The life they should've had

By iheartJLS

8.7K 189 8

Erin Lindsey and Jay Halstead are both detectives who are engaged now. Erin has a 5yr old daughter from her p... More



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By iheartJLS

Matthew was a month old Today was the day they were in court for Leah

Erin and Jay Halstead sat nervously in the courtroom, holding hands tightly. They were waiting for the judge to make a decision about visitation for Leah's biological father, Jules Wilson.

Jay had always been a father figure to Leah, even though he wasn't her biological dad. He had been there for her since she was a baby, and had been a constant presence in her life. But now that Jules had come back into the picture, everything was up in the air.

Erin had been dreading this day for weeks. She knew that Jules had a legal right to see his daughter, but she was worried about how it would affect Leah and the family as a whole.

Finally, the judge entered the courtroom and everyone stood up. He took his seat at the bench and looked out at the people in the room.

Judge=Good morning,We are here today to discuss visitation for Leah Lindsey. Mrs. Halstead, Mr. Halstead, Mr. Wilson, please step forward.

Erin, Jay, and Jules approached the bench and stood in front of the judge.

Judge=Mrs. Halstead, can you tell me a little bit about your relationship with Mr. Wilson?

Erin took a deep breath.

Erin=We were together briefly, but it didn't work out. He left when I told him I was pregnant  and we haven't seen him since. Jay has been there for Leah since she was 4 months old and has been like a father to her.

The judge nodded.

Judge=I see. And Mr. Wilson, can you tell me why you're seeking visitation with your daughter now?

Jules cleared his throat.

Jules=I know that I made a mistake by leaving, but I want to make it right. I want to be a part of Leah's life and get to know her.

The judge looked at Erin and Jay.

Judge=And how do you feel about that?

Erin=I'm worried about how it will affect Leah. She's only five years old and she's used to having Jay as her dad. I don't want her to be confused or hurt."

Jay=I love Leah like she's my own daughter. I want what's best for her, but I'm worried about how this will affect her.

Judge=I understand your concerns. However, Mr. Wilson has a legal right to see his daughter. I am ordering that he be granted visitation every other weekend, starting next weekend.

Erin and Jay Halstead left the courtroom feeling defeated. They knew that the judge had made the right decision, but they were still worried about how Leah would react to the news.

When they got home, they sat Leah down at the kitchen table and explained everything to her.

Erin=Leah, we need to talk to you about something important,your biological dad, Jules, is going to start seeing you every other weekend.

Leah looked up at them, confused.
Leah=But Jay is my dad,why do I have to see Jules?

Jay put his arm around her.

Jay=I'm still going to be your dad, Leah. Nothing is going to change that. But Jules is your biological dad, and he has a right to see you.

Leah looked down at the table, tears welling up in her eyes.

Leah=But I don't want to see him

she said quietly.

Erin and Jay exchanged a worried glance. They knew that this was going to be difficult.

Erin=Leah, we know this is hard,but we want you to know that we're here for you no matter what. We love you so much and we want what's best for you.

Jay nodded.

Jay=We'll be with you every step of the way, Leah. We'll make sure that you're okay.

Leah looked up at them, tears streaming down her face.

Leah=I'm scared

Erin took her hand.

Erin=It's okay to be scared, Leah. But we'll get through this together. We'll make sure that you're safe and happy.

Over the next few days, Erin and Jay worked hard to make sure that Leah was prepared for her visits with Jules. They talked to her about what to expect and reassured her that they would be there for her every step of the way.

The first weekend that Leah was scheduled to spend with Jules, Erin and Jay were nervous wrecks. They had spent so much time preparing for this moment, and they wanted everything to go perfectly.

As they dropped Leah off at Jules' house, Erin hugged her tightly.
Erin= We love you so much, Leah,have fun this weekend.

Jay gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Jay=We'll see you on Sunday, kiddo

Leah smiled bravely and walked into Jules' house. Erin and Jay watched her go, their hearts heavy with worry.

For the first few hours, Erin and Jay couldn't stop thinking about Leah. They wondered if she was okay, if she was having fun, if she was missing them.

As the day wore on, they tried to distract themselves by doing some much-needed housework. But they couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.

That night, they were putting Matthew in the bath
Erin=He's so tiny, we need to be extra careful.

Jay=know, but he seems to be enjoying it.

They worked together to wash Matthew's tiny body, taking care to be gentle and not get water in his face. When it was time to rinse off, Jay carefully poured water over Matthew's head, making sure to avoid his eyes. Erin wrapped him in a soft towel and held him close, drying him off and keeping him warm. They smiled at each other, proud of themselves for giving their son such a great bath.

Finally, around midnight, Erin's phone buzzed. She picked it up, her heart racing.

It was a message from Jules.
Hey guys,just wanted to let you know that Leah is doing great. We had a fun day together and she's sleeping soundly now. Don't worry, she's in good hands.

Erin breathed a sigh of relief. She showed the message to Jay, who smiled for the first time in hours.
They were surprised at how good Jules seemed to be

Over the next few days, Erin and Jay tried to enjoy their time without Leah. They went out to dinner, saw a movie, and even took a long walk in the park.and just enjoy Matthew

But they couldn't help but think about Leah. They missed her so much, and they couldn't wait to see her again.

Finally, on Sunday, they went to pick Leah up from Jules' house. When they arrived, they saw that Leah was smiling and laughing with Jules.

Leah=Hey I had so much fun this weekend!

Erin and Jay breathed a sigh of relief. They were so glad to see that Leah had enjoyed her time with Jules.

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