Two Unlikely Worlds: The Hell...

بواسطة ClayNotDead

187 7 2

A lost soul wandering the human world, trying to find a purpose in their otherwise meaningless life. A fellow... المزيد

The Day Before [Copy-Pasted]
The Fight [Copy-Pasted]
Meeting Them [Copy-Pasted]
First Day
A Psycho Family?
Everyone's Insane Here-..
A Plan, A Plan To Stay Away From Them.
A 'Calm' Night, I guess?
A Trip, And A Talk.
A Day In Bed.
Getting 'Comfortable' In This Hell
A Day To Do Whatever, And For The Two Of Us [LONG]
Ending The Bloodline Here.
Back In 'My' Bed.
A 'Me, Myself, And I' Day. [Rushed-?]
Visiting A Friend, And Sneaking 'Home'
Family Fun Night? Why not.
Let's Try This Again, Shall We?
Holiday Set-Up.
Happy Birthday, I guess.
Christmas Chaos
A New Years Night Out [LATE ASF]
"Mama, I'm An Escapee!"
A Totally Normal Day.
Keeping That Idiot Bestie Safe. [Short :'D]
Sunday Morning Service Chaos, Because Religion Screws People Over.
Now Look Where That Got Me, A Place Where Secrets Unfold. [Short,& Mostly Chats]
Liu's A Kind Soul, And Avoiding 'Training' Any Way I Can.
They'll Wait For Me, In The Darkness Of My Dreams.
Training Day! Except It Doesn't Go As Planned...
Mission Fails, Alternate Universes, And Half-Assed Confessions.
Hanging Out In Another Universe Can Be Kinda Fun?

Valentine's Day Mission Gone Wrong.

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بواسطة ClayNotDead

It had been a little while since we burnt that Church down, and Valentine's Day was approaching very quickly.

After the 'kiss incident,' as I like to call it, me and Toby had been trying our hardest to avoid Slender, and if we couldn't, try and act as normal as possible.

Speaking of Slender, when I did have to talk to him, he had been... Weird. Weirder than normal.

But when I heard that I could go on a real mission with Toby, I couldn't give two shits.

We were told we were going to a Valentine's Day dance to kill someone, while I was excited that I would finally be going on a real mission and I could maybe have a small 'date' with Toby. He, however, didn't seem as happy.

I was dismissed first, and I waited for Toby so we could leave.

On returning to our room, I asked Toby what was happening.

"So, what's up? I don't know about you, but I'm excited as shit that I'm finally going on an actual mission and with you of all people." I smiled, looking at him.

"I don't know, something just seems... Off, you know? All you were told was that we were going to a Valentine's Day dance to kill someone, not much else."

"Well, what were you told?"

"...Pretty much the same thing, except I got a location, and that we might have to take the van."

"Ouu, hell yeah! Where are we going? And you guys do have a van? Why-?"

"Just in case we have a mission that's too far for walking, y'know? Aha. And you'll see when we get there."

"Alrighty then."

We finally made it back to our room, and since we were leaving soon, we decided to start getting ready.

I debated going to the dance in what I was wearing, but before I could decide, Toby told me we would most likely have to fit in with the crowd for this, so I was stuck going in yet another dress.

Though I went 'to hell with it' and put on the most revealing and 'sluttiest' dress I had.

Even though I looked feminine, I weirdly enough felt nice in the dress.

It was probably out of character for me, but I couldn't care less.

And if I was going to do this, I might as well do it all the way.

I put my chest binder on first, then the dress.

It was short, entirely black, and barely covered anything.

Have I really gone that insane that I'm wearing this? Probably, but it looked cool, and I was going to my first dance, so I should go all out.

I found my moon hairclip and placed it in my hair which I had curled to the best of my abilities. And I had to go to one of the girls with a curling iron because I didn't have one, and I had no clue how to use it, but we're ignoring that~.

I removed my bandages, put on long black gloves to cover my scars, and put on shorts and purple stockings.

