Sherlock Preferences

By Azalea_Potter_Snape

2.9K 89 7

A book of journey through characters from Sherlock Holmes to Jim Moriarty. Life with characters. From your me... More

How You Meet
They Ask You Out
First Date
First Kiss
First Hug
Your First Gift to Him
Hidden Talent
What Drew Him To You
Movie Night
Favorite TV Show
Couple Song
Your Best Friend
He Gets Jealous
You Get Jealous
You Meet His Family
He Meets Your Family
He's Hurt

He Meets Your Ex

80 6 2
By Azalea_Potter_Snape

  This update is for the1tom8fangirl. They became my motivation to post this update. Thank you so much!

!!! WARNING !!!
This part includes verbal abuse and curses, mainly in the part of Jim Moriarty. Please skip if sensitive to those.

Sherlock Holmes
"Where do you reckon we should go next?" Walking side by side with Sherlock, you asked. At the corner of your eye, you saw him tilt his head, deep in his thoughts.

"Hmmm. Everything I need is in my mind." He hummed. "And beside me, obviously." He added, glancing at you.

"Then we return to Baker Street. John will have a fit, seeing you did not leave a note." You smirked.

As your eyes roamed your surroundings, it landed on a familiar face. His direction heading to yours. He did not notice you, as he was caught on with the man beside him.

He laughed at something he said. You tightened your grip on the hand of Sherlock as your mind involuntary flashed the numerous memories you had with him. You felt your stomach tighten, your heart bursting to be free.

Out of the corner of your eye, something shined on their fingers. You squinted your eyes as you got a closer look.


Your face went blank. They walked past you, smiling as they did. Your presence came unnoticed by them.

As they walked farther and farther, you halted to a stop, forcing Sherlock to halt. He went to open his mouth without thinking but then stopped, seeing your blank face.

"What is the matter, my dearest?" Words laced with affection and softness not like Sherlock.

"My ex." Was the only thing you said.

Sherlock turned his head to get a look at him, but you placed your free hand on his cheek to pull his attention back to you.

"He didn't see me." You say. "He was occupied with his husband." The words his husband flowed out of your mouth so naturally.

Sherlock simply raised an eyebrow but otherwise did not comment.

"He is happy and carefree now. That is all I ask for him." You said. "When we were together, he was unhappy and I was naive. He gave his all and well," You bitterly smiled. "I had my shortcomings. Shortcomings, that drove him away, away from me as we fought, argued and insulted each other."

Sherlock wiped a tear on your cheeks, a solemn look on his face. You had started crying mid-tale. You didn't realize.

"It's not a happy tale." You managed to say. He smiled at you, "Well it's too late now."

You wiped your falling tears with your hands. "I have my shortcomings, Sherlock. I have my mistakes, and I have my differences. It drove him away from me and I lived with the fact I made him unhappy. I don't want to do the same to you."

"Considering he's gay, you really weren't a good match from the start." He blurted out. You sighed.

"Still, I have driven people away from me. I don't want to do the same to you. I don't want you to hurt because of me. I don't want to make you unhappy." More tears fell and this time you didn't wipe them.

Sherlock embraced you in a hug. You warmed in his arms as you wrapped yours around him, afraid to let go.

"I am happy with you, Y/N. On the contrary," He genuinely smiled, "You make me happy. Ever since I proclaimed my love for you, I accepted every piece, all your accomplishments, your mistakes and your shortcomings. It would be impossible for you to drive me away when I am quite smitten with you."

"Impossible, maybe, but probable." You muttered but otherwise chuckled at your lover.

"I love you, Y/N, and you should do well to remember it from this moment and onwards." Said Sherlock.

"I love you too, 'Lock."


John Watson
"You have a fever, John." You softly say, gazing at the man laid down on the bed.

"No, I do not-ACHOO!" John sneezed. You watched him, amused. He grabbed a tissue and wiped his nose.

"I believe that concludes you, indeed, have a fever." You stand, "Come. Get dressed now, my darling John. We shall visit the doctor." You swiftly fled the room as John rose from the bed.


"Good morning," You greeted the nurse. "My boyfriend has a fever. His name is John Watson." You gestured to the man sitting by the chair.

The nurse quickly wrote down what you said. "Please head to the left corridor and look for the room A11. That will be the office of Dr. Fell, " Said the nurse.

You frowned, "Is there another doctor available?" The nurse shook her head. "I'm afraid there isn't but rest assured, Fell is a brilliant doctor."

You sighed. "Very well. Thank you." You agreed. You made a motion to John. Your feet led you to room A11, or the office of Dr. Fell. You knocked thrice.

"Come in!" You faintly heard. You opened the door. John was the first to enter.

A blond haired man sat in the middle. Squared glasses supported by his nose. Blue eyes gleamed from behind. His smile beamed an assuring aura. His eyes followed the form of John, until it settled on you. He gave an awkward smile.

"A wonderful day to you both! I am Dr. Fell, and you are John Watson, yes?" His eyes looked on to John, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, I'm John Watson," John confirmed before giving a sneeze.

Dr. Fell remained unbothered. "Please take a seat." His eyes momentarily landed on you, and he gulped. Your eyes stared softly at his. John glanced at the both of you.

Dr. Fell cleared his throat, "Right, uhm, it seems I have forgotten a very necessary tool outside-" He stood up, "I will grab it first-" He walked to the door, "I shall be back in a jiffy!" He offered a smile and exited his office.

