Goddess of Death. One Piece X...

Por Law_supremacy

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I cannot describe anything to save my life well.... Y/n is on a journey together with Luffy to see first hand... Más

2. Clown
3. Liar
4. Leaving Syrup village. Gaimon
5. Sick guy
6. Don Kriege
7. MH5
8. Bad Soup?
9. Momoo
10. Arlong
11. Sakana
12. Desk
13. Bounties
14. Logue town
15. Daddy
16. Lucky
17. Warship Island
18. Lost Island?
19. Red line
20. Whiskey Peak
21. Princess?
22. Little garden
23. Elbaf Warriors
24. Mr. 3
25. Drum Kingdom
26. Dr. Kureha
27. Chopper
28. Alabasta
29. Ace
30. Kung fu Dugongs
31. Fake rebel army
32. Scorpion
33. Yuba
34. Oasis?
35. Captured
36. Operation Utopia
37. Escape
38. Miss Easter
39. War
40. Sacrifice
41. Mum
42. Blacksmith
43. Luffy awakes
44. New member?
45. Kiss
46. Informant
47. Zenny
48. Ape's concert
49. Salvagers
50. Montblanc
51. Gold
52. Skypiea
53. Upper yard
55. Ark Maxim
56. Deathpiea
57. Eh?!
58. Bell and belfry
59. Navarone
60. The Admiral
61. Water 7
62. Going Merry
63. CP-9
64. Enies Lobby
65. I want to LIVE!
66. Friction
67. Escort ship
68. Rust
69. ௹ Farewell Merry ௹
70. ௹ Grandpa ௹
71. ௹ New shipwright ௹

54. Gold Hunting

279 19 3
Por Law_supremacy

You moved your hand around on the ground and felt for support before you got up. You slept with the mask on and walked to find Zoro and Usopp walking back from the direction with hushed loud voices. "I swear I  saw someone fixing the going merry." 
"You were probably seeing your own things there's no one there."
"It was probably a ghost or something."

"What's up guys?"
"Usopp thinks  there is a ghost messing around with the Merry"
"He is our sniper so I highly doubt that he was just seeing random things."
"Thanks for believing me." Usopp was now crying near you. 

"Well I'm going back to sleep guys." With that you went back to the ground and moved around until you were comfortable and fell asleep only to wake up a few hours later ready to start looking for gold.

You all got up and started heading straight for the ship to get it off the sacrificial altar. The Going Merry was fixed, the mast was well and back into place. Whoever fixed the ship knew exactly what it looked like before it probably wasn't someone from the sky because the wouldn't know the original structure. It was probably even a spirit we were just thankful that it was fixed by whoever Usopp saw. Everyone had their own ideas of who fixed the ship but we still needed to get it down. The ship was attached to the larger waver that Luffy and Sanji came with. They tried going down the stairs at high speed to make use of the momentum in order to move the ship down. That  failed.

They now had to use Chopper as bait so as to attach the ropes to the sky sharks and be able to use the fish's power. After a couple of screams from Chopper it had worked and the ship crashed into the water. The ship had been looking more and more run down with each passing day and it was worrying. It was clear it wouldn't be able to survive the harsh journey that the rest of the grandline had in store.

 We all gathered ready to break into groups after Nami's directions and plans for reuniting. You were to go with Luffy's group while Kuro and Shiro would go with Usopp's group. We were to meet at the Western shore at the end of the day with the gold.

You started walking inward to the island, Luffy had gotten himself a stick and was waving it around. Luffy and Zoro were absolutely horrible with directions and the rest noticed this immediately. You planned to stay closer to Robin during the journey to mostly learn from whatever she knew or would soon come to discover. "We're going to the right eye so we go right!" This was Zoro's argument for whichever side he was going. Robin turned to talk to a perplexed Chopper, "We'll go South tell them it's this way." Robin started to walk and you followed. The rest soon started following. "Ah Luffy you have such a cool stick."
"Ha ha ha Right! You can't have it look for your own."

You looked behind and there were some blue stripes in the distance and it definitely looked like they were moving. The best thing was to ignore it for now and keep on moving if it didn't try to attack it wouldn't bother you and you wouldn't bother it. Chopper however did not look so good perspiration was rather evident on his face despite him being covered with fur. "Chopper are you okay." You asked and turned to the reindeer.
"Yeah yeah I'm ... fine." Chopper dismissed anything being wrong. He probably didn't want to seem like a burden to the group full of heavy hitters. The group was made up of you, Luffy, Zoro, Robin and Chopper. He most likely wanted to act tough.

"Those  weird vines look like they're moving." Luffy spoke out. It was like relief washed over Chopper in that moment. "YEAH I had seen them a while ago and I found it odd."
"If you noticed it earlier why didn't you say anything?" You looked at Chopper but for him it was just your usual mask looking back. If you could you would make sure he answered that question but there was no time for that the snake quickly started coming for your group.