I applied soft purple eyeshadow and looked at myself in the bathroom mirror.

"Am I really doing this? I mean..." I asked myself, doubting my choices that led to this moment.

I shook my head and pushed the door open, quickly grabbing my boots and putting them on.

"Black Heart! You look like a stripper!!" Toby shouted, and I looked up at him, left shoe half on.

"Your point? I have nothing else to wear, we have to leave soon, this is my first dance, and plus, don't I look good~?" I joked, and his face turned as red as a tomato.

"Black Heart, oh my god..." He started.

"We're going to this on a mission, not to fuck around. Now change." He added demandingly.

"You're not my mom, so fuck you." I grinned, standing up and moving my bangs before my right eye.

We both quickly put on light makeup to cover our scars, I put my phone and box cutter in my purse, and we made our way toward the main door.

I didn't put makeup on around my eye because of my bangs, but I kept a bit in my purse in case of an emergency.

Luckily, there wasn't anyone to catch us by the door this time, but when we got outside, we saw the mystical van I was told about.

It looked like the cars adults told you had 'free candy' on the side of it, and it almost perfectly fits the description, except for the free candy spray painted onto it.

"Holy shit, it's the mystical van!" I marveled, putting my hand over my mouth and tugging Toby's sleeve.

"Fantastic, we have to take that shitshow... And mystical van? Really?" He huffed, clearly annoyed.

"Yes, the mystical van. When I first heard about it, I thought it didn't exist." I explained, a small smile still resting on my face.

Toby just sighed and facepalmed, slowly walking towards the van.

I followed closely behind, climbing into the passenger seat before he could get in.

I heard the driver's side door open as I was distracted, putting my seatbelt on.

Once Toby got into the driver's seat, I just stared at him expectingly.

After about a minute, I unbuckled myself and opened the door, making my way around the car to the driver's side and swinging it open.

"What are you-" Before he could finish his sentence, I unbuckled Toby's seatbelt and pulled him out of the driver's seat, around the front of the car, and into the passenger seat.

"What are you doing Black Heart??" He questioned, but I buckled him in like a child, closed the door, made my way around again, and got into the driver's seat.

"Alright, since it seems like we're not getting anywhere with you in the drivers seat, I'll drive." I stated, putting my seatbelt on and my hands on the wheel.

"One, I'm supposed to drive us there, two, do you even know how to drive?"

"That's not happening, and I'm fourteen. What do you think, dumbass?"

"Then you can't drive! You'll get us fucking killed!"

I just scoffed and mentally tried to figure out how the fuck I was supposed to do this.

I had seen my father drive while I was in the passenger seat, so it couldn't be that hard, right?

While Toby was trying to argue, I gently placed my foot on the gas pedal and watched as it slowly went forward.

"Easy peasy." I thought aloud, and I knew Toby's mouth was agape without even looking at him.

I knew we had to get going, so I pressed harder on the pedal, and we slowly made our way forward.

It took a minute, but we got out of the forest that housed the mansion and onto the main road.

"You don't even know where we're going!" Toby argued, and I turned my head to him in realization.

He was right, I had no clue where in the world I was taking us.

"Why don't you give me directions, dipshit?" I asked, and he thought about it for a minute.

When we got to a stoplight, he checked his phone and sighed.

"We have to be there soon, so... Fine. But you better not get us caught." He finally agreed, and my eyes lit up a bit.

"Deal!" I bubbled, turning my attention back toward the road.

I admit, I was excited, so what I did next... I can blame it on excitement.

He started giving me the directions, and I started getting us there in record time, speeding up as we went along.

I could tell Toby was getting increasingly nervous as he talked, but I just wanted to go to my first dance, so I didn't care.

We were getting ever closer, and I was most likely going around 20 over the limit at this point, swerving every once in a while, but I was doing good! Mostly...

"Black Heart, slow down! Also- Turn here, turn here!"

"Okay, hold your horses!!"

I didn't realize until it was nearly too late, and I quickly turned right, almost crashing straight into a tree, moving the car onto the curb.

