring to Phoebe.

"Thanks, dad." Phoebe smiles widely. When Principal Bradford looked at her in confusion, she quickly adds, "For being so awesome!"

"You guys are a weird family." Principal Bradford remarked.

Millie chuckles. "You don't know the half of it."

"But I've seen all I need to see." Principal Bradford smiles, glancing at Hank. "Hank, you're keeping your job." Hank laughed excitedly.

Phoebe steps forward, looking hopeful. "Wait, so can I transfer back into Mr. Thunderman's class?"

Principal Bradford groans. "Ugh! You are nothing but paperwork, Phoebe." He glances at Hank. "Uh, Hank, just a reminder, I still need a copy of your license."

"Oh! You can copy it right now." Hank grabbed his wallet, getting his license out and handing it to Principal Bradford.

"This is your driver's license." Principal Bradford notices and Hank hums in response. "You're not a licensed teacher, are you?"

"What?" Hank said in confusion and then his eyes widen. "You need a license to teach?"

Principal Bradford hands the license back to Hank. "If anyone asks, you never taught here." He glances at the class. "Anyone record this?"

"Caught every second." Cherry smiled widely as she stood.

"Ah." Principal Bradford smiles, walking over to her. "Just-Oh, look at that!" He comments, watching the video she shows him. He then grabs her phone. "You'll get this back when you graduate."

Cherry's eyes widen and she looks worried. "But that might never happen!" She called out worriedly as she ran after him when he walked out of the classroom.


Since Millie's dad was out of town for a business trip, the Thundermans invited Millie over for dinner which was why she was next door now. She sat at the table by Max and across from Billy. 

"Come on, Hank! We're sitting down to eat." Barbra called out. She sat at the table, placing a bowl of rolls on the table.

"Coming!" Hank responded, walking into the house from outside. 

Millie snickers when she noticed the sharpie mustache he had. She nudges Max to get his attention and leans over to him and whispers, "I'm guessing you had somethin' to do with that?"

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." Max grinned.

Billy leans over to Nora to whisper. "I think dad's nose pooped on his lip."

Nora pats his shoulder. "That's not how the body works, Billy."

"Ah, I tell you, wouldn't mind getting back in the classroom with my favorite teens." Hank smiles, referring to the twins and Millie. "I wish there was a way." He said as he drank his glass of water he had grabbed.

"Dad, you could go back to school and get your teaching license." Phoebe suggested.

Hank nods. "Yep, sure wish there was a way."

"Well, we were lucky to have you as a sub." Phoebe commented.

"Yeah, it would've been pretty cool to have you as a teacher." Millie admitted with a smile.

"Oh, every-bodies wuve each other!" Max said in a mocking tone. "If you don't mind, I'm trying to eat my din-" He then suddenly passed out, snoring as his head hit the table. 

Millie raises her eyebrows in surprise. "Didn't see that coming."

"What's wrong with Max?" Nora asked, her voice laced with concern.

Hank laughs. "He's just getting a lesson in payback." He then pulls out a handful of markers from his pocket and grins. "We each get two minutes to draw on Max's face."

Everyone looks excited and cheers. Millie grins as Hank hands her a marker. "I'm definitely drawing a mustache on his face."

A/N last episode of season 1!! now i can finally write season 2 yay!

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