Is There Anybody Out There?

Da VerchansTacos

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A VernonxDino fanfic written by girlfriends who love "I'm gonna murder these tacos" and "Look at my fit" prob... Altro

Prologue: Lee Chan - Dino
Prologue: Hansol Vernon Chwe
My Aegi Is An Out Of Control Child
Chapter 1: Dino
Chapter 1: Vernon
Chapter 2: Dino
Chapter 2: Vernon
Chapter 3: Dino
Chapter 3: Vernon
What The Aegi Just Happened?
Chapter 4: Dino
Chapter 4: Vernon
Chapter 5: Dino
Chapter 6: Dino
Chapter 6: Vernon
Chapter 7: Dino
Chapter 7: Vernon
Chapter 8: Dino
Chapter 8: Vernon
Drunk Confessions Of A Lovesick Aegi
2 Minus 1: The Spiral of The Emo Aegi
Chapter 9: Dino
Chapter 9: Vernon
Chapter 10: Dino
Chapter 10: Vernon
Chapter 11: Dino
Chapter 11: Vernon
Chapter 12: Dino
Chapter 12: Vernon
Chapter 13: Dino
Chapter 13: Vernon
Chapter 14: The Family Story

Chapter 5: Vernon

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Da VerchansTacos

I was having the best sleep of my life, cuddling the best pillow ever, so warm and cozy. Suddenly the pillow flew away and I heard a loud bang and a squeak before I snapped awake at the noise, peeking over the side of the bed to see Chan on the floor, "So is that normally how you wake up or...?"

I watched as his face turned red, "N-no... I just... We were so close together and I just... I didn't cuddle too close to you did I?"

Oh yeah I was sleeping with him in the bed... I didn't mean to pull him into me like that, I probably should have kept some space so he didn't freak out and feel uncomfortable.

I quickly shook my head, "No! Sorry... I didn't mean to pull you that close... you weren't uncomfortable were you? Are you okay?" As I started actually waking up, my brain started working after the embarrassment and I realized Chan fell. I got up, helping him up carefully.

"No! I wasn't uncomfortable at all I promise!" Chan blurted out, red faced and adorable, "I'm okay... Just... my normal disastrous self..." he awkwardly laughed.

I smiled at him, trying to calm his nerves and make him less embarrassed, "Good! It's okay, I too wake up on the floor sometimes! Nothing disastrous about that!" I ruffled his soft messy bed hair and sat back on the bed, looking up at him.

Chan tilted his head like a little puppy, "What are you doing that you wake up on the floor sometimes?"

I looked around awkwardly, not wanting to admit it's normally when I'm drunk, "Just, you know, fighting demons in my sleep I guess? Maybe some clowns. Or maybe I'm being spiderman and hanging upside down off the bed. You never know." I shrugged nonchalantly, and before I could say anything else embarrassing there was a knock on the door, "Come in?"

Joshua slowly peeked his head around the door, not sure what he was about to witness I'm sure, he's definitely walked in on some stuff before, "Hey uh, I heard a bang? Everything okay?"

Chan's face turned red again, "E-everything's okay! I... just fell off the bed..."

Joshua laughed softly at him, "Vernon wasn't fighting in his sleep and kicked you off was he?"

"RUDE! I WOULD NEVER!!" I exclaimed defensively, putting my hands up and pouting.

"No... He... became..." Chan looked at me, "A koala... A shirtless koala... And I flung myself off the bed... He didn't kick me off, okay I'm just gonna shut up now." He rambled.

Joshua and I both busted out laughing. He's so cute...

"I'm a koala?!" I asked, looking at him.

"A shirtless koala?!" Joshua asked, raising his eyebrow at him.

Chan face planted onto the bed, "I'm a disaster I swear..."

Joshua laughed, "Poor Channie... are you guys excited for later?" He asked, obviously trying to change the subject to help him out.

I just smiled, looking at Chan, nodding in response.

I watched as he shot back up, looking panicked, "Oh no! I didn't bring any extra clothes!"

I looked at him, immediately wanting to offer my own, "You can borrow mine! I have a whole closet full!"

Chan looked back at me, looking very surprised, "You sure!? Wouldn't it be weird? I just met everyone you know I don't want everyone to..." he started to ramble again.

"Sweetheart, wear the clothes, no one's gonna think anything bad. It's not weird at all, I steal his clothes sometimes. Jeonghan steals mine, and Seungcheol's. Wonwoo and Mingyu swap clothes. Literally no one pays attention to that. Unless Mingyu wears Jihoon's pants. Then it's kinda funny...." Joshua trails off, obviously trying to help us out. He's right anyway we really do all share clothes.