Toby was damn near screaming at this point, and I was laser focused.

"Would you shut up?! You'll make us crash!" I screeched, flying down the road to what looked like a school.

"I'LL make us crash?! We almost rammed into a tree, thanks to you!!" He shouted back, holding the door and that little holder on top like his life depended on it.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, surprised that no cops had pulled us over yet.

I flew into the parking lot, laughing as the car was airborne for a split second.

"We here?!"

"We're here!!"


I slowed down and searched for a parking spot, eventually finding one.

After messing up and bumping into another car on accident, I managed to pull into the parking spot and put the van into park.

"Finally... See, that wasn't so bad, now was it?" I smiled softly, turning to face Toby, still holding the door.

"W h y..." He stammered, and I rolled my eyes again, unbuckled myself, and exited the van.

I made my way to the passenger side and opened the door, Toby almost going with it.

I unbuckled him and damn near peeled him off of the seat.

"C'mon, we're here. Let's get inside!" I smiled, making my way toward the building.

As I made my way, I realized it was my old school.

Why would we get sent here?


I could hear Toby's footsteps getting closer, and I saw him catch up to me.

"Why are we at my old school?" I questioned, turning to face him.

Toby hesitated to answer me, but once he did, it was a vague answer like 'oh I don't know' or something like that.

I knew he was hiding something from me, but I couldn't grasp it.

Once we got inside, we followed behind a crowd heading to the gym, where I assumed the dance was.

My assumption was proved correct when the group we were following opened the doors to the gym, and music and talking filled my ears.

Everything was decorated, and people were having the time of their lives.

I wish I wasn't here on a mission and could fully enjoy it.

Toby pulled me aside and started talking to me.

"Alright, we're here for a mission, not to have fun."

"I don't even know who we were sent to kill!"


"Mhm, so who do I kill?"

He just stared at me, and I scoffed and walked off.

"If you don't wanna tell me, I'm going to have fun!" I shouted back at Toby, ignoring whatever he would say next.

I walked over to the snack table, picked up a cupcake, and started licking the frosting off it.

I was so into the cupcake that I didn't notice someone coming up behind me.


I turned around, expecting to see Toby, but instead, I saw Gloria with her familiar brown hair tied into a bun, and she was wearing a red dress with hearts littered on it, with a small hat atop her head.

"What are you doing here?! You'll get caught! But... That outfit is cute~." She uttered, smiling as she looked me up and down.

I could feel my cheeks turn warm, and I hid behind my hands.

"I'm here on a mission, who I've been sent to kill, I'm not sure... I split off from Toby, and I want to have fun." I spoke from behind my hands, and Glo softly smiled at me.

"...I'm sure a little fun wouldn't hurt. Plus, it's the Valentine's Dance for a reason! Ask him to dance~."


"Shhhh!! But yeah, ask him!"

"He keeps saying we're 'not here to have fun'..."

"So? Who cares? You may never get this chance again."

"Yeah, yeah! I may never get this chance again! I'll-"

Before I could finish, something smacked me in the head.

I turned to see it was a paper airplane on the floor.

I picked it up and unfolded it, looking at what was written inside.

~We're here to kill two people. You get one, I get the other.

You get Alice, have fun :) -Toby

PS; I thought about it. It's your first dance, have fun a little bit before we have to kill them~

I felt my face immediately get hot, and before I could process what was happening, Gloria snatched the paper out of my hand and read it over.

"Alice? Alice the mean girl??" Gloria questioned, and I just shrugged and nodded.

"I guess that'll be fun. But I wonder who the other person is." I muttered aloud, and Gloria shrugged.

The current playing song ended, and I heard Girls Just Want To Have Fun start up.

"Oh, hell yeah!" Gloria beamed, grabbed my arm, and pulled me toward the dance floor.

"You know I can't dance-!"

"Do the Just Dance choero!"

I sighed and started doing the Just Dance version of the song, while me and Gloria began to sing along.

Soon crowds of people started forming around us, and it honestly felt like we were in a movie.

