To Dazzling Darkness - Bucky...

By MetallicRed

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''He was like heroine to my body, injected straight into my veins. So beautiful yet deadly.'' Fallon Alarie i... More

Content Warnings and Author's Notes
Prologue - Bad Boys World
Chapter one - Bad Girls World
Chapter Two - Gala
Chapter Three - Secret Possession
Chapter Four - Ultimatum
Chapter Five - Toxic Mind
Chapter Six - Wanderlust
Chapter Seven - Ocean Eyes
Chapter Eight - Addiction
Chapter Nine - Monsters Under The Bed
Chapter Ten - Devil is, as Devil does
Chapter Eleven - Forgive My Sins
Chapter Twelve - Vincere aut mori
Chapter Thirteen - No Saints Here
Chapter Fourteen - The Stars and The Moon
Chapter Fifteen - The Creator
Chapter Sixteen - Echoes of Eternity
Chapter Seventeen - Toils of War
Chapter Eighteen - Heart Made of Glass
Chapter Nineteen - Russian Roulette
Chapter Twenty One - I Broke My Rules for You
Chapter Twenty Two - Demons and Clichés
Chapter Twenty Three - Goddess Sent to Hell

Chapter Twenty - Hell Is Home

234 14 7
By MetallicRed

Chapter Warnings: Death, Blood, trust issues, swearing, guns, form of domestic abuse ( I guess)... Anyways Enjoy :)

Fallon stared at the shiny gun that was inches from her face. One little movement and everything she worked for will be gone. All the anguish, blood, betrayal, killing and her empire. Poof, gone to nothingness. But a puddle of her blood on the floor and the lifeless vessel of her body. All the things she still wanted to do and say...

The hopes and dreams will shatter right in front of her. The hopes and dreams she had no right in having. That's how her story was written. The pages of her life were drowned in doom from the second she was born, and for the moment lost in James eyes she forgot.

Fallon took a small step back, taking in her situation. It was not favourable to her. She had no gun, no knife. Not that a knife in a gun fight would do her many favours. The man tilted the gun slightly, a dark sinister laugh escaping him.

''I wouldn't do anything stupid pretty girl'' His voice was raspy, but very certain of himself.

She couldn't make out many of his features, his face shrouded in the dark. Commotion behind the kitchen doors was creating enough of a distraction for him, shuffling of feet and many distressed voices. Fallon could feel her hands going clammy, it felt like her heart was in her throat, threatening to jump out. She wasn't afraid of death, she was afraid to loose the life she hasn't lived yet. Somewhere, deep down she always knew that her death will be painful, an abrupt end to all the suffering she endured. None of those happy endings that you read in the books or watch in films. Happy endings are just stories that haven't finished yet.

Yet, the devil and her are well acquainted. So she stared death right in the eyes. Like she has many times before.

''Boss will be so happy when I put a bullet in your face.'' The man spoke again. ''You've given him a lot of grief you know'' The man took a step forward to close the cap between them, his heavy boots scuffing the floor. Fallons reputation was well known, and the man was not going to take any chances. ''And I will get a nice pay out for your head''

''Who is this boss you speak so highly of?'' Fallon smirked. Her voice sturdy. Not betraying her inner turmoil. She knew her odds were extremely outweighed.

The man scoffed, as if she should have known the answer. ''Tony Stark wanted you dead from the beginning.'' He spat out.

Tony fucking Stark. She should have known it was him behind this. He clearly got bored waiting for James to put a bullet in her.

A gun shot echoed in her ear drums. The piercing sound, ringing in her brain. She took a sharp breath in, like its the last time she will hold oxygen in her lungs. She really wanted a cigarette, and to lay her head on James chest, to take in that musky scent of his being for the last time. Just one more time. That would be a lovely way to go. Who was she kidding, that would be too kind for someone like her.

Blood splattered and glistened in her vision. Yet, she felt no pain.

The gun that she was staring at clattered to the floor, the man behind it swung to the side and his body collided with the floor with a loud thud. Fallon let out a breath that she didn't realise she was holding in. Her wide eyes now stared at the door to the main venue, previously blocked by the man who was suppose to be her killer. Slowly she averted her gaze down and stared at the lifeless body at her feet.