"Oh... okay..." Chan trailed off, "I can rewear my jeans from yesterday, I just need a new shirt... So... would you mind if I borrowed one of your shirts?"

I laughed, nodding at him, excited to see him in my clothes.

"Obviously I don't need them, you're welcome to anything in my closet."

"Okay well you have like 2 hours, have fun! No more falling!" Joshua said before walking out.

"O-okay! I'll try not to!" Chan said, before nervously looking at me, "So... um..."

"Hm?" I hummed, laying back on the bed tiredly, looking up at him from this new position.

"I... uh... what shirt should I wear?" Chan asked, looking at me, he looked very nervous.

I just smiled, getting up and going to the closet, opening it and going through some of them, looking back at him, "Hmm... do you want something with short sleeves or something warm?"

"I'll take something warm? If that's okay? I know it's summertime but... I'm always wearing longer sleeves..." Chan said, hugging himself. I've noticed he does that a lot.

I smiled at him, "I noticed! That's part of why I asked... hm..." he trailed off, moving to the back side, grabbing out a white, gray, and black flannel, "Is this warm enough? You can go through my closet if you want and see if there's anything else you'd rather wear? I don't really have any sweaters like you normally wear...."

Chan smiled sweetly at me, "It's perfect... I'll make sure to be careful wearing it."

I just laughed, handing it to him, "The sleeves are literally fraying already, you don't have to be careful."

"Still... it's your shirt. I don't wanna make it worse." Chan said. He's so cautious and careful.

I shook my head, smiling softly, "You're making it better by wearing it, trust me."

Chan tilted his head, confused puppy mode on, before taking the shirt from my hands, "Okay. I'll go get changed. I'll be right back." He then ran into the bathroom.

I sat back down on the bed, thinking about that flannel. It was 1 of 2 I had left from my grandfather, who was a really important person in my life. The other Jennie had cut into a crop top without asking me because it was 'fashion' and she found it in my closet... Now here was Chan... too scared to even wear it. It was the rougher one of the two anyway so it didn't matter if it got stained or anything. The difference made me realize just how bad I was treated, but also had me realizing how much I let happen to me. It also proves just how sweet and caring Chan really is.

Speaking of him, he came out of the bathroom, slowly, I'm not sure why he seemed so nervous, not looking up at me at all, instead he kept his eyes on the ground. I saw him try to say something before I fully took him in and started blushing softly.

The oversized look, the way the sleeves covered his hands, the way the collar was too big it showed off his shoulders and chest, it all made my heart beat faster and I felt something deep in my stomach. I went to say something but found myself absolutely speechless, lost in how beautiful I thought Chan was in that moment.

Chan took a deep breath, finally finding his voice and snapping me out of my thoughts, "Do... I look okay?" he asked nervously, fiddling with his hands and biting his lower lip, looking at me.

I smiled, swallowing slowly trying to get my words to work, looking up at his face, "It's perfect! It fits you well..." I trailed off, holding my hands back from taking him into my arms, wanting to cuddle him from how cute and nervous he looked. I wanted to make him see it was okay but that was definitely crossing a line way too soon.

"Really!?" Chan's face lit up, the worried look on his face disappearing, being replaced by a bright beautiful smile.

I smiled more, loving how happy and comfortable he looks now, "Absolutely!! I think you should raid my closet more often!" I gripped the sheets under my hands before getting up, moving to him and ruffling his hair as I lost the fight against the urge to touch him. Just ruffling his hair should be fine right? That's not crossing a line or being weird, right?! Right.

"Your clothes are comfy..." Chan mumbled adorably, "I won't raid your closet though... I don't want to make you upset..."

I shook my head urgently, "You wouldn't make me upset! They look good on you... really good..." I took a small awkward gulp trying not to say anything weird, "plus like Joshua said, the others raid my closet whenever they want so..."

"I'll ask you first then... Just to make sure I'm not overstepping." Chan said, running a hand through his hair to fix it from being ruffled, the sleeve falling up his arm.

I watched him, my eyes following the sleeve, the thoughts in my head definitely crossing a line at that moment, "Just know the answer will be yes!"

Chan looked at me, "Even if I ask for the shirt you're wearing?"

I laughed, moving to take my shirt off, "I mean if you want it...." I trailed off with my hands on the hem of my shirt, halfway up my stomach. Maybe that's crossing a line but I like the idea of causing some sort of emotion close to what I was feeling right now in him.