It was huge and it was coming fast you all started running away except for Zoro who was ready to fight it. You jumped up to one of the branches ready to see how the fight would go. He waited for the snake to come and went head first with his swords that did nothing the skin was too tough. The snake then spat out some acid substance that dissolved the tree in a matter of seconds. Seeing as there was no way to fight it the only option left was to escape with our lives. We began to run away. Every man for themselves. You had all been separated and were running in different directions. There was a lot of crashing and destruction going on once the dust cleared you looked around and there was no one there you were absolutely alone.

You walked ahead back on course so that you would meet up with the separated group. You walked and you ended up only finding Robin on the way. "Well it's no surprise that Zoro and Luffy aren't here, but where is Chopper though?" You wondered out loud.
"It's okay we can continue on the same path and we'll meet up with them ahead." Robin was right there was no point in trying to look for them now we were already separated so we would just work from them.

We walked along way and most of it in silence until we reached what seemed to be some ruins. The buildings were covered in plants and most of them destroyed you walked and looked around only to realize that there was no gold here. We would have to keep going forward in order to find whatever we were seeking. There was a lot of noise coming from the environment and it was probably those guerilla people fighting or something they didn't seem to get along with the rest of the people in skypiea. 

"This place was most likely a city that has fallen. This island might know the lost history if there is a poneglyph here." It was going to be good if we could get any information from this expedition. There were some heavy steps coming towards you guys and there were goat like guys coming. They claimed to be god's divine soldiers and started attacking. All you were doing was punching as the was no point in bringing Adira out for such small fries. You hit and knocked out anyone that approached with occasional kicks to the face. Robin was also holding her own against them " Seis fleurs Twist!" The cracking sound was unpleasant and deadly.

There was someone else approaching and it wasn't one of the goat guys. "Well hello there cutie-pie." It was a huge guy in a white robe with long curly black hair and jewelry. His advances were directed to Robin as he gave her a sinister smile. "Lady and weirdo in the mask. I am Yama, a divine commander for God Eneru." He then went in to attack you which you dodged and this resulted in him damaging the ruins that Robin hadn't taken a look at yet. "Robin sorry" You apologised.

"Why are you apologising these are just some old stones they can't do anything for you." He was going to throw a punch to another ruin but then Robin used her body to shield it from receiving any damage. "History is very important *cough* It let's us know about those who were there before us and in doing so helps us prepare for what may be." You agreed with Robin in an odd way it seemed that the things in the past were way more advanced than where we are today. You wouldn't be shocked to find a whole bunch of technology just sitting on one of the islands stuck in the past.

He then started hitting her to get out of the way. You were going to step in the way to assist with the fight but Robin held up a hand gesturing you to stop.
"Let me handle this I need to teach this person who disrespects my work as an archeologist a lesson."

You sat back and watched as the fight unfolded.

"Clutch!" Robin had concluded the fight and was slightly bruised from all the hits she had taken but was still standing and okay. We finally reached some monument like place but it was better than the last more put together than the last and more of a city the number of buildings just kept increasing as we went deeper into the place. It's like everything got displaced on its way up to the sky. You looked in the houses and there was no gold in the homes and then in different buildings that were most likely for communal gatherings but alas there was nothing there as well. Where was all the gold we had come in search for if not here. You had all set out in the morning for one simple thing and that was to find gold and there was none. 

You had been in the place for nearly forty minutes when Robin starts calling out your name. "Would you kindly help me with this informant-san." She led you up the stairs where you both started digging and removing the cloud matter that had clogged up the place. "There's definitely more below that got swallowed up."
"So the city is much bigger than this?"
"Yes that is most likely the case."
 Once the place was large enough she slipped through first and you followed down to the unknown and what you were hoping to be gold or at least some answers. Once you has some footing you walked through what seemed to be some kind of passage and out to where Robin was she was just standing looking around and when you reached you saw why.

"The city of Shandora fell 800 years ago but the city itself is still standing." She spoke as you were still too busy taking in all there was to be taken in.
"This must be the place Noland wanted to show the King." You saw a large building at the center of it all surrounding the buildings but there was no gold. Since this was the main place for the Shandorians that meant that it shouldn't be too far from here. "Robin I think the Poneglyph shouldn't be too far."

There was no Golden bell or anything matching that description in the area. As Robin went to look for some answers you were also seeking the same but to a different question. The way Noland described it in his journal it seemed like the gold found you and you weren't looking for it. You walked up to the main building and started inspecting it trying to get a better look at everything. You looked really close and found out that the gold was scraped from the building as there were still remnants though little. It was barely noticeable but it was clear that the place had been tampered with. You walked and found Robin with a poneglyph. She had already deciphered what it had said and everything. There were some tracks near the giant block that seemed to start there and go elsewhere.

