MLP Equastria girls: The Hero...

By GiyuWaterHashaira

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(Mlp Equastria girls x Male OC Reader) (The art used for the cover of my story and the OC drawings I made are... More

Bio and characters
Chapter 1: The New School
Chapter 2: The Bully and the New friends
Chapter 3: The Princess from a Different World
Chapter 4: The Human World
Chapter 6: Learning about the girl's Past
Chapter 7: Fixing a broken Friendship
Chapter 8: Rally the students
Chapter 9: A Fall Formal to Remember
Chapter 10: Answers and Goodbye's
Short Story: Make up, Shake Up
Short Story: Raise this Roof
Mini Chapter: Hello old Friend
Chapter 11: The Rainbooms are born
Chapter 12: The Sirens and Death
Chapter 13: Battle of The Bands
Chapter 14: The "Cousin" returns
Chapter 15: Sleep over/Hero's past
Chapter 16: The Mane Event
Chapter 17: Heroes Training/ The Truth Pt 1
Chapter 18: Heroes Training/The Truth pt 2
Chapter 19: The Final Showdown
Girlfriend choices (Not a chapter)

Chapter 5: More Problems with more faces

392 10 1
By GiyuWaterHashaira

It was lunch time now. You, Twist, Fluttershy and Twilight was getting lunch in the cafeteria.

Twilight Sparkle: I know we just met. I was wondering if you might be able to help me with something?

She asked Fluttershy and Twist?

Fluttershy: Of course!

Twist: What on your mind, Twilight?

Twilight Sparkle: I decided to run for princess of the Fall Formal-

Fluttershy then gas and accidentally spills her fruit salad bowl over Twilight shirt. Twist swallows all the fruit  he put in  his mouth in shock. Fluttershy then grabs a bunch of napkins from the counter and tries to clean up the stain off Twilight.

Fluttershy: Oh gosh! Sorry it's just, running for princess of the Fall Formal is a really bad idea.

Twist: Yeah. That will be a big mistake.

(Y/N): I may already know the answer to that but, why?

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, how come?

Twist: It's because of Sunset Shimmer!

(Y/N): I should have known.

Fluttershy: Sunset Shimmer wants to be Fall Formal Princess and when she wants something, she gets it.

Twist: She'll do something terrible to whoever stands in her way especially when it comes to princess of the Fall Formal.

Fluttershy: Just ask the last girl who ran against her during the Princess of the Spring Fling.

As soon as I explain everything to you and Twilight, one thought came to mind.

(Y/N) *thinking*: Sunset Shimmer  must have won back then by cheating. *light chuckle* Silly Sunset, tricks are for kids.

You, Twist, Twilight and Fluttershy keep walking to an empty table where you where going to sit at.

Twilight Sparkle: I have to try!

Twist: I'll give you points for determination, but that can only get you so far, Twilight.

Fluttershy: I agree with Twist. You'd have to convince everyone here to vote for you instead of her: the athletes ⚾️🏈🏀⚽️, the fashionistas 👔👗🎩, the dramas 🎭, the eco-kids♻️,  the techies 🖥, the rockers 🎸.....

Twilight Sparkle: Why is everpony....

Before Twilight could finish her sentence, Spike popped out of her backpack and slaps her upside the head and disappears.

Twilight Sparkle: I mean, everybody separated this way?

Fluttershy: Maybe it was different at your old school but at CHS, everyone sticks with there own kind.

Twist: Yep. No thanks to Sunset shimmer. Nobody wants to make friends with anyone except with the people in their groups.

Fluttershy: But one things for sure, Sunset Shimmer is going  to rule this school until we graduate.

Twist:  Yeah.

Both Twist and Fluttershy then take a spoon full of their fruit salads and eat it with glummy expressions. When you saw both of your friends with glummy expressions, you got a determined look on your face.

(Y/N): Heh, rule this school till we graduate my tail!

All 3 of your friends look at you with shocked looks.