Chan blushed, taking a hold of the hem of my shirt and pulling it back down gently, "N-no... I'm good... You can keep your shirt on... The shirt I'm wearing is comfy."

I laughed happily as I got the response I wanted, nodding, "Okay okay, fine, just know I would literally give you the shirt off my back if you needed it. Literally and metaphorically! You're our friend now so... you're in a big happy family with Mommy Jeonghan and Daddy Seungcheol!"

"Are... they together? Mingyu made the joke and now you did...?" Chan asked, leaning forward a little, probably just curious and wanting to be discreet.

I looked down at him, my breathing stopping and catching in my through as I saw how close he was to my face, "Uh... I... I don't know? They've never said anything but... yeah... I dunno..." I rambled, not being able to focus at all, trailing off and looking into his eyes, easily getting lost there.

"Oh?" Chan tilted his head, looking right in my eyes, my heart skipped a beat "So... where does the joke come from then?"

I just blushed, getting lost in his eyes like the first time we met, "Uh... I dunno, Jeonghan calls everyone his baby but Seungcheol and Joshua and adopts people and uh... Seungcheol takes care of one half and Jeonghan the other.... I dunno Mingyu started it and it fits so..." I trailed off as my eyes shifted to Chan's hand still on my shirt, trailing back up and stopping on his lips, how badly I wanted to kiss him right now... That's definitely crossing this fucking metaphorical line. Why is it even there again? Who built it? Why is it a line?! I blinked and looked back into his eyes.

He looked down too, freezing when he realized where his hands were, looking back up at me and meeting my eyes again, "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" He let go of my shirt and scooted back a little. I was a bit disappointed. His face was red, meaning he was probably uncomfortable... But...

I blushed brightly, stepping forward a bit, "N-no!! It's okay! You were fine! I didn't mind!"

"Are you sure? I was so close to you and holding your shirt... oh god... Vernon I'm sorry..." Chan covered his face with his hands.

I shook my head quickly, taking his hands in mine, pulling them away from his face gently, if anything I didn't want him to be sorry at all. I definitely didn't want him to move. "Don't be, it's okay!! Look I'm fine you're fine it's fine! I apparently turned into a koala last night, it's only fair..."

"You were so warm and comfy..." Chan mumbled, I blushed more before he turned redder, "I-I mean... I guess? But you were asleep and it's understandable you don't control what you do in your sleep. I literally hugged you to me last night after watching all the movies I get it..." he rambled, not stopping.

"I... yeah but it's okay, you were just keeping me from taking my shirt off as a joke then so it's like the same thing then... so it's okay, you don't have to be afraid of being too close. I don't mind skinship anyway so yeah just... I don't mind it." I joined his rambles, looking down and realizing I was still holding his hands, "oh fuck, see! Sorry! I do it too!" I carefully released him, even though I didn't want to, looking back down at the floor sadly.

"Don't be sorry!" Chan suddenly gripped my hands out of nowhere, surprising me and also looking like he surprised himself by the bold action.

I blushed softly, "I... if I'm not sorry then you're not sorry!" I said before lacing our fingers together. Fuck the line, it's not even a real line!

Chan looks up at me, staring into my eyes, causing me to get lost again as I smiled before snapping my own eyes down to his lips and back up again before mumbling, "You know your eyes are really pretty...."

"Th-thank you..." Chan stuttered, not looking away from me, "You are... really handsome..."

I moved a bit closer, only wanting one thing right now, "Thank you... you're... really cute..." I trailed off, looking down at him. I really want to kiss him so bad.... Just one inch further and...

Joshua opened the door, "VERNON! CHAN! Ready to g- oh what are you guys doing...."

Chan jumped backwards, his feet hitting the side of the bed frame. Shutting his eyes as he fell back onto the bed, not letting go of me and pulling me on top of him, I gasped as we fell, pulling my hands up to stop me from falling with all my weight on Chan, forgetting his hands were in mine, causing me to accidentally pin his hands above his head, he opens his eyes and gasps as he saw me and how close we were right now. I looked down at him surprised, "oh... uh... hi?"

"Well uh... I'mma be out here.... I'll just... leave you to it!" Joshua said before I heard him running out.

Chan just stared at me for a moment, before he realized what was happening, "OH MY GOSH I'M SO SORRY!!" He tries to put his hands onto his face but when he can't, he must've just realized I had his hands pinned down above his head as he turned tomato red.

