On the run

De EmelySwift

3.6K 207 15

Penelope Cooper is not who she appears to be to everyone in her life. 4 years ago, in the middle of nowhere... Mais

Character Aesthetics
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine


120 6 1
De EmelySwift

"Where'd he go?" I looked back to Alex's spot when I came back from locking up the back of the pub, shutting down the kitchen like I always did. It never took long but it did mean I couldn't keep an eye on Alex and make sure Dean wasn't harassing him. The pub was empty now, the sound of the playlist Dean created months ago playing quietly over the speakers.

"Not a clue. Just stood up, put the glass on the side and left." I rolled my eyes, pulling my bag a little tighter on my shoulder as I zipped up my coat. "I get what you mean about the iron fist thing. It doesn't suit him."

"Right?" Dean flicked off the back lights, joining me by the front door as he set the alarm. "I don't get the man. He's so hot and cold. Every time I think I know what he's going to do he pulls a 180."

"Like what?"

"Like tonight. He's so insistent on me 'being safe' and then disappears when it comes to closing? I don't know what to make of him and it's making me feel weird." Dean always walked me to my car. Every night since I got jumped in the car park in my first week. 2 men waiting for me to come out the pub. Luckily, I managed to get into my car before they got too close. I think at that time, I'd have been too panicked to do anything. I'd told him he didn't need to, that I was alright now but it was nice to have just a few extra minutes with him. The car park was to the side of the building, not a long walk, just a little out of view which I guess made Dean more concerned about everything.

"Weird how?"

"I have to know people. What to expect from them. Take you for example, I know you're gonna walk me to my car and tell me to text you when I'm in the flat or you won't sleep worried about me and you'll come looking for me with Harry and Gus. Then you're gonna get home yourself, pace for all of 30 seconds before calling me, at that point I'll have been in my flat less than 2 seconds, I'll still be locking the door and you'll sigh at me for stressing you out." He snickered. "I know what to expect. I know what you're going to do or if I don't, I know what the options are and I can plan around all of them. But with Alex-"

"He does stuff like this." We stopped at the entrance to the car park, looking over at my car under the streetlamp a few rows back. Alex leaned against the driver's side door, phone in hand lighting up his face.

"Exactly." My heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. "This is what I don't understand. He left. Just left and then he's been out here? Not even saying to you that he was out here for me. What if you were giving me a lift or something? I don't know Dean." I sighed, crossing my arms. "This is stupid."

"What, that you like him?"

"No- I don-"

"Yeah you do. You wouldn't be tolerating any of this if you didn't Penny. I've seen guys falling over their feet for just one conversation with you. I've watched perfectly polite, kind young men come by the pub every day for a month just to try and get you on board and you be instantly agitated by how clingy they are. I've heard you talk about guys you'd gladly let take you home but you refused when I told you to leave early and they'd never be seen again. You have said yourself, to me, that dating and relationships and sex aren't worth the hassle. Yet here you are, fucking your boss who is now trying to give you an excessive pay rise, sitting in the pub whilst you work and is clearly wanting to make sure you get home safe. The Penny I've worked with for 3 and a half years would not be accepting this, she'd be going ballistic and not even speaking to him until he got the message. She wouldn't be sucking him off at work either." I scowled, looking back at Alex who was too distracted to even look up. "Admit you like him. Even just a little bit."

"He's my boss."

"And? You like who you like Penny. You've not had the chance to date since you started with me. I'm telling you, to take the pay rise, quit here, let me close it down, spend time with him. I can't sense a single red flag on the man." I huffed. "PENNY." He shouted, Alex immediately looking up from his phone at the two of us and I turned to face Dean, furious. He pushed on my arm and laughed. "I expect to see your notice tomorrow night." Dean turned around and walked in the direction of his house. "Night Pen!" I rolled my eyes, giving him the middle finger before walking up to Alex.

"What was that about?"

"Just Dean being Dean, don't worry about it. I thought you left."

"So, you could close without me getting in the way." I nodded, Alex putting his phone into his pocket. "I'm driving."

