Aussie in Hogwarts

By TanukiTsuki

1.7K 89 67

Keeping their relationship a secret, Merula Snyde and Moon Valhalar are both cuddly And affectionate towards... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapters 16
Chapter 17
We will Now enter a New Arch
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.2
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Side Chapter 1
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Side Chapter 2
Chapter 26

Chapter 7

60 3 0
By TanukiTsuki

Moon PoV

Well, I was waiting on Hagrid, for today is Merula's birthday. So I wanted to make her something she won't forget, and Hagrid suggested a dish of pumpkin pie. He came back with a big pumpkin and handed it to me in a wheelbarrow.

Hagrid: "Welp, Here yeh go, the biggest Pumpkin I have."
"Thanks mate, I owe ya one. Call me anytime for anything."
Hagrid: "No, thank you for stopping by."

I wheeled it off to the kitchen when I was stopped by a bunch of the elves. But I gave them a death stare and walked through, I then got to work making the pie. One pie later, and I was impressed that these elves were just watching me work. I then carted the pumpkin pieces to the potions room where I discovered someone had left a cauldron on the desk where I sit. I then see Professor Snape walk behind me.

Snape: "And what praytell are you going to do with those pumpkin scraps, I do hope it's nothing too reckless."
"How can I do something reckless with pumpkin scraps?"

I then walked cautiously to the cauldron and found a note inside it.

To Moon,
I knew about your family tradition, so concoct a potion as this pen and paper takes note of your motions and ingredients used. Good luck, tell Merula I said happy birthday.
-Best of luck, Dumbledore

What the hell was this, If Dumbledore knows this, then why hasn't he told the rest of the faculty? Either way, I decided to put the pumpkin scraps to good use as I grounded them up. I then poured in some Rat Spleen mixture and mixed it with the ground-up Pumpkin till it turned light blue. I then used some Bicorn horn as I grated some into the now light blue and foul solution. I then took out the vile I always keep on me and poured in some firewater and mixed that shit till it turned red. I then added some Gunpowder and Exploding fluid to the mix and stirred until it started to smell of fire. I then added some Fireflies, Dragon Blood, and a Moonstone. I stirred that shit up until I saw it change into a variety of different colors. Snape saw this and at first, was confused but then I put a drop on the floor and it turned into a whole fireworks display. Granted it was small, but beautiful nonetheless. 

"I dub this, the Wiz-Bang potion."
Snape: "Wait, so your family just makes potions?"
"Well, it is a family tradition, we make a charm, a potion, and a magical artifact."
Snape: "Well, that's fascinating."

I walked with a pen-shaped bottle full of the potion. I walked back to the Kitchen and made us some spaghetti, grabbed some glasses, Went to the three broomsticks, ordered enough butterbeer to fill a whiskey bottle, went to the bookstore, grabbed and paid for a songbook(she wanted to try some other song genres), ran to the room grabbed the basket, ran to the lake, transfigured a log into a rowboat, used the potion and some paper to make so special firework patterns and put them close to the ground(I used the levitating charm slightly), made a very sturdy table out of a fallen log and placed it in the boat, filled up that damned bottle full of butterbeer, hid both bottles under the table in a bucket full of ice, put fireflies in a jar and put it in the middle of the table with a paper rose, and Tested the boat to make sure it won't pull a titanic and sink into the lake. After I was done with that bonanza I got changed into my formal clothes and sought to find Merula. And I found her in a field of flowers.

"Hey birthday girl."
Merula: "Hey Aussie, how are you?"
"Doing fine, but can you follow me?"
Merula: "Uhh, sure?"

Merula got up only for me to put my hands over her eyes. I led her to the lake and uncovered her eyes. Needless to say, she was surprised.

"Shall we get on board, my lady?"
Merula: "Oh, aren't you a gentleman, yes, yes we shall."

So we soon got onto the boat and rowed to the middle of the lake and proceeded to have dinner and drink(I did not drink butterbeer, it taste like piss to me), after the pasta(thank goodness the Thestral didn't steal it this time[look at chapter 1] and I didn't have to dive in the lake and proceed to literally chase it on foot) I pulled out the pie and started to sing.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Merula. Happy birthday to you."
Merula: "Aww, thank you."
"Well it is your birthday, I felt obligated to do this."

We cut into the pie and had a slice. We soon chatted and I presented her with the songbook, she loved it and set it aside on the boat.

Merula: "Well thank you so much for your time and effort into this."
"Yeah, you're welcome, but I still have a question."
Merula: "Yeah, what is it?"
"Well, when we graduate from this school in our final year here, do you want to marry me?"

She gasped and completely cried before she tackled me into the lake. She looked me in the eyes and nodded, I got in close and kissed her squarely on the lips. As I kissed her I heard the sound of fireworks in the distance. We looked up to see several heart-shaped fireworks go off. We swam to the shore and pulled in the boat from the middle of the lake, and sat as we watched the fireworks display. She then put her head on my shoulder and snuggled close, we then went inside to see a smiling bunch of professors who were spying on the two of us. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if they cast a listening spell on us. We walked to our room, washed up, and I let Merula have her way with me. I noticed that she was turned on, primarily in the shower when I heard moans from the showers. So here we were, and Merula started kissing me like a bat out of hell, after that kiss session we fell asleep.

Happy birthday my darling

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