I felt bad but I just couldn't find the strength to move just yet, looking down into his eyes, "Don't be sorry it was an accident... Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah... I... I'm o-okay..." He stammered out, causing me to smile softly.

"Good... good. I thought I might have hurt you..." I trailed off realizing I was literally laying on top of Chan, causing me to blush more as I glanced down at him, "I should uh... get off of you..." I don't want to. But I really really should...

"Y-yeah..." Chan stuttered cutely.

I carefully and reluctantly got up, letting go of Chan's hands, immediately missing the feeling of him against me.

I looked down at him as he just laid on the bed for a second before sitting up, "I'm... so sorry... Joshua just startled me..."

I smiled softly at him, "Don't be sorry, I get it. It's okay I promise... as long as you didn't get hurt!"

"No. I'm not hurt." Chan said, "You didn't get hurt did you!?" He panicked, glancing over me. He's so sweet. I was literally on him how would I be hurt? The only thing hurt is my morals for how badly I wanted to kiss him then.

I shook my head, "No! No, I'm fine!! I landed on you!"

"I'm the one who pulled you down! At least you're okay..." Chan gave me a small smile.

"Are you not?" I asked worriedly as I realized what he said, looking at him, leaning back down on the bed to inspect him, looking at his arms where I had been holding him.

Chan gulped as I got closer, "I'm okay! I promise!"

I smiled as I saw nothing wrong during my observation, "Okay, good... good! So uh... Joshua said he was ready to go... are you uh.. ready?"

Chan nodded, "Yeah, I am, are you?"

I nodded, taking his hands and standing up, pulling him with me, "To the mall we go!"

Chan giggled, "Let's go!"

I decided then I would never get tired of his giggles as I led him out of the door, into the living room where Joshua was waiting.

Joshua looked up at us, "So uh... how are you?" It was then I realized what he walked in on and what he was probably thinking right now.

"We're... good... nothing happened I promise... what about you?" Chan said.

Smooth Chan. I laughed, shaking my head as Joshua's eyes got wide.

"I didn't think anything did... but that sounds suspicious... I'm good. Ready to go?"

Chan just nodded, looking over at me.

"I'll drive!" I said with a smile, walking them both out to my car and opening the passenger door for Chan.

Chan gets in, he seems nervous and lost in thought, not buckling his seatbelt right away. I looked over at him as he got in realizing he hadn't buckled it in the time it took me to walk around the car as Josh got in the back, "Channie? Seatbelt?"

"Huh?" Chan blinks and looks over at me, confused.

He was still lost in thought it seems. I laughed and reached over, pulling the seat belt across him and buckling it for him, causing him to blush.

"O-oh... seatbelt..."

I looked into his eyes before pulling away, "Yeah, safety first!"

"With Vernon's driving you need it." Stupid meanie Joshua said from the back.

"HEY!!!" I yelled in defense as I pouted.

Chan laughs at that, "My driving is worse than Vernon's, Joshua. I can't even push a cart through the store without hitting something."

"Don't even mention the go karts..." I mumbled jokingly.

"I did good at first..." Chan gave me a sheepish smile.

"You crashed us..." I mumbled trying not to laugh.

"What happened, Chan?" Joshua asked, sitting up in between the front seats to talk as I started driving. Occasionally glancing over at them.

"We got in the go kart, and I drove in a straight line and let go of the wheel so we crashed into the wall... Then I tried to turn us away from the wall but kept crashing so Vernon took over but it was still really fun and then I almost fell and he caught me..." Chan rambled, blushing at the end.

"Oh my... maybe you shouldn't drive a car sweetheart." Joshua patted his shoulder gently.

"Maybe not... but I can walk everywhere so... not a big deal?" Chan shrugged.

I glanced over at them, making eye contact with Joshua over that, "Or, one of us that can drive will give you a ride. It's dangerous to walk everywhere."

"He's right! Plus Vernon is hardly ever busy besides band stuff and he loves driving. He'd be happy to drive you I'm sure!" I sure would be happy, any excuse to see him...

Chan shook his head, "I don't want to inconvenience anyone, especially not that late at night when you all are asleep..."

"Sweetheart, this boy went on a depressed bender and drove around all night for like 2 weeks straight." Joshua started, before I cut him off with a look. I really don't want to scare him off or have him think differently of me if he knows about what I did.

"Still... I'll be okay. Nothing has happened to me yet. Besides, there's plenty of sticks nearby on the walk home. So protection!" Chan jokes, trying to make it all seem like not a big deal, which made me more worried as I glanced at him.