"No, you're not."

"I am." He pulled the keys from my hand. "If I'm around, you're not driving Pops." Alex nodded his head at the passenger side and I moved around, too tired to even fight him. I climbed into the car in silence. Talking to Dean tonight had somehow made things feel a lot heavier than they had before my shift. Before here, it was just fun. Stupid, reckless feel-good fun. But right there, he was right. I hated it, but Dean was right. The way I felt about Alex wasn't even close to how I'd felt about anyone I'd spoken to in the past. It felt a lot more intense than it ever had with Jaxson too which was unnerving. Don't get me wrong, I never thought what I had with Jaxson was true love. We both needed each other in unhealthy ways and it would never have lasted forever without one of us ending up hurt.

I'd never allowed someone to know so many personal things about me, so quickly. Even now, Dean knew very little things about me. The only reason I told him about Alex was because I knew he'd be in here and he'd get concerned if some guy was now constantly showing up and acting all protective. Understandably so.

"You're quiet."

"Just thinking." I shuffled in my seat. He was taking a long drive around. I must have told him at some point because I don't know how else he could have known to do this and my heart fluttered at the thought of him just remembering something so stupidly unimportant.

"About what?" His free hand settled onto my thigh and I gulped. The anxiety I'd had that first afternoon in his office was back, and it felt a hell of a lot stronger right now as everything was slipping into place in my brain. This wasn't casual sex. Not with this level of attention and concern. I don't know what it was. It had been just over a week for crying out loud. This was ridiculous. Of course, I had feelings for him. Because I never do things lightly do I? Things with me can't possibly be simple. They can never be easy. They always have the added weight. I don't think I'd ever been this scared. Not even with Jaxson. "Pops?" Alex's hand squeezed my thigh until I looked up at him, the car sat in my car park, engine dead. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I blinked quickly, trying to just gather myself together, leaning and taking the keys out of the slot. "Thanks for driving me home." I tried to turn but his other hand pulled my legs back together, turning my face up to him.


"What? It's late. I'm tired, I want to go to bed Alex."

"You can when you tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong." I scowled, pushing his hands from me so I could climb out of the car. Stupid girl. Why did I even think this would be a good idea? Do you know how much baggage you come with Poppy? You've literally got a fucking gang chasing your ass and you're running around with your boss? Sleeping with someone who's not Jaxson. When Jaxson is alive, somewhere, looking for you? You think that's a good idea?

The driver side door slammed closed and I locked the door instantly, giving Alex a small smile before walking through the almost entirely empty carpark towards the entrance.

"Pops." Alex sighed, arm wrapping around my waist. "You're running again."

"I'm not running." He pulled me back into him as I tried to get out of his grasp, turning me around slowly without taking his arm away from me for more than a second. "Let me go Alex."

"Talk to me Poppy."

"I am-" I pushed back on his chest. "I am talking you big yeti. Put me down!"

"I will do when you tell me what you're thinking."

"Right now, I'm thinking about kicking you in the balls and snapping your neck. Let me go."

"Try it." I looked up at him and he nodded. "Try it. Give me you're all, see if I let go."

"Are you dumb?"

"No. I'm not dumb. I think you have a lot of anger you're locking up that comes out in attitude and the need to be strong and powerful, to have control over everything and by demanding I drive you home, I've taken away another slither of your control and now your panicking about what that means."

"No." I kept pushing, wriggling to get out of his grasp. I'll do it one day. I'll find the combination that gets him to drop me. "Let me go."

"It's either that or you want me to let you go so you can block me out because you're scared about your feelings for me." I tried to continue, to keep fighting but him saying it, I could feel the power behind my pushing drop significantly. I didn't get it back quick in time for him to wrap his arms around me tighter, pulling my legs up until the wrapped around his waist. "I'm not going anywhere Pops. You're mine." Alex pushed my head into him, walking towards the apartment building. "Stop worrying about your ex-Poppy. He's insignificant. You're with me now. I'll protect you." 

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