John stared at where Dr. Fell was, and turned back to you, "What just happened?" Amusingly he asked.
Your lips set in a straight line, "That was my ex." You muttered, loud enough for John to hear.

He gave you an incredulous stare. "Your ex?" He exclaimed. You simply hummed, "I was always fond of The Doctor. I suppose it has affected my standards."

John was confused, "Sorry, but doctor who?"
You grinned, "Just The Doctor."

Dr. Fell chose that moment to enter his office.


Greg Lestrade
"We got another successful case," Cheered Greg. He passed by you to get a cup of coffee. You continued typing your report.

You hummed, "What happened?"

"A case of theft. The offender stole a car—" You stepped in, "A car? Are you serious, G?" The words were laced with disbelief.

Greg smirked, "Yeah, a car. Anyways, witnesses were able to get a picture of the plate number. We tracked it down and found the culprit." He grinned at this.

You closed your laptop. You looked at your boyfriend. "And what's the name of the culprit?" You asked.

"Christine Palmer." Greg offhandedly replied. Your eyes widened, "Christine Palmer?" You repeated. Greg hummed a yes.

"Do you have a picture of her, by any chance?" You asked, standing up. Wordlessly, Greg opened his phone and showed you the picture.

"Oh shit." You mumbled. You grabbed Greg's cup of coffee on the counter and took a big gulp.

"What? What is it?" Questioned Greg alarmingly. You heaved a sigh, "That's my ex." You returned the phone.

He glanced at the picture. His brows are furrowed in confusion. "Your ex?" He questioned.

You nodded in confirmation. Then, you smiled weakly, "I'm bisexual."
He gave you a grin, "That's nice."

Your eyes widened. "You're not mad or anything that I didn't tell you?"
Greg shrugged, "Frankly, I don't care. You like me, I like you and you're you. I don't care about the label because to me, you are Y/N and I love you."

You became teary-eyed at this. "Oh Greg." You beamed. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him closer to you.

"I love you too."

Mycroft Holmes
"Mycroft, I'll be meeting your parents! I have to dress nicely for the occasion." You countered the man sitting by his desk.

Mycroft hummed as he read the papers in his hands. "My dear, Mummy and Father will not judge you from appearances alone. I assure you, whatever it is you decide to wear, they will still love you." He assured you.

He turned his gaze to yours. He leaned back on his seat. "All I ask is that you are comfortable in what you will wear. You need not to dress to the nines, my dear."

You furrowed your eyebrows, "I suppose I could wear the lilac dress you gave me."

Mycroft was to reply but a knock came from the door. He sighed, "Come in."

A man in his mid-thirties came in with a folder in hand. He closed the door behind him and he turned to Mycroft, "Mr. Holmes, here is the-" His eyes landed on your form.

The eyes of the man widened. He glanced at you, then at Mr. Holmes, and back at you. You crossed your arms in his presence and raised an eyebrow.

"Is there a problem?" Asked Mycroft. His curious eyes settled on the man.

Said man began to stutter. "No-No, there isn't, Sir." He walked towards the desk of Mycroft and placed the folder on it. He turned to bow and quickly left the room, giving you another glance.

Mycroft stood up. His feet led him to the still opened door left by the man. He closed it. "You recognized each other. Who is he?" Said He.

"You didn't deduce this time?" You asked, leaning on the chair. "It would be a breach of your privacy, my dear, but I am rather curious." He answered. The floor carried his walks until he eventually sat on the chair opposite to you.

You revealed, "He's my ex."

Mycroft raised an unimpressed eyebrow. You snorted at his expression, "I know."


Jim Moriarty
You were happy. It was a perfect day. You spent it on a date with Jim. Hand in hand, you walked down the streets of London. It was utter bliss. Nothing can ruin your day, or at least, nothing could.

"Yo bitch!"

Jim did not even spare a glance. You momentarily halted at hearing the familiar voice. You continued walking at a faster speed with Jim in tow.

Better to ignore than confront, you thought, and walked even faster. Jim took note of your changed attitude and became alarmed.

"Oi ya bitch! I was talking to you, ya shit ass!"

You sped up, and this time, Jim spared a glance at the assailant and took note of his features. Jim glanced at your face and took note of the tears, and your fear of the man.

Jim wrapped an arm around you, pulling you to his front. He covered your view from the man.

"Look at that, ya got yourself a coward? You're such a slut, Y/N!"

This time you stopped in your tracks. You turned but Jim stopped you. He had you walking away from the assailant.

The man didn't stop his relentless attack. By the time you reached a crowded place, he disappeared. You sighed in relief when you saw no sign of him, but the streaming tears did not stop.

Jim pulled you to a hug and whispered sweet words to your ears.

"That was my ex." You whispered to his ear, holding tightly.
Jim rubbed circles on your back, "You won't ever have to hear from him again. I promise you that."

The next day, you set out on a quest for groceries. Jim accompanied you. While waiting for him, you found a missing poster with the face of your ex. When Jim finally came down, you showed him the poster.

He gave a small smile. "I promised you, didn't I?" He responded.
You kissed him on his cheek. You whispered, "Thank you."

When you came across a bin, you threw away the missing poster. Just like Jim promised, you never heard from your ex again.

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