Who are you? Bill kaulitz x y...

By Tom_ate_myheart

56.8K 736 1.3K

A story based on the famous singer Bill kaulitz, whom you meet at Highschool. What will happen to your friend... More

Childhood friends
The boy I met
You're very beautiful
The Duo
My boyfriend
The Party
Liar or not
Bad news
Tour day
The Bracelet
I need you
No update today :(
The Plan

Christmas present

3.2K 35 135
By Tom_ate_myheart

-December 24th, 2004-

Y/n finished making their breakfast. And placed it on the table, while Bill was trying to wake Brianna up "Are they on drugs or something?" Y/n says "Probably I'm not sure" Bill replies. Y/n just chuckles. Bill and Y/n eat their breakfast alone since the other 2 wouldn't wake up.

"So y/n I was thinking if you and I could go out maybe?" Bill asks Y/n "Yeah sure" Y/n said "Where do you think we could-" Y/n gets cut off by a text from her Mother "Sorry let me get this real quick" Y/n said while Bill nodded

Mom: Your father has come to visit you, come home now!

Me: Mami actually? Okay I'm coming home now let me say Goodbye to Bill.

"Bill I have to go my father is at my house and I haven't seen him since I was 8" Y/n says "Okay... another time maybe?" Bill says with a sad look. "definitely, I love you" Y/n said as she gave Bill a kiss.

Y/n sprinted to her house where her Mom and Dad would be waiting for her. Y/n unlocked the door and saw her Dad sitting on the couch waiting for her. " Dad!" Y/n yelled out hugging her father. "I missed you so much beautiful!"


"No daddy don't leave!" Young y/n said as her mother held her back "I'm sorry Pump cake, but me and your Mom it's just not going to work out anymore" a sad father said as he hugged his little girl for the last time "Daddy don't leave me please!!" Young y/n said as her father went out the door and left.

-end of flashback-

"I'm glad you're back I missed you so much" Y/n said "Yeah baby, I missed you too." He said. "I was thinking, maybe we could go out for ice cream?" He asked "I would love to!" Y/n says "We'll be back" Y/n's father says to Y/n's mother.

They both walk out of the house and get into the car her father owns. "You know I never got over you leaving since the day you walked out that door" Y/n says "I know I'm sorry it's just your Mom she didn't want me staying there" Your father answers "But you never even called me or even visited me after 8 years!" Y/n says getting frustrated "I'm sorry you're right I should have came and visited you, and I apologize for not being there for you when I should have been. But I'm here now right?" Your father says " Your right, you should be sorry You kept me waiting all these years and I got nothing. Not even a single "hey how are you." Your unbelievable." Y/n says. before her father could speak Y/n spoke first "I hate you for leaving me without a father all these years, get me out of this car I'm going home." Y/n said as she got of the car furiously.

Y/n didn't walk home, she walked into the only place she felt safe at. Y/n knocked on the Twin's door, but surprisingly nobody answered. Too bad Y/n didn't have Bill's or Tom's Phone number so she just had to go back to her mom.

Y/n knocked on her moms door while the door opened. "Hey baby where's your dad?" Her mother asked "I hate him don't even talk about him please." Y/n said pissed off "Well alright then Go take a bath then come downstairs for dinner" Her mother says " Okay ma" Y/n says as she goes upstairs and takes a shower. When Y/n is done taking a shower she goes into her room and picks out brand new fresh clothes, then she goes downstairs to where her mom is. " Pasta" Y/n says "My favorite thank you ma" Y/n says giving her mom a peck on the cheek "Yes love I know you love pasta so I made it for you, I'm glad you love it" her mother says.

Y/n finishes eating and gets her stuff ready to go to Bri's. " Alright ma I'm heading out now" Y/n says as she leaves out the door. Walking to Brianna's house Y/n spotted some guys walking to the twins house with big packages, but Y/n wasn't going to jump into conclusions about who it was because all she thought about was 'I wonder why they weren't at home today since they were just there 2 hours ago' Y/n thought.