"We should probably follow these rails and see where they lead." You suggested and you both started walking outside to see what was happening. We walked and reached outside it was more open but there was nothing much outside but there was someone sitting on a higher platform and was eating an apple and you didn't like how he ate it. He ate all round like normal then ate the core that was left together with the stick and everything that was definitely not normal at all. "Isn't it amazing? Even after being shot up to the sky, Shandora still majestically exists. It took me a few months to find this place and even the other gods didn't know." He then took out another of the same kind of fruit. "Who are you?" Robin asked not to pleased with the unwelcomed guest. It wasn't our home to begin with but it was odd for him to be here. If you had to take any guess, it would be that he is Eneru.

"I am God." There's no way that this was the guy you wanted to ask the truth for. He had no shirt on some set of four drums on his back. His hair was wrapped and his earlobes were so long they almost touched the ground and his skin was pale. You felt it right there he was just a normal human there was no god whatever you were looking for was not here. 

"You're pretty good. An archeologist from the blue sea it took us several months to find these ruins. If you can read the letters you can find this place easily huh?" The gold we were looking for wasn't here. "Come to think of it there is no gold, Did you take it out?" Robin asked. If he had already found this place ahead of time that meant that he had every opportunity to come into contact with the gold and do with it whatever he saw fit. The city was big and the gold that went missing was a handful. It wasn't easy to hide such large amounts of the substance it was probably just somewhere else on the island.

"Gold is a nice thing the glittering metal suits me well." That was all you needed to confirm that the gold was indeed taken and was still somewhere in the sky.
"And what about the Bell?" Robin asked an Eneru didn't have an answer for anything just a questioning look. It seems he had no knowledge of the bell and it was probably displaced seeing as it is supposed to be at the center of the city. Now in it's place stands a long vine extending from the ground up. "That's interesting. What did you learn by reading the letters?" 

"No...Unfortunately if, if it wasn't here when you first came, it didn't come to the sky. Both the golden bell and the large belfry." Robin was trying to throw him off the scent of the bell and you doubted that it was working at all. He had disbelief written all over his face and was definitely going to look for it if the chance was provided. 

"No the bell is in the sky. 400 years ago there was a beautiful singing voice that sounded through all the islands above. Soon the game will be over in around 8 minutes. While I'm at it let me look for the bell." He had already gotten up and finished eating his second apple.
"There's a maggot at the end of the island." He then raised his fist up and started glowing before he vanished and was gone.

You and Robin decided that it was high time you left. You moved to a different part of the ruins which were unstable, once you were out from the confines of the city you noticed how the air was thick with gun powder. A  fight had been going on the entire time. Looks like those divine soldiers didn't just arrive out of nowhere.  The above ground started to collapse and you and Robin moved out of the way. Once the dust had settled you took the time to get a good look at what had fallen down, you noticed some of your crew mates. Chopper was there but he was barely conscious he was injured again aside from yesterday's incident. He must have come into contact with yet another priest when he was alone.

Zoro was here and so was Nami and the weird knight. There was also the guerilla guy who attacked when you first arrived but there was a big problem there was no Luffy. There was the snake from the forest that was burnt to a crisp in the corner. Also Kuro and Shiro were nowhere to be seen, if Nami was here where were Usopp and Sanji?
"Nami, where is Luffy?" You asked and she pointed toward the snake.
"I left him in there with Aisa and Pierre. He's also with Kuro and Shiro." Nami answered. You had no idea who Aisa was.

Well it seems like they got swallowed up. Everyone here was pretty hurt except for you who had it pretty easy for most of this journey. You just wanted to get the gold and keep it pushing on to  the next island. You didn't like getting invested in family drama that was not your own. Cricket could avenge his ancestor some other weekend. The affairs of this country had nothing to do with you. You were on an expedition to solely find gold. If there was anyone worth fighting it was the priests but that would be purely out of pettiness.

This was getting irritating for you and if there was no gold there was no point in being here. Eneru was there and suddenly started walking towards your group. Nami hid behind a pillar and you stood up ready for whatever.

"Welcome splendid survivors. My guess is that there would be six people but there are seven. God's prophecy will not fail. We have three minutes. No one wants to be the one." He was suggesting that one of us had to be kicked out so that his guessing game would prevail but there was no need for anything like that you could tell the tension was high whatever happened when you were with Robin must have skipped you. Everyone had their weapons near and loaded ready for combat. He would probably go after Nami seeing as how she was currently the weakest at the moment. Everyone pointed their weapons toward Eneru except for you.
"So you die." You didn't seem to get the memo that we were going to attack but you would stay on the sidelines and see how it would play out

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