Every so often, I would glance around at the people, and I could see Hallie, Alice, and Toby near the back.

Alice was looking at bratty as ever, Hallie looked somehow worse than the last time I saw her, and Toby looked so good in his suit.

I was brought back to reality by Toby screaming as loud as he could, "GIRLS JUST WANNA JUST HAVE FUN!!"

I smiled and made an effort to dance even bigger.


At the song's end, everyone was cheering while I felt like I was just going to fall over.

Once Baby One More Time started playing, damn, they're playing old songs- Everyone went back to their circles, and I went over to a table and sat down.

My legs felt like jelly, and I just wanted to sit there for a minute.

That was interrupted by Alice walking over to me.

"What are you doing here? I thought you ran away from home~." She sang, her hands on her hips.

She was wearing a similar dress to mine, it was just a mix of red and pink.

It took me a second to realize that I was supposed to kill her, but once I remembered, I stood up slowly and walked over to her.

"I'll tell you, just come with me." I whispered, smiling.

"Why should I go with you??"

"It wasn't a request."

I placed my hand on her mouth and started leading her out of the gym and towards the bathrooms.

It took a while, but we finally made it to the bathroom.

"Look, I'd say I'm sorry, but let's be honest... I'm really not." I smiled, a sick smile strewn across my face.

"Why are you here?! And what do you have against me??" She commanded, and I pulled my box cutter out of my purse, still staring at her.

"Meh, since you're going to die anyways..." I started, opening the cutter and slowly walking toward her.

She started backing up, trying to check for her phone, before realizing it wasn't on her.

"Your dress doesn't have pockets; I noticed that. I swiped your phone before we got in here so you couldn't tell anyone." I continued. "I was sent here on a mission, a mission to kill you, and my partner in crime is probably handling our other target."

Her eyes widened as I spoke, and she was backed up into the wall at this point.

My smile widened, and I made my way to her very slowly.

"Look, I-I'm sorry for what I did, alright? I'll make it up to you- However you want! Just don't hurt me!" She sputtered, but I knew she just wanted out so she could get me in trouble.

I gripped her dress front and pulled her up.

"See you in hell." That was all I said before I plunged the cutter into her chest, carving out a heart-shaped hole and pulling her heart out, all while making sure she couldn't scream.

I made sure to be careful this time so I didn't get anything on my dress.

I bit into her heart, savoring how bitter it tasted.

Once I was finished eating it, I made my way to the sink and washed my clothes, just in case.

After drying my hands and clothes, I went over to Alice's body, picked it up, moved it into a stall, and closed the door.

"Adios you little bitch." I sang as I turned on my heel and walked out of the bathroom.

I licked the rest of the blood off my box cutter and slipped it back into my purse.

I slipped through the doors to the gym, and the sound of people talking away and music once again filled my ears.

I saw Gloria waving frantically out of the corner of my eye, and I speed-walked toward her.

"What's going on??" I asked once I got close enough.

Glo just winked and pulled my arm toward the dance floor again.

Once we got to the dance floor, Glo got behind me and shoved me forward.

Straight into Toby's arms.


I looked up to see Toby looking at me, a small smile across his lips.

I scrambled to my feet, and the DJ came over the speakers as if on cue.

"This next song was requested by Gloria ______! These next few songs will be slow, so ladies, grab your gentlemen and head to the dance floor.~"

You've got to be kidding me.

Toby sheepishly grinned, and I know he planned this with Gloria for when I got back.

The song ended, and the slow song started playing. Toby held his hands out, and I slowly took them.

It took a minute, but we figured out how to slow dance. (Neither of us exactly knew how)

And for the following few songs, it was just us, and I could feel my... Feelings for him grow.

I knew I couldn't ignore it.

Everything from before melted away, all my worries, questions, everything.

Even the main question that I had.

Who was the other target?


Once the slow songs ended, I planted a silent and quick kiss on Toby's cheek, and tried to pull him towards the snack table.