Y/n got to Brianna's house and it was now 4:50 pm. Y/n knocked on the door and was greeted by Brianna. "Come in what's up?" Brianna asked, Y/n explained everything about her dad and how the twins weren't home even though she was there half an hour ago but had to leave due to your stupid father.

"Girl its fine come on since it's early how about we go on a shopping spree?" Brianna asks "I would love that!" Y/n says setting her stuff down on the couch and walking out the door with Brianna. "which car should I pick? I have about 23 types of cars." Brianna says "I don't even know just pick whatever" y/n says "Uhg you're such a wuss. I'll just pick the limo since its big enough to carry all of the things we'll buy." Brianna said "Wait I thought we were only going to buy a few things?" Y/n asked "Christmas is tomorrow we have to buy Bill and Tom a Christmas present." Brianna said

"Not only Bill and Tom, we have to get something for ourselves!" Brianna said excitingly. "Okay fine, I guess we should but I don't know what to get Bill." "Get him anything you think is fine I'm sure he'll love it he's your boyfriend after all!" Brianna says trying to give Y/n confidence .

They got in Brianna's car and drove to the mall hoping to find something good. They got to the mall and got off. "Lets go into the Jewlery section first!" Brianna said while skipping into that section. "Oh.My.God this one is absolutely beautiful! how much does it cost?" Brianna asks the worker. "one thousand and three hundred and twenty dollars" the worker said "Perfect!" Brianna said "Bri are you serious? That necklace cost more than my entire couch!" Y/n whisper yells to Brianna "So what? my dad is a Douch bag but he spoils me so I guess that's the only good thing on the positive side out of 99 things on the negative side" Brianna says "Plus only the best things for my best friend" Brianna says while hugging you "I appreciate that Bri but I'll be honest, I'm fine with a little card that says I love you in it, you don't have to buy me anything special." Y/n says.

"Ok I know you said you were being honest but right know all I heard was a lie." Brianna says " Just let me buy you something fancy for once!" "Fine but promise me nothing more over two hundred dollars ok?" Y/n says "I can't promise and you know that" Brianna says while walking away. "How are you doing today Ma'am?" The worker at the front of the shop said "Not good" Brianna said with a smile of her face. "So that'll be one thousand and three hundred and twenty dollars please" The worker says " Here take my card" Brianna says handing the worker her card. "Approved, enjoy your necklace!" The worker says putting the necklace in a fancy bag and giving it to Brianna. "That's just the tip of the iceberg babe, we have a lot more shops to visit.

Y/n and Brianna go through many shops until they stop at a clothes shop, Brianna's favorite shop to go in. "You can find anything in here and I mean anything, this shop is magical. Find something for you and Bill, I'll look for something for Tom and me" Brianna said with a smirk on her face.

Y/n goes her separate way to try and find something for Bill. Y/n spots a beanie she thought he might like

what you spot:

"This looks nice I hope he'll like it" Y/n mumbles

"Y/n!!"Brianna yells from the other side of the store. "What!?" Y/n yells back as Brianna comes running down to her with 3 bags full of things. "What's in all those bags?" Y/n asks "23 caps and 5 pairs of baggy clothes for Tom!" Brianna says "Okay you need to chill out, I'm only getting Bill one thing hoping he'll like it" Y/n says "See that's how you know you're boring. Only one thing? Girl I am praying that he likes it" Brianna jokes "yeah whatever, lets go pay" Y/n says while they head to the cash register. "six hundred and seventy dollars please!" The worker says "Here" Bri says handing the worker her credit card. " Approved, enjoy! "The worker says "We went through like 20 shops how much money did you spend?" Y/n asks " I think about five thousand and four hundred and twenty five dollars" Brianna says " Excuse me what? I'm pretty sure that cost more than all the computers in computer class!" Y/n says in shock. "I know it's crazy right?" Brianna says.

They both get into the car putting all the bags in the trunk. "I'm so tired and we still have to wrap these gifts up." Y/n says "Oh don't worry I'll have my maids do it for us" Brianna says. "Your maids are life savers!" Y/n says.