"Chan, I walked home alone from Stray Kids one night and got jumped by 2 dudes. You never know what could happen! Please call me anytime you need a ride!" I didn't want to scare him but he needed to know we were serious. The thought of anyone doing what they did to me to sweet innocent Chan made my blood run cold.

"I... What if you're asleep already?" Chan says.

"I won't be, trust me. I'm up pretty late. Unless it's like 6am then you might have to call Joshua, or Jeonghan!" I gave him a small reassuring smile, trying to get him to agree.

"Trust me, he's not lying. He barely sleeps, I swear to God...." Joshua mumbled.

"I'm not worth it though..." Chan mumbled, looking down at his hands.

I almost yelled at him, looking at him intensely, "You are very much so worth it. Your safety is worth it. You're one of us now and that means we protect you. We always take care of our family."

"I couldn't have said it better. It's true sweetheart. You have 12 people who care about you and your safety now. You'll have to get used to being worth it."

Chan sighs softly, still not looking at either of us, "Until you all leave..." he says softly, almost like he didn't mean to say it.

"Why would we leave?" Joshua asked.

"We're never leaving." I said sternly, moving a hand over and taking his gently, not even realizing what I was doing exactly, just wanting to get his attention.

Chan looks at our hands, blushing a little before looking over at us, "You'll all get tired of me or something... it's a different reason every time really... I just don't belong anywhere..."

"Welcome to the island of misfit toys. You belong here!" I said, laughing softly, trying to joke around to cheer him up.

Joshua nodded, putting his hand on his shoulder reassuringly, "We don't leave friends. Unless you're a huge asshole to one of us and insult us all or something. Which I doubt."

Chan stays silent, before the mall came into view and he exclaimed, "We're here!"

I slowly and reluctantly released his hand, pulling into a parking spot next to Seungcheol's car as Joshua finally sat back to get out. After I parked I watched as Chan unbuckled, opened his door and got out, immediately getting pulled into a hug.

"Baby's first friend group hangout at the mall!" Soonyoung exclaims excitedly.

I got out, laughing at them, looking over at Joshua, receiving a look. It was a scary look that made me nervous.

I watched Seungcheol got out of his car, "Calm down Soonyoung you'll scare him away!"

Soonyoung pouts and lets him go, "I'm just giving him no room for any doubt..."

"So you suffocate him." Jihoon jokes, shaking his head, "Suffocation by your love won't be a bad way to go though..."

"That sounds like a song..." I mumbled, raising my eyebrow at him. It was odd to hear him talking about Soonyoung's love and immediately I began to question it.

"Well if you kill him, Jeonghan is gonna kill you for hurting his baby, even if it is with love, and I'm not holding back an angry Jeonghan." Seungcheol said, looking over as Jeonghan got out of the car, "Speak of the devil."

"Hm?" Jeonghan looked at him questionably, shutting the car door.

"Nothing, looks like everyone's here..." Jihoon looks around, spotting everyone.

"Let's go!" Seokmin happily took Seungkwan's hand and led the way, everyone following as usual until I realized someone was missing.

I looked back and saw Chan stuck in place. I moved back beside him and smiled, "Come on! You can walk with me."

"You sure? I can stay in the very back and out of the way?" Chan asked, causing me to almost roll my eyes.

I noticed the others had stopped before shaking my head and grabbing his hand, "Chan, you're here to hang out with us, why would we want you to be out of the way? Come on! You gotta be with us and have fun!!"

Chan smiled and blushed a little at me, "Okay... just let me know if I mess up at all."

I smiled softly, squeezing his hand reassuringly, something I seem to not be able to stop myself from doing, "You won't. Come on, they're waiting for us!" I nodded up at the others waiting, pulling him along by his hand.

"You guys okay?" Seungcheol asked, looking at us.

"Y-yeah, we're okay." Chan smiled softly at everyone, "Sorry..."

I nodded deciding to take the heat off him, "Just a little confusion for Chan, he's learning! We're good!"

"Okay... where should we go first?" Seungcheol asked since we were standing at the mall entrance.

"Start simple and go into a clothing store?" Seungkwan suggested.

"Then Boba, and then the new store nearby that old toy store?" Mingyu asked.

Minghao smiled excitedly, "Oh the new perfume store yes!!! I heard there's some nice scents there!"

I nodded, "Sounds good, lead the way!"