''Steve told me where you were'' The familiar husky voice filtered to her head. James stepped out of the shadows. How fitting. His muscular frame seeming so much larger, more powerful while shrouded by the dark. ''You okay?'' He took a step towards her, to make sure she wasn't hurt.

Fallon took a step back, her brain wired so hard it felt static. Here he was running to save her again, like a knight in shining armour. Like she was some damsel in distress. She didn't need saving, or so she told herself. Yet she couldn't help, but question was this part of his plan. To pretend to save her so he could do it himself. After all that was his plan all along. She felt like she couldn't put her thoughts in constant order. It was too much. He was too much.

''Fallon, are you okay? We need to get out of here'' James concerned voice pushed through the ringing in her ears. He took another step forward to place his hand on her arm.

Fallon pushed his hand away with her forearm, her breathing ragged. She felt like she was going to be sick. Her head and heart pounded in unison. Could she trust him? The way he held her in the private room, the way he touched her. Could he be this good at pretending? Was she being a fool for trusting him?

There was more angry, certain voices getting closer from the door that lead to the main hall. ''Ben went this way, I heard a gun shot'' Another man said, his voice very close to the door.

Fallon looked up from the dead body to the door, as the door swung open her body was yanked to the side, being dragged along by her arm. James strong hand wrapped around her upper arm, a stealthy grip that was sure to leave a bruise. He pulled her with him through the door that he entered through earlier.

''Get to the truck they are running to the carpark!'' A voice further away reached Fallon and she looked behind her as the door swung shut. She was being pulled down a staircase, it was dark and the air smelled of stale must and damp mould. Clearly not a place that was used by customers of the building.

Moments later James pushed the door open and it was light again. Artificial light of underground vale parking, making her squint. Many expensive cars lined the bays. Fallon tried to keep up with James long strides. Her heel clicking against the concrete. Black SUVs lights flashed and the vehicle clicked. A sign of it being unlocked. James swung the door open to the passenger seat and helped Fallon inside. Everything was happening so fast she couldn't process the information around her quick enough.

James hopped into the drivers seat, starting the vehicle as fast as he could and wheel spinning out of the car park. In what felt like seconds they were out on the busy streets of New York.

''W-wait what about Sam?'' Fallon gasped and finally looked at James. His jaw was clenched, and his eyes were hard starting straight at the road ahead. Unreadable emotion flashed across his features.

''Steve got him out. He's okay'' He spoke a lot calmer than what his face looked like. He wanted to leave him behind, to get shot by one of Starks men just for touching Fallon. And yet he couldn't bare the thought of Fallon being upset due to Sam's death.

Fallon nodded and looked back at the street ahead. James was flying past all the cars that were out on their leisurely drives. A truck following them in the mirror caught Fallons attention, she turned her body to look through the window as James made a sharp right hand turn. A bullet ricocheted of the car smashing the glass and Fallon gasped, covering her face with her hands, parts of her face stung with pain. When she pulled her hands back they were covered in blood.

''Hey Look at me. Look at me!'' James eyes keep flicking between the road and Fallon. His voice panicked.

James voice pulled her out of the sudden shock and she looked at him. Some blood was dripping down the side of her face, matching the colour of her hair.

''Its okay Its just glass.. The bullet didn't hit you'' He said after examining her face for just a moment longer.

The truck following them didn't ease up, speeding up they were on their tail now. James cursed after looking in the rear view mirror couple of times.

''Fallon hold the steering wheel'' He spoke as he was fishing his gun out from behind him, safely tucked in his belt.

Fallon reached over and held the steering wheel, attempting to control the speeding car, for a moment until she realised what he was doing, once his drivers window started to go down.

''Why the fuck do you get to shoot them and not me?!'' Fallon said suddenly.

''What..?'' He looked back at Fallon and smirked, but not before scoffing slightly. '' Fine'' He handed the gun to Fallon and took the steering wheel from her, taking control of the car.