(Y/N): If Sunset Shimmer thinks for a second that I'm letting her rule this school, then she has another thing coming.

You then placed your hand on Twilight's shoulder and still had your determined look.

(Y/N): I told you this before Twilight, I'm going to help you beat Sunset Shimmer so you can become the Princess of the Fall Formal. You are a very smart, kind, hardworking, and independent woman. That's why you deserve to be crown princess of the Fall Formal not some big/bully/queen/brat like Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight then blushed from your little speech about her. She as her blush fades away she then smiles and then has a determined look on her face.

Twilight Sparkle: Your right (Y/N).

Feeling more determined, Twilight decides to take a bit out of her apple, but she  doesn't use her hand she lungs over and snatches the whole thing with her teeth. Fluttershy and Twist puase in mid-chew, hopelessly perplexed. Twilight then look confused to why was Fluttershy and Twist where looking at her like that, she then turns to you. It took her a second to realize why they looked at her weirdly. You then made a hand gesture on how to remove the apple from her mouth.

Twilight Sparkle: So uh, *giggles nervously* where would I find the head of the party planning committee?


After lunch Twilight and you were told by Fluttershy where to find where the head party planning committee person is. You made your way to the gymnasium. You then hold the door open for Twilight as she smiles and walks in fist. As the two of you entered the gym it was decorated with balloons, streamers, and confetti.

(Y/N) *thinking*: I can guess the handywork, of who did all this.

???: INCOMING!!!

A hail of streamers pour down from somewhere above and Twilight, Spike and you ducked and covered. When the streamers stopped falling, you see yourselves covered by them. You guys then pick yourselves up and then got yourselves untangled.

After you got yourself untangled you then notices the exact person you where referring to before. She had her back turned on us and she tosses confetti into the air and grabs a balloon from her dress and blows into it.

(Y/N): Hey there Pinkie!

You called out to her. She froze when she heard your voice. As she turned around to see you, the balloon that she was blowing up deflated in her face. She then grew a huge smile and immediately runs towards you and give you a bear hug.

Pinkie Pie: (Y/N)!! I was really really really worried about you! I thought you weren't coming too school  today! I'm glad to see you!

You were struggling to breath on account of Pinkie was squeezing that life out of you.

(Y/N): Sorry.....that......I.....made you.......worry.

You said try to talk to her. She then let's go of you and then you  smiled. She then notices Twilight standing  before you.

Pinkie Pie: *dramatic  gasp* Is this a new student too?!

She then zooms in on Twilight to get a better look of her.

(Y/N): She is Pinkie. This here is my cousin, Twilight Sparkle.

She the extends her hand out to give Twilight a handshake. Twilight then reaches out to accept the handshake and got shooked by the force that Pinkie put into her handshake.

Pinkie Pie: Nice to meet you Twilight! I'm Pinkie Pie!

Twilight/Spike: *thinking* Yep. This is definitely Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Well, welcome to Canterlot High! So, what can I do for you today?

Twilight Sparkle: I heard you were the head of the party planning committee. You are also planning the decorations for the formal. I was wondering if I could also compete for being princess this year.

Pinkie then gasped from what Twilight said to her.

Pinkie Pie: Seriously?! Do you even know who your running up against?! Your competing  against Sunset Shimmer! The biggest  meanie and school bully in the history of forever!

Twilight Sparkle: I know that but, I still want to try.  This is very important for me to win this.

Pinkie Pie: Then you must be really brave or crazy to go up against someone like Sunset Shimmer! To use dirty tricks to make sure she wins!

Twilight Sparkle: She can try, bit I won't stop me or make me change my mind.

Seeing how Twilight tells pinky of how to determined she is to win this you smiled from Twilight's little speech.

(Y/N): She's right Pinkie and I'm going to help her win this. Me and Twilight are going to run Ms. ketchup mustards pockets and win this things.

Pinkie giggles at your little roasting session towards Sunset Shimmer before she responds.

