My Student of the Year.

By TeamLeo4Life

54.9K 3.4K 1.3K

Elsa teaches high school. One big class 30 or more students in it. It was always her dream to teach. But the... More

<1> Dream Come True
<2> Arithmetic Class
<3> Glasses
<5> I Am who I Aaam! I Don't Need a Maaan!
<6> Coffee or Tea?
<7> Severe Pumbling.
<8> Beach 4 Life.
<9> Blue Paint.
<10> Best Prank Ever!
<11> Saved by the-. Jack?
<12> ✔ Just Do It.
<13> 'Uncool'
<14> Ice Cold.
<15> Party Time!
<16> I Slap Myself.
<17> It's A Hate Relationship.
<18> You Mess With The Bull, You Get The Horns.
<19> Da Punishments.
<20> That Awkward Moment.
<21>Mr. CrankyPants.
<22> Anti-Social, Nerdy, Fangirl Teenagers.
<23> Mixed Signals.
<24> Queen Boss Mare Elsa.
<25> Stalker? Pssh! Not Me!
<26> 'Wee Giant'.
<27> Nothing Sweeter Than Morning Revenge.
<28> Church Clothes.
<29> IHop.. Oh Look, A Frisbee.
<30> Inner Voice

<4> First Day. Check!✔

2.6K 151 42
By TeamLeo4Life

/Jacks Pov/

After all our other classes that were also as boring as the first ones it was time to leave.

So I walked outside toward my motor cycle my backpack on my back.

Then I get my black helmet and slip it on buckling the strap under my chin.

Then I slide onto the seat before starting it and driving off.

I personally think school is the stupidest thing that was created,
cause it stinks.

But there's always some fun with pranking teacher and classmates.

But usually I prank the teachers it's always more funny with them.

After I make a few turns I end up at the apartment building I stay in.

I parked my motor cycle in the spot I usually park in before walking inside.

When I get in my room I fall back on my bed before sighing knowing the first day of school was over.

Then I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the screen seeing who it was from.

It was from Hiccup.


(Hiccup: how was your first day?)

(Jack: it stunk! Yours?)

(Hiccup: ehh! wasn't so bad.)

(Jack: do you even hear yourself man?)

(Hiccup: whatever. I leaving.
Over and out!)


I sigh before attaching my phone to its charger and getting to my homework.

Ugh! I wish Hiccup was here to do my homework.

I got all of my homework done except for science and language/english.

Ugh! I hated language/english it's so hard and boring.

It's not like I'm gonna become a writer some day!

Well maybe... whatever! it doesn't matter I still hate it!

And science! why learn about animals that I can't even pronounce their names!

Whatever. as long as I pass I'll
be good.

/Elsa's Pov/

I drive my car to my rented house not far from the school.

I parked my GMC truck before getting out and going inside my house I guess you could call it.

I unlock the white door before walking inside closing it behind me.

I had already set up my furniture before I came to live here.

I set my purse on the kitchen counter then I slip off my black high heels on the mat by the front door.

"Elsa!" I heard Anna call making me chuckle.

"Are you home?" she yells from upstairs "yes I'm home!" I yell back.

"Ok good!" I heard before she ran down the stairs with sheets of paper in her hand.

"Why did you have to assign so much homework?... and on the first day!!!" she said loudly tapping the paper.

I chuckle a smile on my face "just go do it." I say sending her back up the stairs.

"And don't question my teaching." I say and she rolls her eyes before turning and running up the stairs.

I sigh before walking into my room that was on the first floor.

I get dressed into pjs and crawl under the covers on my bed.

I grab the remote and switch the tv on to a movie I've seen plenty of times but I still like watching it.

Just when I was about to finish the movie Anna runs in.

"Hey I'm- why are you in bed?" she asks a confused look on her face.

"I'm tired." I said still looking at the screen.

"Aww is the teacher all tuckered out?" she said in a baby voice making me shoot her a glare.

She then chuckles "ok I'm going out to buy some ice cream." she says exiting the room.

"Just be careful!" I yell as she walked down the hall.

"I will!!!" she yelled back then I heard the front door slam.

I sigh and lay down instead of sitting up in my bed.

I roll over into my left side as it got darker outside I could see that through my window.

Just when I was about to close my eyes I saw something move.

I jumped up and scooted back
on the bed.

When I saw nothing move I looked over the side of the bed and saw a huge black hairy spider just sitting there looking at me.

I whimpered before scooting back into the middle of the bed and grabbing my phone calling someone to come kill it.

⬇Phone call⬇

(Hans: Hello?)

(Elsa: oh thank goodness! hey would you mind coming over for a sec?)

(Hans: why? whats the problem?)

(Elsa:*closes eyes* just come to this address.*give address*)

(Hans: ok ill be over in a sec. Bye.)

(Elsa: ok thanks. bye!*hangs up*)

⬆Phone call⬆

Then I sit back on my bed and close my eyes sighing .

"Please hurry."


(A/N) I have nothing to say😐 besides look at the pic...
It's funny... Ha! Ha! Lol!😂

Silent readers DON'T be silent!
Go CRAZY in the comment section!


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