"I think I'll keep dancing for a little bit." Toby informed me, and I nodded and walked over to the table myself.

I grabbed a plate and a whole bunch of food (And apple juice) and made my way to the table I was at before.

Hallie was now sitting there, seemingly expecting someone.

Probably Alice.

I sat down, and we acknowledged each other but didn't say anything.

I must've been there for a while just staring into space and playing on my phone because soon I realized I had no more food or apple juice.

And I had to go to the bathroom, bad.

I silently stood up and made my way back to the bathroom.

It seemed someone was already in there, and they hadn't noticed the dead body of Alice yet.

I quietly made my way to a stall and did my business.

Once I was finished, I wiped and got out of the stall.

I didn't wash my hands, as I never took off my gloves, and I returned to the gym, checking my phone on the way there.

It was getting late, so I wondered when Toby would tell me we needed to get back to the mansion.

I walked into the gym hearing the Macarena, which I knew Gloria liked, so I took a glance, trying to see her attempt to do the dance.

I didn't see her from where I was standing, so I walked around trying to find her.


After searching the gym, I couldn't find Gloria or Toby.

Something told me to call Toby and try to find them, so I did.

I made my way out of the gym, dialing Toby's number.

The call soon went to voicemail, and I pursed my lips, the uneasy feeling growing.

The school was practically empty, so I decided to search for these idiots.



I knew the dance would end soon, and I still had no sign of Toby or Gloria.

I made my way back up the stairs in a last-ditch effort to find them.

While traversing the familiar halls, I started to hear... Screaming?

It sounded familiar, so I quickly moved to the source of it.

I pulled out my box cutter and made it to the classroom.

It was then I finally recognized the screaming.

It was Gloria's.

I kicked the door open to see Gloria, bruises littering her skin and her dress being slightly torn.

What surprised me most, though, was I saw Toby trying to hit her with his hatchet.

Both looked at me, eyes wide.

"Black Heart, it's not-"


We all stood there for a good moment, no one daring to move or speak.

"Toby... Was she the second victim?" I asked, my voice cold yet wavering a bit.



Gloria had tears in her eyes, and Toby was just standing there.

I could feel the tears start to form in my eyes, but I attempted to keep them at bay.

Toby hesitated, and that was all I needed.

I silently walked up to Toby and Glo and threw down my box cutter on Toby's wrist, which still gripped Gloria.

He just turned to his now bleeding wrist, then back to me.

I tilted my head, not daring to ask.

"Let. Her. Go."

"Black Heart, I need t-"

"LET HER GO!!" I shouted, suddenly feeling the adrenaline, the power flowing through my body like it once did.

I shoved my elbow into Toby, which knocked him back, making him lose his grip on Gloria.




With tear-filled eyes, Gloria nodded and ran past me, screaming something like she'll 'message me.'

I slowly turned to face Toby, who had crashed into some desks.

He just stared at me with even wider eyes.

"Liar. You said you wouldn't let her get killed." I spoke, voice stone cold.

I could feel the tears threaten to spill again, but I took a deep breath and looked at Toby.

"I didn't want to tell you. I know you care for her, but she knows too much. She can't live. He told me to get rid of her." He whispered, and I just stood there.

"Alice, she was a distraction, wasn't she? And while I sat there, you were going to kill the only person I still had from my past."

"I had no choice, she-"

"She said she wouldn't say anything, and you, you promised. You PROMISED."

"I know, but-"

"No, there is no but. You lied to me."


I slammed my box cutter into the desk closest to me, causing it to go through the desk.

We just stared at each other after that, and after a bit, I felt my body become weak, and my head become clearer.

More importantly, the 'power' I felt before left my body.

My eyes widened, and I looked between the box cutter and Toby.

After a couple of rounds of looking at the box cutter, then Toby, then the box cutter, then Toby again, I pulled the box cutter out of the desk and slowly started backing up.

Toby quickly stood up and tried walking closer to me.

"Stop- Liar, you liar- I don't want to hurt you-" I started hyperventilating, and Toby could tell.