Pinkie Pie: Okie-Dokie-Loki!

She then starts to examine Twilight a little more closely.

Pinkie: Also, I have another question to ask you.

Twilight Sparkle: What is it?

Pinkie Pie: You wouldn't happen to have a twin sister here, that lives here in the city has a pet dog named Spike that looks just like that one.

You then start to think to yourself from what Pinkie just asked Twilight.

(Y/N): *thinking* Since Equestria and my world are kinda alike, there could be a duplicate of Twilight here as there could be a duplicate me back in her world. *speaks* Uh...yes she does. She's downtown  deep in the city.

Pinkie Pie: Thought so. *shrugs her shoulder*

She then reaches into her hair and pulls out a pen and clipboard that shows a slip for any participants to sign up for a princess of the Fall Formal.

Pinkie Pie: Anyhoo, just need you to fill this out and you are officially up for the coveted Princess of the Fall Formal crown.

Y/N) *thinking* How the hell does she fit all kinds of things in her hair. Is her hair some sort of pocket dimension. Next thing you'd be telling me that, she can somehow fit a whole entire cake in there.

Twilight looks at (Y/N) who nods as if he's telling her to take the pen from her with her hands. While you and her were in class together, you taught her how to write using her hands. While it was tricky for her to understand she was able to nail it down so that she could at least write her own name. She the turns to you and shows you her handwriting.

Twilight Sparkle: Like this?

(Y/N): *nods* Not the best handwriting, but it will do.

Twilight then hands back the clipboard back to Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Alrighty! You are now a competitor for Princess of the Fall Formal!

The gymnasium doors suddenly open and you saw Applejack bringing in a crate of fizzy apple cider.

Applejack: Somebody order a dozen cases of fizzy apple cider.

Pinkie Pie: Oh! Me, me-me-me,me, yeah, ha-ha, me!

Applejack: Can you bring in the rest?

???: Eyup.

???: Sure thing.

As you heard those voices you then see it was Big Mac and Knuckles carrying in some of the crates.

Applejack and Knuckles notices you and Twilight as they both sets down the crate down on a table.

Knuckles: Hey there (Y/N), what's good.

(Y/N): Nothing much Nuckles.

Applejack: (Y/N)? I thought you weren't coming in today? You were out for most of first period.

Knuckles: Yeah, what she said.

After what Applejack and Knuckles said to you, you  moved your arm behind your neck and blushed a little bit from the embarrassment.

                                                         (THIS IS HOW YOU REACTED)

(Y/N):*giggle nervously* Sorry about that. *normal speaking* Wait and minute. Knuckles, do you know Applejack?

Knuckles: Yeah, me and her share  first block together. When we were leaving, AJ got a call in for an order of fizzy apple cider. I decided to help her out and her brother out by getting some of these crates.

(Y/N): I see.

Applejack walks up to you and lightly bumps your shoulder with her own.

Applejack: Forget about it sugarcube, I'm glad that your here now.

(Y/N): Thanks Aj.

As Applejack was about to walk back to the crate she notices Twilight.

Applejack: Hey I know you.

Twilight Sparkle: You do?

Applejack: Sure, you're the new girl who gave Sunset sure the what for today.

Applejack sits down on the table, grabs an apple cider, takes the cap off with her teeth and drinks it.

Knuckles: I've heard of you to. Rumor had it that a new girl actually stood up the Sunset Shimmer. Only person I know who stands up to her is none other than, (Y/N)

(Y/N): I'm flattered, Knuckles. 

Pinkie Pie: Twilight Sparkle here is going to run against Sunset Shimmer for Princess of the Fall Formal.

Applejack then spats out her cider and pure shock.

Applejack: I'd think twice about that.

Knuckles: Definitely.

(Y/N): Don't worry guys, I already told Twilight everything about Sunset Shimmer.

Knuckles: Oh, good. But still she's still bad news.

Applejack: I see, she sure would approach you all friendly like.....

