The Admiral And His beloved

By Alidemtirane

1.8K 41 1

Elena sets out to find and old friend,Captain Jack Sparrow.Will she succeed...we don't know. Will Elena die t... More



94 2 0
By Alidemtirane


They watch in horror as the Dutchman is pulled down, spinning, into the depths of the sea and maelstrom.

"The armada is still out there, the Endeavour is coming up hard starboard, and I think it's time we embraced that oldest, noblest of pirate traditions." Gibbs says to Jack

"I've never been one for tradition." Jack says

Elena looks to the Endeavour as she see Beckett standing at the helm with the armada behind him.

"Close haul her! Luff the sails and lay her in irons!"
Jack commands

"Belay that! We'll be a sitting duck!" Barbossa says

"Belay that Belay that!"
Jack says in a mocking tone but shouting

All seem to come and protest at them.

"Belay it! Stow it!" Elena say suddenly full of anger

Everyone looks to at her.

"The pirate King has spoken! Belay that!" James shouts

The Black Pearl's sails flapping, I watch the Endeavour move into position against them.

"Didn't figure for it to end this way. Always pictured an angry husband." Gibbs says


The Endeavour is sails in for its kill.

"Nothing personal.It's just... good business." Beckett says slowly

Elena starts mouth reading his words.

Suddenly a grey ship starts to rise from the depths of the ocean. The Flying Dutchman! And aboard the Flying Dutchman stands Will!

"Full canvas!" Elena shout

"Aye, full canvas!"

Elizabeth smiles widely as she stares at Will. She runs to Elena and hugs her tightly. This is what Elena was sensing that would happen to Will.

Beckett smiles but when the Dutchman turn to the other side of the Pearl he freezes as his smirk fades.

"Orders, sir?... Sir?... Sir!" Theodore shouts to Beckett

James signals him to come aboard as the Endeavour suddenly starts to get hit by cannons from both sides. Theodore and the crew all jump into the sea and climb onto the ship. The crew gives them a hand on board as some stay shooting cannons.

"Don't hurt them! They are with us!" Elena shouts

The Endeavour crashed into pieces as Beckett walked down the stairs and got drowned into the sea.

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