They get to Brianna's mansion and get inside while the driver takes all their bags and brings them inside. "You nanny, chop chop get to work and wrap these up quick before you're fired" Brianna says with a smile of her face.

-1st person Pov-

'Yeah I said she had a nice attitude but towards me not other people, she has a very short tempo around other people.' y/n says.

-end of Pov-

Y/n and Brianna go back to her room where they watch a movie for about 20 minutes before they're interrupted by the maid that was wrapping up the presents "Ma'am Your presents are done" The maid said " Thank you but now you're fired for interrupting me while I'm watching a movie "Brianna said.

"Brianna don't you think you're being a bit tough on them?" Y/n asks Brianna "No, but don't worry maybe they'll find a better job somewhere else where it's not here." Brianna says while getting into her bed and pulling the covers over her while Y/n does the same thing.

-December 25th, 2004-

Y/n wakes up around the same time Brianna does, They both go down to eat breakfast "What do you want to eat Y/n?" Brianna asks Y/n "Avocado toast" Y/n replies "Perfect, same food for though. Natalia!" Brianna yells for the maid "Yes Ma'am?" Natalia says " Make us some avocado toast." Brianna says "Of course Ma'am" Natalia says and begins cooking "So... I'm excited about today" Brianna says "I can see that, today is Christmas anyway." Y/n says "No it's not that it's just I'm going to through a party tomorrow and I bought you some clothes to wear for the party" Brianna says "Well I'm looking forward to it can I see what you got me?" Y/n asks "Nope! its a surprise" Brianna says while handing Y/n and black bag shut tight with ribbons "Okay if you say so" Y/n says.

By the time they're done talking their food is done and they start eating. When they finish eating they decide to go to the twin's house "Wait wait wait! take your gift so you can give it Bill I'm bringing my gift too" Brianna says handing my the gift wrapped in a black and white ribbon.

"I hope he'll like it" Y/n says "Don't worry he will" Brianna assures Y/n as they get into the limo.

When they got to the twin's house Y/n knocked loudly on the door waiting for somebody to answer the door. Y/n and Brianna heard footsteps getting louder as they got closer to the door.

"Hey come in guys!" Bill answers with a bright smile on his face. After Brianna walked in Bill gave Y/n a kiss welcoming her in. "Where's Tom?" Brianna said with the presents in her hand. "If those are presents for Tom leave them under the tree he gets excited about those" Bill says while calling Tom down. Tom came downstairs and straight up hugged Brianna "Hey baby" Brianna said while she started making out with Tom "Ugh I hate it when you guys do that Infront of us like hello? go somewhere else" Y/n said while Brianna rolled her eyes.

"Shall we open presents now?" Tom says "Yeah sure" Bill replies "This one is from Brianna to Tom" Tom read as he ripped open the present. "More caps? Thanks! I love it babe" Tom says while kissing Brianna. "The next one is from Y/n to Bill!" Bill reads as he gently unwraps the present " a beanie? Its amazing I love it so much especially the skull design!" Bill says while wrapping his arms around Y/n. "there's another under the tree Tom" Brianna says "Oh yeah let me go grab it" Tom says while getting the present. "From Brianna to Tom" Tom reads as he rips the present apart yet again. "Baggy pants, cool I'll be wearing them!" Tom said hugging Brianna.

"So none of you guys got us presents?" Brianna says disappointed. "Oh I have my present it's waiting in my room right now" Tom says with a smirk while Brianna blushes.

"No but actually did Bill get Y/n a present?" Brianna asks in Tom's ear "He did but we can't tell you guys what it is. "Alright then. With that said I have something to tell you guys! I'm hosting a party tomorrow so dress in your best clothes because you guys are invited!" Brianna says.

"But all my clothes are ripped" Bill says.


Words: 2.3k (woah)

This one took me like 3 hours to make so I'm exhausted But I hope you guys enjoyed the story you know?

-I love you guys

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