As Pinkie Pie comes over from blowing up a heart-shaped balloon Applejack takes the balloon and uses a marker to make a face that looks like Sunset Shimmer.

Applejack: *mocking Sunset* I'm sure am lookin' forward to some friendly competition.

Her other hand holds another balloon with a sketch that looks like Twilight's face.

Applejack: *mocking Twilight* That's so good to hear.

She then flips the balloon that had Sunset  Shimmer face on it. On the other side it had a pin needle taped on it.

Applejack: But here comes the back- stabbing.

Applejack moves her hand for the heart-shaped balloon to pop Twilight's balloon. Both you and Twilight look at all the  balloon remains as they float down to the floor.

AppleJack: Well personally for me, the only girl in this school you can trust less than Sunset Shimmer is, Rainbow Dash.

Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow Dash?

Pinkie: She captain of like, every team at Canterlot  High.

She said as she was bouncing on an huge blow up balloon and the crashes somewhere.

(Y/N) *thinking* How does Pinkie do it. She doesn't have magic while I do. I can control, manipulate and do attacks using my own flame. I can defy physics by using my magic but how does Pinky do it.

Applejack: She's also the captain of saying she's gonna  do something for you and turns it around and doesn't bother to show up.

Twilight Sparkle: Thanks for the advice Applejack and Knuckles, but this is something I really need to do.

Applejack: Suit yourself. Hey, how'd you know my name was Applejack.

Knuckles: And how did you know my nickname was Knuckles.

(Y/N): I told her guys.

Knuckles: Ok cool.

Applejack: Oh, alright then.

Twilight Sparkle: Well it was nice to meet you all. I'm sure I'll see you around.

She finished before she quickly ran off while Spike trails behind her.

(Y/N) Yo Twilight, what up! Talk to you later guys.

You waved off to your friends and ran after her.

Knuckles: Hey guys, have you noticed that (Y/N) looked a bit nervous. Like he was hiding something.

Applejack: Now that you mention it. It kind of does seem like he is hiding something. But, what could it be?

Pinkie Pie: Yeah and that new girl is also hiding something and I'm totally on to her. She's psychic.

Knuckles: Whatever you say, cotton  candy.

Applejack: If you say so.

The gym door suddenly open once again to review the queen of mean herself along with her two little henchmen.

Sunset Shimmer: This looks terrible! There should be more streamers near the stage and fewer balloons.

She said before popping 2 of them at once with her bare finger.

You (The Reader): Dam, her nail must be sharp like claws.

Snips: Yeah, streamers!

He said as he rips one apart.

Snail: And, fewer balloons!

He said while trying to crush one but was unsuccessful. Both Knuckles and  Pinkie just stand there as the balloon floats up and Snails flops to the ground.

Knuckles: *Thinking* Pathetic😑🤦‍♂️.

Sunset Shimmer walks over to the crates filled with fizzy apple cider.

Sunset Shimmer: Fizzy 🍎 cider?! Ugh! This is my coronation, not a hoedown!

Applejack: Well now, it ain't necessary gonna be your coronation this time around.

Sunset Shimmer: Oh is that so? You country folks aren't that bright. Must be why the other students say such awful things about you.

She then flips Applejack's hat in face. Both the hat flip and the insult made AJ really mad. The top part of her hat popped open revealing that she was mad.

Sunset Shimmer: Obviously, it's going to be  my coronation. I'm running  unopposed.

Knuckles: * imitates a jeopardy incorrect* Wrong answer.

Sunset Shimmer: Oh please, meat head no one here would dare try and challenge me.

Knuckles: Oh I doubt that.

Pinkie Pie: He's right. The new girl just signed up!

She said before holding the clipboard.

Sunset shimmer: What?!

She explained before grabbing the clipboard and reading the name of her competitor. The expression on Sunset Shimmers face went from shock to anger.

Sunset Shimmer: * mutters angrily* Where is this Twilight Sparkle?

To be continued

End of Chapter 5

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