CHAPTER FIVE, you stole my thunder, man

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Toady was the class president election and as always Phoebe was running for president

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Toady was the class president election and as always Phoebe was running for president. Millie, of course, was supporting her girl best friend no matter what and that's why she was wearing the shirt Phoebe had made that said 'don't be dweebs, vote for pheebs'. Phoebe had made shirts enough for the whole school, but Cherry, Max, Millie, and Phoebe were the only ones wearing the shirts though. And to help Phoebe out, Millie was going to ask some questions that were on note cards Phoebe gave her along with Cherry and Max.

After Phoebe's speech, Millie cheers along with everyone else, but cheering the loudest along with Cherry for Phoebe. "Thank you, Phoebe." Principal Bradford said, walking over to the podium Phoebe stood at. Phoebe steps to the side when he pushed her away so he can stand behind the podium. "Very moving, especially the first hour. And now it's time for students to ask questions while I play games on my phone."

Principal Bradford and Phoebe switches places and Phoebe says, "Uh, how about a question from..." She points at Max. "You there, random schoolboy?"

Principal Bradford glances at her with furrowed eyebrows. "Isn't that your brother?"

Phoebe raises her eyebrows at him. "Do you really care?"

Shaking his head, Principal Bradford turns his attention back to his phone he was holding. "Nope."

Smiling, Phoebe looks at Max. Max holds up the card Phoebe had given him to read off. "'Being a good president means being able to juggle responsibilities. What else can you juggle?'" He furrows his eyebrows and looks at his sister with annoyance. "Okay, nobody wants to see that."

Millie raises her eyebrows and smiles with amusement upon seeing Phoebe holding three juggling pins. Phoebe frowns when her brother said that and sets the juggling pins down. Max puts the card in his back pocket and walks towards the front. "After sitting through everyone's speeches, I didn't hear any of you talk about things that really matter."

"You mean the things on your note card?" Phoebe asked him through gritted teeth.

"No," Max drags out the word he speaks. He faces everyone. "Things like why does the lunch lady have a hairnet when the problem is clearly her beard?" Everyone looked at the lunch lady, who touched her beard, and she sheepishly smiled and waved at everyone.

"Can we please get back to the real issues?" Phoebe questions. "Now," She picks up the juggling pins again. "Who likes juggling?"

"Who's got time for juggling when the bathroom has sandpaper instead of toilet paper?" Max inquired.

"Yeah, he's right!" A boy agrees. "I wait 'till I get home."

"Yeah, and can't the janitor wait 'till after school before he mops the stairs?" Max asked, gesturing to the janitor who had just got done mopping the stairs.

A boy walking down the stairs slips and falls, proving Max's point. Millie cringes upon watching him fall. She glances at Max with a small smile. She didn't know that he noticed all of this stuff happening with the school and that he even cared about it.

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