"Black Heart, it's alright. You won't hurt me, please, just listen." He tried to plead, but I gently shook my head and turned on my heel, speeding out of the classroom and down the hall.

I ran down the hall, ignoring Toby's cries, and I finally let the tears flow freely.

I almost tripped down the stairs, but I caught myself, turning to see Toby running after me.

This probably looks like a Disney movie...

I turned around, made my way down the stairs, and ran down the hall.

People were coming out of the gym, so people talking could be heard.

I pushed through the crowd, eventually making it so people moved out of the way automatically.

People started realizing who I was, but I just booked it toward the entrance.

I pushed open the doors and ran into the parking lot, locating the van.

"Black Heart!!" I heard Toby shout behind me, but I ignored him and entered the driver's seat.

I didn't take the keys out, so I just turned them, started the van up, and floored it.

I hit another car but sped out of the parking lot and onto the street.

I rolled down the window as I started audibly sobbing.

Pulling out my phone quickly, I noticed Toby calling me. I ignored it and put on the one playlist I played before this whole mess started.

I sped down the road, ignoring every law and light I saw.

"Liar, liar, liar. You don't fucking break promises." I mumbled to myself.

I know it sounded childish, but I trusted Toby and loved Gloria.

She was my best friend, and I didn't want anything to happen to her.

It was then I realized that I let her run off.

Completely alone.

That only fueled my anger, sadness, and tears.

I gripped the steering wheel so hard that my knuckles turned white.

Only when I looked up did I realize I was headed straight for a tree, and there were cops trailing behind me.

I swerved out of the way, but it didn't help much as I was still heading into the forest.

I was damn near falling out of my seat as I dodged trees and hopefully debris.

I started panicking.

Not because I had entirely run away from Toby.

Not because I dodged trees, sticks, and rocks in a forest in a van I had no idea how to drive.

Not because of the cops I had probably lost by now.

But because the next thing in my path was the fucking mansion.

It came into view quickly, and it was rapidly approaching.

"Shit, shit, shit shitshitSHITSHITSHIT!!"

I managed to throw my foot on the brakes in time, and I was now in front of the mansion.

I sat there for a second before the mansion doors swung open.

Multiple people ran out of the mansion.

I just unbuckled myself and slid further into the van.

The driver-side door was thrown open, and I could hear panicked voices.

"Black Heart."

I instantly recognized the voice, it was Slender.

I just curled in further, and for a minute, I didn't hear anything.

And after that minute, I uncurled myself, threw myself out of the van, and ran towards the mansion.

"Black Heart!"

"What on earth happened?!"

"Where's Toby??"


I ignored everyone and everything and...

Slammed into the front doors.

When I came to, I was still outside of the mansion, and there was a whole crowd of people around me.

"What happened."

I stayed silent for a moment before speaking.

"It was a mess. It started off fun, but it devolved into a whole mess..." I whispered, voice quiet.

Slender picked me up and placed me back on the ground.

"That's it." That was all he said.

"Huh?" I asked, tilting my head.



"Bull...shit!" A voice called out from behind us, and I turned to see Toby running up to us.

"I know what you're planning, and I won't let you do it to them!" He continued, and attention was on Toby now.

"Shut up, you lying bitch." I snapped, feeling the tears well up in my eyes again.

"Please Black Heart, you don't know what he can do."

"And I don't care. I'm going to bed, on the couch."


I turned away before he could continue, and I entered the mansion and toward the living room.

There were people in there, but one couch was open, so I just laid down on it, not bothering to take anything off.

I ignored everybody trying to ask me questions, and I eventually fell asleep.

But they always say 'never go to bed angry.'

Honorable Word Count: 4456

[BH here~ Sorry this took forever, a lot of things were going on lol- And sorry if this kinda sounds weird, after we finish we look at the suggestions Grammarly has for us and stuff, so yeah- And this is a mess, and idk where we'll go from here aha-- Hopefully this was good, adios! -BH]

[Word count after AN: 4515]

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