Fallon leant out of the now shattered window and aimed at the car. Her curls scattering in different directions from the wind. She put a few bullets in the radiator but that didn't seem to slow them down. She cursed. James tried to keep the car as steady as he could, manoeuvring around the never ending cars. Fallon frowned as she watched a man lean out from the truck following them, but before he could pull the gun out Fallon aimed for the tyre and shot it couple of times.

This made the truck skid and loose control, tyre blowing out at high speed unsettling the vehicle. The truck screeched before smashing into one of the parked cars. Fallon grinned in triumph and eased herself back into the seat. Placing the gun in her lap. James didn't slow down, continued speeding down the road. He kept looking in his mirrors, but there was no one following them anymore.

After about ten more minutes of driving Fallon started to recognise the streets that they were on. They led to James home. The car journey was completely silent, neither one of them sure of what to say. As everything felt wrong. Her body and mind hurt.

''Pull over'' Fallon suddenly stated.

''What? '' James looked at her confused. That seemed to become his new favourite word today. ''We are nearly at mine''

''I said pull over'' Fallon frowned.

''I'm not letting you out on the street, its not safe''

''I said to fucking pull over Barnes!'' Fallon shouted at him, shoving the gun into the glove compartment. She was not about to strut around New York with evidence in her lap.

James suddenly slammed on the brakes and pulled over by the edge of the side walk. Fallon pushed the door open, slid out of the car and started walking in opposite direction to where they were going.

James huffed and got out of the car, he walked round it and watched her with an arched brow. ''Where the fuck are you going?''

''Somewhere away from you'' She started strutting off. Her hair was messy and her face was bleeding. I guess people of New York have seen stranger things.

''Its not safe'' He raised his hands up in annoyance. Her stubbornness will be the death of him one day.

''You can go fuck yourself'' Fallon flipped him off.

That was one way to thank him for saving her. Yet she was so angry she couldn't help it. Her mind was so confused, from the information of him wanting to kill her to now saving her. Her trust issues have escalated to another level. As if she didn't have a long list of mental problems as it is.

James scoffed. She looked so perfect. With her feisty attitude and messy hair. ''Seriously, those guys won't stop. Its not safe'' He couldn't allow her to leave. Not again.

Fallon huffed and turned around to look at him. ''And what confidence do I have that I am safe with you!'' She raised her voice and took a few steps towards him.

A shouting match between the two people that loved each other yet wouldn't admit it. Out loud anyway.

''I would never hurt you'' James frowned. His blood went cold, he wanted to rip his heart out and place it in her perfect hands. Will she believe him then.

Fallon walked over to him and shoved him on his chest. It barely made him step back which made her even more furious. ''How am I meant to believe that?! That was Tony Starks men. How can I be certain that you are not behind this'' The anger was bubbling over the edges of her words, so she just shoved him again. She wanted to scream and cry.

''You just have to trust me on that'' His voice was quieter, finally seeing her anger right in front of him. The words felt stupid leaving his mouth. He understood her reluctance to trust him. She spend this whole time putting up a front, and it was all crumbling down right in front of him, breaking his heart along the way.

''You fucking betrayed me! Planned to destroy everything that I am, even kill me. And now I'm suddenly suppose to forgive you and just go back to your house?! Fucking trust you?!'' Another shove to his chest, he took a small step back from the force. He deserved it, he knew he did. He didn't make any attempts to stop her.

''That was all before I knew you'' Sweet emptiness of too late apologies.

'' You pulled a trigger with the gun against my head James'' She scoffed and finally took a step back, even though her hands longed to hold him. She extended her hand out when she saw a taxi driving by.

''I knew the gun was not going to fire'' James ran his hands through his hair. In attempt to smooth his now longer locks, a piece of hair rested out of place on his forehead. "So just for once do as you're fucking told and get in the car"

The taxi stopped, and Fallon opened the door and got in the back. She shut the door without letting James say another word and told the address to take her home.

Evil feeds off of broken things. She learned that many years ago. She will not be broken again.

A/N: Don't give up on these two just yet!

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