We had made it into the perfume store and had all split up looking around. I was on my way back to Chan, holding a cotton candy scented candle to show him, seeing him run out. I carefully sat the candle down before following after him worried. I watched as he enters the toy store, following him inside and watching as he looked around before I slowly walked up to him, trying not to scare him.

"Hey, Channie? You okay?" I mumbled softly, voice feeling way too loud in the quiet store.

Chan jumped a tiny bit causing me to feel bad for scaring him, looking away from the jewelry box and at me, "Yeah... just got overwhelmed in the new store..."

I nodded, feeling relieved that was all, "I get that. There were a lot of people there. This store is much more calm. Mind if I join you?"

"No, not at all." Chan smiled.

"Yay!" I exclaimed with a small smile, looking behind Chan, "Ooh, I remember having one of those! And this! Do you remember these?" I grabbed a pack of Pokèmon cards and showed it to him.

Chan looked at it and frowned, "Yeah... I never had them, but all of the other kids in my elementary school did..."

I noticed the frown and sour tone, "Wow, you never had Pokèmon cards?? Did you not like it or?" I trailed off, sitting them down.

"I was never allowed to have them actually..." Chan trailed off.

I just nodded, "I remember some kids in my school weren't allowed them either. Their parents said they were evil or China tracking our minds or some crazy shit like that. What was your favorite toy then?"

"I... wasn't allowed to play with toys... at all... Everything was taken when I turned three..." Chan said awkwardly, causing me to pause. What the heck no toys at all?!

I looked at him, "Seriously??? Three??? That's... so crazy... Why weren't you allowed them??"

Chan didn't answer, just looked down at the ground and hugged himself. Which I knew meant he was upset. This caused me to panic, looking around and grabbing the first thing I could think of. Suddenly I was plopping a bejeweled pink kids tiara on Chan's head. Good choice Hansol, that's definitely not gonna make this awkward!

Chan jumped before carefully reaching up and touching it before pausing, "Is this... a tiara?"

I smiled and nodded happily trying to go with it, "Yes... it is.... Princess Channie."

Chan looked at me for a second before smiling brightly at me, a sight that caused me to let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in relief. I love when he smiles. I noticed him look around, before he saw the tiaras and picked up a blue one and plopped it on my head, giggling, "There you go... Princess Vernon."

I busted out laughing, almost throwing myself onto the ground as I did so, not expecting that at all as I looked at Chan happily.

Chan laughed along with me picking up a wand and lightly tapping my tiara with it, "I officially name you Princess of... your tiara!" he blushed.

I took a wand, tapping Chan on his tiara, "And I deem you... Princess of... Our family."

Chan calmed himself down from laughing, taking a deep breath. He went to put the stuff he had back, "That was fun..."

I nodded, smiling widely and putting up the wand, "Well then princess, anything you'd like to buy and experience?"

Chan paused, having been about to take the tiara off his hands up towards it, "I-I don't know... Maybe not right now?"

I smiled, knowing I had to get him to let me buy something for him, "Well, we're buying these tiaras, so if you want anything else grab it now!" I said as I walked up to the counter.

"W-wait!? Vernon!?" He stopped next to me as the cashier rang the tiaras up, "You don't have to get me anything!"

I just smiled and paid, saying thank you to the cashier before taking Chan's hand and pulling him out of the store, "Too late!"

"At least..." Chan trailed off, causing me to look up and follow his eyes and gasp as I saw them, my jaw dropping. Seungcheol had Jeonghan pinned against the wall. Both looking like deer in headlights.

"I thought it was just a joke... are you guys...?" I trailed off questioning, looking them over. This definitely wasn't a friendly encounter.

Seungcheol stepped away quickly, "Uh... it's not what it looks like?" That was obviously a lie.

Jeonghan sighed softly, "We've been dating since highschool, we didn't want anyone to know yet because... it'd just be awkward... Please don't tell anyone."

"I won't tell anyone..." I heard Chan say softly.

I just looked at them, blinking, almost feeling betrayed that I never knew, "High School?! And you didn't tell me??? Why would it be awkward?? Does anyone else know??? I won't tell anyone..."

Seungcheol sighed, "Long story... just please don't tell."

"Hey! Seungcheol and Jeonghan found them guys! We can go get dinner now!" Junhui calls back to the rest of the group as he walks up.

"What's up with the tiaras?" Seungkwan asked, confused.

"Princess things." Chan smiled at him, "You jealous?"

I laughed to myself and shook my head. He's definitely starting to get comfortable.


Sorry y'all I went to jail and then held updating up, all good now! :3

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